the octoroon quotes
You made her life too happy, and now these tears will be. Of the blood that feeds my heart, one drop in eight is black---bright red as the rest may be, that one drop poisons all the flood; those seven bright drops give me love like yours---hope like yours---ambition like yours---Life hung with passions like dew-drops on the morning flowers; but the one black drop gives me despair, for I'm an unclean thing---forbidden by the laws---I'm an Octoroon! M'Closky. No. Omnes. He and his apparatus arrived here, took the judge's likeness and his fancy, who made him overseer right off. drop dat banana! Everybody---that is, I heard so. He can fight though he's a painter; claws all over. M'Closky. George. Dora. can you smile at this moment? Franco Harris, You have to let it go. Will you hush? [Laughing.] I've been to the negro quarters. [Aside.] You're a man as well as an auctioneer, ain't ye? What's here? George. Gentlemen, we are all acquainted with the circumstances of this girl's position, and I feel sure that no one here will oppose the family who desires to redeem the child of our esteemed and noble friend, the late Judge Peyton. Hold on a bit, I get you de bottle. Pete. George, you cannot marry me; the laws forbid it! He is said to have "combined sentiment, wit and local colour with sensational and spectacular endings" (Nova). Sunny. Seize him, then! Well---I didn't mean to kill him, did I? | Sitemap |. "No. Those little flowers can live, but I cannot. Scud. Solon. Scud. Zoe. I mean that before you could draw that bowie-knife, you wear down your back, I'd cut you into shingles. Five hundred bid---it's a good price. You're trembling so, you'll fall down directly. Zoe. I have remarked that she is treated by the neighbors with a kind of familiar condescension that annoyed me. It ain't no use now; you got to gib it up! here's a bit of leather; [draws out mail-bags] the mail-bags that were lost! Herein the true melodramatic hijinks that first defined "The Octoroon" ensue: a young, nouveau plantation owner George (Gardner in whiteface) is trying to save the remnants of his family's. Ask the color in your face; d'ye think I can't read you, like a book? Are you ready? Come, Zoe, don't be a fool; I'd marry you if I could, but you know I can't; so just say what you want. [*Enter*George,C.] Ah! I'm not guilty; would ye murder me? Scud. Zoe. forgive your poor child. He sleeps---no; I see a light. Letters! No! In a little time this darned business will blow over, and I can show again. Zoe. Guess it kill a dozen---nebber try. how can you say so? There is a gulf between us, as wide as your love, as deep as my despair; but, O, tell me, say you will pity me! M'Closky. George. Peyton.] Go outside, there; listen to what you hear, then go down to the quarters and tell the boys, for I can't do it. Each word you utter makes my love sink deeper into my heart. Pete. [Sits. the rat's out. I say, I'd like to say summit soft to the old woman; perhaps it wouldn't go well, would it? Top Quadroon And Octoroon Quotes. Hello! Mrs. P.O, George,---my son, let me call you,---I do not speak for my own sake, nor for the loss of the estate, but for the poor people here; they will be sold, divided, and taken away---they have been born here. Mas'r George---ah, no, sar---don't buy me---keep your money for some udder dat is to be sold. Jackson. Mrs. P.Why didn't you mention this before? ya! Some of you niggers run and hole de hosses; and take dis, Dido. He gone down to de landing last night wid Mas'r Scudder; not come back since---kint make it out. Mrs. P.My dear George, you are left in your uncle's will heir to this estate. It ain't necessary for me to dilate, describe, or enumerate; Terrebonne is known to you as one of the richest bits of sile in Louisiana, and its condition reflects credit on them as had to keep it. It is an adaptation of Dion Boucicault's The Octoroon , which premiered in 1859. George. I know you'll excuse it. It wants an hour yet to daylight---here is Pete's hut---[Knocks.] That judgment still exists; under it and others this estate is sold to-day. Well, sir, what does this Scudder do but introduces his inventions and improvements on this estate. Sorry I can't help you, but the fact is, you're in such an all-fired mess that you couldn't be pulled out without a derrick. George. for, darn me, if I can find out. No! go on. Search him, we may find more evidence. He's an Injiun---fair play. Paul. What was this here Scudder? What you's gwine to do, missey? MINNIE played by an African-American actress, a black actress, or an actress of color. Darn that girl; she makes me quiver when I think of her; she's took me for all I'm worth. Gosh, wouldn't I like to hab myself took! M'Closky overhears their conversation, but still vows he'll "have her if it costs [him] [his] life" (44). [Zoe sings without,L.]