shortness of breath after donating blood
Examples of delayed transfusion reactions include the following: A delayed hemolytic or delayed serologic transfusion reaction occurs when an antibody that the recipient already has reforms and reacts to red cell antigens. I did not have to ask either time, they showed me the readout on the machine. It is normal to feel a little bit tired after donating blood because theres less circulation of blood to the brain. As five blood clots moved through my heart and almost completely blocked my right ventricle, I felt no pain - just a little shortness of breath. I also work at a local blood center (not red cross) and if we have anyone like you tell us something like this we would permanently defer you. One thing I WON'T do is trust the blood collector to check my iron for me: I'll donate and see *my* Dr .afterward for the first year. They then attack the recipients cells. I just gave 2 pints about 7hrs ago and have a migraine. What happens to your body when you donate blood? during the donation i felt dizzy and lightheaded which i remember feeling the first time i had donated so just brushed it the next day i felt like i got hit by a MAC truck. Now I realized that I should take care myself first. My doc does extensive blood work annually and it's almost time again. I made my next appointment and went home. Bacterial infections may occur during the blood donation if the needle is not sterilized. I *do* plan to send this to the blood center after I get out of the hospital (had to be re-admitted for an infection growing in an IV site). Once in a while, a phlebotomist would tell me, "your iron looks a little low," or, "you'd better eat some red meat tonight." Working at United Blood Services, I can tell you that our donors are just as important as our patients. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which sets standards for anemia in the U.S., states that anemia is indicated by hemoglobin levels below 13.5 g/dL or hematocrit levels below 39.9% for males 18 years old and older, who live below 3,000 ft elevation and who smoke less than half a pack per day (see p. 12-13 in Yeah, you do need to be careful. So, the lesson is listen to your body and take it easy at least for the first 2-3 days after donating. I was sincerely scared and scarred from this experience. That information would be much more useful to donors looking at this post. According to the Mental Health Foundation, a charity based in the United Kingdom, people who help others may experience: People also get a free health checkup when they donate blood. Before the second unit finished infusing, he developed shortness of breath, chills, back pain, and tachycardia. He told me he was concerned and wanted to send me to a hematologist to let them sort this all out. If your test reveals that you have a low hemoglobin count, you'll likely need more testing to determine the cause. People can take care to rest and avoid heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, or activity for the following 12 hours after donation. Sudden shortness of breath, or breathing difficulty (dyspnoea), is the most common reason for visiting a hospital accident and emergency department. : High bp, unbalanced hormones, shut down of certain hormones like pregnenolone dhea progesterone etc. Sudden dizziness. Once that is determined, you and your physician can work together to create a treatment plan. A person can acquire these antibodies through previous pregnancies or transfusions. I am a very active person who used to do a lot of cleaning after workday, but now all I want to do after I get home is lay on the couch. Yellow, green, or rusty colored sputum or phlegm or blood in the sputum. Low red blood cell counts (anemia). And I always wake up feeling tired. Not sure if that's a problem or what to do. If your hemoglobin count is only a little under the required level, particularly if you've been accepted for blood donation in the past, you might just need to wait a couple of months and try again. Your valued donation is a vital contribution to our community, and we sincerely hope that you have found it a worthwhile experience. Purple vegetables and tubers may have superior anti-diabetic properties. I had thoughts in my head, but I didn't have any words I could put them into. Replacing lost fluids and iron stores with extra water and iron-rich foods can help. Chris Hibbard (author) on September 18, 2013: I wish that were the case here (there are no RNs where I donated). A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. If you are a frequent blood donor, discuss measurement of iron reserves with your physician. My guess is that your ferritin levels were low due to your faithful donating. Everyday we have patients who need blood which only generous donors can provide. Got myself up, feeling more dizzy, confused and in a lot of pain but blacked out completely soon after, until I was found by my aunt who heard a thumb from her room of me collapsing. Management of the condition involves. If the reaction is significant, hydration is important. Sudden onset of shortness of . Why? These are the benefits you may found in many articles and journals. You should never donate blood without this information being TOLD to you. should i be worried? I was working on my second gallon of blood when I started having issues with my iron levels not replenishing like that had been. It happens when antibodies in the donor blood, such as human leukocyte antibodies, react with the recipients leukocytes, or white blood cells. I am a Registered Nurse and not to toot my own horn, am highly knowledgeable in human physiology. I've been donating blood for years as well. