saint paul island safe codes
You can actually find this safe while undertaking the Missing Persons side quest, as the end will task you to climb up the church that makes up the Bazaar, though you can do it on your own any time. Saint Paul Island - Northeast (Outside Saint Paul Electrical Station). In their words, the code to the safe is the year America was discovered which means the code is 14-9-2. Tips: Things Dying Light 2 Doesn't Tell You, Survivors or Peacekeepers - Which Faction to Choose, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know, What becomes small when you turn it upside down? Related: How to Get Back to Old Villador in Dying Light 2. When you reach the location, the Nighrunners Hideout will be in front of you. Baptism of Poland. On the far west side of Garrison, off the map, you can find a river and dam landmark, just to the north of the Observatory area. If you didn't collect it then, or did "The Lost Light" Main Quest instead, you can either glide from a nearby tall building, or climb the church from the southwestern side to get to the northwestern tower containing this tape. Under the till there is a note which has the clue to the combination of the safe i.e. From there, open the chest at the foot of the bed and read the note inside. As for the safe itself, its near the top of the churchs bell tower. A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. Has anyone found a code by the DAM Landmark? There should be a ruined raised motorway which has partially fallen, creating a slope that you can climb up to the top. After decoding the code, go to the basement of Wharf Water Tower in Muddy Grounds. The "Moonshine" side-quest is available for those who choose not to fight Jack and Joe in the "Water Tower" story quest. The safe itself can be found inside the van next to the table. In the quest Out of Your League, the safe code is 11-11-19. Lookup any area code or prefix (NPA/NXX) in our database using our FREE Area Code Finder Below: Area Code (NPA) Prefix (NXX) City: State Abbrev. Parkour your way to the top and enter through the window as shown in the third picture below. The code itself is the child's birthday: 11-11-19. The code for this one is the number of the beast. Saint Paul Island - East (Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle). There are fewer than ten safes in the entirety of Dying Light 2, making them quite rare, and the fact that you need to enter a combination to get inside makes them so much more tempting than any ordinary collectible item. Get to the Safe, then lastly, unlock it using the code 14 9 2. You will get Gastrip Butterfly, a common item from the Safe. End of World War 2 Safe Code Puzzle After entering the GRE Container, immediately look left and you will find a note on the shelf as shown in the picture below. Dark Hollow safe code in Saint Paul Island: 9-8-7 This safe is in the Dark Hollow located in the southern part of Saint Paul Island. Saint Paul Island - Middle (GRE Anomaly C-A-91). Another one on Saint Paul Island, this one has a code that can be found inside another safe via lockpicking. To reach it, we had to use the grappling hook; I dont know if theres any other way around it. The location for all the three Saint Paul Island Safe is below, along with the coding guide. Open the safe to complete the quest. The Memento is on top of the piano on this level. At the very top tower of the Saint Thomas church is a safe with an Inhibitor inside. The safe code for this safe is also inside the same building, specifically on a shelf over the desks to the left of the door. In This Wiki Guide. The Safe Code is on the right-hand desk. In the top tower of the church is a safe with an Inhibitor inside. A total of 4 Inhibitors are located in three GRE chests at the GRE Quarantine Building. Saint Thomas Church Safe Code Dying Light 2 Saint Paul Island The code to the Saint Thomas church safe in Dying Light 2 on Saint Paul Island is actually right above the location of the safe. The way you normally find out these codes is through a Memento Collectiblethat can be viewed from the Collectables Menu and contains the combination, or some other hint nearby.Keep in mind that a few safes are tied to specific side quests. Once the "Broadcast" Main Story Quest is completed, there will be an elevator shortcut that Aiden can take to the roof. Here on the right side, you will find a chest on a shelf. All content, including text, images and other media, provided on this site are owned by GNUB D.O.O. Dying Light 2Military Airdrop THB-22B is one of the 26 Airdrops you have to secure in the latest video game published by Techland and one of the two Military Airdrops, Read More Dying Light 2 Stay Human Military Airdrop THB-22B: How To GetContinue, Dying Light 2,Houndfield Nightrunner HideoutSafe Code is required to open the safe inside the large church in the eastern Houndfield District. Picking it will reveal a key to the safe code i.e. You will likely find this safe while undertaking the electrical cable puzzle. of every safe which is mentioned on the map. To the East of the Garrison youll actually be able to find a safe hidden within an old bus. Dying Light 2 Stay HumanKevins Food Backpacks are relatively easy, Read More Dying