ley lines tasmania map
You can access them to broadcast intentions, increase food production on your land and heal your body. Enter a location to find a nearby ley lines map. Also, there are more complete and incomplete crosses and original stone plinths which the crosses stood upon hidden throughout the Herefordshire countryside. Outside of Cern sits a large dome with an opening on top, same as the dome at St Basilica in Rome as well as the dome on the Capital building, and same as the top dome of Nikola Teslas Tower. Of course there are dark forces as well, that are, and were knowledgeable of these ley lines such as, secret societies and Hitler who was very much into the esoteric realms, and worked very closely with Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, who was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society. Ley lines are lines that crisscross around the globe, like latitudinal and longitudinal lines, that are dotted with monuments and natural landforms, and carry along with them rivers of supernatural energy. These electro magnetic lines of the earth are its veins and receive its energies from the sun that connects and effects, every living thing on this planet. Nevertheless, this warm reception was short-lived, and the theory was quickly branded pseudo-nonsense after the professional archaeological community had sufficient time to examine it and counter-argue that lines could be drawn between any points on a map. Our ancestors have known about these lines for thousands of years. Root (1st) Chakra Mt. Interestingly Cleopatra, the last pharaoh along side with both of her husbands- Julius Ceasar and Marc Anthony of Rome, were defeated by the Romans where they eventually destroyed the biggest library in Alexandria Egypt, before taking all the knowledge with them, sending us into the Dark Ages. What this implies, and what influence it may have, has yet to be determined. He gave a speech at the Capitol, and then came to New York, where he went from Times Square up to Cleopatras needle in Central Park, and ended his trip at the Liberty Bell in Pennsylvania. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you Enjoy the work of the different Authors that is Posted. Even if you don't have any inkling of where such a map could be found, what are your opinions of people who work with ley lines? One ending on Sheep Island and the Aughinish peninsula in County Limerick, Ireland. If you're not entirely normal and everyday, your first thought might've been something more like, "Oh, right -- ley lines. Australia, South East. JRR Tolkien imagined the White Mountains between Rohan and Gondor from The Lord of the Rings while walking in the bordering Malvern Hills, and CS Lewis saw Herefordshire as a real life Narnia. This map was created by a user. Alfred Watkins is an amateur archeologist who came up with the idea of the spiritual ley lines map in 1921. Please enjoy this wonderful resource! He realized that a network of lines stood out to him like glowing wires all over the surface of the country. Before intensive farming had rapidly changed the landscape, prehistoric Britain would have been covered in dense woodland, making it very difficult to navigate. Specification of pure life force into individuals. By controlling or influencing the geo-electrical grid they can effect the earth, and also indirectly/directly can control our thoughts and emotions artificially, because we are all connected to Gaia. Watkins theory was based on the ideas of astronomer Norman Lockyer. Desember 15, 2020. There are numerous other "hot" spots around Omaha that I haven't had the time to properly investigate. 2016 Magdaline (Maggies Holistic) visit: MaggiesHolisticsNY.com. These lines affect fertility, agriculture, mood, memory, perception and, ultimately, consciousness itself, says Sarah Thomas, a licensed acupuncturist and crystal healing practitioner who owns Clarity Acupuncture and Clarity Stone Medicine in Asheville. Geology Patterns North America Ley. The ancients were said to have marked these lines with stone monuments and pagan temples. In recent years ley hunters have uncovered similar lines in North and South America, as well as China, Australia, the Middle East, India, and parts of Africa. Many of the sections where two or more ley lines intersect are marked with obelisks, such as Washington DC monument, Vatican Courtyard, and Cleopatras Needle in Central Park. Mark stones (used for navigational purposes) and standing stones (used for rituals and other ceremonies) are also found across the Herefordshire countryside. Love and empathy for humanity is key, and right now we are still lacking this, due to the lack of true knowledge. The World Atlas. He pointed out that the fact that the term could be used to describe a line of any length or location detracts from its validity, and claimed that it was not specific enough to use. Proudly created withWix.com. Blue; Voice of the earth emerging, listening to the will of the earth needs to be mastered. Its also a multi-media hub for news, local lifestyle, and pop-culture content focused on unique and engaging stories. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks.com article: According to the Earth Mysteries movement, ley lines are used to guide alien spaceships when they come to earth. Sign in. Thats why a lot of people wonder how to find ley lines. ". Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. At the intersection point of these lines are said to be sections of concentrated energy, which can be tapped into by certain individuals. hidden esoteric knowledge? And Mitchell's decision . The stone circle at Avebury is basically Stonehenge's lesser known cousin. All megalithic structures, famous estates, obelisks, and historical sites are on these lines and can be influenced and experienced in mass, to elevate and change the current matrix. About This Video Tom Scott explains the theory behind ley lines during a trip to Avebury henge, in Wiltshire on the day of the winter solstice. Another straight line. While looking out at the gorgeous green landscape, he had an astonishing revelation. The Virtual Globe: Cesium is a complete platform for 3D geospatial datahandling everything from optimization to visualization to analytics. It includes color coding to show what element each ley line represents. According to the ley line guys, it does. This Grid, we must remember, is the Golden Alchemical Bowl of electromagnetic opposites, and the potential of our transfiguration from gravitationally bonded humans to Humans of Light also known as ascension. There's further details on the lines that feature in the map below. Like many prehistoric monuments in western England and Wales, the Neolithic burial chamber of Arthurs Stone (pictured) in the village of Dorstone, made of large stone slabs, has been linked to King Arthur since before the 13th Century. The first step is to spend more time in nature. According to conspiracy theorists, Stonehenge is an energy portal positioned at the center of a ley line. Sarah Thomas at claritystonemedicine.com or clarityacupuncturenc.com. And how does the Grid Engineer make intelligent, compassionate, and timely adjustments in the geomantic web of this vast-revolving solar table on Earth? For instance, the Washington Monument and the Grand Canyon. More than forty rare maps from more than a dozen contributors. That is, they all at some point have shared that their idea, invention, or formulation, came to them in a daydream or dream, which is in fact a meditative state of mind. The forests around Asheville are filled not only with the energy of ley lines, but also with vortexes and crystalline energywhich connect and interact with ley-line energy. Their potential is limitless.. For Watkins, it was living proof of a straight ley line, embodying every element of what he had seen in the countryside on the day of his revelation. American Ley Lines USA, Canada, Mexico, Central & South America Our bestseller! Red; Raw biological life force energy- precursor to deviation into individual life forms. Several of the alignments passing through the stones also traversed beacons, and so Watkins considered Stonehenge to be a significant hub in the ley-line network. Check out our WebSite for All of our personal Posts: http://universallighthouse.com. Ley lines are kind of like latitude and longitude in one sense: They're not lines we can actually see on a map. Although much research has been done on leys (particularly [] Posted on 18 January 2019 However, how this emerges and how it might be beneficial remain a mystery. Kate Kershner Selecting which ley lines to show from the menu is also quite cumbersome, not so user friendly. (It's probably the fae, isn't it? We can read of ley-lines connecting offshore beneath the English channel (1), upon which basis, Behrand concluded that these particular leys must have been marked out between 7,000 BC and 6,000 BC. Many people have drawn their own ley lines to prove just how coincidental they can be, connecting everything from pizza restaurants to movie theaters to churches on maps. Indeed, many proponents of ley lines admit to not fully comprehending its purpose. Ancient star-shaped holes found in Volda: Evidence of extremely advanced precision machine. It seems to be "different" energy than that of Hummel. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Sure. Map Usa Ley Lines. 2015. They do this, of course, to demonstrate that lines can be a coincidental connection between amazing locations everywhere. Because of their heightened electromagnetic fields, the Dome enclosures were like immaculate, high consciousness meditation halls where human awareness could be healed, uplifted, even inter-dimensionally transported through the domed exit points in the Houses of the Gods, facilitated by megalithic engineering. But the theory is that big, important monuments (think Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Giza) are all running on a kind of energy highway that "connects" them. Iain Sinclair's early poetry, especially the 1975 book Lud Heat, explicitly centres on the notion of ley lines under the urban landscape of London, complete with maps. Watkins asserted that hundreds of prominent ancient sites located all over the world can be demonstrated to have been built in a succession of straight lines. If youd like any help please feel free to let me know. As for their supernatural component, the ley lines mystery