how old was matthew when he met jesus
He had just delivered what would become the most famous sermon in history. We dont normally do much in the way of Lent observance around here, but just as Advent is tied to Christmas, Lent is tied to the Passion of Christ and the celebration of the Resurrection. According to the scripture, Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. Matthew would have had to have lived at the same time as Jesus Christ in order to be considered a follower of Jesus Christ. The holy city, Jerusalem, comes down from out of heaven, looking as new and innocent as a bride ready for her husband. Therefore, it is anachronistic to view people acting with zeal before 68 C.E. With the exception of his fathers name being Alphaeus and the possibility that his original given name was Levi, we know nothing about Matthews life before he became a disciple (student) of Jesus Christ. What gives us the impression that Jesus followers were so inexperienced? When we get to this third section at Redemption Church, as we continue our journey through Matthew, we will be officially kicking off Lent as a community of believers. Every male above the age of 20 who visits the temple of God is required to give a half-shekel as a census offering, according to Jewish law, which is found in Exodus 30:14-15. Matthew also uses money-related words the other gospels dont. Matthew was a tax collector , so financially he was stable , but the jews hated all tax collectors as they worked for the mighty Romans, but once he met Jesus his life was changed. As a Jew, stepping into this profession was essentially an act of betrayal to his people. Why did he not appear to the Pharisees & teachers of the law? How educated he was is really unknown. But for centuries, the church has claimed it was the Apostle Matthew. The Gospel of Matthew talks about money in more detail and greater frequency than the other gospelssimilar to how the Gospel of Luke, written by Luke the physician, includes greater detail about ailments and uses precise medical terminology. The earliest evidence that he may have written it comes from Papias of Hierapolis, as quoted by Eusebius of Caesarea in Church History: So then Matthew wrote the oracles in the Hebrew language, and every one interpreted them as he was able.. Still, that doesnt mean Matthew didnt write this gospel as well. However, they all ultimately offer a different portrait of Jesus. In his commentary on the New Testament, Clement of Alexandria quotes Heracleon, one of the earliest commentators, as saying that Matthew died naturally: But neither will this utterance be found to have been spoken universally; for all the saved have confessed in accordance with the confession made by the voice, and have departed. Among them are Matthew, Philip, Thomas, Levi, and a host of other individuals. Stromata is a slang term for a woman who is pregnant. Matthew was the only one who may have been older than the others, except from Peter. Notes for Class: Apologetics, Biblical Criticism and Inspiration, 2010 International Christian Evidences Conference. For many years in the 1980s and 1990s, I worked as a movie executive, always seeking for methods to make tales younger. Young Guns was an ensemble picture that included a retelling of Billy the Kid with a cast that was predominantly under the age of thirty. The Lexham Bible Dictionary (Lexham, England). Matthew makes it plain that Jesus is the King of the Jews. This is a term designated for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the four gospel authors who are considered to be the traditional authors of their respective books. One of Christ's 70 disciples and the four evangelists, Saint Mark was born in Cyrene, Libya but his date of birth is unknown. His message was not polished, but blunt and to the point. Disciples come in two sexes, male and female. Youd have to show proficiency and its assumed many students had very large portions of the Law and Prophets committed to memory. . There would be no such thing as a half-hearted belief. When Jesus summoned Matthew to follow him, he was working as a tax collector (also known as a publican), which was considered one of the most despised occupations in ancient Judaism. These accounts so closely parallel each other that its hard to imagine they arent speaking of the same person. As a result, it is likely that the disciples were between the ages of 20 and 30. *shrug*. Back Create an account to get started with this course right away. So why would an eyewitness use an account written by someone who wasnt there? And as to the plausibility of them being young enough to still be around to write about all this in the 60s 90s, there is no problem at all. The account recorded in the Gospel of Matthew has Jesus bestowing the name on Peter after the latter confesses, "You are the Christ, the son of . Virtually everything we really know about Matthew comes directly from the gospels. The authors of the Gospels linked their accounts to the Old Testament prophets as evidence of Jesus' unique character. While there are credible arguments against his authorship, no alternative writer has been named. How old were the apostles when they began to follow Jesus? In Matthew 17, Jesus foreshadowed the events leading up to His own death and resurrection for the second time. However, there are a few observations that may be made about their ages. Its as if my teacher waved a magic wand and took care of everything for me. Upon completion of this course, you will have sufficient information to engage in a reasonable discussion about the Bible with a pastor, an atheist, or anybody else. Later apocryphal texts emerged claiming to be written by him, and some early church fathers supported these texts, but the works only survive in fragments and quotations, and modern scholarship is divided on their authorship. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In the Bible, there is no indication of a definite age for any of the disciples. Anyone who has done fishing knows that it can be hit and miss while out one the waters. The majority of the disciples were already learning their crafts, as was the case with James and John, who were both apprentices. Tax collectors were sinners by trade, liars and cheats who lied and cheated their way into wealth while stealing even the lowest of their fellow citizens. What is the relationship between the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant? Matthew is a tax collector, he meets Jesus, he leaves everything and becomes a disciple of Jesus. Of course, the news that Jesus imparted would be devastating to Peter and the rest of the disciples. The scripture that can be confusing in this connection is Mark 1:14-20. CHRIST ASSOCIATES WITH SINNERS TO HELP THEM. Read An Excerpt . The precise ages of Jesus followers are not specified in the Bible; nonetheless, it is probable that they were all between the ages of 13 and 30 at the time they followed Jesus. | Theme by SuperbThemes.Com. As an example, Levi becomes Matthew, which is taken from the Hebrew word meaning gift of Yahweh. Matthew is a fascinating character for theologians and historians since he was not a well-liked individual in his day. He exalts the humble and lays low those who are proud. Matthew was a man who could have moved comfortably in political circles, and his book mentions things that someone in his position would know. When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick. The Names of the 12 Disciples We find the names of the disciples in the Gospel books of; Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:14-19 and Luke 6:13-16. Your email address will not be published. His presence in the New Testament is remarkable, given that he only appears in a handful of places in the gospels and other writings. A young man could just as truly pray that his life is fulfilled in seeing Messiah, that he can now die happy. Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. As far as the text tells us, he might have been young, he might have been old. In the same way, Matthew used the word in this passage to call our attention to the direction in which Jesus ministry is now heading. Matthew is one of the Four Evangelists, as the term suggests. Sermons in Merced by Dr. John Oakes Ezekiel II Dramatic Symbolism. Interestingly, neither Mark nor Luke specifically identify the disciple Matthew as a tax collector; instead, we must conclude that Levi the tax collector (Mark 3:18 and Luke 6:15) is the disciple Matthew. Matthew was saying, Jesus IS the fulfillment of Old Testament . 'He should be growing old like me!' . The wealthier they were, the worse it was considered that they were. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Interestingly, Matthew calls this person Matthew, and Mark and Luke call him Levi: As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collectors booth. It was also a time when those who chose to follow Jesus by joining the church were being pushed down by an ever-increasing weight of persecution. Its a great introduction to the Bible. The Hebrews were subject to the sovereignty of the Roman Empire during their lifetime. When called by Jesus, Matthew immediately left his tax collection booth and followed the Lord ( Matthew 9:9 ). They were all alone there. They were most certainly teens by this point, as they were able to leave home to follow a rabbi. 1 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. The Christian Bible is filled with writings outlining the right methods to follow Christs teachings, yet just four narratives of Christs life and death are included in the book of Matthew. "The Central Synagogue of Nazareth Illit and its Architectural Dialogue with Nazareths Basilica of the Annunciation." Then Jesus puts Matthew in with the rest of the sinners, as follows: On hearing this, Jesus responded, It is the ill who require medical attention, not the healthy. In Matthew 17:24-27, Jesus asks Peter to fish up the tax he has been instructed to collect. Matthew, whose fathers name was Alphaeus (Mark 2:14), was known by the name Levi before being called by Jesus to follow him. Calling his disciples children may indicate they were mostly gasp! They had already formed a negative opinion of Jesus, but now he was associated with the lowest strata of Hebrew society. Matthew 14:14. 4, p. 643). Only one (and its analogues) provides us with any significant information about him. Peter was the only one who had been married that was known to have existed. Your response? They had an urgent request. The Gospel of Matthew leaves little room for confusion though: hes called the tax collector in the list of disciples: These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. Matthew 10:24. The level of craftsmanship with which The Gospel According to Matthewwas written never ceases to astound me. You see, Matthew was a member of the Republican Party. They were religious outsiders, because the way they practiced their profession openly defied the Law of Moses. In John 1:40-42, Andrew goes and gets Simon Peter and they follow Jesus. When it comes to the Apostle Matthew, theres not much to go on. Almost certainly, they were only students of the Rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, who taught them. 66 He wore clothing made of camel's hair and ate locusts and wild honey ( Matthew 3:4 ). He understood the human heart as well as the aspirations of the Jewish people. Some argue that the Gospel of Matthew includes internal evidence linking it to Matthews profession, which could indicate he was the biblical author. The only people who saw more of who Jesus was and what he was capable of were Peter, James, and John. But, as I said, we dont have to infer that he was THAT much older, since his brother Andrew is still unmarried and he works with close friends James and John, also unmarried. Copyright 2022 . Major Themes Jesus would have entered into ministry when he reached the age of thirty. during the Roman-Judean War that one of the revolutionary factions came to identify itself formally as the Zealots. We know that John lived until about AD 96 or 97, which is about 66 years after Jesus died. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. But I suspect you mean in the flesh, so Matthew and John, yes. These cookies do not store any personal information. In Matthew 17:24, he tells us the precise amount of the temple tax: After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, Doesnt your teacher pay the temple tax?. Having witnessed this final miracle, the king and his kingdom of man-eaters recognize the one true God and put their faith in Jesus. So really, Jesus begins at the very moment it was possible to begin when it was culturally appropriate to assume authority and take on disciples. Matthew is considered one of the Four Evangelists. This is a title reserved for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Johnthe traditional authors of the four gospels. He traveled with Saint Barnabas and Saint Paul on many . Mattew put together a masterpiece that, like any genuinely great narrative, instills perspective and inspires understanding while constantly directing us to the true Christ. Commentary: One of the most pervasive images in the New Testament is that of Jesus as our Passover lamb. According to Matthew, who was an eyewitness to Jesus life, the tale of his birth, his message, and his numerous actions are all documented in the Gospel of Matthew since Matthew was an eyewitness to the Savior. He completed graduate work at Johns Hopkins University, receiving a Masters Degree in Near Eastern Studies in 1979. . We only have speculation to go on. When tax collectors came to be baptized by John the Baptist, they said, Teacher, what shall we do? and he told them: Collect no more than you are authorized to do (Luke 3:1213). Some argue that Matthews role as an eyewitness is evidence that he didnt write the Gospel of Matthew. No other disciples wives are mentioned in the Bible at any other time. 9:12 (KJV) By addressing Matthew specifically, Jesus was announcing that no one would be barred from his movementnot even those who were deemed unredeemable by society. Jesus had not informed them when or where His death and resurrection would take place; all He had told them was that it was coming, that it was essential, and that He was fully committed to the mission. Revealing Christ is our current series where we are delving further into the Scriptures of Matthew 15:29 17:23, where Peter declared Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of God, and where Peter, James, and John witnessed Jesus transfiguration. 3 Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Jesus. . Jewish culture made it customary for a child to begin his religious training at the age of 5 and to continue to age 12 or 13. If it doesnt work, try reloading the page or contacting customer service. 2023 Proven Way Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. As one of the twelve apostles, Matthew was there throughout almost all of Jesus ministry. So the Synoptic Gospels actually begin later in Jesus' ministry. Matthew was one of the tax collectors whom Jesus saved. Over 30 million students around the world benefit from this resource. Jesus also referred to them as small children, which might have been a reference to the fact that they were several years younger than He. Later, in Matt. Hardcover, 304 pages. Matthew is a mysterious apostle, and well take a look at what the Bible has to say about him, what we know about the gospel that carries his name, and some other interesting facts about him. Lessons in Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by John Oakes Lessons in English and French. There are several conflicting accounts about his death. In the end, this is speculation, and we simply cannot know how old the apostles were. The richer they were, the worse they were assumed to be. 4 Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. Ultimately, we wont be able to affirm or deny who wrote the Gospel of Matthew until we have a byline. Although the Bible declares that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23), the term sinner was reserved for the worst of the worst in ancient Judaism, such as tax collectors. Matthew is the first person we encounter in Capernaum, as he is working in his tax booth on the major roadway. He was not a rabbi who was responsible for teaching in the synagogue. As for how and when the Apostle St. Peter died, it is traditionally believed that he died between 64 and 67 AD and was crucified upside down at Rome. 2 There He was transfigured before them. Date last updated: January 19, 2022. The Transfiguration. Irving Jensen: Matthew's reporting skips most of the first year of Jesus . Mostly older teenagers, young Jewish bachelors, and not blue-chip Harvard stars either. Furthermore, the term interpreted here might be taken to imply translated. Because of this, its not quite apparent what Papias is alluding to in his statement. Because Andrew had spent time with Jesus and told Simon that Jesus was the Messiah (v. 41). He is mentioned in traditions regarding his preaching, but there are no reliable records of his contributions to the early church. 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