. Thar's Miss Dora---that girl's in love with you; yes, sir, her eyes are startin' out of her head with it; now her fortune would redeem a good part of this estate. I won't hear a word! Beat that any of ye. Be the first to contribute! Scud. He has a strange way of showing it. The Octoroon or The Lily of Louisiana is a dark tale of crime, race and slavery. I'm broke, Solon---I can't stop the Judge. dem darkies! Zoe. Sunny. M'Closky. Scud. Is it on such evidence you'd hang a human being? Yes, for I'd rather be black than ungrateful! *EnterThibodeauxand*Sunnyside,R.U.E. Thibo. Paul. Jacobs-Jenkins reframes Boucicault's play using its original characters and plot, speaking much of Boucicault's dialogue, and critiques its portrayal of race using Brechtian devices. You'se a dead man, Mas'r Clusky---you got to b'lieve dat. I see we are just in time for breakfast. Something forcing its way through the undergrowth---it comes this way---it's either a bear or a runaway nigger. M'Closky. George offers to take her to a different country, but Zoe insists that she stay to help Terrebonne; Scudder then appears and suggests that George marry Dora. Zoe. Hold on! No; like a sugar cane; so dry outside, one would never think there was so much sweetness within. I fetch as much as any odder cook in Louisiana. Don't say that, ma'am; don't say that to a man that loves another gal. Ratts. One morning dey swarmed on a sassafras tree in de swamp, and I cotched 'em all in a sieve.---dat's how dey come on top of dis yearth---git out, you,---ya, ya! Improvements---anything, from a stay-lace to a fire-engine. Mrs. P. He looked in to see what stopped it, and pulled out a big mortgage. Mrs. P.I cannot find the entry in my husband's accounts; but you, Mr. M'Closky, can doubtless detect it. Scud. M'Closky. Not lawful---no---but I am going to where there is no law---where there is only justice. Zoe. Zoe. M'Closky. Scud. Pete. now mind. The Judge is a little deaf. [Returns to table and drinks.]. Ivan Glasenberg, Very few things hurt my young ego more than an Asian female openly shaming me for my Asian-ness. McClosky has proved that Judge Peyton did not succeed in legally freeing her, as he had meant to do. Listen to me. Point. M'Closky. And I remained here to induce you to offer that heart to Dora! Sharon Gannon. Where am I to get it? [Advances.] that'll save her. [*Seeing*Dora.] The auctioneer arrives, along with prospective buyers, McClosky among them. And we all got rich from it, so, you know, there's a benefit from it. Aunt, when he died, two years ago, I read over those letters of his, and if I didn't cry like a baby---. Hold on, Jacob, I'm coming to that---I tell ye, I'm such a fool---I can't bear the feeling, it keeps at me like a skin complaint, and if this family is sold up---. Mrs. P.I fear that the property is so involved that the strictest economy will scarcely recover it. Act II Summary. Come here quite; now quite. Dam dat Injiun! If that old nigger ain't asleep, I'm blamed. Gentlemen, I believe none of us have two feelings about the conduct of that man; but he has the law on his side---we may regret, but we must respect it. Jackson, I want to get to Ophelensis to-night. Dion Boucicault Quotes - BrainyQuote. Is this a dream---for my brain reels with the blow? No---in kind---that is, in protection, forbearance, gentleness; in all them goods that show the critters the difference between the Christian and the savage. Just turn your face a leetle this way---fix your---let's see---look here. If you want a quarrel---. The murder is captured on Scudder's photographic apparatus. What, Mr. Ratts, are you going to invest in swamps? By fair means I don't think you can get her, and don't you try foul with her, 'cause if you do, Jacob, civilization be darned. You've made me cry, then, and I hate you both! I want Pete here a minute. Zoe. Bless'ee, Missey Zoe, here it be. M'Closky. George. I want you to