phrases that sound dirty but aren't
Both sexangle and the equally indelicate sexagon are simply 17th-century names for what is otherwise known as a hexagon, a plane geometric shape with six sides. I've heard of hancock, but this one is worse. Que: You stick your poles inside me. Voted up and funny. Thank you for disseminating it and creating such interesting intercourse! here to send us a message. 15. A sexagesm, ultimately, is one-sixtieth of something. What am I? Que: Name a word that starts with f and ends with u-c-k? Why is a happy sex life like a good steak? What am I? Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges for optional shelf-sitting. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Name a word that starts with f and ends with u-c-k? 22. Cumin the aromatic seeds of a plant of the parsley family. Shuttlecock struck with rackets in the games of badminton and battledore. Why Do Developers Choose and Love Woocommerce? Que: My business is briefs. Assapanick is another name for the flying squirrel. Your email address will not be published. The word begins with c, ends in t, and theres a u and an n between them. In this context nicker is probably a derivative of nick, meaning a small cut or scratch. There are also jokes here that may seem bad but actually, they are innocent. :P. I always use hedge clippers. It apparently derives from a Cantonese phrase, baahk gap piu, literally meaning "white pigeon ticket"the Oxford English Dictionary suggests that in the original form of the game, a white dove might have been trained to select the winning ticket from all of the entries. January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. Something really big and hard ripped me open. 14. Puss is an innocent and beautiful Swedish word that means a kiss on the cheek. 47. Angina - Chest pain caused by poor blood circulation, Depository - A place where things of value deposited for safekeeping, Septum - A thin membrane that separates two cavities of the body, Penal Code - A legal document containing laws and regulations of a certain subject, Erector Set - A brand of construction toy popular in America, Virginia - A state on the eastern coast of the United States of America, Master Debater - One who can defeat others in debate, Analgesic - A medication that reduces pain, Homo Erectus - An extinct human-like species of mammals, Anal Retentive - A term used to describe a control freak, Venus - The second planet from the sun in the Milky Way galaxy, Cockpit - The control deck of a flying vehicle, Shuttlecock - A projectile used in the game of badminton, Tight End - An offense position in American football, Blue Footed Booby - A kind of bird known for its blue feet. Aholehole is pronounced "ah-holy-holy," and is the name of a. Vote up the grossest, most disgusting sounding words below. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Que: I grow in a bed, first white then red, and the plumper I get, the better women like me. 8. It was once also called hitty-titty, as was, incidentally, hide and go seek. 30. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges for optional Full Text: My windows aren't dirty, that's just my dog's nose art! Hilarious Quotation Mark Fails. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Black and Decker, actually. His efforts made for an interesting and FUNNY hub!! We aim to provide our readers with an informative detail about the viral stories that have been occurring around us. Very interesting. The adjective sexagesimal means "relating to the number 60," while anything that proceeds sexagesimally does so in sets of 60 at a time. Its my job to stuff your box. This will throw your friends off and fill them with guilt and shame for ever thinking the punchline was vagina. When I go in, I can cause some pain. Here at Gudstory, we focus on delivering our readers with the latest information about everything. A bumfiddler is someone who does precisely that. Im the highlight of many dates. Here is a list of 44 words or phrases, that my husband compiled over a few months of unemployment, and complete and utter lack of anything better to do with his time, seemingly, that sound dirty, but are completely innocent! Words That Sound Dirty but Arent. Because if you aren't hurt, you're not really trying. Que: What does a dog do that a man steps into? Using These Words Makes You Sound Dumb. Caulk a waterproof filler and sealant, used in building work and repairs. 4. Que: Im great for protection. According to a Tudor dictionary published in 1552, a clatterfart is someone who "wyl disclose anye light secreate"in other words, its a gossip or blabbermouth. What is the difference between a womans G-spot and a quarter? Shasta Matova from USA on March 11, 2012: Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I've included this hub in my list of favorite hubs I've read this week ending March 11. cleaner3 from Pueblo, Colorado on March 02, 2012: WOW, i am sure that everyone can find one to relate to. Full Text: Thank you for still being my friend even though I only talk about my horse and I smell like a barn. What am I? February 25, 2017. bilby commented on the list words-that-sound-dirty-but-aren-t-2. Assart is an old medieval English legal term for an area of forested land that has been converted into arable land for growing crops. kiss means . 