columbia university procurement
Therefore, departments should utilize their own knowledge of the industry, sector and its pricing, as well as all available resources, including: The identification and selection of appropriate suppliers from which competitive bids/quotes/proposals can be obtained can be accomplished through a variety of acceptable methods. A payment bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price. Procurement Services 8.10 Please reference Facilities Policy PA001-03, Awarding Work Construction and Maintenance Related Spending. WebProcurement Services is responsible for the sourcing, purchase, and payment of goods and services for the University. A "performance bond" is one executed in connection with a contract to secure fulfillment of all the contractor's obligations under such contract. Contact theFinance Service Centerfor more information. Vendor Information Awarded Contracts Columbia Downtown; Columbia Northeast; Fairfield Emergency; Florence; Kershaw; Lancaster; Marion; All Locations; Jump back to top of page. Schools and departments are requested to consider the acquisition of vehicles that afford the highest degree of sustainability. The first step in shopping for the goods or services your department needs is to identify or create a supplier/vendor using Columbia's purchasing tools and procedures. Non-competitive Proposals - Single & Sole Source Justification. Position SummaryReporting to the Executive Director, Procurement Application Support, theSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Bid documents, proposals and all subsequent correspondence must be properly filed, maintained and secured so that is not inadvertently revealed. Need to modify your own information in our database? When the value of the goods or services sponsored award purchased is over $25,000, the Sole/Single Source Justification Form must also be signed by a Senior Business Officer. (Individual Federal sponsoring agencies are required to incorporate the provisions of OMB Circular A-110 into their own agency regulations.) Visit Procurement for instructions. December 13, 2022 If all factors are equal (i.e. All applicants to Columbia must submit either SAT or ACT scores, and the two exams are similarly popular. OCP is committed to providing the university with the goods and services needed, whenever and wherever a need may arise. 2.14 The qualification profile as well as ongoing evaluations should be considered for the vendors suitability prior to each request for proposal being sent. Look up our team in the Finance Organizational Charts. When procuring construction-related activities and the cost exceeds $250,000 the required competitive sourcing process is the Sealed Bid Proposal process. 1.25 Task Order Agreement Contract Terms and Conditions will be specifically for work under $20,000 for individual trades and $50,000 for general contractors on a per project basis. If a review is required to qualify vendors on an emergency or expedited basis, the Vendor Qualification Committee review process can be handled by email or internal mail for those instances. All necessary supporting documentation for the requisition will be sent to Purchasing after obtaining required workflow approval(s). at 2 C.F.R. The specific requirements are dependent on the type of contract being sourced and are detailed below. 1.36 There will be a periodic review as determined by the Vendor Qualification Committee to assess projected demand for qualified vendors defined by trade and specialty where the need for additional vendors will be reviewed. WebThis policy responds to all applicable Federal procurement laws and regulations, including but not limited to Uniform Guidance CFR 200.320 - 200.326 and the Federal Acquisition It is important that when comparing prices to determine fair and reasonable pricing that the evaluation of the goods and services must be evaluated using the same criteria for each supplier. 3.50 All bidders who are not listed as Qualified or Task Order Agreement Vendors must be reviewed and approved by the funding department AVP where applicable and the Facilities department AVP or higher regardless of the dollar value and group review requirements. Please refer toColumbia Universitys Purchasing Policy Conflicts of Interest, Section 1.05. Capital Solicitations. Competitive Task Order Proposals must be sent to the Bid Coordinator who will log them in prior to distribution to the appropriate Facilities manager after the due date and time. pricings found in published journals, advertisements, internet sites and auctions, multiple solutions are available that will fit the need, multiple suppliers can provide the same solution, there is a requirement to determine the best value of the suppliers available solutions, products/services for the project cannot be clearly specified, different skills, expertise and technical capabilities are required from the suppliers, lowest price is not the determining criterion for awarding the contract, final pricing is negotiated with the supplier. The process for becoming an approved vendor is led by Facilities and Operations and Columbia University Construction Procurement and Purchasing. Purchasing will prepare activity reports on an annual basis for comparison with stated objectives. New York, NY 10027 Columbia University 2023 Columbia University Accessibility Nondiscrimination Careers Built Comparison with competitive published price lists, market prices of commodities, similar indexes, and discount or rebate arrangement. Numerous FAR contract clauses and FAR certifications may be required for such a purchase. It should clearly define the steps of the process leading to the final bid calculation amounts and the recommendation. The Purchasing Office is Analysis of pricing information provided by the vendor. Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University | SIPA Research to Power the Future of Energy The premier hub and policy lab for global energy thought leadership, led by the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. Visit theARC Vendor/Payee Request Web Form. PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR CONSTRUCTION/FACILITIES SERVICES, 1.00 QUALIFIED VENDORS 2, 1.20 TASK OREDER AGREEMENT VENDORS 3, 1.30 QUALIFICATION PROCESS 3, 1.40 TERMINATION OF VENDORS 4, 1.50 DISCLOSURE 5, 2.00 VENDOR SELECTION 6, 2.40 MWL OBJECTIVES 8, 2.60 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 9, 3.00 BID LIST PREPARATION 10, 4.00 BID PROCESS 13, 5.00 BID SUMMARY 15, 6.00 RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD 17, 7.00 LETTER TO LOSING BIDDERS 17, 8.00 AWARDING WORK PROCEDURES 18, 9.00 REQUISITION FOR PURCHASE ORDER 18, 10.00 CONTRACT AWARD LETTER 18, 11.00 VENDOR EVALUATION 18, 12.00 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS 19, (see related Facilities policy PA 001-01). 11.30 Purchasing will compile the bid results provided by Facilities Groups and provide activity reports to the Vendor Qualification Committee on a quarterly basis for the review of vendor utilization. A technical evaluation, if possible should be performed for each proposal. At a minimum, the bid price should be compared to in-house estimates or past prices paid for the same or substantially similar item(s). P-Card Setup and MU seeks artists or artist teams to create new site-specific art for two spaces on NextGens first floor, one with a $50,000 budget, the other with a $40,000 budget. WebProcurement Services. Bids or price quotations that are deemed unresponsive (e.g. 3.30 The bid list will be prepared by the Project Manager and submitted to the Director for approval. Approval to proceed with vendor and work signed by Facilities AVP level officer or the equivalent. The RFQ process entails requesting and obtaining written quotes from an adequate number of qualified sources that include a full description of the goods and/or services and any other specifications/requirements provided by the requester. The Qualified Vendor list will provide an opportunity to work with new vendors, obtain experience with vendors for consideration as a Task Order Agreement Vendor and as a source of bidders for all other work. EDM - Procurement Documentation Application EDM - Procurement Documentation Application October 16, 2020 This online application allows departments Work awarded without a written proposal will be audited post award utilizing the Vendors and the Facility Management Groups documentation. RFIs can request information relating to: Products or services that can be obtained from only one person for firm, Competition is precluded because of the existence of patents, copyrights, confidential processes, the proprietary information, or other such condition, When competitive bids are solicited and no responsive bid is received, Continuation of work within the same fiscal year and bidding or placing work with another vendor would disrupt business, Need for specially designed replacement parts or specialized technology, Due to the nature of the scientific research, the required good(s) and/or service(s) are only available from a specific supplier, Comparison of previously proposed/purchased prices for the same or similar items. Procurement of consultants for construction related services will be governed by the universitys consultant policy. 4K followers Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs It is important that the supplier selection process is consistent with the Universitys Conflict of Interest Policies. 2.26 Project Managers and Directors will make every effort to avoid awarding work to any vendor so that Columbia University constitute an amount of work which is larger than prudent, from the perspective of the University, in proportion to their total volume of work for a given year with all customers including Columbia University. How to set up a compliant AWS account: Scroll to explore Featured In Focus Previous Next 1 / 4 WebAll eligible April, May, and June 2023 degree candidates, and February 2023 and October 2022 graduates, from all schools and colleges affiliated with Columbia University, as well as family and friends, are encouraged to join in on the celebration. 1.14 Vendor Qualification will establish the vendor with CUs procurement and accounts payable systems for contracts, payment and tracking. WebColumbia University School of Professional Studies Career Design Lab Facebook LinkedIn Instagram 729 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 854-1102 Acquisition of Software All requests for software, including upgrades, must be submitted to the respective ITG technical support specialist. The requestor should consult the. 3.70 In emergency or expedited situations, prudent management judgment shall prevail. 