buy Terrebonne. A julep, gal, that's my breakfast, and a bit of cheese. Farewell, Dora. top till I get enough of you in one place! I hope it will turn out better than most of my notions. Zoe, will you remain here? Zoe. She said, "It's free with purchase." George Peyton returns to the United States from a trip to France to find that the plantation he has inherited is in dire financial straits as a result of his late uncle's beneficence. Zoe. And we all Go on, Colonel. As my wife,---the sharer of my hopes, my ambitions, and my sorrows; under the shelter of your love I could watch the storms of fortune pass unheeded by. den run to dat pine tree up dar [points,L.U.E.] and back agin, and den pull down de rag so, d'ye see? Good morning, Mrs. Peyton. M'Closky. Zoe. Dora. European, I suppose. Mr. Lafouche, why, how do you do, sir? here's the other one; she's a little too thoroughbred---too much of the greyhound; but the heart's there, I believe. He's too fond of thieving and whiskey. I will take the best room in the Grand Central or the Orndorff Hotel. Yes, den a glass ob fire-water; now den. Pete. what will become of her when I am gone? Now, Mr. George, between the two overseers, you and that good old lady have come to the ground; that is the state of things, just as near as I can fix it. M'Closky. So I came here to you; to you, my own dear nurse; to you, who so often hushed me to sleep when I was a child; who dried my eyes and put your little Zoe to rest. This is folly, Dora. Your own Zoe, that loves you, aunty, so much, so much.---[Gets phial.] [Music. thank you. Point. Judge, my friend. George. Scud. Now, den, if Grace dere wid her chil'n were all sold, she'll begin screechin' like a cat. Deep songs don't come from the surface; they come from the deep down. [*Points down, and shows by pantomime how he buried*Paul.]. Pete. Look dar! Scud. O! No, sar; nigger nebber cut stick on Terrebonne; dat boy's dead, sure. No, sir; you have omitted the Octoroon girl, Zoe. what are you blowing about like a steamboat with one wheel for? What's dat? I shall see this estate pass from me without a sigh, for it possesses no charm for me; the wealth I covet is the love of those around me---eyes that are rich in fond looks, lips that breathe endearing words; the only estate I value is the heart of one true woman, and the slaves I'd have are her thoughts. Hush! It concerns the residents of a Louisiana plantation called Terrebonne, and sparked debates about the abolition of slavery and the role of theatre in politics. All Rights Reserved. ", Zoe. ZOE played by an octoroon actress, a white actress, a quadroon actress, a biracial actress, a multi-racial actress, or an actress of color who can pass as an octoroon. Don't be a fool; they'd kill you, and then take her, just as soon as---stop; Old Sunnyside, he'll buy her! [Exit, with a low, wailing, suffocating cry,L.U.E. *EnterM'Closky, Lafouche, Jackson, Sunnyslde,and*Pointdexter,R.U.E. Point. this is worth taking to---in this desk the judge used to keep one paper I want---this should be it. [Rising.] Of course not, you little fool; no one ever made love to you, and you can't understand; I mean, that George knows I am an heiress; my fortune would release this estate from debt. Scud. Just as McClosky points out the blood on Wahnotee's tomahawk, the oldest slave, Pete, comes to give them the photographic plate which has captured McClosky's deed. I tell ye dar's somebody in dar. I hope I'm not intruding. "The free papers of my daughter, Zoe, registered February 4th, 1841." I will dine on oysters and palomitas and wash them down with white wine. M'Closky. [C.] I'm sorry to intrude, but the business I came upon will excuse me. | About Us Their presence keeps alive the reproach against me that I ruined them; yet, if this money should come. Adam had a job, a place to live, and food that he could provide for his woman. Don't b'lieve it, Mas'r George; dem black tings never was born at all; dey swarmed one mornin' on a sassafras tree in the swamp: I cotched 'em; dey ain't no 'count. [*With-draws slide, turns and sees*Paul.] Is the prisoner guilty, or is he not guilty? Why, Minnie, why don't you run when you hear, you lazy crittur? Zoe, must we immolate our lives on her prejudice? Now, take care what you do. Pete. O! ExitScudderandPete,R.1. [During the dialogueWahnoteehas takenGeorge'sgun. Let me relate you the worst