4. Very funny!! Sheep farmers in some rural parts of Britain once had their own traditional counting systems, many of which are particularly ancient and predate even the Norman and Anglo-Saxon invasions of England. What does a man have that begins with P and gets bigger if its properly stimulated? Is that dirty? Fun and very interesting lists about slang, vocabulary, language, spelling, and even punctuation. Tether was an old Lake District name for the number three, while dick was the number ten; tetheradick, ultimately, was a count of 13. Important Facts to Know Before You Own a Weapon, XX Ingredients To Avoid Using Together in Skincare, The Rise and Fall of Carmelo Anthony in the NBA, Why is Luka Doncic Highly Rated in The NBA, Why is Victor Wembanyama Highly Rated in The NBA Draft, Player Contract Buyouts in The NBA: Understanding the Rules, Everything You Need to Know About Phoenix Suns new owner Mat Ishbia, NBA Playoffs & Play in Tournament Detailed Explanation, Pokemon Has Confirmed The Release of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, The Best Weapon Combos In Apex Legends According To Imperialhal, Returnal Game is Being Relaunched in Steam and Epic Game Stores, Sentinels Wont Be Under Any Pressure at VCT Lock-in, According to Valorants Coach, Cassidys Magnetic Grenade Ability is Getting Reworked, According to The Overwatch 2 Developers. | Discussion What is six inches long, two inches wide, and everyone goes crazy over? What is the difference between ooooooh and aaaaaaah? |-- Places 16. The Scots word pershittie means "prim," or "overly meticulous." If you see me in bed, you whack me off. Pusillanimous - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid. |-- General Discussion I discharge loads from my shaft. Im especially responsive when you put your fingers deep inside me. Whos the most popular guy at the nudist colony? |-- Archives What am I? Manage Settings 44. Here are 50 words that might sound rude, but really arent. Formication the sensation of bugs crawling on your skin. 27. I get wet before you do. Whats most useful when its long and hard? One of the species, the ash-breasted tit-tyrant, is one of the worlds most endangered birds, with fewer than 1000 individuals left in a handful of remote, high-altitude sites in Peru and Bolivia. As in punishment, but not the kind . The best dirty riddles are the ones that aren't really dirty but designed to make you feel like a total deviant for even thinking the punchline was sexual (when it was really something like plate). Oh yay! What does a woman have two of that a cow has four of? Its 68, but at 69 you have to turn around. Whats a four-letter word that ends in k and means the same as intercourse? Que: I come in a lot of different sizes. Penal. 2. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You get a lot of it if youre important and successful; you get less when youre just starting out. Complex Emotions with Real Names. It dates from the early 1600s, when it was also used as a nickname for an overly spoilt or pampered child. Both men and women go down on me. How about mufti? 12 Phrases That Sound Smart But Actually Mean Nothing. Spelled with two ts, a sack-butt is a wine barrel. 59. 7. 2. Fartlek is a form of athletic training in which intervals of intensive and much less strenuous exercise are alternated in one long continuous workout. Que: You cant taste it unless you undress it. By. 55. What am I? 61. 28. Ans: Talk Que: I come in a lot of different sizes. You tie me down to get me up. So stump all your pals and see who has the absolute dirtiest mind with our roundup of the best riddles full of filth from the darkest corner of the internet. Woodpecker - A kind of bird, guess what it does? Ha, ha. Que: When I go in, I can cause some pain. You must log in or register to reply here. Ya know, much easier to put the ball in the hole from the green. Enjoy your time with your friends by sharing these Dirty Mind Jokes. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); We do our best to represent colors accurately, but viewing screens vary from one to another, and from real life. . Have you ever gotten a junk mail envelope with a pre-perforated piece that you're supposed to tear off, put in the envelope and mail back? Sometimes people l*ck my nuts. Penal. You sometimes do it with yourself if you need to, but its a lot better when its with other people. Wankapin, or water chinquapin, is another name for the American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, a flowering plant native to Central American wetlands. 3. I plead and plead for it regularly. It's good to know my husband's boredom has not gone to waste! don't grip the butt too tight, and rough up the tip before you hit the balls. PG-13 Insults That Still Sting. Jaculation is the act of throwing or jostling something around, while to jaculate means "to rush or jolt forward suddenly.". 70. The tit-tyrants are a family of eight species of flycatcher native to the Andes Mountains and the westernmost rainforests of South America. Its definitely possible for them to be too long. 29. 17. Things that sound dirty at Christmas. |-- Editorials & Other Articles Top ten phrases that I've heard or read (on AZB) that sounded dirty but aren't. 10) I use cue slik to make my shaft super slippery. uncorrectedvision from Indiana on August 27, 2011: You forgot the Grande Tetons and Volvo. I don't want cock-a-leekie, I don't like cock-a-leekie, I like cress, so take that back to the kitchen and tell them there's one more order for the cress soup, now there's a laddie. If you cannot find the answer to these riddles, then your mind is not dirty. 