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Before i jump to the main topic i want to recall that not everybody can donate her/his blood. Chris Hibbard (author) on August 09, 2012: Liver has high iron content, but also high cholesterol :). My daughter gave blood in August 2016 being a migraine suffer on Oct the 5th she had a stroke to find her iron levels were 6 and 9 way to low then Wednesday gone Nov 2016 we find at 17 she also has a hole in her heart , be wise get check before giving blood we still today have no end to this they are still testing her for more we are seeing the heart surgeon on tge 7th Dec. Your system just sounds, broken. I too gave blood on a reqular basis whenever blood drive came to my place of employment or at local blood drive location close to my home. I even had to be bathed the first few days. I hope one recovers fast from that.. Thanks for sharing your story. We do however, check your hemoglobin levels which is a protein in your red blood cells that delivers oxygen to your body. If so, what were they? American Red Cross. Our training is extensive and we are forced to follow fda testing policies. 8 most common causes Aortic Valve Regurgitation Angina pectoris After tens of thousands of dollars of tests (CT scans, MRIs, MRAs, X-rays, invasive scopes, blood tests, biopsies, etc.) Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Can I donate blood after getting a tattoo? I decided to go to one more meeting and see if I felt better. This would have been my third donation of blood in a year at the age of 40(fear of needles). Have a good meal the day of your donation and drink plenty of fluids. Almost a month later, I have no energy, force myself to workout everyday and get chronic daily headaches. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Exactly Andrew! Other conditions, including anxiety, asthma, a blood clot in the lungs, cancer, or a chest infection like pneumonia, can also lead to shortness of breath. Healthful nutrition and eating iron-rich foods can help to replenish iron stores. I say this to underscore this fact: Your phlebotomist may be honest, upright, and concerned for your health; or, as in any profession, they may be out for a quick buck and care little for your health. Symptoms will depend on the severity and may include: If other symptoms are present, the person should contact their doctor. First time I am still not feeling well after donated 3 weeks back. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Stoke is the major concern due to the normal pooling of the blood.= due to FIB. If you'd like to hear from a professional (besides some of the ones we have here), you can give the donation center a call and they will answer your questions too. Shortness of breath results when a signal from the brain causes the lungs to increase breathing frequency. Live long and prosper :) all you donors! Chris Hibbard (author) on April 15, 2013: I hope the only people who are scared by my experience are only scared into having bloodwork done on a regular basis. I had no symptoms but after 12 days of giving blood I'm in major brain fog the past three days I believe must be connected to giving blood. Read on to discover how blood transfusions help manage the condition. Paid employees of the blood centers are called phlebotomists, or "bloodletters," and they can help determine your eligibility. I would recommend you donate blood and support your local blood center if your doctor says you are able to do so. However, if these effects continuously occur after donating blood its best if you ask for medical check as soon as possible. So RN or not, they took blood from me when I (a male) was already anemic, which I found out only months after donating blood and after I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia by doing a HIPAA request to the blood center to get my hemoglobin level they measured with a fingerprick blood sample before they took my blood. Some people learn that their hemoglobin is low when they try to donate blood. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. I got over it and informed the blood bank since they email me reminders and know my history of donating--they claimed that you can't give too much--after much research I realized they actually lie about it. Accessed March 6, 2020. If a person feels faint,. I'm sorry you had a terrible reaction but to say it almost killed you is insane. Also, you should let your doctor and healthcare team know if you have had previous transfusions so they can look out for any reactions. These particular antibodies decrease over time to undetectable levels. Thank you for donating blood today. Im constantly lightheaded, shaky, woozy, tired, grumpy, unfocused, forgetful and COLD!! severe shortness of breath fever low blood pressure Treatment Treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms: For mild cases, a person will need oxygen therapy. I've been taking long naps that don't cure the fatigue. Iron supplement overdose is the LEADING CAUSE of FATAL POISONINGs for children under 6. It is odorless, colorless, and easily induces mortality in massive doses when it takes oxygen in the blood. This is better for everyone, but they need to invest in us, if nothing else, to keep us around to donate! I had a relaxing Sunday, then returned to the office on Monday. A 5 to 6 years child have almost the same amount the adults blood, A newborn baby have only 0.2 liters blood in their body, and. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Erythrocytic disorders. Yes, turns out, my bad. People will rest at the donation center after they have given blood. This is rare for a male donating blood. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Drinking alcohol is shown to reduce blood oxygenation, particularly during sleep. haem iron in red meat is not enough, one needs ferrtin and liver is the best source of that! I hope FDA/AMA will recommend this soon. Just in case. It was thought to be inflammation from the procedure, started about week2 and lasted about 6 weeks. I can also say that the Red Cross allowed me to donate blood even when my blood pressure was a little high once or twice. According to the American Red Cross, no specific test exists to identify which blood products will cause TRALI. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for twelve hours. Additionally, we will not take a donor without their iron being at a healthy 12.5. CA as a law against buying blood; they're donor-supplied as well. We are not here to downgrade anyone's job - I know of plenty skilled phlebs and they take their job very seriously. This is good news for donors! I struggle with anemia and it definitely causes shortness of breath:-/ how was your number on the hemoglobin test? AMA?) They tested it and told me I was good to donate so just assumed it was within normal levels. and now 2 days after donating blood im also having my periods. After the third time of explaining my experience, and I was ignored each time, I thought that enough was enough and changed my number. Last medically reviewed on July 31, 2020, A blood transfusion is a safe procedure that can help treat several conditions. a PNEUMOTHORAX, a condition in which air gets between the lungs and the chest wall, or a PULMONARY EMBOLISM, in which a blood clot may have moved from a leg to the lungs. It's Lung Cancer He did the drop test and after shacking it a while he said it was fine and rushed me through. i feel constantly tired. i went ahead and donated the 2 pints and its been a nightmare ever since. A 2013 study consisting of 82 male and female participants found an improvement in cholesterol levels in blood donors. If an individual experiences any severe symptoms, they should contact their doctor, or call 911 in an emergency. In Conversation: Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? If you worry about your bruises you can treat it by compression on the bruises, rest, avoid heavy lifting, and rise your arm above the level of your heat while resting. That's my two cents on the matter. Yes i gave blood also and almost fainted after several times of giving blood i found out i was anemic .I was very lightheaded after giving blood .Now they said i shouldn't donate because i had very low ferritin, Just a fyi hospitals use phlebotomist to draw and even test some blood. What happened in your case is rare and has nothing to do with the phlebotomist. Here, we look at the positive effects of donating blood and some temporary physical side effects that can occur. I went to the mall to do some shopping and eventually just left after about an hour as just walking the mall was leaving me tired. We avoid using tertiary references. Dr. Fritz: Shortness of breath is a symptom of an underlying problem or problems, not a disease of its own. back then they said it was nutrient deficiency. Low red blood cell count, called anemia. Took my doc years to find the cause. being a college student in the middle of finals i couldn't believe this was happening to me. include protected health information. Before donating it was at 14.1, as I was told. 2 months ago i walked into a red cross donating drive thinking i was going to donate the typical 1 pint of blood. I decided to call my wife and keep her on the phone with me while I drove. Chris Hibbard (author) on August 30, 2012: Thanks for your concern BR, I'm back on track so far, back up to healthy #s all around after taking iron supplements and now off them. Hope you find an easier way to stay at safe iron levels than IV! If someone has a blood transfusion and experiences symptoms, such as shortness of breath, low blood pressure, red or brown urine, flank pain, or other serious side effects, they should see a doctor immediately. Have you requested your hemoglobin records from your blood center for your donations prior to being diagnosed? I was a healthy female age 45 walking 9 miles a day to getting tired just doing yard work or filing at work. After I had an episode at work when I nearly passed out, my doctor tested my blood iron, found me to be severely anemic, and referred me to gastro-enterologist. they were wrong! I left the place, got in my car headed for home and i started feeling weak and i was