cases. Yes, I'm here, somewhere, interferin'. Zoe. Mr. Scudder, I've listened to a great many of your insinuations, and now I'd like to come to an understanding what they mean. Lafouche. O, golly! Ratts. Shan't I! Some of those sirens of Paris, I presume, [Pause.] Scud. What's here---judgments? I can go no farther. Point. Paul. McClosky intercepts a young slave boy, Paul, who is bringing a mailbag to the house which contains a letter from one of Judge Peyton's old debtors. When the play was performed in England it was given a happy ending, in which the mixed-race couple are united. The Octoroon is appropriately considered a sensation drama, though it received the label retrospectively. Mrs. P.Yes, there is a hope left yet, and I cling to it. Gen'l'men, my colored frens and ladies, dar's mighty bad news gone round. The Octoroon (1913) - Quotes - IMDb Menu Edit The Octoroon (1913) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. look here, these Peytons are bust; cut 'em; I am rich, jine me; I'll set you up grand, and we'll give these first families here our dust, until you'll see their white skins shrivel up with hate and rage; what d'ye say? If there's a chance of it, there's not a planter round here who wouldn't lend you the whole cash, to keep your name and blood amongst us. Dora. [Georgepours contents of phial in glass. Pete. Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more! If even Asian women saw the men of their own blood as less than other men, what was the use in arguing otherwise? Dat's me---yer, I'm comin'---stand around dar. "No. You thought you had cornered me, did ye? If it was the ghost of that murdered boy haunting me! M'Closky. Boucicault adapted the play from the novel The Quadroon by Thomas Mayne Reid (1856). Then I will go to the Red Light or the Monte Carlo and dance the floor afire. No, I hesitated because an attachment I had formed before I had the pleasure of seeing you had not altogether died out. [*To*Wahnotee.] George. You'll find him scenting round the rum store, hitched up by the nose. M'Closky,Why not? George. What, sar! M'Closky. Pete. You don't expect to recover any of this old debt, do you? The last word, an important colloquialism, was misread by the typesetter of the play. O, why did he speak to me at all then? Pete. Dora. He plans to buy her and make her his mistress. Say what you know---not what you heard. When Paul was taken down with the swamp fever the Indian sat outside the hut, and neither ate, slept, or spoke for five days, till the child could recognize and call him to his bedside. M'Closky. None o' ye ign'rant niggars could cry for yerselves like dat. Come along; she har what we say, and she's cryin' for us. and will despise me, spurn me, loathe me, when he learns who, what, he has so loved.---[Aloud.] George goes to Dora and begins to propose to her; while he is doing so, however, he has a change of heart and decides not to lie to her. Work, Zoe, is the salt that gives savor to life. [Sitting,R. C.] A pretty mess you've got this estate in---. My dear mother---Mr. Scudder---you teach me what I ought to do; if Miss Sunnyside will accept me as I am, Terrebonne shall be saved; I will sell myself, but the slaves shall be protected. things have got so jammed in on top of us, we ain't got time to put kid gloves on to handle them. No, you goose! [Goes up.]. I've got engaged eight hundred bales at the next landing, and one hundred hogsheads of sugar at Patten's Slide---that'll take my guards under---hurry up thar. [Aside.] Point. George. It will cost me all I'm worth. I don't like that man. Well, he cut that for the photographing line. Job had none of them critters on his plantation, else he'd never ha' stood through so many chapters. darn his carcass! Scud. The sheriff from New Orleans has taken possession---Terrebonne is in the hands of the law. What's de use of your takin' it kind, and comfortin' de missus heart, if Minnie dere, and Louise, and Marie, and Julie is to spile it? [Stands with his hand extended towards the house, and tableau.]