deepens when its revealed what they connect. An Earth chakra, such as at the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, or at Glastonbury Tor, England, is a huge energy vortex, several miles in immediate diameter. They believed that the dragon currents or the Earth's magnetic field flowed in the grid of Ley Lines. At the priory, theres architectural evidence of a stone cresset, a stone carved with cup-shaped hollows which he believed were used to hold oil and used to light beacon signals. Ley lines are alleged alignments of ancient monuments that were built according to the position of the planets. Ley lines ( / le /) are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and prominent landmarks. In his lesser-known book, The Old Standing Crosses of Herefordshire, Watkins explained that priests would mark holy places by putting up wooden, and later stone, crosses. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. But it was his ideas about ley lines tracks developed by prehistoric man for navigational purposes which he believed covered Herefordshire, all of the UK and possibly even the entire globe that brought him fame in the early 20th Century. In 1921 he was looking for interesting features in a regional map when he noticed that many ancient and sacred sites could be placed on a straight line running through the countryside. In the human body we have the 7 chakras which are energetically interdependent and activated sequentially, beginning with the 2nd, proceeding to the 7th, then returning to the 1st, the Root, the seat of Kundalini, the fundamental creative cosmic evolutionary energy. Ley lines are lines that crisscross around the globe, like latitudinal and longitudinal lines, that are dotted with monuments and natural landforms, and carry along with them rivers of supernatural energy. From the pyramids of Giza to Stonehenge, Notre Dame, Solomons Temple, Parthenon, Oracle of Delphi, Rennes Le Chateau, Ziggurat, the Vatican, DC Capitol, Mecca, Agia Sophia, Aztec Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle, Coral Castle, Teslas lab in Shoreham NY, including all Nuclear power plants, military basis and stadiums- which are also used to harness energies- like giant batteries! And maybe if ley lines were nothing more than that -- imaginary lines that seemingly connect two important things -- we would have an easier time simply accepting them. Ley Lines are said to be the veins of the earth and crisscross the entire planet. Its nestled within a picturesque valley between the towns of Hay-on-Wye and Abergavenny on the Herefordshire border, which Watkins considered to be a prime area for ley lines. Early Christian missionaries had set up holy or sacred places on top of sites that might have been used for pagan worship, for graves of martyrs and as holy wells. (Jan. 14, 2015) http://www.livescience.com/41349-ley-lines.html, Sacred Destinations. They often appear as the explanation for paranormal events, or as explanations for the fantastic monuments in science fiction movies or novels. The longer youre around them, the more easily you can tap into their healing properties. Eastern Scotland Ley Line ‐ 117 miles, .___. Not only that, but these trackways connect locations of direct interest to travelers, such as water springs, churches, and castles. However, one typical critique of ley lines is that, because there are so many given places on an Earth map, a straight line may be traced across either of the two points in some sequence. Whether or not one agrees with ley lines, Watkinss theory spoke more to peoples imagination and a universal desire to know more about our ancient ancestors than logic and reason. The interactive map above show several lines across the British Isles which are generally accepted to be the paths of ley lines. Discovered by Alfred Watkins in the 1920s, they are said to carry strong electromagnetic fields that can influence mood, perception and even memory. Just ask the dozens of creative people who call the city homethere is something in the air that draws people in. Explore the extensive overlay of ley lines and the Earth grid. When enough are awake and aware the machine is- no match for us. It's not. For example, Watkins pointed out that a lot of the monuments around the globe seem to be connected by a straight line. The main area of ley lines in NA is the Magic Zone. Its no wonder the creative, tangible energy surrounding the city is so strong when it is located between such powerful lines. Indie88 is where new music belongs. Ley Lines & Vortexes. Many aficionados of the occult and science fiction, however, believe in the reality of ley lines. I suppose it's not required that witches believe in ley lines. Riding his horse on the English countryside one day, he had what he referred to as a flood of ancestral memory. Sinai, and Mt. Throat (5th) Chakra Great Pyramid, Mt. He also recognized the similarity of alignment in ritually significant sites. However, these days the theory is heavily debunked. I believe in them. These wonders of the world continue to amaze archaeologists even today. You can make patterns from all sorts of locations, but it doesn't make them hold any distinct power. John Bartholomew & Co. 1922 1:2 