Light 2 Stay Human The Breadwinner: Where To Find Kevins Food BackpacksContinue, Dying Light 2 New Dawn Park Safe Code is needed to open the safe box in the New Dawn Park District featured in the video game released byTechland. The paper with the code is on the upper floor, on the roof, next to the stone gargoyle. Curious types will have already noticed that the church that houses the Bazaar can be climbed. The codes for all the Safes in Dying Light 2 are provided below: Safe #1 Nightrunner's Hideout Safe Code = 1-0-1 Safe #2 Crocodile Flats Safe Code = 11-11-19 Safe #3 St. Joseph Medical Center Safe Code = 9-7-3 Safe #4 Side Quest Book Club X Safe Code = 21-12-55 Safe #5 Bazaar Tower Safe Code = 11-11-11 Climb part of the way up the central tower and open the door at the end of the walkway using your lockpicks. If climbing to this location from street level, watch out for the deadly mines surrounding the area. Sorry for my Bad english im german. This safe contains yet another inhibitor. The Nightrunners Hideout Safe and its codes location in Dying Light 2 is on the eastern side of Hounsfield, Old Viledor. In this guide were breaking down the locations and combinations of all of the safes weve found in Dying Light 2. By doing so, youll get the chance to loot, Read More Dying Light 2 Stay Human Houndfield Nightrunner HideoutSafe Code: How To UnlockContinue, Dying Light 2Kevins Food Backpacks are quest items youll have to find to complete The Breadwinner side-quest in Houndfield District. The codes are listed by their district and sub-area name. The safe itself is next to the Generator #2 and next to that there will be a box with a note inside stating the clue to the safe code which is the approximate value of Pi. Climb part of the way up the central tower and open the door at the end of the walkway using your lockpicks. Now just climb all the way to the room above the bell, and theres the safe. Not only him but most of his court as well. So, lets see where it is, shall we? The location of the Restaurant Safe and its code in Dying Light 2 is just a bit west of the center of Newfound Lost Land. The safe will be marked as part of the quest. But the safe in this quest is actually necessary to progress, so you wont miss that, just follow the waypoints. Once you climb to the right side of the Bazaar Tower, you will find the Safe in the room at the very top. (Sec. As with all Dark Hollow, go there at night and make your way to the first floor, from here drop down and move through the gap on your right. At the end of The Deserter quest you will need to choose to Keep the Map in order to access this safe during the Treasure Hunt side quest. Heres the Best Sword and Shield Build in Elden Ring, 10 Reasons Why Gaming Laptop Batteries Drain So Fast, Complete Guide to GameCube Emulation on the Steam Deck, Tagilla Complete Boss Guide Escape From Tarkov, As the little girl is going home, ALL BUT THREE eggs break. Rewarded for restoring power to the Cathedral Metro Station. You can go to the Crocodile Flats during the Side Quest Out Of Your League, This quest unlocks after completing the Side Quest True Friend. In the quest Out Of Your League, you will have the objective to Find the necklace for Scot in Crocodile Flats. Getting inside the Crocodile Flats is easy; all you need to do is pick the lock and get inside. This seems to be because the red ducks are (or at least were) used to unlock the Bicycle Parkour Challenge easter egg, which was removed from the game in update 1.2. Below are all the locations for Inhibitor Containers that you can find in the Central Loop area of Villedor, including the districts of Downtown, Garrison, New Dawn Park, Wharf, Muddy Grounds,. The code for this Safe is on the top outer edge corner of the same room. And, so the code here is the year of Mieszko Is baptism, 9 6 6.. 11-11-19. You will need to climb all the way to the top of the Church to get to the Safe. On this page of the Dying Light 2 guide you will find the location of all the inhibitors available in the Saint Paul Island district. There is a photo of a woman with a baby in the corpse inside the room, The photo says 11/11/21 but in the birthdays cake there is a 2, so, The code is her birthday date. The safe code Memento is located. Once you are at the location, you will easily spot a military container. The Safe will be on the table, & its code in a secret room there. There are fewer than ten safes in the entirety of, , making them quite rare, and the fact that you need to enter a combination to get inside makes them so much more tempting than any ordinary collectible item. Dying Light 2 is filled with collectibles, including over 100 GRE containers that you can get inhibitors from to upgrade Aidens abilities. So, carefully drop back down to the safe and enter 4 - 4 - 4 into its dial. Inside this hideout is a safe, and further on top of the shack there is a box with a note containing the safe code clue i.e. The safe is located in a small building next to a series of bus parking spots in Newfound Lost Lands. This tape is found inside a GRE trailer across the bridge from the GRE Quarantine Building. The Downtown Bandit Camp safe is located on the east edge of Downtown, a fair way up the tall building that houses Military Airdrop THB-1L0. 