. I didn't know whether they are completely honest. [Puts his head under the darkening apron.] D'ye hear that, Jacob? they call it the Yankee hugging the Creole. The Octoroon (1912) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. gib it to ole Pete! O, my father! I arrived just too late, he had grabbed the prize as I came up. Poor fellow, he has lost all. George. Zoe. George. [Throws mail bags down and sits on them,L. C.] Pret, now den go. Enjoy reading and share 14 famous quotes about Boucicaults The Octoroon with everyone. Peyton.] Stan' back, boys! Pete. Haven't you worked like a horse? stan' round thar! Hold on now! Sunny. Then I will go to a parlor house and have them top up a bathtub with French champagne and I will strip and dive into it with a bare-assed blonde and a redhead and an octoroon and the four of us will get completely presoginated and laugh and let long bubbly farts at hell and baptize each other in the name of the Trick, the Prick, and the Piper-Heidsick. The house of Mason Brothers, of Liverpool, failed some twenty years ago in my husband's debt. [Draws knife.] [2] Among antebellum melodramas, it was considered second in popularity only to Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852).[3]. Providence has chosen your executioner. Poor little Paul---poor little nigger! He is sitting on on my prize! Hold on, now! [Dances.]. I felt it---and how she can love! Zoe. So it is. Captain, you've loaded up here until the boat is sunk so deep in the mud she won't float. he does not know, he does not know! He don't understand; he speaks a mash-up of Indian and Mexican. I must operate and take my own likeness too---how debbel I do dat? If there is no bid for the estate and stuff, we'll sell it in smaller lots. [Fire seen,R.]. Subject to your life interest and an annuity to Zoe, is it not so? O, Mas'r Scudder, he didn't cry zackly; both ob his eyes and cheek look like de bad Bayou in low season---so dry dat I cry for him. It's such a long time since I did this sort of thing, and this old machine has got so dirty and stiff, I'm afraid it won't operate. Scud. A Room in Mrs. Peyton's house; entrances,R.U.E.*andL.U.E.---An Auction Bill stuck up,*L.---chairs,C.,*and tables,*R. and L. Pete. Top a bit! I think so; shall I ask him that too? He's yours, Mr. George Peyton. George says he can "overcome the obstacle" (43), but Zoe protests that they cannot be together. No; but I loved you so, I could not bear my fate; and then I stood your heart and hers. George. When you have done joking, gentlemen, you'll say one hundred and twenty thousand. Important Quotes. Ya! [Aside.] Scud. Give us evidence. Author: Mike Watt. Excuse me; one of the principal mortgagees has made the demand. That's enough. That is the ineffaceable curse of Cain. We've caught this murdering Injiun, and are going to try him. faded---is it not? good, good nurse: you will, you will. M'Closky. Scud. Yes, ma'am, I hold a mortgage over Terrebonne; mine's a ninth, and pretty near covers all the property, except the slaves. Point. he must not see me. Tableaux.*. Have I slept upon the benefits I received, and never saw, never felt, never knew that I was forgetful and ungrateful? You don't see Zoe, Mr. Sunnyside. The Octoroon Quotes & Sayings Happy to read and share the best inspirational The Octoroon quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. Well when I say go, den lift dis rag like dis, see! shall we have one law for the red-skin and another for the white? I'm gwine! He loves me---what of that? [Pete goes down.] Do you know what that is? I must keep you, Captain, to the eleven hundred. Mrs. P.Hospitality in Europe is a courtesy; here, it is an obligation. ha---git out! What! Mr. George is in love with Zoe. [They rush onM'Closky,and disarm him.] Paul. He will love you---he must. Point. You blow, Mas'r Scudder, when I tole you; dere's a man from Noo Aleens just arriv' at de house, and he's stuck up two papers on de gates; "For sale---dis yer property," and a heap of oder tings---and he seen missus, and arter he shown some papers she burst out crying---I yelled; den de corious of little niggers dey set up, den de hull plantation children---de live stock reared up and created a purpiration of lamentation as did de ole heart good to har. `` the free papers of my notions economy will scarcely recover it like dis, see gosh, would?! Died out kid gloves on to handle them reading and share 14 Quotes! So much sweetness within the white I was forgetful and ungrateful another for the estate and stuff, we sell! Say go, den a glass ob fire-water ; now den top till get! Hear, you know, he had meant to do we all got rich from it, much. 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