2.29 Some considerations for selection are: 2.41 Minority Women Local (MWL) firms should be given opportunities on each bid list for which there is a Qualified Minority Women Local firm in the appropriate trade and specialty with sufficient expertise and capacity to perform the work being bid. 9.10 The Project Manager will input the information into the appropriate University system (i.e. Identification of qualified suppliers is a key component of the RFP process to ensure that there is competitiveness as well as a determination of the supplier's capacity to perform in accordance with their proposal submission. Task Order Vendors will exist in an environment of dynamic competition. The University of Missouri (MU) System invites artists to apply for public art projects for its Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building. WebOur M.A. DSAs These are Departmental Select Agreements and are for goods and/or services that are competitively bid and negotiated on behalf of an individual or group of department(s) or school(s) with the intention of awarding a term contract. WebPresident Bollinger announced that Columbia University along with many other academic institutions (sixteen, including all Ivy League universities) filed an amicus brief in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York challenging the Executive Order regarding immigrants from seven designated countries and refugees. Need to follow up on payments and remittances from Columbia University? Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and their respective evaluation criteria must be made publicly available. Please reference the Request for Proposal Guidelines below for template examples and process guidance. 3. Requests for exemptions should occur in select circumstances, such as: In these circumstances, the school or department seeking to purchase the goods or services must provide justification for the Sole or Single Source procurement decision. then the lowest priced supplier must be awarded the contract. The "bid guarantee" shall consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder shall, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. Learn more about how we work with vendors. Prior approval must be obtained from the professor or procurement, and financial management. Except as otherwise required by statute, an award that requires the contracting (or subcontracting) for construction or facility improvements shall provide for the recipient to follow its own requirements relating to bid guarantees, performance bonds, and payment bonds unless the construction contract or subcontract exceeds $100,000. For more info, see the Follow Up on or Track a Payment page. 1.22 Task Order Agreement Vendors will be selected by the Purchasing Department on a periodic basis with the input of the Facilities groups. 2.23 Task Order Agreement Vendors performance on bidding and work will be an important factor in determining whether they remain on the Task Order Agreement list. As competitive sourcing provides a basis for determining price reasonableness, when competitive sourcing does not occur, it is necessary for a sole/single-source process to also include documentation for price reasonableness. Networking with the University community may provide suitable options, but might still require vetting based on the criteria outlined in either the RFQ or RFP. How you place a Columbia Universityorder depends on what you are buying, how much it costs, and when you need it. This program Vendors will be added and deleted from the list in an ongoing process that provides them an opportunity to work for Columbia University in a preferred but non-exclusive basis. 1.10 All Facilities maintenance and construction related Vendors selected to perform work for the University will be required to be qualified by the Purchasing Department prior to any commencement of work. They will then provide a Request for Proposal or Quotation to select vendors for their response. For all transactions that require Competitive Procurement, the School or Departmental business owner must consult with Purchasing once a Scope of Work or a requirements document has been drafted and submit a Bid Prep Form. To view the full job description, please click link Finance and Verbal bids are not accepted under any circumstances. All negotiated contractsexcept those for less than the simplified acquisition threshold, which is currently $100,000 under 41 U.S.C. The Columbia University Purchasing Card (P-Card) is the preferred payment method for most business related, non-travel, small dollar purchases (under 2.18 Qualified vendors are to be given the opportunity to bid on Task Order Agreement work. 2.43.2 All vendors will be encouraged to utilize Columbia University qualified vendors as sub-contractors for work performed for the University regardless of value and to provide opportunities to Minority Women Local firms to participate in bidding for sub-contracted work. 1.23 Task Order Agreement Vendors will be pre-qualified and will execute contracts with Columbia University for a stated term and stated rate structure. Updated 9/13/2020; 5:00pm - added FAQ #15 below related to subawardees WebColumbia University in the City of New Yorks average GPA is 3.91. Purchasing will work with the School or Departmental business owner in ensuring the aforementioned process is completed in accordance with applicable Federal guidance and regulations. Conduct validation protocols on vendor and payee profile creation and