mind control radio waves
By that time, the DODs secretive Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPA) at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in the nations capital had itself developed a prodigious arsenal of electromagnetic weapons. In other words, lightning discharges could be picked up anywhere in the world as magnetic noise on the extremely low frequency (ELF) radio dial. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use, Mind control using sound waves. Active Denial technology frequencies are included in the 5G platform. box-shadow: none !important; The question is by whom. Officially, the State Department concluded that the microwave saturation of the embassy served not to brainwash, but to activate bugging devices in the walls. WebThe microwaves resonate with DNA, can penetrate flesh and bone, pass through some walls and windows, and are already in use by cell phones. Allowing this technology to be used without proving its safety is reckless in the extreme as the millimetre waves are known to have a profound affect on all parts of the human body.. He finds this fact especially remarkable when considering that everyone is surrounded by electromagnetic clutter radiating from all kinds of electronic devices in our modern world. May 28, 2019. In simple terms, covert mind control. Brain waves could be unscrambled and deciphered, recorded and beamed to another personcreating artificial two-way mental communication. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. But scientists are also looking at the spinal cord and peripheral nervous systems. The great danger of the future, Delgado warned, is that we will have robotized human beings who are not aware that they have been robotized., Baffled by the cause and intent of the microwave saturation at the embassy in Moscow, officials of the American intelligence community consulted experts on the biological effects of the radiation. With each sweep, the subject heard the radio frequency sound for a few seconds and reported it. It is described as a bi-phasic electric pulse which stimulates the neurons of the brain to resonate at a certain frequency, thus the Lilly wave has the ability to control the brainwave patterns of the brain. The two main ways that the technology is allegedly utilized is either through use of short-range direct microwave induction or piggybacking on signals transmitted over TV or radio waves and other carrier frequencies, and it is supposedly completely undetectable. With little variation, most of the electromagnetic bursts were metered at 25 to 130 cycles per second, with a very low attenuation rate. Earlier, a 1963 CIA-issued manual prepared on the study of Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control (RHIC) explained: When a part of your brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision, hearing, etc., an emotion is producedanger at the sight of a gang of boys beating an old woman, for example. But scientists can do more with brainwaves than just listen in on the brain at work-they can selectively control brain function by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Discover world-changing science. Intels Israel Team Is At The Forefront Of 5G Tech The goal was to find an electric current waveform with which animals could be stimulated through implanted electrodes for several hours per day for several months without causing irreversible changes in threshold by the passage of current through the tissue. Global Alert by Alex Constantine. During the touch-and-go operation, electrical strands were implanted in Killes brain. Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. WebThe microwaves resonate with DNA, can penetrate flesh and bone, pass through some walls and windows, and are already in use by cell phones. Thus ions moving in the neurons would first be pushed one way and then quickly the other way, stimulating the neurons and leaving the ions in their former positions within the neurons. text-align: left !important; We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 1995 [Note:1] Controlling human behavior by remote radio. Its all about staying within a given set of rules. Controlling human behavior by remote radio transmission isnt science fictionits a fact. The researchers monitored the brainwaves of 120 healthy men and women while a Nokia 6110 cell phoneone of the most popular cell phones in the worldwas strapped to their head. This puts the body into hyper stress or a hyper-immunity state and adrenal exhaustion, while fighting off Although Mark and Ervin described Killes behavior as dangerous, Killes most violent outburst consisted of throwing tin cans at his wife (he missed). Right now we are at 2.5Ghz where this 5G will be at 60Ghz. WebThe microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of the human perception of audible clicks, or even speech, induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies. Alpha waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort, "cortical idling" or mind wandering. The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the minds subconscious defence systems. When attempting to control neuronal activity by providing minute mechanical vibrations to a region of the brain, its important that the focus of the ultrasound, frequency and amplitude are properly tuned, or the brain can potentially be damaged. This has the effect of causing the iron to be magnetised and rush to the top of your head, resulting in a rush of blood to the head and extreme confusion and dizziness, it can also be reversed which causes a draining of blood from the head, leading to all out unconsciousness. Alpha waves have a frequency ranging from 8 to 14 Hz and are associated with a state of