spartanburg christian academy jobs
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"contactEmail" : "", "extraMenuItems" : socialMediaItems, div.homepage-thumb-region.region-6 { Close. background: #D36929; /*lighter orange*/ Spartanburg Christian Academy 2. border: 5px solid #fff; $("#gb-sticky-logo").removeClass("hidden").attr("aria-hidden", "false"); (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { } var linkWrapStart = ($.trim( != "") ? if(!$(this).hasClass("gallery json")) { $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible']","first"); "url": "", $("#sw-content-container1.ui-hp .ui-articles > li").focusin(function() { var vidHeight = $(".rs-gallery-videos .video", element).height() - 27; var template = this; $(".ui-articles","left", "0px"); } "url": "", case "desktop": Remove me from the list . In order to become a qualified candidate for any position, you must complete an online application and then submit that application to the desired job vacancy. }); "show": true, Spartanburg Christian Academy Spartanburg Christian Academy. To the right of the job posting, under "Apply Now", click on "Apply for this Position". { $("").creativeTranslate({ } }); var b = parseInt((this.CutHex(h)).substring(4,6),16); }); $(".sw-channel-item ul").stop(true, true); }); Hanna 36, Greenville 29. }, ["Spanish", "Espaol", "es"], 32 Christian School jobs available in Spartanburg, SC on } else if((siteNameOne == "") && (siteNameTwo != "")) { 'background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(' + slideshowColor + ', 1) 0%, rgba(' + slideshowColor + ', 0) 13%, rgba(' + slideshowColor + ', 0) 85%, rgba(' + slideshowColor + ', 1) 100%),' + 'User Options' + Spartanburg Christian Academy, Spartanburg (SC) Basketball Players - RealGM $("#hp-submit-photos-inner > a").focus(); Educator Spotlight; Athletics; Activities. }, 'background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(' + headlineFade2 + ', 0) 0%, rgba(' + headlineFade2 + ', 1) 85%, rgba(' + headlineFade2 + ', 1) 100%);' + }, // USE SET TIMEOUT TO UPDATE ATTRIBUTES BECAUSE ANIMATION IS HANDLED VIA CSS } this.HeaderIsSticky = true; ["Information Technology/26.png", "Tech Support ", "", "_self"] // ARRAY ORDER - IMAGE, TEXT, LINK, TARGET // HEADER } "GetBreakPoint": function() { }); "url": "", var dropdownParent = params.dropdownParent; switch(this.GetBreakPoint()) { return false; .not($(" .ui-widget-detail img")) "showAccount" : "yes", var headlineFade = this.HexToRgb("#0058a9"); "captions" : "yes", "secondaryColor" : "#0C0C0C", } else { $(window).resize(function() { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { }); ["French", "franais", "fr"], $(this).removeClass("hover"); Out of State list the state & areas of certification. 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Apply online for K-12 Jobs in Spartanburg 2. Click on "Employment" Within the drop down box, select "Job Openings" $(".ui-articles > li",{"aria-hidden": "true", "data-visibility": "hidden"}); this.ModEvents(); Jobs Join now Sign in Spartanburg Christian Academy Primary and Secondary Education Spartanburg, SC . if($(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist").length) { 6655 Pottery Road. CreativeTemplate.Init(); if($(window).width() != _this.WindowWidth) { // RESET ATTRIBUTES AND ALIGNMENT ON WINDOW RESIZE $(".cs-mystart-dropdown.translate .cs-dropdown ul").attr("class", "cs-dropdown-list"); When I was in high school, a lesbian English teacher wrote up a kid because he advocated against gay marriage. 2021 SCISA State Volleyball State Championships Class 1A State Champion: Newberry Academy "Eagles" '