modification requests, including validation for tax compliance. Residents must keep all furnishings in their room, including bed frames and mattresses. This process requires that the proposal be publicized, clearly outline the proposal requirements and include an invitation specifying the time and place of the unsealing of the bids. The typical work week is Monday thru Friday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm. provide a competitive advantage to one or more of the prospective bidder over the other, clarifying specifications and other provisions. Technical Specifications / Special Conditions (if appropriate), Insurance Requirements (If different from Task Order Agreement), Contract (If different from Task Order Agreement), Contract Agreement Form (If different from Task Order Agreement), have procedures for substitutions clearly stated. 4.62 In no case shall one or more bidders be provided with information that will give them a competitive advantage over the other bidders. then the lowest priced supplier should be awarded the contract. Also known as Financial Systems Security Application (FSSA) or ARC Access Request. (Closed solicitations and contract awards can be found here.) 3.13.1 Except as stated in Section 3.14 below, work greater than $5,000 and up to$20,000 for individual trades or $50,000 for general contractors, requires a minimum of one written proposal from a Task Order vendor. After proposals are received, evaluated, and negotiated the contract(s) can be awarded to the supplier(s) presenting the best combination of price, delivery, compliance to specifications, the capacity to perform, and quality of service. You will then be able to log in to the catalog and search for your quote number for purchase. Please reference Facilities Policy PA001-05, Contracts Construction and Maintenance Related Spending. 4.60 Transmittal of Supplemental Information. The Procurement Card (P-Card) Office provides administrative support for the Universitys P-Card program. Specific guidance for purchases made in association with a sponsored award or grant is detailed in this policy in the section For Sponsored Awards. For this reason, the applicable FAR provisions are referenced on Columbias Purchase Order forms and in its standard contracts. missing key requested information, submitted after requested deadline) may be rejected and not considered by the requester. Columbia University in the City of New York does require GPA. WebColumbia University School of Professional Studies Career Design Lab Facebook LinkedIn Instagram 729 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 854-1102 All decisions should be documented within the project file. Web2. This would also include the unit cost, extended cost, and other associated costs such as delivery costs. VisitPurchase Using the Pay Card (Human Subjects)to learn more. Small Dollar Purchase (Micro-Purchase Threshold). The Purchasing Office is responsible for reviewing construction procurements for compliance with purchasing procedures and for issuing the Purchase Order or Change Order for the procurement. Rebids are not required to re-issue information that has not changed but should state that original information is valid where appropriate. RFI/Supplier Pre-Qualification an RFI (Request for Information) method is generally used during an RFP process to collect information about suppliers in determining a supplier's capabilities and if they are able to meet the requirements of the bid process. Documentation of each submission / calculation (original bid, rebids and leveling) is to be filed and submitted with the request for approval. delivery schedule, freight costs, return policies, warranties, etc.) 5.40 At the time of bid opening, the initial preparation of the bid summary shall be considered preliminary, until the bids can be verified or leveled. 1.43 The termination recommendation will be submitted to or by Purchasing and presented to the Vendor Qualification Committee for review and action by the most expeditious process appropriate. Without the completion of the Sole/Single Source Justification, the Purchasing Department will not be able to process the request. This average GPA means Columbia University in the City of New York is brutally selective - the most competitive applicants in the world are already applying to the school, in hopes of taking up residence in New York, and, Information from the proposals is not to be shared with competing vendors and shall remain confidential. 10.10 A standard form letter shall be used for the award of all contracts. The bidding policy requirements shall apply to all rebids. 1 South Park Circle Unit: Building #1 Suite: 501 Charleston, SC 29407. Members of the Facilities Management and Campus Services team frequently work with outside vendors and contractors to provide key services to the Columbia University Irving Medical Center community. A Facilities Director must approve the vendor selection. 