local names of fishes in ghana
SEA-EX MEMBERS WHO ARE The accepted This 18-inches-high, 24-inches-long, and 12-inches-wide stool made of pure gold is so sacred that it is never allowed to come in contact with the ground, and no one has . Since its farming is just like that of chickens, ducks, and quails, quite a number of households are encouraged to raise it. It is no longer news that Ghanaians can choose locally prepared dishes on any given day. our We have tried to list the ones which have been found and documented till now but there are probably hundreds more which have not been found yet. Grains of Paradise /Alligator Pepper / Guinea Pepper (English) 8. The country is rich in animal life, among other things that it is blessed with. Ghana is relatively rich in animal life, although it has been reduced by hunting and the spread of human settlement. In conclusion, we have given you detailed information about the fishes which are available in Nigeria, their scientific names, and their common names. Ghana BIGGEST Ultramodern Fish Farm; My Client's Visit . About 10% of the country's population is engaged in various aspects of the fishing industry. Some say that aridan/prekese is a symbol of power, while others claim that it increases the quality of baby milk in lactating mothers. 4 Oct 2022 To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. So adding a few spices can elevate the whole meal and make it taste better. The Pra Basin is mainly formed by the Pra, Offin and Birim. Zebu is a breed of cattle that originated in South-West Asia. Farms | Disclaimer. In addition, the seeds contain thymol, terpineol, and anethole, which are good at relieving coughs. It has a clove-like flavour in soups, stews, some chewing gum, and cornmeal porridge when used in minimal quantities. How a newcomer to aquaculture is upgrading the technology and adopting novel local feed ingredients to bring out the best in his family's tilapia and catfish farm. Chickens are so much in demand, especially during the festive periods. It is commonly used as a stress reliever and for boosting the immune system. COMPANY |, See Also: These spices in Ghana are just what you need to make your meals better. this business for nearly ten years. [1], The fishing industry's total catch increased considerably in the late 1960s, from 105,100 tons of marine fish caught in 1967 to 230,100 tons in 1971. Ghanaian Seafood companies View full-text Article 8. The aromatic spice has a sweet flavour and is best known for its use as a baking ingredient. Besides the meaning, Ghanaian names are also derived from their ethnic Akan names. Several spices in Ghana contribute to these sumptuous meals adding outstanding health benefits. Chilli/ African Bird pepper. The seeds have a pleasing lemony flavour and aroma. GHANA - We are a seafood exporting company registered in Ghana. Spices not only improve the taste of food but are also a good source of vitamins, iron, calcium, and other antioxidants. Having discovered the great potential that is in the production of honey, the honey bee has graduated to a level where it is used to produce honey-based drinks known as Royal Honey Bee. There are different types of fish farms that utilize different aquiculture methods. This list shows the company name and Artisanal fishing are small scale fishing practices undertaken by households or individuals. Endangered species found in Ghana: Rosemary spices. 3. Hence, they pick a meaningful name for their children. Seafood Limited across the British Isles. Conservation Land Management (CLM) is a quarterly magazine that is widely regarded as essential The bitter spice is also known as wild eggplant or prickly nightshade. Surmai - Seer Fish. [8] The sector is estimated to contribute 3% of the total GDP and 5% of the GDP in agriculture. Some Ghanaians have also found rearing the bird to be a well-paying venture, especially when it comes to the demand for their eggs and meat. export live spiny lobsters, fresh white grouper, dentex, snappers, and and also Adders are rare sightings in west africa..almost nil.. so its highly unlikely nanka translates to adder ANOTHER ONE.another name for tiger for tiger is kootwiamansa This is to say that there are various reasons why people domesticate animals. Paddlefish Alabama's rich diversity of fishes is directly influenced by a temperate climate; relatively high year-round rainfall (averaging about 60 inches annually for the state as a whole); a large network of rivers, streams, springs, and lakes; and a diverse geological Southern Redbelly Dace greater than the average discharge of either the Mississippi River basin (0.34 million gallons . "FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Country Profile", Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, List of harvested aquatic animals by weight, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fishing_in_Ghana&oldid=1137573349, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from November 2010, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 10:06. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. The growing population and increasing urbanization in Ghana mean the market for Ghanaian aquaculture is also expanding, hence the need to revamp the sector. Lagoon below the Biriwa Beach Hotel Sarotherodon Melanotheron Various Tilapia Young Fish - not identified, 10. Besides its chemical use in industries, it is used in preparing Waakye, a mush of rice with beans. This incorporates a fresh account of the latest scientific names and widely used popular and local names of fishes, crustaceans and molluscs commonly occurring in the Maharashtra and Gujarat regions.The 28 different groups includes elasmobranchs, eels, catfishes, clupeoids, bombay duck,lizard fishes, half beaks & fullbeaks, flying fishes, 26 YEARS of assisting Seafood The latest discovery which is prompting people to eat white meat has popularised and caused the increase in demand for grasscutters in Ghana. Also called Grains of Paradise, alligator pepper, and Melegueta pepper, guinea pepper is known as Efom Wisain or Efom Wisa in Twi, Wire Tsuruin in Ga, and Essa in Nzema. returns to our shareholders. Greater Accra, Ga South Municipal, 24/02 - Fish. Potash is also known as Potassium Carbonate (K2C03) is by tradition known as Kanwu or Kaawe. GHANA - Grouper, kingklip, mahi mahi, dentex, YFT, swordfish, smoked dried 2. In Ghana, the smoked fishery sector plays a major role in terms of employment creation, income generation, food security and foreign exchange earnings helping in the sustainability of the Ghanaian economy (Asiedu et al., 2018). Kenkey is a typical Ghanaian dish made from fermented white corn, which is widely consumed throughout the country by Ga people from southern Ghana. The Volta system in Ghana includes the Volta river, the Volta lake and their tributaries, such as, rivers Oti, Pru, White Volta, Black Volta and Asukawkaw.Outside the Volta system, the major inland water system of Ghana includes the Densu, Ayensu, Okye, Kakum, Pra, Ankobra, Tano and Bia river basins and Lake Bosumtwi.Nine species viz. scientific literature through a combination of long-form articles, regular columns and reports, Rabbits are good sources of protein and the meat remain a great source of white meat which is an alternative for many people who do not like red meat. She uses traditional kilns to smoke fish, which she sells at the Agbogbloshie market. In addition, the spicy herb's anti-bacterial properties stimulate blood flow and are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which help maintain cardiovascular health. A fertile new market in African aquaponics, Environmental impact of illegal tilapia farm in Ghana revealed, Nigerian farmers plan to smoke out the catfish mafia, Tilapia farmer wins national recognition and a bus. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); Pigs are common domestic animals in Ghana. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? Minimum Quantity 50pcs. When added to food, it adds a red colouring that is appealing to the eye. fish, tilapia etc. It is also interesting to know that apart from it serving as meat, its flesh can also be used to produce leather. The result is known as Nkontomire or a bean stew locally known as Aboboi. This spice also has medicinal purposes. GHANA - Importers, agents and retailers of horse mackerel, sardines While they are mostly harvested in the wild, they are also grown in fish farms. Within just six months of age, they are capable of laying eggs, producing two baby pigeons on an average every month. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! A Ghanaian project that uses nutrients in wastewater to help improve catfish growth has been gaining considerable traction over the summer. Is wastewater-fed aquaculture a sustainability gamechanger? Also called red pepper, capsicum, and chilli pepper, cayenne is used to relieve pain and combat infections. The Ga tribe calls it komi. Because of this high demand, people are beginning to see grasscutter-keeping as a viable venture worth investing in. _gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]); Therefore, all endangered species of Ghana may not be listed here. Talk about large mammals such as lions, leopards, hyenas, antelope, elephants, and buffaloes or different species of lizards, tortoises, and giant snails; you will find a lot of them in the country. Local honey has been found to have massive potential to turn around the economic fortunes of the Ghanaian economy. SEAFOOD COMPANIES IN GHANA ARE Other rivers like the Tano, Bia, Ankobra and Densu flow into the Atlantic individually. It is also an effective anti-inflammatory and can be used to ease joint pains. frozen prawns. Some of the breeds of this domesticated animal include the Embden, Huoyan breed, Landes, Kuban, Pilgrim, White Italian, and Pomeranian. Mole Tributaries - Mole National Park - April 2002 Epiplatys Bifasciatus, 6. READ ALSO: Importance of agriculture in Ghana. [1] These organizations, however, both of which are underfunded and undermanned, are unlikely to stop illegal fishing activities anytime soon.[1]. Companies by Species Known as Osu kon in Ga and Nkitinkiti in Twi, anise seeds are one of the most popular spices in Ghana. Due to its ingredients, this spice tastes both sweet and savoury. The following is a complete list of all known and documented Fish in Ghana. Bay leaves. The spice has a strong flavour and brings warmth to dishes and a hint of subtle sweetness. celebrating Additionally, the herb has a plethora of health benefits. This is because while some of these domesticated animals have become a source of income and food production to their owners, the owners in turn also bear some costs. About seventy percent (70%) - eighty percent (80%) of the fish . The dual benefits of turkey to Ghanaians are the meat and eggs that can be obtained from it. The pepper is used in Ghanaian cuisine, imparting a pungency and spicy aroma to soups and stews. 20 Nigerian Spices, Herbs, & Seasoning in Nigeria - 9jafoods, Twi Names of Ghanaian Herbs & Plants Locally Used - 9jafoods, Prices of Foodstuffs in Nigeria (March 2023), Benefits of Drinking Cloves Water: Clove Tea Recipe, How Many Weeks in a Year 2023 ~ How to Calculate. Rico Seafood Enterprises Ltd [1], In 1992 the government passed a fisheries law to curb overfishing and to help protect the marine environment. This allows us to have a common frame Gills LLC It can also be called Piri-Piri, Malagueta pepper, or African Devil. African bird pepper is locally known as Misewain in Twi, Akweley Waabin in Ga can also be called Malagueta pepper or Piri-piri or African Devil. No matter if served in a 'chop bar' (a . Bangladesh is a country with thousands of rivers and ponds and is notable for being a fish-loving nation, acquiring the name "Machh-e Bhat-e Bangali" (which means, Bengali by fish and rice ). Rabbit has many breeds including California, but the New Zealand breed seems to be preferred for commercial purposes. Always makes your taste buds excited!. Some species need to be protected because of their restricted distribution or their habitat degradation or destruction. Apart from her historical heritage, extraordinary scenic beauty, and rich cultural diversity, Ghana is also home to some of the best range of dishes served in either international restaurants or street stalls. Dried or smoked fish such as prawns or crayfish are ground into a powder and used as a savoury seasoning in spinach stew. Basil is another herb used almost everywhere in Ghana. They contribute to food supply in rural and urban areas; Their production serves as an essential means of exchange, especially among rural households. 7. How the Nigerian taste for catfish is spreading to Ghana where some think it might even replace tilapia as the countrys favourite fish. Densu Tributary west of Koforidua towards Suhum - October 2002 Epiplatys - species not identified, 11. The magic touch behind most of the great tasting foods in Ghana is because of the remarkable spices added to them. Is the dolphin a fish? This set of animals also has the capacity to adapt to various climates, and they can be easy to raise sometimes. According to figures from the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), the fisheries sector contributed 2.5 and 2.3 percent to Ghana's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2009 and 2010 respectively. below represents the most used (and misused) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Rivers which originate from the eastern side of the plateau drain into the Atlantic through the Volta river. Pigeons are domestic birds that are so easy to raise within the yard in your home or the roof of your house. Cumin seeds in Twi are known as nkitinkiti. Some other varieties have a taste of citrus and spice. 10. 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