vigilant but relaxed mind. Did they remove it for the same reason they deleted the article youll own nothing? Because then people will actually realize the ones involved in all of this. Suicidal tendencies are a sign of damage by these microwaves. stimulation. WebElectronic harassment, electromagnetic torture, or psychotronic torture is a conspiracy theory that malicious actors (often government agents or crime rings) make use of electromagnetic radiation (such as the microwave auditory effect), radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads, affect people's bodies, If a molecule is targeted by a wave that resonates at the same frequency as that molecule, that molecule will explode, sugar is a crystal and crystals when stressed, broken or deformed, release an electric and electromagnetic charge, this is known as triboluminescence. Required fields are marked *. Psychologists have identified evidence of auditory hallucinations, delusional disorders or other mental illnesses in online communities supporting those who claim to be targeted.Individuals suffering from auditory hallucinations, delusional Protect your brain from RF (radio-frequency) pollution with this handsome baseball style hat. We were interested in studying the effect of mobile phone signals on sleep itself." Of course, all our thoughts, sensations and actions arise from bioelectricity generated by neurons and transmitted through complex neural circuits inside our skull. Alpha waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort, "cortical idling" or mind wandering. WebMind-Control Experiments. Experiments at Allan Memorials telemetry lab, he declared, would one day help governments keep tabs on people without their knowing.. Ground-Breaking 5G Tech Created In Tel Aviv This result can be achieved most easily by the proper choice of waveforms and their time courses; and less easily by the choice of the range of repetition frequencies and train durations. WebRadio Wave Manipulation/Control Radifonokinesis Capabilities Users can manipulate radio waves and frequencies as well as things that use radio waves, such as AM and FM waves, TV radio waves/frequencies as well as waves/frequencies from cell phones, AM or FM radio, radar, and so on. Alpha waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort, "cortical idling" or mind wandering. Politicians should remember that if we dont do it, then somebody somewhere will do it anywaypotentially unregulated. Alpha Waves of Brain Doctor Jos Delgadowhose current work with radio waves was underwritten by the CIA and Navybelieved scientists could transform, shape, direct and robotize humankind. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. .goog-tooltip, Regular meditation has been shown to increase alpha waves your relaxation brain waves and reduce beta waves the brain waves of active thought and learning. The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the minds subconscious defence systems. Alpha waves fluctuate at a rate of eight to 12 cycles per second (Hertz). The communications are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. } 5) Widen the splayed banana plug tip by inserting a knife of thin screwdriver into the gaps, and stick into the ground jack on your electrical outlet. Because of the 5G platform, which is made up of small cell antennas everywhere, they will launch an unnatural and round the clock millimetre, milli-wave and microwave radiation transmission, that is far more potent than anything previously experienced from the electromagnetic spectrum. Most sources of electromagnetic radiation are benign, having little effect on the human body, however great concern should be given to lower spectrum as research has shown ULF, ELF, and VLF radio signals can negatively influence your health. For example, radio waves emitted at a frequency of 40hz, targeted at a persons brain, will entrain the water molecules to a degree of 40hz and thus the rest of the brains electrons will also resonate at that frequency. - by Dr. Henning Witte during a TV interview. Iron within the cellular structure composing the neurons of the brain and various other elements, can also be entrained to resonate at a desired frequency. Alpha waves increase in power when a person shifts his or her consciousness of the external world to internal thoughts; they also are the key brainwave signatures of sleep. Officially scalar waves are denied by ignorant physicists but in secret they are used, for example in the HAARP facility." You could instantly feel the same white hot anger without any apparent reason., Richard Helms, Plans Director for the CIA, oversaw military-oriented EMR research pursuing the possible transmission of strategic subliminal messages into the aggregate minds of enemy populations. Under CIA auspices, Dr. Dietrich Beischer exposed approximately 7,000 naval crewmen to dangerous levels of microwaves at the Naval Aerospace Research Laboratory in Pensacola, Florida. WebElectronic harassment, electromagnetic torture, or psychotronic torture is a conspiracy theory that malicious actors (often government agents or crime rings) make use of electromagnetic radiation (such as the microwave auditory effect), radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads, affect people's bodies, And if you find a way to make somebody better, then you most likely also know how to do the contrary. The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the minds subconscious defence systems. However, it is imperative to understand that if the wave is not bi-phasic it will result in damage to the brains neurons and cause what is termed, brain damage. You Will Eat Bugs and Be Happy UK School Kids to Eat Mealworms as Part of Great Reset Rollout, Pride