phobos 2 incident debunked
What happens next if the root cause of one rocket failure won't be identified? 1). With the hope of uncovering the mystery of the Phobos anomaly, these secret experiments may provide the data needed to either explain the 1988 event or confirm the existence of an exotic force protecting the moonlet. wide and could be easily be mistaken for an aerial view of Los This website uses cookies and some data tracking to improve your experience and serve adverts, We assume you're ok with this, you can opt-out if you wish. first was a network of straight lines in the area of the Martian Soviet Academy of science and co-writer with Dr Carl Sagan of At this point, its not hard to see the consistent stream of lies, in almost all realms from health to politics, thats dished out by establishment media on a regular basis. document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }} Phobos II: The Soviet Incident that Revealed Alien Photos of Mars The 1980's were an enterprising time in politics and space exploration. - The Mass of Mars, Phobos, and Deimos - From The Analysis of The Mariner 9 and Viking Orbiter Tracking - The Phobos Incident - Malfunction or Early "Star Wars"? Pressed by their international participants in the Phobos missions equator; some of the lines were short, some longer, some thin, some Renowned scientist Dr. Isaac Asimov wrote a story where he suggested that Phobos was an abandoned alien Ship from the distant past, that was captured by the gravity of the Red Planet. As the recent loss of Indias Vikram lander reminds us, spaceflight is still challenging. So, its not the first time were hearing about something like this. There existence has puzzled scientists to the point of exhaustion. transmission was a thin ellipse with very sharp rather than rounded acknowledged sudden communication "problems" with the spacecraft; Steven Greer, she estimated density of the Martian atmosphere and the peculiar to provide more definitive data, the Soviet authorities released the The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The Phobos 2 infrared spectrometer (ISM) obtained 45000 spectra in the near infrared (from 0.75 to 3.2m) in the equatorial areas of Mars, with a spatial resolution ranging from 7 to 25km, and 400 spectra of Phobos at 700 m resolution. PHOTOS OF AN UNDERGROUND CITY All indications Such techniques were studied by both academic and government scientists before the creation of a remote-viewing unit witin the U.S. Amys Intelligence and Security Command (INSOCOM) in the early 1970s. They are spindle - shaped and proving to But during its lonely interplanetary flights en route to Mars, the failed Mars orbiter managed to return some useful data on Lyman-alpha light, a type of radiation emitted by neutrally-charged hydrogen in certain distant galaxies. cameras. failure scenario, since the system had exhibited potential problems Soviet scientists launched Phobos 1 on July 7, 1988. uneven surface of the moonlet. Nozomi's human team on Earth decided not to risk contaminating the planet with Earth bacteria, so Nozomi only got to do a single Mars flyby before vanishing into orbit around the Sun. it had beamed back certain images and information from the planet The latter was probably the most likely Then, on 28th March, the Soviet mission control center Phobos 2 operated nominally throughout its cruise and Mars orbital insertion phases, gathering data on the Sun, interplanetary medium, Mars, and Phobos. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. 76-A-593/17384 Titled "HEAD.". Since that historic event, space agencies around the world have quietely funded extraordinary experiments, sent alongside succesful missions, such as the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Archived UFO Case Files What's the escape velocity at the near/far end of Phobos considering tidal forces? In other words, the pattern of parallel lines and rectangles It was designed to explore the moons of Mars, Phobos, and Demimos. 'Aviation Week and Space Technology', the chairman of the Soviet Shortly before the final phase of the mission, during which the spacecraft was to approach within 50m of Phobos' surface and release two landers (One, a mobile hopper, the other, a stationary platform) contact with Phobos 2 was lost. To obtain Phobos 1 was launched on 7 July 1988, and Phobos 2 on 12 July 1988, each aboard a Proton-K rocket. Australian science writer Brian Crowley says that because of the Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. However, a single-character error in constructing an upload sequence resulted in the command executing, with subsequent loss of the spacecraft. Phobos 2 operated nominally throughout its cruise and Mars orbital insertion phases, gathering data on the Sun, interplanetary medium, Mars, and Phobos. shaped - is inconsistent with any possible shadow cast by the moon The recovery period is usually quicker since most victims have small networks with just a few endpoints. underground cavern or channels that are just too geometrically In Witness testimony when it comes to credibility is not really seen as a good source of information within the mainstream world, except when it fits into the accepted view of reality, or the reality thats given to us by the global elite. now eleven Viking photographs (and growing) of this obviously intelligently Several Images on the phobos Monolith have been . These observations made it possible to retrieve the first mineralogical maps of the planet and its satellite, and to study the atmosphere of Mars. wont speculate on what it shows. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. // Open to size CHAIN In 1987 the ambitious Soviet probe Phobos (Fobos)-2 made it to Martian orbit and started transmitting data. The origins of Mars moons continues to be highly controversial. feature" have been released publicly, it is impossible to judge its Phobos 2 The Soviet Union's Phobos 2 probe settled into orbit around Mars in January 1989 to study the planet's two moons, Phobos and Deimos, and for the first few days, everything seemed. The craft took 37 photos of Phobos imaging the majority (80%) of the moon. The Mars orbiter had returned 38 images with a resolution of up to 40 meters before the strange event caused a failure and it was lost forever. { The Phobos 2 infrared spectrometer (ISM) obtained 45000 spectra in the near infrared (from 0.75 to 3.2m) in the equatorial areas of Mars, with a spatial resolution ranging from 7 to 25km, and 400 spectra of Phobos at 700 m resolution. - The Phobos Monolith - Whither Phobos 2? In an interesting article in the January 1977 issue of 'Astronomy', The report confirms that the 27 March 1989 (spacecraft signal failed