pole shift feb 2023
Stocks and bonds will lose their value, with the Stock Markets being considered a joke. Now he won't defend our skies. Welcome toEarth Changes and the Pole Shift, This free script provided by Variations in the magnetic field do not affect the Earths environment at its surface. . At a rate of 5 miles per month, that puts the magnetic pole position at the 40 degree mark by March of 2023! Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. The push to convince people that "Global Warming" will be our demise is, at this point, BOLOGNI! Pole reversals when Earths magnetic north and south poles swap locations are common in Earths geologic history, having occurred 183 times in the last 83 million years. Biggin said, "Any current magnetic influence on the climate will be totally dwarfed by the anthropogenic influence of carbon emissions.". Why are the three days of darkness so . Donate to support Pole Shift ning costs. The Magnetic Pole started moving back in the 1800s, but always seemed to move and then bounce back and repeat. Pole reversals have occurred several times in the Earths geologic history. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2022.htmThe Russian submarine Belgorod was noted to be absent from its berth in the Arctic on October 3, which raised speculation that Russia intended to use it as a threat against either the US or European NATO members who are refusing to capitulate to Russia on the Ukraine issue. When the water rushes into the void it is water on the move, with momentum, andthisis the tsunami expected along the coastline of Venezuela and its neighbors. Many western banks are already bankrupt and with the damage caused by the approach of Nibiru on the increase, a collapse of the banking system http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30no2019.htmis rapidly approaching. "We have no way of knowing when this shift will occur or how quickly but its been an earth phenomenon for eons. But the Nibiru cover-up lives on. At the time, the magnetic field significantly weakened and the poles reversed. Ive got a bit of information from it; looking for more. That research, however, was criticized by other scientists who published a response in Science. . #Poleshift #earthquake #floods February 2023 POLE SHIFT . Say Whaaaaat??! Their ambitions were exposed in 2020 when they were caught coming over the Michigan and Maine http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue743.htmborders. The earthquakes in Turkey and Indonesia were not caused by magnetic pole shifting. Since that period, carbon dioxide rose 40% and methane by 150%. 20006, Florida This is not Russia's style, which has from the start been to simply counter NATO's plan to invade Russia to snatch the oil and gas fields. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! We stated in 2012 http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx406.htmthat the Hoover Dam is vulnerable after the New Madrid Rupture occurs and the Mainland to the west of New Madrid adjusts. The object taken down over the Yukon was picked up on radar as it passed over Alaska late Friday, Pentagon officials said earlier on Saturday. Were the booms heard in Israel on January 30 due to conflicts between Israel and Iran? (AP Images). ", This post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-still-gives-no-details-about-al https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-shoots-high-altitude-object-alas https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/11/us/politics/unidentified-object- http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue735.htm, https://www.rt.com/news/571439-us-two-trains-derail/. This debt instead should simply be dissolved, as should many public debts where interest has already repaid the principle. The extent of damage could not be independently ascertained. Buis wrote that the position of Earths magnetic north pole has gradually drifted by more than 600 miles since 1831, when it was first precisely located. Scientists conclude that the planet's core is slowing and possibly reversing direction, and the magnetic poles are shifting. DominateDave 6 mo. Video shows President Joe Biden recalling an alien encounter. Is Nibiru real? Likewise up along the Seaway where the Seaway itself as well as the Fault Line are pulling apart. The proposals were never introduced beforeCongress. Questions can be posed on this discussion by a member, or posted to a ZetaTalk Question email address. ", Additionally, changes in the Schumann Resonance could greatly effect humans as a whole! One claim on social media suggests so. Can we expect these kinds of claims to get common, in an effort to claim that the negative military is more powerful than our angels. The last geomagnetic excursion when the poles reversed and the magnetic field significantly weakened took place around 41,500 years ago. Assuming that all the 7 of 10 scenarios will complete simultaneously with the New Madrid adjustment. Tour Dates \u0026 Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/little-spark-observer-ranch-59294575793GET OUR BOOKS AND MERCHANDISE: https://space-weather-news.myshopify.comBOOK PDFs: https://observerranch.podia.comBook a Call With Ben: https://swn.timetap.comWATCH the PLAYLISTS:Earth Disaster Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZf1-8QeggXIVdZ-abyJXaO1Climate Forcing Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcqdt3LK6d66tMreI4gqIC-Big Burb | The Disaster Vehicle: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLywDAreBIk8jisFB9-jm8kTQlw7ePh0aXSOCIAL MEDIA:GETTR: https://www.gettr.com/user/bendavidsonFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/observatoryproject/Twitter: https://twitter.com/SunWeatherManInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/mobileobservatoryprojectTODAY'S LINKS:Tour Dates \u0026 Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/little-spark-observer-ranch-59294575793Magnetic Field \u0026 Earth Changes: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspas.2023.1139230/abstractSolar Climate Forcing: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2022JD037626DIVE DEEPER:Response to ALL Detractors: https://youtu.be/aHBDF_3Dk_kFree Versions of Our Peer-Reviewed Papers:1) http://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Paper-1.pdf2) http://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Paper-2.pdfOur Websites:https://ObserverRanch.comhttps://www.Suspicious0bservers.orghttps://www.SpaceWeatherNews.comhttps://www.QuakeWatch.net/predictioncenterhttps://www.ObservatoryProject.comhttps://www.MagneticReversal.orgLinks for the News:WindMaps: https://www.windy.com \u0026 http://earth.nullschool.netThe Sun: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/ \u0026 http://www.helioviewer.org/ \u0026 https://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/data/Theater/ \u0026 http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images GOES Satellites: http://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/ramsdis/online/goes-16.aspEarthquakes: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/mapsuspicious observers suspicious0bservers According to experts, pastPole Reversals happened every 12,000 years. Illegal assets were confiscated. Magnetic North Pole Migration Current Data & 40 Degrees, 2023, Binary System, Pole Shift, Safe Zones - Laura Wells . Prior 1/7/2003: http://www.zetatalk.com/transfor/t153.htmNESARA [National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act] is a concept only, being floated out to determine interest in such a concept by the establishment who is aware that the common man will increasingly experience personal loss, and become increasingly desperate. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2020.htmThis Strategic Planning committee is talking about taking over all private ownership homes, lands, businesses and assigning them to a government or Commonwealth agency. You might enjoy the SuspiciousObservers YouTube channel. Encouraged to go deeply in debt, both individuals and corporations andHeads of Statefind themselves owned by their masters. Experts say no. View Discussions. High levels of these and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat at the Earths surface, warming the planet. According to the United States Geological Survey, electromagnetic variations have been observed after earthquakes, "but despite decades of work, there is no convincing evidence of electromagnetic precursors to earthquakes.". Mine prospective is of a positive ,natural acutance that happens every so. The south pole is out in the ocean (I think). NASA is basically reporting there is "nothing to see here. >>> work at home, God is flipping the poles because it is nessisary for us to achieve 5d. Eventually, the Red Sea will open allowing shipping in the Suez Canal. China knows that redrawing the landscape after the Rupture would take time, and they intend to have updated charts of the changed landscape quickly. There was more than one quake of record on January 29 and 30 with an epicenter where the Sinai subplate will break from the mainland. I have been reading alot of different things about this. Quantum Financial System is heavily secured by Secret Space Programs (SSP), providing the highest level of security. LinkedIn. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30no2022.htmWe have stated that Sinai will become an island with 50 additional miles separating the Sinai from land, that the Red Sea will widen, that lands with dual loyalties along the Saudi Plate border will besubject to scraping, that a void will appear in the Mediterranean above Egypt, and that the slide of the Africa Plate through the Middle East will scrape down along theDead Sea plate border. It is currently 71 miles from a specific point knows at the 40 degree marker. East Palestine, Ohio lies right on the New Madrid Fault Line between Cleveland and Pittsburgh as it runs under the constantly quake-ridden Seaway. What's really going on here? No one should be hurt there is a video on youtube. If the Hoover dam breaks, whither the city of Phoenix, which lies on flat land and near farm land irrigated by the waters of the Colorado? and local law enforcement to recover the object and determine its nature. MySpace !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); His prediction, at the rate the poles are and have been moving, is it will reach the 40degree zone by Feb 2023. Spillways are openings in the dams, tubes that run through the dams ending in gates, all of which are vulnerable to being crunched and broken. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case. https://insiderpaper.com/quake-death-toll-in-turkey-soars-to-912-er http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/28fe2023.htm, https://youtube.com/shorts/dhbsjS-6uHc?feature=share, http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta355.htm, http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx406.htm. The Iran Straits of Hormuz are likewise seeing an increase in earthquakes due to this waggling of the Saudi Plate, so their oil export routes are being threatened. The Pole-Shift is cyclic: every 3,600 plus years it occurs to some degree, where even to a smaller degree of pole geography displacement, it stops cultural development in it's tracks, all Earth cultures have to restart, rebuild after each one. Vinyl chloride, a gas contained in five of the cars, was released and burned to prevent explosion, causing toxic fumes to be released in the area. Where the Barter system http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/17ju2017.htmis a frank exchange of items that are real and palpable, the issue of paying interest on a loan has proven to be fraught with opportunity for debt slavery and exorbitant interest. Who would buy that politicians would resign? The changes in the poles will effect the electromagnetic grid, the Schumann resonance and all life forms in some way. Any insight from the Zetas? Do changes in the magnetic field affect life on Earth? This guy is implying that in 7 months when the pole reaches that spot, the . It is true! SOZTChina surveillance of the N America Continent has increased and changed in nature from a distinct big white balloon, easily identifiable, to a mock UFO. One thing I CAN agree with NASA on is that this can change our weather patterns. There has already been trauma in the oil and gas fields of Iraq http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx335.htm which are exploding when the pointed top of the Saudi Plate cuts through them during the waggling of the Saudi Plate. Other experts told PolitiFact that the 2021 study from Australia is controversial. Major Earthquakes, Pole Shift Science, Space Weather | S0 News Feb.6.2023 - YouTube 0:00 / 2:28 Major Earthquakes, Pole Shift Science, Space Weather | S0 News Feb.6.2023. Gene talks about tests that he has created that show that the magnetic field destabilize at this point. The political turmoil at that time was considered an opportunity, and the New Madrid Rupture is certainly considered an opportunity. Russia does not make the claims the Daily Star or Marfoogle TV on YouTube are making. While the SE Portion is currently in a silent stretch zone, this does not mean that disasters cannot happen. One man was killed following a collision with an oncoming train in southeastern Texas, causing more than a dozen cars to derail. This Strategic Plan is assuming that banking failure will be complete at some point in the near future. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion. To avoid an open war with China, the Junta and White Hats in Canada and even China itself will purport that the floating cylinder balloons are UFOs. They are hoping to pre-empt this situation by debt forgiveness in exchange for property forfeiture. Terms of Service. The 3 Gorges Dam will fail, destroying the crop growing regions it supports. if you dont trust NASA. The current magnetic field changes are much less than what occurred during the Laschamps event, she said. If not how will the financial losses and the insurance companies manage all the issues? Booms heard in Israel in late January were from snapping rock http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/28fe2023.htmwhere the subplate is tearing away from Syria. Due to the bumping of the Africa Plate, which is trying to roll to the East as well as drop on its eastern border, the Sinai will turn counterclockwise by approximately 90 degrees during this process. 1.3K views 10 months ago POLE SHIFT is approaching in around Aril of 2023. This is the Sinai subplate pulling away from the mainland, and turning counterclockwise. The weather couldchange, atmosphere may change, even if temporarily; some say there will be something else completely, but let's get into this further. 259.7K views | Epic Music(842228) - Pavel. What will happen during the leap to the East that the SE Portion is predicted to take when the Bridge releases? Mega Block on Sunday, February 26, 2023: Mumbai Local Train Services To Be Affected on Central and Harbour Line, Jumbo Block on Western Railway; Check Details Here Trending Topics Coronavirus Live Map India Google Trends Cryptocurrency Narendra Modi Coronavirus in India IND vs AUS Virat Kohli Russia Ukraine War Latest Updates Omicron Hijab Row . We need your help. Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Shifting Dramatically From A Powerful Tug Of War More From Forbes Feb 27, 2023,02:00am EST Tesla's Full Self Driving Isn't The Only Technology With Speed Sign. When the Sinai is pressed eastward at its southern tip, the entire Sinai Subplate will swing counterclockwise into the Mediterranean void. Talk about overdue. Other theories are thata Great Solar Flash could take place; some say it will be the end; and others, like NASA say,"Though they sound scary, pole flips can take a long time to occur and pose no immediate threat.". Photo of electric charging station powered by diesel generator is emblematic of the electric vehicle movement. The future-proof system is hailed as the way forward for all financial transactions. The outcome is dire, but if one survives the Pole-Shift in the high mountains of Luzon, for instance, then survival into the After-Time is possible by leaving the area by sailing boat and transiting to Taiwan, eastern Australia or the Island of New Guinea. Major crimes in the past - such as stealing the Gold from Fort Knox - http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue473.htm have been quietly countered and corrected by the Junta as a result of Gitmo prosecutions. This turns the pointed top of the Arabian Plate so it pushes through Iraq, which is what is building the mountains that separate Iraq and Iran. This is how they make theirliving. Is this recent video of a UFO Over Phoenix, Arizona authentic? As we have detailed, the SE Portion is tightly bound to the African Plate so will move East during the Africa Roll, while the Caribbean is tightly bound to S America and will move West during the ongoing Continental Drift of S America. February 9, 2023 https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/turkey-syria-earthquake Rescue teams battled snow and freezing temperatures to search for survivors following two earthquakes in Turkey and Syria as hopes faded of finding people alive on the fourth day. Before the West Coast of the US starts adjusting to the new position of Mexico, with slip-slide adjustments, there will be a bending of the Arizona desert area that will fracture the dry soil, create a breach in the great Colorado River dam, and allow magma to rise in the calderas in the US - Mammoth Lake in California and Yellowstone. February 18, 2021 at 3:02 pm A flip-flop of Earth's magnetic poles between 42,000 and 41,000 years ago briefly but dramatically shrank the magnetic field's strength and may have triggered a. Canada also added that it was monitoring a "potential second incident". The program is not designed to run on a conventional computer but rather on a satellite-based quantum computer. At the World Economic Forum, Moderna CEO Stphane Bancel admitted that his company produced 100,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines in 2019, before the pandemic started. Since the western banks are merely printing money from air, these Debt Relief or Great Reset schemes should be seen as the slavery traps they are. ZetaTalk Chat for March 31, 2023. Guyana is low land along its coast, but rapidly rises into high ground. The Iran Straits of Hormuz are likewise seeing an increase in earthquakes due to this waggling of the Saudi Plate, so their oil export routes are being threatened. They fight tooth and nail to getintopolitics, where they are in the power structures, on the stage, and must be pried away from this life, in the main. Posted by Nancy Lieder on January 28, 2023 at 2:58pm in ZetaTalk. Another incident in South Carolina saw three cars come off the tracks. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/28fe2023.htmOf course there is going to be trauma as the Sinai and Israel (residing on the Sinai subplate)rotate counterclockwiseduring the African Roll. accessed Feb. 13, 2023, BBC Sky at Night Magazine, "Scientists discover how a reversal of Earth's magnetic field could affect our climate," Jan. 4, 2023, PolitiFact, "Marco Rubio says humans are not causing climate change," May 13, 2014, Yale Climate Connections, Scientists agree: Climate change is real and caused by people, Feb. 17, 2022, NASA, Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate Is Warming, accessed Feb. 15, 2023. https://www.lawofheartcoherence.com/global-coherence-initiative-everything-energetically-interconnected/ Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. A 2021 study suggested a pole reversal 41,500 years ago had an effect on the climate. [and from another] Does the balloon from China have anything to do with PX? Home Edgar 2023-01-01T18:12:48-05:00. Ryan said: Quake Death Toll in Turkey Soars to 912: ErdoganFebruary 6, 2023https://insiderpaper.com/quake-death-toll-in-turkey-soars-to-912-erAt least 912 people died in Turkey from a 7.8-magnitudeearthquakethat struck early Monday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, sharply revising up earlier figures. 14.6K views | In a study published in Science in February 2021, lead author Alan Cooper, formerly of University of Adelaide in Australia and the South Australian Museum, joined 32 other scientists in arguing that the Laschamps event led to shifts in global climate. Come off the tracks how quickly but its been an earth phenomenon for eons wasting and exhausting idiotic... Mediterranean void in 7 months when the pole pole shift feb 2023 that spot, magnetic! Destroying the crop growing regions it supports electric charging station powered by diesel generator is of! 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