on the highway and the seconds would pass i would feel worst & worst. Wow. My hemoglobin level was 13.7. I wish I had known before, it's not very pleasant and I need my energy right now. Approach to the adult with anemia. Shortness of breath has lots of different causes. I started not being able to breathe playing ice hockey. He put me on iron supplements and I had already been eating iron enriched foods like spinach, beans, broccoli and even liver! I give regularly and have given over 100 units over the yeas. Self Care. health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. For a short while, I thought I was merely dreaming of driving, and didn't have any conscious control over my vehiclestill at 60MPH in the fast lane. Have you received answers? Hydrate, eat well, and rest, and you should feel better soon! Over time, these elevated levels of blood glucose can cause damage to the network of blood vessels and nerves throughout the body, especially the delicate blood vessels and nerves around the heart. It may vary for everyone but the paramedic at the Blood Center will do things necessary if you undergo these effects. Shortness of breath may be one of the first signs of a heart attack or stroke. i drove myself to the hospital. However, TRALI can be fatal and has a mortality rate of between 525%. will I get back to my normal self? Smoking is a reason for Shortness of breath after quitting smoking. I've had constant shortness of breath almost 4 weeks now after covid, 49 male, non smoker, no asthma or cold etc. Sad but true. Blood centers generally allow no more than one plasma donation every four weeks (28 days) and up to 13 times per year. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. I used to attend as part of a blood donating "team" and many times many of our members were turned down for low iron. Common causes of shortness of breath after eating include acid reflux, food allergies, or inhaling food particles. The ferritin checks I was getting at the blood drives failed me--for whatever reason. I was concerned about the pins and needles I had been experiencing in my hands and feet along with dizziness, itchy skin, shortness of breath and complete exhaustion that just made me want to cry, I feel so emotional and fuzzy headed ! People came up to me this week saying hi who I hadn't seen in a long time and I couldn't place them at first. Some other possible causes include: Carbon monoxide poisoning Heart attack Low blood pressure Asthma flare-up Pneumonia Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs) Emotional distress or a panic attack If your shortness of breath symptoms last for four weeks or longer they may be considered chronic. Plus, I aced physiology when I was in nursing school.). The donor who is dedicated to help saving lives, and supports the blood donation center with his very own life's blood? don't they test you for iron?" I feel tired all the time but cannot fall to sleep right away. I asked them politely to take my name off of their calling list but because of my blood type that everyone wants, O negative, I was simply ignored, called continuously, and even told I was wrong, that it was impossible to suffer adverse effects. I think the problem is they don't test for ferritin (blood stores of iron) and rely too much on haemoglobin, but haemoglobin can be within the normal range but ferritin too low ! They gave me four bags of intravenous iron before releasing me. I've been donating since I was 16, now 32 and been doing plasma for the past 4 years. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. My wife heard me honking over the phone, and I remember her telling our kids to get in the car. My local blood center comes to my office park every eight weeks for a blood drive. So thankful they found this before she became a regular doner . I was just wondering if anyone else felt the same after donating blood. I don't want to be tested through thousands of dollars worth of tests so I do my own health evaluations for now. During this particular blood drive, the phlebotomists were instead engaged in a heated discussion over whom among them was the laziest employee, citing many recent examples of each other's poor work at the blood drive that day. In this era of deregulation and letting businesses self-regulate, U. S. blood centers are nonprofit corporations (i.e., businesses that do not pay taxes) that demand that the FDA give blood centers the flexibility to self-regulate. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Blood centers have voluntarily chosen not to do a ferritin test or other good test for iron for their own financial benefit; the FDA does not prohibit blood centers from testing donors for iron. To provide you with the most relevant and helpful information, and understand which I was just wondering if anyone else felt the same after donating blood. Sat I gave and my iron was on the min side 13.0, this was using a meter as it didn't pass the sink test. You're absolutely right, they need to know. I went back three months later and my levels were still in the same range. Shut down of LH pathway. It's an easy job to get into, with a national average starting salary near $30k, and training available for as low as a few hundred dollars (subsidized) that can be as short as six weekend classes. It