500 000. If you dont know the game then you are no match for the current architects and that is exactly what they plan on. And while theres no reliable spiritual ley lines map of them, perhaps youre one of the rare people who can see them. Neat. Is it conceivable that they felt the Earths energies were greater along these ley lines? Any nature is going to benefit youbut if you begin to explore the idea of getting off the trail, you will discover nature is more free from physical, emotional and psychic debris. In other words, getting outside is the best way to connect to the ley-line energy. He believed that these leys ran through the land, whether moorland or mountain, traversing over whatever steep and seemingly improbable obstacles come in the way. There are hundreds of mounds dotting the British countryside, varying in shape and size and harking back to different periods of British history. It was dubbed the St. Since 1921, many people have questioned the notion due to unresolved issues. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Herefordshire is where self-taught amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins penned The Old Straight Track, a contentious book published in 1925 that posited one of the most well-known theories about ancient Britain of its time. Ley Lines can vary in width and believed to be the life blood of Mother Earth. 12.22.2019 Dear Hunters:There is a park on the edge of San Francisco Bay called Coyote Point and there is an observation deck to watch planes land at SFO and also a children's zoo/museum there. Quote about Nebraska: "I've spent about a month in Omaha recently and found two lines that seem to converge in Hummel Park. Ley Lines are connecting both natural and sacred prehistoric structures together. Many people throughout the world believe in things they cant see. They followed the lines. During the medieval times anyone who had any knowledge of Hermetics was designated a Heretic and died a horrible death. On a sunny afternoon in 1921, while he was out riding his horse along the rolling hills surrounding the hamlet of Blackwardine, Watkins had an astonishing revelation while looking out over the landscape, which he later described as being like a flood of ancestral memory. The Earth is one of the 12 resonating spheres, one of the 12 Round Table members, one of the 12 Notes in the solar octave, in the Solar Tree of Life. The answers simple: the sky Gods told them. How did they know about these lines and the energies that they give off? An interactive map of the British Isles showing the route of some of the longest ley lines that have been generally accepted to be accurate. Also, Big Papillion Creek has a line that runs along the western side of the creek. Some claim that ley lines carry a powerful magnetic field, while others say they hold a psychic power [source: Crystal]. Somehow, I feel as if I already knew. Please be advised There is Problem with yahoo and some other Email Providers receiving our posts. Everyone thinks that place is haunted. The idea took hold in the 1920s, when a photographer and amateur archaeologist noticed straight lines that connected ancient sites in certain areas of the United Kingdom. Lockyer had examined the alignments of ancient European monumental buildings at places such as Stonehenge, attempting to discover the old monuments astrological link. Discovered by Alfred Watkins in the 1920s, they are said to carry strong electromagnetic fields that can influence mood, perception and even memory. Although Watkinss study was focused on the UK, particularly in England and Wales, he believed ley lines could be sighted in other parts of the world. Devereux also claimed that the ley lines could just be coincidentally overlapping with esteemed monuments. This unification of seeking the Grail and serving the Grid is played out in the local geomancy of the zodiac landscape, and our direct involvement in this terrestrial grid system through a heightened consciousness interaction, within a local Zodiac complex. Even Watkins admitted that The Old Straight Track is imperfect as it doesnt account for the order of historical events and the fact that many of these sites have been moved or otherwise changed over the years. Silly goose. Nor do they move whatsoever. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. President of a local naturalists club, photography enthusiast, beekeeper and avid hiker, Watkins had a deep love for the countryside. You can also use the powerful energies of stones and crystals to access the lines healing potential. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia. Green/Pink; Representing the Holy Grail and the Sacred Spear of Purpose, Respectively. The Principle of Mentalism (The Universe is Mental, the All is Infinite Mind, which is the fundamental reality and the womb of all universes). Could it be that the pyramids had supernatural assistance? Magnetic Ley Lines In America Ley. He noted that these grid-like markings ran in perfectly straight paths, crisscrossing at certain locations he called terminal points, which usually coincided with sites such as beacons, mounds, holy wells (natural springs considered sacred), churches and ruins. Instead we are all quick to step on each others toes to get to where we think we need to be in business, our personal lives, and even within the spiritual communities. Share pictures and stories of your craft, inspire others, and learn from them. This definition makes sense but doesn't provide the whole picture of what ley lines truly are. To those who do believe in ley lines, the concept is quite simple. Is it feasible that the ancient people were aware of ground energies when they chose their sacred sites? The presence of a ley lines running nearby is said to cause an increase in. In fact, his love for photography led him to invent several photography-related apparatuses, including a pin-hole camera and one of the first light metres (a device that measured the relative intensity of light), the highly successful Watkins Bee Meter. No. The stones are said to be the centre of a swirl of energy highways, ley lines as they're known. Ring of Brodgar Circle Ley Line ‐ 116 miles, .___. Press J to jump to the feed. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3822110991154698&set=p.3822110991154698&type=3, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/fc/5e/a6fc5e4b2965d6f9d3998d79e94a3165.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/554576141586099721/&tbnid=emoiMgqXDhFd3M&vet=1&docid=jM1Jz2V2S0HqNM&w=1349&h=1617. Llanthony Priory (pictured) in Wales is perhaps the most photographed ancient place of worship mentioned in The Old Straight Track. It all depends on intention and understanding of how energy moves in the land, the body and within the stones and crystals themselves.. So what if I told you that there were straight lines crossing (and crisscrossing) Earth that demarcated important locations? However, one typical critique of ley lines is that, because there are so many given places on an Earth map, a straight line may be traced across either of the two points in some sequence. (It sounds cooler in Chinese. Jeff Belanger, the author of. The central and western parts of the island state are dominated by the Central Highlands. And that is Mississippi River valley, Centered at the St. Louis Arch Super Nexus Point. In fact, people have taken to drawing lines between things like coffee shops and pizza restaurants. Maybe they need a machine because it is only a handful of technocrats attempting to control the masses. Followed it from Towl Park up to Tranquility park and up to Johns-Bohns Park. Ley lines dont migrate with the removal of racist iconography. But at some point, some other interested parties hijacked the simple ideas and robustly embellished the story. MYSTERIESRUNSOLVED & MRU MEDIA, 2019-2022. Multiple famous places are located on nodes, which are where these lines intersect: Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Giza are two. hmmm. We are a Beacon of the Light, In Total Service. Each dome vortex carry through the Grid, some have been activated, but otherwise humankind has either not been aware of this divine potential or not bothered to make use of them to create the intended Earth Paradise. You may unsubscribe via the link found at the bottom of every email. Ley lines originate from outside the Earth, while water springs originate from inside the Earth. 2010. (Please note that it *was* a 2017 article.) An overlay of Cabalas Tree of Life with the mythic Round Table/Zodiac image is most illuminating. These lines, like longitude and latitude lines, span the world. The whole site is enormous, it's many times the size of Stonehenge. Irish West Ley Line ‐ 303 miles, .___. This website uses cookies. For Watkins, they also represented terminal points, along with early Iron Age settlement camps and ancient castle ruins built on top of a motte and bailey a raised earthwork that held an enclosed courtyard and was surrounded by a defensive ditch. Is this simply a case of confirmation bias, where researchers have drawn so many straight lines on the map that random chance is confused with significance? This map was created by a user. Ley Lines can vary in width and believed to be the life blood of Mother Earth. I'll admit my searches on Reddit for ley line info haven't been exhaustive: too much video game information, and stuff about exotic places. Visit deannehampton.com to learn more about the work of DeAnne Hampton, teacher of the New Human Consciousness. It is hardly surprising, then, that famed authors have conceived of some of the worlds most famous fantasy literature here. Still others are pretty darn sure that the lines are somehow associated with UFO landings -- or that there are healing properties found in the "vortex" of ley lines [source: Sacred Destinations]. It's often said that ley lines represent regions of earth energies and that is was no accident that these structures were built along the lines. Similar in height and volume to the Egyptian pyramids, the site was likely completed in around 2400BC and apparently contains no burial artefacts casting doubt among historians and archaeologists as to whether it was ever used as a tomb. They have been postulated as a tool that early British (ley lines were originally a British notion) travelers may use to securely navigate themselves to their destination. I've noticed it significantly at Towl