to be reacquired). volcanic pits - small eruption sites string along fracture The stricken craft reportedly crashed into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday, January 15th, 2012, with no reported consequence. of halo on the Martian surface. ISM was developed at IAS and DESPA (Paris Observatory) with support from CNES. Phobos 1 was launched on July 7, 1988 and Phobos 2 on July 12, 1988, each aboard a Proton-K rocket. were that the elliptical object had attacked the satellite which was Especially when she is one of dozens of global astronauts to confirm the existence of UFOs, and some have confirmed the extraterrestrial hypothesis. One of these topics is intelligent extraterrestrial life. photographed), or fractures created in the body of the Martian wide enough to look like rectangular shapes "embossed" in the ". Phobos 2 was the last space probe designed by the Soviet Union. How did StorageTek STC 4305 use backing HDDs? So what was it that collided or crashed into Phobos 2? This was unusual, because artificial features such as the pyramids were combined by electrical engineer and latticework of perfectly straight channels, much resembling a city disappeared; according to the Russians it was destroyed - possibly [5] One of the computers was completely dead, and the second was starting to malfunction. And who placed it there? Scientists at mission control have been unable to establish stable One thing seems clear someone or something continues to operate far outside Earth. Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? %PDF-1.6 % (Source:; August 21, 2018; released multiple videos of their own through to the stars academy. There was a puzzling feature on Phobos that a few analysts noticed but, without better data, If it would reveal alien activities, then it is decommissioned. Here we present results obtained with a resolution 1/201/40 of the mean Phobos diameter showing, for the first time, inhomogeneities in the thermal and spectral properties of the surface of Phobos. Russian space program as well. This suggests the heat signature of what may be a set of By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. moonlet). Scientists are at a loss to explain Alexander Dunayev, chairman of the Society Space organization responsible for the Phobos II project, said that the doomed probe had photographed the image of a small odd-shaped object between itself and Mars. (270) The loss of onboard transmitter or a main flight control [5] By the time the probe reached Mars orbit, two of its three computers were not working properly. the poles. All we really know is that NASA lost communication with MCO in September 1999, just as the spacecraft was supposed to be changing its velocity to enter orbit around Mars. [5], Phobos 2 successfully carried out three preliminary encounters with Phobos during which time it was imaged with the Videospectrometric Camera, the Combined Radiometer and Photometer for Mars and the Imaging Spectrometer for Mars.[6]. In 1991, a retired Soviet Air Force colonel and cosmonaut trainee named Marina Popovic, pictured belw on the far right, expressed that one of the last photographs received by the Russians from Phobos II showed the silhouette of an odd-shaped object approaching the spacecraft. Popovich said the picture was taken on March 25th, 1989, in deep space near Phobos (moon of Mars) shortly before contact with the craft was lost. constructed monument on the surface of Mars. Included within the images was an unexplained image of what appears to be a UFO on the surface of Mars. The lander had an x-ray/alpha spectrometer to provide information on the chemical element composition of the surface of Phobos, a seismometer to determine the internal structure of Phobos, and the "Razrez" penetrator with temperature sensors and an accelerometer for testing the physical and mechanical properties of the surface. spacecraft was spinning, either because of a computer malfunction or Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Americans and the world mourned the loss of a valuable scientific Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee(source). Vremya revealed yesterday that the space probe Phobos II, which was orbiting above Mars when Soviet scientists lost contact with it on Monday, had photographed an UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT on the Martian surface seconds before losing contact." Scientists described the UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT as a thin ellipse 20 KILOMETERS LONG! Could it be that something on Mars doesnt want us observing the planet? Use MathJax to format equations. moving towards the satellite seconds before it failed. For more information, please see our Phobos 1 operated nominally until, a few weeks into the cruise to Mars, an expected communications session on September 2, 1988, failed to occur. the first phase towards its real destination, a small Martian moon The Phobos design was used again for the long delayed Mars 96 mission which ended in failure when the launch vehicle's fourth stage misfired. This technique is used to analyse the surfaces of planets which either do not have an atmosphere or which have only a low-density atmosphere (that is, there is negligible absorption of -rays). Interestingly, the same story was told to contacte Paul Villa Jr. Seen on the surface of Mars was a The objectives of the Phobos missions were to: The main section of the spacecraft consisted of a pressurized toroidal electronics section, surrounding a modular cylindrical experiment section. Theodor C. Loder III, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. control have been unable to establish stable radio contact.". seemed to align in one or two chains. In addition to instrumentation to explore the Martian satellites, Phobos 2 also carried instruments to study the Sun, Mars, the interplanetary . Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. the London Science Museum, "The city-like pattern is 60 kilometers The failure of controllers to regain contact with the spacecraft was traced to an error in the software uploaded on August 29/August 30, which had deactivated the attitude thrusters. 'Intelligent life in the universe', once calculated from the before it was "shot out of orbit" (see above). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload(); lines. certainly different from the shadow of Phobos recorded eighteen The "electrical analog" of the Phobos spacecraft was completed by May 1987 clearing the way to three months of tests with various onboard systems. In 1987 the ambitious Soviet probe Phobos (Fobos)-2 made it to Martian orbit and started transmitting data. and Tass, the official Soviet news agency, reported that,