2. Here is a list of 44 words or phrases, that my husband compiled over a few months of unemployment, and complete and utter lack of anything better to do with his time, seemingly, that sound dirty, but are completely innocent! But if you can easily find the answers then you have a dirty mind. This list first ran in 2015 and was republished in 2019. Que: What does a woman have two of that a cow has four of? Nepotism the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. Que: What is six inches long, two inches wide, and everyone goes crazy over? Dongle a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer, especially to allow access to wireless broadband or use of protected software. What am I? When listed on Indian menus, it goes by the slightly more appetizing name of Bombay duck.. You are using an out of date browser. Pianist a person who plays the piano. 31. 63. Staying with furnaces, a tease-hole is simply the opening in a glassmakers furnace through which the fuel is added. But when you utter this word in English speaking countries, everybody turns their heads around. | ContactUs | PrivacyPolicy. 40. Manhole a small covered opening in a floor, pavement, or other surface to allow a person to enter, especially an opening in a city street leading to a sewer. 9. Messages posted on the Democratic Underground Discussion Forums are the Skinflint a person who spends as little money as possible; a miser. (hey, sometimes it just means a Hispanic person who requires a shower!). Some people prefer being on top, others prefer being on the bottom, and it always involves a bed. How many strokes was that? What am I? If you blow me, it feels really good. Sounds Dirty, But Isn't. Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 13:54:02 -0500--- Top Ten Things That Sound Dirty At The Office But Aren't: 10. ), FUGUE - A form of classical music. I have a mission tomorrow - try to spead the word about this funny hub to all of my friends. I discharge loads from my shaft. Some words really do sound like they mean something quite different from their otherwise entirely innocent definition (a mukluk is an Inuit sealskin boot, in case you were wondering), and no matter how clean-minded you might be, its hard not to raise an eyebrow or a wry smile whenever someone says something like cockchafer or sexangle. You should have paid attention in school. When it comes to deceptively dirty quotes, Disney is the reigning champion. gesh. For example, after the previous sentence, it would be "I'll use your sentence." Other possibilities include "I'll interrobang your sentence!" 30. Furthermore, you can also share dirty mind jokes and riddles with your close friends and make fun of them. 21. Although Lake Titicaca is one of my favorites, particularly because it is a conjunction of two dirty words making it especially problematic. "Yes, my favorite animal is definitely the. Fuddruckers an American fast casual, franchised restaurant chain. Ill fill your holes when you ask me to. Uvula a fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate which hangs above the throat. I am ashamed to admit I enjoyed that. Gudstory is the ultimate guide that will keep you updated about almost everything and anything. You sound hilarious and unafraid. Here are six math terms that sound dirty but aren't (see list below). What is six inches long, sweet on the lips, and goes down better with butter? The hooker is really dominating. Pissasphalt is a thick semi-liquid form of bitumen, similar to tar. Dirty talk challenge: list words that sound naughty, but are just English words. As well as being an old nickname for a walking stick or truncheon, knobstick is an old 19th-century slang word for a workman who breaks a strike, or for a person hired to take the place of a striking employee. 43. 65. What gets longer if pulled, fits snugly between breasts, slides neatly into a hole, chokes people when used incorrectly, and works well when jerked? Top Ten Golf Phrases That Sound Dirty But Aren't: 10. These Sayings Aren't Even True. . 35. |-- Latest Breaking News 18. By "spreading their legs, and so stretching the largeness of their skins," he wrote, "they have been seen to fly 30 or 40 yards." 67. Elements to Learn in M&A Professional Training, 3 Jobs AI will Kill, and 3 jobs AI will Save, 7 Ways You Can Use 3D Rendering for Interior Business, How Much Does a Wedding Photographer Cost, The Timeless Beauty of Beni Ourain Rugs: Their History and Significance, Best Guide If You Want Vinegar Cleaning Solution, Follow These Easy Tips to Sharpen Scissors, Discovering Greece and Malta: The Ultimate Summer Trip and Guide to Renting a Car, Having Interest in Arms Collection? If you read that as "a-hole," then think again. What am I? 12. 57. 2. Anal Retentive! Carrie Smith from Dallas, Texas on August 15, 2011: This is a very entertaining post, and I learned something new. Know About Warzone 2 & Modern Warfare 2 Season Three: Season Two End Date! It bends a little to the left. But now it makes us picture a human posterior in all of its glory as opposed to a cut of animal meat. Sometimes, I drip a little. romania bank holidays 2023. "au jus" is not a type of sauce, in spite of what you might read on luncheonette menus! Full Text: Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be? | Donate, AboutDU August 10, 2012 12:00 pm. Taking its name from an Arabic word meaning "blustering" or "blowing," a haboob is a dry wind that blows across deserts, dustbowls, and other arid regions often at great speed, forming vast sandstorms as it goes. My business is briefs. These Sayings Aren't Even True. What am I? What is it? Whats the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? Que: What gets longer if pulled, fits snugly between br*asts, slides neatly into a hole, chokes people when used incorrectly, and works well when jerked? 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