is especially important to drink extra fluids in the first 4 hours following a donation. The people running the Blood Centers in our country need to be motivated to collect enough blood to meet our needs, but it must be balanced with donor health as well. Reaction to exogenous test Reaction to carrier oil Overstimulation of neurons in the brain from exsessive androgens. I had decided to start giving more blood after I learned my DNA results showed Hemochromatosis, that I could have a build up of iron in my system. Acute Shortness of Breath. This is not true. To replenish fluid in the body, people need to drink water and other liquids before and after donating blood. Being short of breath is also a warning sign of a heart attack, according to the American Heart Association, and it can happen with or without chest pain. (n.d.). my hemoglobin and hemocrit were low but not dangerously low so they sent me home telling me to take my iron supplements and follow up with my GP. Other symptoms include nausea, lightheadedness, back or jaw pain and breaking out in a cold sweat. Though most of donors will be feel fine after donating. The hemoglobin or hematocrit test that blood centers are required to do to determine if a donor is eligible to donate blood is a test for anemia and is NOT an iron test, though blood center staff often erroneously tell donors that it is an iron test. i thought,"okay may be its because i donated blood my body needs some rest." these side affects hit me so hard! Maybe the Red Cross can do a little more to test people before donating (although I do understand how that can put non-profit agencies in a pinch.). Can decrease the carbon dioxide in your blood. Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations. When my doc finally tested for iron, I was at 11 ng/ml. I donated blood once and was very dizzy for the next 2 weeks but it all cleared up. I'm glad you're doing ok now. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. I wish I did my research before donationg. An indication of low ferritin levels is low hemoglobin. I thought this was odd because I'd experienced migraines before and never got dizzy during one. However, some people who use nicotine or cannabis products may wonder if they are eligible blood donors. I now will need to do IV iron probably for the rest of my life. No, unfortunately, you cannot reduce your chances of having a blood transfusion reaction. You have to sign as part of a screen every time you donate. However, since the day after donating I've been feeling short of breath. Beware though: more Americans have TOO MUCH iron than too little--it's why they stopped putting them in "normal" multi-vitamins. Despite health benefits of blood donationI mention above, blood donation also have side effects you should know before you go and generously donating your blood. Review/update the but that day i slept straight for 10 hrs. Going to try iron supplements and see if they correct my iron levels. ICAN UNDERSTAND, YOUR STORY AND I APRECIATE ALL THE INFO ,IAM RECEIVING BECAUSE I ALSO LIKE DONATE,BLOOD. This is when things started to get strange. It's pretty easy to test BP. This means I've been donating almost a gallon of my blood each year. Now I just received a letter saying my ferritin level is a 8 and I may be anemic . The most common causes of short-term dyspnea are: Anxiety disorders. i took a leave for the day. All rights reserved. But if you have more than one of these symptoms, even if you haven't been diagnosed with any heart problems, report them to a healthcare professional and ask for an evaluation of your heart. Took two Aspirin and went to bed two hours later, after ten pm. They are knowledgeable in the medical field and there are some nurses working there. They get our blood free, why can't they provide this necessary test ? How do blood transfusions help treat a person with sickle cell disease? Yes, the hospital did call me anemic, I think "acute anemia". However, they may need to wait 12 months before doing so, Blood types depend on the content of the blood cells and are inherited from parents. How can blood transfusions treat anemia? but as soon as i try to do something, its back to feeling dizzy again. People may experience temporary physical side effects of donating blood. It sounds like you had some clowns working this day and they should have kept the whole experience professional. He found that my iron stores were completely depleted. If you have symptoms like a cold or flu (fever, headache, or sore throat) within four days after you donated your blood you must call the center immediately. Coughs are common, shortness of breath I would speak to you primary healthcare provider just to be sure x. DawnTX in reply to MummyLuv 9 months ago. But he said he had never seen low iron in a guy before as healthy as I was!! Donating blood helps supply hospitals and other settings with blood for those who need it during their treatment. Post-transfusion purpura: Current perspectives. Chris Hibbard (author) on March 20, 2013: That is frightening information. A regular doner is listen to your body i remember her telling our kids to in! Dr. Fritz: shortness of shortness of breath after donating blood may be anemic about 6 weeks low when try! 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