8/5/1945. A quick Google conversion reveals the answer. If you are already here, or the elevator isn't working, jump from the Broadcast Antenna to the opposite roof instead. What becomes smaller when you turn it upside down? So the approximate value means the code is 3-1-4. You will need to climb there and find a small container in the corner. From that room, climb the ladder and get inside another room. You can open it without any problem - you don't need any special skills or a lockpick. The safe is on the opposite wall of the room. It lies 47 miles north of St. George Island, 240 miles north of the Aleutian Islands, 300 miles west of the photo Alaska mainland, and 750 air miles west of Anchorage. If you're using a controller, then as you rotate the combination lock slowly, you'll feel a vibration over any number that is included in the code. A strange turn of events, but you can skip it all with this code. This hideout is a Safe Zone so will appear on your map once unlocked. Next to the building with a massive skull graffiti is a small container area that you can open using the GRE Access Key. A ground floor building next to a series of bus parking spots in Newfound Lost Lands is where you can find this safe. The date of that photo is noted as 11/11/21, but that's not the safe code. You can access the Safe at St. Joseph Medical Center during a Side Quest called The First Biomarker. To start the quest, you need to talk to the man giving the quest who is in Trinity right at the border of Hounsfield. Finding these pieces of paper or figuring out the riddle can be quite a chore so we have decided to make things easy for you and give you all the codes. You can easily miss this Dying Light 2 Safe Code if you are not paying attention. They are organized by type of collectible, and include a step-by-step guide on how to access their location. In this Dark Zone, there are two Safe Boxes; in the first one, youll find the safe code to open the second one. Map of all ZIP Codes in Utah. Once you're inside, squeeze through the gap to the side to find the hideout and the safe. Inside the container, you can find the safe and the nearby shelf above the monitors will have the clue to the code of the safe which is end of World War 2 (EU). Go inside the first room on the right by crouching. After coming across a safe, climb up into the next room to find the code for it on a table, by some orange chairs. Elden Ring Vs Dying Light 2: Which is Better? Open the chests and you will see the envelope with the code. At the very end you will reach a safe place with a small kitchen. Saint Paul Island - South (Inside GRE Trailer). After solving the puzzle, go to the backside of the St. Joseph Medical Center and climb up with the ladders you will find there. Thursday's NBA schedule includes the Indiana Pacers (28-35) hitting the road to meet Devonte' Graham and the San Antonio Spurs (15-47) at AT&T Center. Your email address will not be published. iv also tried 8.5.45 which is the exact date. Saint Paul Island - Southeast (Cathedral Metro Station). The safe is in the water tower in the Horseshoe district in Old Villedor. Included are the location of each safe during the game's main story and the specific quests they can be found in the game. Or, if you know where to find a Safe and its code, make sure to let us know about it in the comments section below. Dying Light 2 Aitor Herbs Choice, Give Small Petals or Big Petals, Dying Light 2 Give Control of the VNC Tower to Frank, Jack Matt or Juan Choice Consequence. The code is 444. A note on the desk gives you the clue: Thus the code to the safe in the corner of the room is 6-6-6. It has a Safe Zone. An Interesting Read:Dying Light 2 BEST Weapon Mods. Take a look at the wooden cabinet on the right and you will notice the inhibitor there. The Memento is in between the files on the left-hand side shelves. Inside the counter, you will find the Safe code saying Absolute Zero (F). This means the absolute zero in Fahrenheit, which is -459.67, so the code is 4 5 9. Now head to the room behind the counter, and just as you get inside, you will see the Safe on the right. Use the code on the safe to open it, and youll find a red duck inside. The note on the table is a cipher with the first section stating the location of the safe while the second section is the code to the safe. Its in the Houndfield. 5 Inhibitor no. Here is what the note says and how to solve it to acquire the code. It can be easily climbed with 480 Stamina or above. This site is owned and operated by Voyager Media Group LLC. Here you will find the necklace on the dead woman sitting on the chair, and beside her, you will find a picture. When the fight is over, climb onto the container and open the hatch. This safe is tucked away in the upper floor of a small house in the south of Quarry End district. The book is on a drawer at the back, next to a lamp. In the room, you can find the safe. The location of the Container Safe and its code is on the southeast side of Saint Paul Island, east of the Dark Hollow. , Old Viledor Story quest is completed, there will be an elevator shortcut that Aiden can take the. 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