5.20 At the Bid Opening (also reference PA001-02 Facilities Policy): 5.30 In situations where an architectural, engineering or other consultant firm was engaged to administer the bid process, sections 5.10 and 5.20 a-c still apply, and in addition, the bid summary must be co-signed by a senior member of the consulting firm. 2.10 Only Qualified Vendors should be selected for work with Columbia University. The Purchasing Department works directly with the various schools and departments to identify sourcing opportunities and strategies that Task Order Vendors will be selected on a continuing competitive basis justified by comparison of their hourly rates, unit prices, multipliers, insurability, financial strength, history of work and claims, safety record, quality, specialty and any other relevant attributes specific to their professional category and doing business with the University. Learn about Using the P-Card (Reconciling and Approving Transactions), Learn about P-Card Setup and Modification, Purchase Using the Pay Card (Human Subjects), Purchase Using the Travel and Expense Corporate Card, Columbia University in the City of New York, Sponsored Projects: Post-Award Financial Administration, Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, EVP of Finance and Information Technology, Reduce the transaction cost of processing the purchase and the payment. Bids estimated to result in awards under $50,000 require a minimum of two (2) Columbia University Officers must be present with at least one being Director level. 2.13 Firms should be evaluated based on their ability to satisfactorily perform the work as evidenced by information gathered during the pre-qualification process, qualification profile and matched with the appropriate type of work to be contracted. When only one bid is received in response to a bid solicitation, there is no evidence of price competition. All information supplied by vendors in their bid, quotation or proposal must be held in strict confidence by the Columbia employee evaluating, approving or discussing the bid, quotation or proposal and may not be revealed to any other vendor or persons that are directly or indirectly involved in the bid. 4.41 A reasonable amount of time shall be afforded to the prospective bidders. A Facilities Director must approve the vendor selection. WebProcurement Services Vendor Management Vendor Management (VM) is a unit within the Procurement Department responsible for maintaining the vendor file utilized for Learn How to Modify Vendor / Payee Profiles, Request a New Columbia Facilities Supplier / Payee, Columbia University in the City of New York, Sponsored Projects: Post-Award Financial Administration, Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, EVP of Finance and Information Technology. Ron Moraski 4.51 In no case shall new bidders be added to the bid list following issuance of the bid package. A performance bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price. These vendors will be called Qualified Vendors. Allowance shall be made for the time interval to transmit document, estimate, complexity of job, multiple trade, apparatus/equipment specified and return of bid. 1.34 Purchasing will interface with the vendors, risk management and General Council to establish and maintain the qualification requirements and to meet the ongoing needs of the Facilities groups. A copy of the Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form Sponsoredis available through the link listed in Additional Resources below. Qualified vendors are to receive a reasonable distribution of work within each trade and specialty in order to provide the Facilities Groups with the necessary experience for evaluating their candidacy on the Task Order Agreement listing. Explanation of the emergency and the reasons it could not be bid. Primary Guidance to Which this Policy Responds, This policy responds to all applicable government procurement regulations as contained in the Federal Acquisition Register (FAR); Office of Management and Budgets uniform administrative requirements as codified under the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) It is important that when comparing prices to determine fair and reasonable pricing that the evaluation of the goods and services must be evaluated using the same criteria for each bidder. If all factors are equal (i.e. Bids must be unsealed in a manner consistent with the specifications included in the proposal and contract(s) awarded to the qualified supplier(s) with the lowest price. For the purchase of goods and/or services whose aggregate dollar threshold does not exceed the $10,000 competitive sourcing threshold, multiple quotes are not required but the customer should seek to ensure that the price obtained for the good or service is considered to be fair and reasonable. As such, applicants will be evaluated on the quality and breadth of their undergraduate preparation for the study of economics at the graduate level. program are considered for the Fall term only. Once a proposal has been selected, it is mandatory to complete a price analysis through the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Sponsored document and to attach to the requisition as supporting documentation. Because of where you work, you and your family get exclusive offers with T-Mobile Work Perks. WebProspective vendors should make an initial inquiry with the University. Are you doing work on campus? 4.10.1 The bid forms shall be used to describe the project and request for bids. Information in our database quotations that are deemed unresponsive ( e.g a bid solicitation, is. For Proposal being sent price quotations that are deemed unresponsive ( e.g ( FSSA ) or Access... The Director for approval Order Agreement Vendors will be governed by the requester maintained secured! 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