Event Targeted at Children Features Satanists Performing Unbaptisms on Kids, by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in Sponsored 2022 FOX News Network, LLC. post-template-default single single-post postid-1538 single-format-standard, Hearing Voices: The Hidden History of the CIAs Electromagnetic Mind Control Experiments. Hearing Voices, Alex Constantine, Hustler, January 1995. That is crucial evidence that the Mind Control torturers are also working with scalar waves. Alpha waves dominate in introspective moments or in those where the concentration to achieve a precise goal Abbreviation - ELF. Most of the waking hours of the human adults are spent in the beta state. $17 trillion Dollars is the figure said to be available for the roll out of this technology. If we want to lead that dance 10 years from now, we need to start researching today. Currently Deployed PsychotronicMind-Control Technologies Microscopic studies of brains stimulated with this balanced pulse pair showed that there was no injury of the neuronal networks from this kind Waveform of stimulating current : pulse pairs of current resulting from quasi-differentiation, with passive electrical elements, of a rectangular pulse. Product Description. - by Dr. Henning Witte during a TV interview. The heart of Allan Memorials Radio Telemetry Laboratory (a telemeter is an electrical apparatus for measuring a quantity, transmitting the result by radio to a distant station, and there indicating or recording it) was called the Grid Room. Deep breathing and closed-eye visualization techniques that mindfulness Well, to get straight to the science, the principle of non-invasive neuromodulation is to focus ultrasound waves into a region in the brain so that they all gather in a small spot. According to Kille, Mark and Ervin controlled his moods by remote electronic stimulation. It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. A computer controlled the phone's transmissions in a double-blind experimental design, which meant that neither the test subject nor researchers knew whether the cell phone was transmitting or idle while EEG data were collected. Buy Book Targeted Individuals, Mind Control, Directed Energy Weapons: Untouched Torture, Misshape Human Body, Nano Psychotronics Weapons. } "The significance of the research," he explained, is that although the cell phone power is low, "electromagnetic radiation can nevertheless have an effect on mental behavior when transmitting at the proper frequency." Well, to get straight to the science, the principle of non-invasive neuromodulation is to focus ultrasound waves into a region in the brain so that they all gather in a small spot. A psychiatrist interpreted Killes anger as a personality pattern disturbance and referred him to Mark and Ervin for neurological tests. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Croft of Swinburne emphasizes that there are no health worries from these new findings. Controlling human behavior by remote radio transmission isnt science fictionits a fact. top: 0 !important; "The exciting thing about this research is that it allows us to have a look at how you might modulate brain function and this [look] tells us something about how the brain works on a fundamental level." One only wonders if with different doses, durations, or other devices, would there be greater effects?". Then hopefully, given the right set of parameters, this can change the activity of the neurons. Your email address will not be published. After years of secret experiments, the U.S. government has achieved its goal: Breaking and entering American minds at will. Buy Book Targeted Individuals, Mind Control, Directed Energy Weapons: Untouched Torture, Misshape Human Body, Nano Psychotronics Weapons. In 1934 Doctors E. L. Chaffee and R. U. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. : Hmong Leader Vang Paos Secret War, Opium Legacy and the CIA, Frank Carlucci and the Murder of Patrice Lumumba. Thats why its most commonly recommended for reducing stress. Are they willing to hide their next steps into controlling the masses? Regular meditation has been shown to increase alpha waves your relaxation brain waves and reduce beta waves the brain waves of active thought and learning. Information is fed in, processed, integrated and then a response is formulated and acted upon. It is possible to track the Lilly Wave through a spectrum analyser that you link up to a signal source, and if you know what wave forms to look for, in a TV signal for example, you can see all kinds of interesting thingslike the Lilly wave. I can see the day coming where a scientist will be able to control what a person sees in their minds eye, by sending the right waves to the right place in their brain. Are the about to use it? De-patterningthe systematic annihilation of a subjects mind and memorywas accomplished at Allan Memorial with heavy doses of LSD, barbiturate-induced comas lasting up to 65 days and electroconvulsive therapy administered at 75 times the customary dose for psychiatric therapy. Imagine a dictatorial regime with access to the tricks and tools to change the way its citizens think or behave. Whatever other reasons the Russians may have had [for irradiating the American embassy], posits Zaret, they believed the beam would modify the behavior of personnel.. These signals entrain brainwaves into a high-beta state, which causes aggression and stress, or an alpha level that induces hypnotic states and muddled thinking. Legal Statement. Establishment scientist Professor Trevor Marshall, the director of the Auto Immunity Research Foundation in California said : The new 5G technology Millimetre waves producing photons of much greater energy than 4g and Wi-fi.