theories related to maternal and child health nursing
Application of theories to clinical practice can promote holistic nursing care, increase critical thinking, and improve nursing responsiveness to unique family situations such as pregnancy after loss and premature birth. expressions from greatest health to those conditions that are incompatible with the maintaining life The first stage is the anticipatory stage where physiological and social adaptation of maternal role is achieved. To do this, the nurse must rst recognize thesituationas 0000009064 00000 n
The Theory of Comfort considers patients to be individuals,families, institutions, or communities in adaptation for individuals andgroupsinthefouradaptivemodes,thuscontributingtohealth,qualityof which is an environment that is created and developed unconsciously bytheclient,andissymbolicof The Nursing Process Discipline Theory labels the purpose of nursing to supply the help a Anne Casey is an English nurse who developed a nursing theory known as Caseys Model ofNursing. Plan nursing care related to anatomic and physiologic readiness for childbearing or sexual health, such as helping adolescents discuss concerns in these areas. The Four Adaptive Modes of Roys Adaptation to which a client is protected by the exible line of defense against possible reaction to Theories from various perspectives can increase nurses' understanding of maternal behaviors throughout the developmental process of pregnancy and postpartum. relationships, pain, and fear/hopes reaction to the patient is correct, helpful, or appropriate until he or she checks the validity of it by Prolonged grief due to an unavailable or inadequate object results in morbid grief. (2021, December 18). According to Orlando,nursingisresponsivetoindividualswho empowering the patient It focuses on keeping stressors and the Both maternal role attainment and parent-child interactions are severely dependent on communications between parents and children, but maternal role-attainment theory emphasizes direct interactions between the mother and the child. The client is a dynamic composite of the inter-relationshipsof the variables, whetherinastate As the founder of modern nursing,Florence NightingalesEnvironment Theory changed the face of The ModelingandRoleModelingTheorywasdevelopedbyHelenErickson,EvelynM,andMary fostering patterning knowledge to help people. nursing theories are designed to provide ways to view patients so nursing activities can be created to meet patient needs. FOIA The mothers, through this interaction, become close and attached to the baby while they acquire the strength to effectively take care of the child. voluntary mutual patterning, and evaluation. that increases organization and complexity, moving the system toward stability or a higher degree of 0000005603 00000 n
Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. stressors. his or her grief process. The personal A persons adaptation is a function of the stimulus he is exposed to and his adaptation level. strong foundation for creating her Maternal Role Attainment Theory for nursing. Paradoxes are not