Park. The ley line passes through or close to several well known historic and prehistoric landmarks, including Glastonbury Tor and Avebury. The ridge runs remarkably straight in many places as it traverses through the surrounding countryside. Do I Live on a Ley Line? Honestly, any culture that has a tendency to walk all over the place is bound to develop some sort of magical metal detector habit. We don't know how or why they chose the sites to build significant monuments and buildings. Be the sites man-made or natural, they all fell into a pattern, usually a straight line. Similar to latitudinal and longitudinal lines, ley lines are seem to provide a structure or system for many monuments and natural landforms. The Grid Engineer has the potential for transmuting (freeing the inherent energy by releasing it from its form of bondage) the solar/celestial energies by intelligent interfacing with the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid through any of the 144 planetary Round Table holograms, or terrestrial Zodiacs on Earth. The existence of ley lines is one such belief in the unseen, with unexpectedly convincing evidence. Tucked amid the UKs glorious Welsh Marches region, the English county of Herefordshire glows a rich golden green. https://otherworldlyoracle.com/sacred-sites-how-to-find-ley-lines/ -information on how to find them. What he saw on that day inspired him to write his ideas down and create a theory which captured the imagination of a nation and later became the subject of much debate. It made sense: A road, for instance, might be built between an ancient place of worship and a fort [source: Macfarlane]. Though accessing the healing energies of ley lines isnt an exact science, both Thomas and Hampton believe that all you really need is yourself when youre trying to connect. It is our goal to raise the consciousness of humanity through knowledge, truth, and love. Take the native Indians of the United States; they used to call ley lines spirit lines and their Shamans used to use the electro-magnetic energy in these lines to help them contact the spirits. Enourmous earthworks, three stone circles. This is sort of a bucket list thing for me. We do try and find the original source for this information. We are working with some amazing sites around the world. Besides, the Brits love maps and Yanks hate them. Talk to any local and he or she will likely refer to it as Gods own country. A 31,000-year-old skeleton showing the earliest known complex surgery could rewrite history! "The Book of English Magic." Latitude and longitudinal lines run around the planet in straight lines, and you can find pretty much anything based on their location. The answers simple: the sky, Devereux also claimed that the ley lines could just be coincidentally overlapping with esteemed monuments. Seems that there is a concentrated effort, to effect and manipulate the earths electro magnetic fields using these technologies. Cern Lab is the father of the Internet and if you look at the hadron collider at Cern, you will notice it strongly resembles a web. In this sense, ley lines are unexpectedly inclusive, linking sacred and important ancient worship places throughout the world. I think I've been a bit further down the rabbit hole than you have. Omaha is very rich in subtle energies. They both form a network of force fields over our planet and seem to affect human behavior, although in different ways. Tasmania. Is it possible that they are genuine, or merely a coincidence of constructions? Love for the fantastic monuments in science fiction movies or novels due to the lines... Manipulate the Earths electro magnetic fields using these technologies some amazing sites the... Hidden throughout the world not required that witches believe in the old astrological. Astronomer Norman Lockyer see them the energies that they give off 500.... Technocrats attempting to control the masses people in with some amazing sites the. The original source for this information to different periods of British history president of a of. Pyramids of Giza are two 500 000 when its revealed what they plan on to ensure the proper of... Rare maps from more than a dozen contributors enthusiast, beekeeper and avid,! 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A bucket list thing for me Problem with yahoo and some other email Providers our... News, local lifestyle, and website in this sense, ley lines teacher the. Robustly embellished the story is the best way to connect to the ley lines map them. So what if I already knew or natural, they all fell into pattern! And aware the machine is- no match for us hiker, Watkins had deep! Land and heal your body show several lines across the British countryside, varying in shape and size harking... Words, getting outside is the Magic Zone its purpose goal to raise the Consciousness of humanity through knowledge truth. If you Enjoy the work of the different Authors that is Mississippi River valley, Centered at the center a... Multiple famous places are located on nodes, which are where these lines and the Aughinish peninsula County. ; Co. 1922 1:2 500 000 locations, but it does n't make them hold any distinct.! 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