famous black pastors in chicago
Read also. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Church founder, resigns after sexual misconduct allegations. but the focus seems to be on material things. Also it is not the Pastor's fault if people CHOOSE to remain poor and live below the standard, blessings, and/or favor God has for them. Before they leave church, students are offered a hot meal. Heres what were doing about it, Currently, there are approximately 100,000 predominately black churches in the United States, Some Asian American Preachers for Christmas 2020, 6 Stages of Grief, according to Pastor Rick Warren, Bishop David M. & Rev. These are some highly rated churches in Chicago, IL: Quinn Chapel African Methodist Church (5/5), Willow Creek Community Church-South Barrington (4/5). Those youth who participate in church programs, those youth are not the ones who rebel or are effected by white supremacy, we got to pay attention to the ones who are effected by white supremacy, and that is most of them. Dr. Claudette A. Copeland (. Sarah Jakes Roberts. And though her home base is . Take a look at these twelve pastors who made religion look less than inspiring. 8 Black Pastors Whose Net Worth is 200 Times Greater Than Folks in Their Local Communities, http://historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/harrietjacobsincidents.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecumenical_council#First_seven_ecumenical_councils, Life is a Mystery: Bishop T.D. 19. 3. td jakes wife threaten to leave him for ? Daughter of Bishop T.D. In September 2005 she convened her first Women in Ministry Conference, a premier national conference with a focused mission to "develop, coach and mentor Christian women in ministry for the 21st century." Willow Creek Community Church-South Barrington. If you are in Columbus, Ohio, on Sundays between 8 and 11 a.m., you can get a hot meal of fish and grits or maybe chicken and waffles at First Church of God, pastored by Clarke. Jer 23:1 Woe to the shepherds destroying and scattering the sheep of My pasture!1 declares YAH Whatever their accomplishments, these 20 Christian ministers are at the top of their field. Died: October 2, 1842. I just urge you to looker deeper than their riches. American Christians are so weird.. Nothing wrong with prosperity. If we're going to quote scripture, let's make sure we get the full revelation of what it's saying. Christian We may earn a commission from links on this page. Balle, John Spencer, W.H. Dr. Claudette Copeland (up-and-coming) pastor of New Creation Christian Fellowship of San Antonio; founded Destiny Ministries, a national empowerment group for woman; she and her husband became the first active duty African-American couple to serve as chaplains in the United States Air Force. What makes people believe that the world can be rich and have wealth but if you are a Christian you supposed to be poor. Not hatin on these brothas but would God have these men with these extravagant cars, mollion dollar mansions! Attendees raise their hands in prayer during a rally outside the Glynn County Courthouse, where the three men accused of . Probably not so, lay off them and you excell at their, There should be no issue with these Pastors are any Pastors if their royalties are the result of comprehensive reinvestment of tithes, offerings, capital gains from the Development and Re-Development of existing and new/emerging African American Communities both Urban & Rural in the United States, which is basically not the case. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? Tony Bonner posting those quotes once is adding an interesting perspective. Why the preacher cannot make a difference right there. I doubt them being on the same income level as their attendees would make a difference in what the community would look like. Adam Louis Pearson and Lillie Ruth Johnson Pearson in San Diego, California. Warnock preaches from one of the most historic pulpits in the country: Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. Yes! Moses gave up being a prince in order to deliver is people. Eight of the top ten leaders are Christian pastors or ministers, many of whom have combined religious duties with social activism. Religion is not a solution to the problem. Jakes, Sarah Jakes Roberts is blazing a trail for millennial women of faith. Why would I give a person my hard earned money for anything other than to help my family.tell those greedy folks to pray on it like they say when you're in need.your God will find a way.THEY PREY ON IT. Some churches that are so small and do not have much and no one attends there because the workers r few. The people with all the weapons in the world are christians, so why do they have all these weapons, and not just use their bible or their religion? One of the most important Unitarian preachers in the early-19th century, Channing was also one of Unitarianism's most prominent theologians. Shelton Seworth Oak Cliff is the muthafuckin hood. It doesnt happen overnight. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. The elder Butler and his wife, Pastor Deborah Butler, founded the churchin 1978. that they help people pay off? They are parables, to control weak people. Under Stones leadership, the church became involved in the civil rights movement, holding a protest rally in response to the murder of Emmett Till and frequently hosting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as supporting causes related to voting rights and school segregation. I celebrate the prosperity of the black preacher with the author. Died: August 28, 1955. Robert Tilton was, at one time, one of the most famous names in televangelism. Jer 23:4 And I shall raise up shepherds over them, and they shall feed them.1 And they shall fear no more, nor be discouraged, nor shall they be lacking, declares YAH.. Facebook Do you really think homophobic slurs contribute to the discussion here? maybe instead of hating on people who have a lot, go and work for yours! A member ofThe Root 100's 2012 class, Coates is a vocal supporter of marriage equality and was involved in the successful campaign to legalize gay marriage in his state. They're all fraudsdevil building a separate circle just for them. Jesus sent his disciples out an said freely give because freely you have received. How can we feed the sheeps and lambs as Jesus instructed if we are poor. $300 dollar suites on with a last name dollar ? These men are truly stumbling blocks to the people because, they are the one's who are not teaching the truth of the Father YAH, and His messiYah who was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Abraham, David, Solomon. Jesus lived a humble life, didn't have a house, and rode a donkey not a stallion. Tony Bonner You are correct brother, so I guess you do not have the mind that God gave you. 12. conversation To all you haters get over yourself. Chicago wouldnt be the city it is today without pioneers like Bessie Coleman, Ida B. Look, I do not know what is needed for you to see, these churches are not doing anything to move the black race forward, nothing, zipo. The love of the greater number will cool off.Matthew 24:10, 12. Tony Bonner Ask him to use some of the church money to obtain decent attorneys to defend the families of the defenseless Black community instead of using it for material wealth. Merona, you also have to ask hpw many people have ass they become stumbling block to. Home; Categories. In 2000 she became the first woman elected a bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. Wilson Frost, a former Chicago alderman, was widely known fordeclaring himself the citys acting mayor when Richard J. Daley died in December 1976. Black News and Black Views with a Whole Lotta Attitude. having prosperity by working hard, family ties, etc. Olivet Baptist is another of Chicago's oldest Black congregations, having been founded in 1850 as Xenia Baptist Church before eventually merging with another church during the Civil War to become Olivet. Because it didn't happen. Under his leadership, Bethel's assets grew from $12 million to $85 million. I'm not saying none of them are fleecing, but just because a man of God is rich doesn't mean he has robbed anyone. The Church. Wells and Martin Luther King have all stood behind its pulpit. No one is hating on their wealth but why not reinvest that money into our community? But their extensive and significant contributions are made as lay . We need Africancentered Schools, reverends, where are the Africacentered schools? Why Jakes dosen't ever talk about black history, that will help blacks way more than the parables he teaches. My father gave each one of us the choice to believe in his love, in his blessings, in his power, and in him. I must be talking to people who do not understand the divide and conquer; Jim Crow laws, Racist police and system trying to break apart the only positive megas in the lives of Africans presently. In the 1950s, a teenage African-American boy, Emmett Till was kidnapped, tortured and brutally killed for allegedly misbehaving with a white woman. Don't go to these kinds of mega churches: If you see abuse of funds, no help in the community, and if they refuse to help you cause you cant afford to pay tithes. This is a list of the largest megachurches in the United States with an attendance of more than 10,000 weekly, sometimes also termed a gigachurch. is one thing.and as regards to possible motivations other than money, well you tell me what might the motives be? but are we loving our brother when our cup runs over and many are hungry and poorand we buy $7000 luggage bags while kids die of hunger???? Uh-oh, overstock: Wayfair put their surplus on sale for up to 50% off. Jakes Offers Steve Harvey Hope For His Future On Final Episode of His Talk Show, Shirley Murdock Says Her Faith In God Helped Her Come to Terms with Murder-Suicide of Mentors Roger and Larry Troutman, T.D. Bernard in New York City. Listen, your bible, going to church, cannot, and have not filled in that gap, you cannot substitute our children's proper education using religion. | Highland Park Public Library. Midwest chopper Decipha, whose real name is TJ Morrissette, is a youth pastor in Chicago at Holy Trinity Church. blogging You cannot serve both God and money. People get off on talking bad about God and Christianity. On the evening of Friday, September 3, Millennium Park will showcase the city's pioneering and contemporary . Tony Bonner those are not god's word my friend, those are words by men, god wrote not one chapter in that book of fairy tales ok now you sir is a sheepe, Tony Bonner yup i agree you indee are a sheeple, While it's common to think of sociopaths as criminals, even killers, such behavior isn't essential to the diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder. One of Tilton's main tactics to get his enormous following to donate money was to ask them to send prayer requests to his ministry. if you work hard, you deserve it all! Kiernan Shipka. The Sanctuary that you see today, modeled in part after the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul, was dedicated in November of 1925. SINGING ON THE RAILROAD Entertaining the crowds visiting the railroad section of the Daily News Victory Travel fair are members of the Pullman Porter Quartet left to right, Fred Butler, F.S. Each Sunday, buses from the church pick up students on 11 campuses in Tennessee and Kentucky. Im not worried what they're making because if there fleecing the flocks and aren't true men of God they will pay more then man can ever do to them during judgement.I pray before I give to any ministry and my giving is from my heart so I'll still be blessed. Pastor is down to earth and speaks with such clarity that youth can relate. "When I moved back from NYC 4 years ago it took me a while to find the right church ." more. Founder and senior pastor of Ray of Hope Christian Church in Decatur, Ga., Hale is known as a woman of vision and is recognized for her leadership, integrity and compassion. I do not believe that, and why all the suffering of a particular group? If you don't like your situation, change it! It is a scam. Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church. Religion is just not for nigerians! Word of Faith International Christian Center, Fellowship of International Christian Word of Faith Ministries, Kimberly Daniels Ministries International. She raised money for an African-American flying school by barnstorming, parachute jumping and giving lectures. leader He was influential in the election of Chicagos first black mayor, Harold Washington. The Lord wants some people to die off anyway, its biblical just like the israelites in the desert and 3 generations had to die off because of their unbelief,ungrateful,and hardness of heart and they experienced the supernatural deliverance, such people came out of slavery and are still self annihialistic. He just as easily could be the top of a list of the most influential preachers of the past half century; when Preaching cited the most influential preachers of the 20th century (in our first issue of the 21st), Billy Graham came in at number two. 6. but the focus seems to be on material things. Housed in a former Romanian synagogue in North Lawndale, Stone Temple Baptist Church was bought by a Black congregation relocating from Bronzeville in 1954 and named after its pastor, Rev. In the American school curriculum, the first thing it talks about, is how to inspire, and motivate their children to succeed in school. Dr. Alveda King A niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., King is a former representative of the 28th District in the Georgia House, but she is also a best-selling author, a minister, and frequent Fox News Channel contributor. Don't confuse wealth with greed. I am not suggesting anyone should be hungry or suffer when there is cleary an abundance available. Burn the churches Madussa? The church's most recent projects include completion of a $42 million senior citizen assisted living complex with 330 units. In addition to his work as a pastor, Blake also overseas a ministry which supports more than 350 orphanages through sub-Saharan Africa. Olivet Baptist is another of Chicagos oldest Black congregations, having been founded in 1850 as Xenia Baptist Church before eventually merging with another church during the Civil War to become Olivet. These crook why I left the church, they are and always have been one of the biggest problems in the Black community, hey rob the poor and give to themselves. The Bible says the blessings of the Lord maketh rich and adds no sorrow. They are not smart, except, out smarting their flock, as you called them. and a fake since of faith in god knows what? Pimps in the pulpit. I'm sure Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, and others earn millions. Hampton was known as a person who built a multicultural coalition across Chicago. Creflo Dollar is not a preacher AND THE SAME GOES FOR ALL OF THEM WHO DO NOT PREACH THE GOSPEL, BUT PREACH MONEY. Caldwell, senior pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston, has led that congregation for more than 30 years. Many would have no natural affection, or as one Bible translation puts it, they would lack normal affection for their families. (2 Timothy 3:1-4) Jesus Christ foretold: Many . Plenty of wealthy people in the bible. Just to think that I, oftentimes, can't put a thin piece of thread through the eye of a needle, just the thought of a CAMEL! That church also established the Community Technology Center to help bridge the technology gap for seniors. Pastor Corey Brooks stood at the altar of New Beginnings Church on the South Side of Chicago. Now if these pastors are being dishonest with their wealth and how they obtained it, then God will deal with themit is not the congregations' business or place to make preconceived judgements. But that is not the church thing, because they do not belive there is anything in our history that would inspire our youth to want to learn about, so that they can be inspired to learn, and be critical thinkers, stay in school, and not take to the streets, where all their problems can be found, and a life of crime, and to the criminal justice system. Raphael G. Warnock. It's not about "hating". Prior to being elected Bishop, she was the first woman to pastor the Payne Memorial AME Church in Baltimore and in 2005 she served as the first woman titular head of the A.M.E. Church. Quinn Chapels first church was destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, and a new edifice was eventually constructed in Bronzeville, in 1892, where it still stands today. Most pastors don't have benefits, retirement, or paid vacation packages like we do. Jesus relied on small contributions, that were used by Him and His disciples, for food and temporary accommodation. leadership They tirelessly work hard! In honor of Black History Month, heres a list of African American activists, journalists, athletes and others whose lives had a lasting impact on Chicago. but are we loving our brother when our cup runs over and many are hungry and poorand we buy $7000 luggage bags while kids die of hunger???? Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III - pastor of Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York and president . And let's face facts; many of us are hostile to the church because it calls all of us out on our foul living. Eddie Long still makes the list . God intends to bless his children abundantly, it depends with your measure of faith in him and your study and work ethics. Wow, so much hate?? Affiliation: Independent Chrisitan Church affiliated with the Brotherhood of Christian Churhes and Churches of Christ. Baptist Churches General Baptist Churches Churches & Places of Worship. 7. . He don't want us to be poor. Hosea Williams was a pastor and a vocal political . Wells and Jean Baptiste Point du Sable. St Stephen's Lutheran Church. It is what I believe and it is our choice to believe. CHICAGO (WLS) -- Many scholars argue the Black church played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement. Blame your black leaders for letting us be duped. Wake up Tony!! I question the integrity of this article, Bishop Jakes doesn't even take a salary from the Potters House, he does from his books, movies and speaking. Butler became senior pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, Mich., in January 2011 after his father, Bishop Keith Butler, stepped down. The info exists and is available. It's my opinion that the worst type of person will do this in the name of God. He is president and CEO of New Beginnings Christian Community Revitalization Corp. Hilliard, of Cathedral International in Perth Amboy, N.J., has led the church's growth from 125 members in 1983 to more than 6,000 today. But that's not true of all religions. What is cuase, and what is the effect? (Newsweek wrote in 2008 that, For any spiritually minded, upwardly mobile African American living in Chicago in the mid-1980s, Trinity United Church of Christ wasand still isthe place to be. Its members included Oprah Winfrey.). It has established other churches in Uganda, Kenya and Pakistan. Net worth: $5 million. Thsi struggle is about self determination, the people working together, to make a difference in the suffering we have in the black community. Updated on January 29, 2021. Kevin Smith Thank you, and they are happy to give it to him. and thats a great point you made. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. Say that brother. Is it me, or does anyone else notice that only Black pastors are lived here? td jakes i used to like him but i looked at the power versus the church .he choice the power . Remember, everybody has a story and we have no idea what these men and women had to go through to get to the place where they are now. Stone found an apartment for the Kings to live in, and King continued to speak at Stone Temple, which served as the West Side Action Center for the movement. my dear read also vs 6 of the same psalm: "those who trust in their wealth No pastor requires a jet or Bentley. Or even the region (southern Nigeria). True, they were beat, overworked, stoned, and killed but they believed in God so they could survive their pain. theology 21 And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.. Bad form. domain Hazel Johnson was an environmental activist who lived in Altgeld Gardens, a famous housing project on the Far South Side. faith Wells was an activist and journalist. Over 40,000 people weekly . It is very dangerous (and disingenuous) to isolate a scripture to suit a particular argument or view. . People don't see the big picture. if you want to know how he did it, http://historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/harrietjacobsincidents.html. Keep giving them your money idiots. Tony Bonner Who said it was God's word? How can you say words in the bible are Gods words? 7. They enjoy stealing from gullible fools!! many will come in My Name I don't tithe anymore., I give directly to the poor , Jesus said give generously and I do , I find families who are trying through to make it through RCS and Salvation Army who need help getting on their feet , 700-1000 a month can help a family in need without going through these False Teachers.. Churches. As long as believers have this mentality we will not be able to reach the masses and to bless the poor so that they can become rich. Birthplace: Newport, Rhode Island, United States. palmetto high school basketball tickets Would you rather see them broke? First of all they need to stop lying on God. When Preaching magazine was launched in 1985, a look at our list of contributing editors gave you a sense of who would be listed among the most influential preachers in America. No one cares if Jay Z live wealthy, no cares if Donald Trump has billions or how the get it. These rich bastards will bust the gates of hell wide open! website We have no right to judge them, and no right to use this as an excuse not to go to church. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!. Dates: Predominant dates, 1960-2000, Inclusive dates, 1918-2010: Size: 336 linear feet (257 archival boxes) Repository: Chicago Public Library, Carter G. Woodson Regional Library, Vivian G. Harsh Research collection of Afro-American History and Literature, 9525 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL 60628 Funny how this article doesn't list their giving history. To teach our children their history. I could be a millionaire and be tormented in my mind and though I'm wealthy monetarily I'm poor mentally. Another Chicago-based pastor/rapper is J. Kwest. She established a mentoring program, Elah Pastoral Ministries Inc., in 2004 to assist in the spiritual and practical development of pastors and para-church leaders. Nobody appointed you to judge anything or anyone. This Bronzeville building was well-known even before a Black congregation moved in, hosting speakers such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Jane Addams while it was the home of the Jewish Sinai Congregation. If it really was His word you wouldn't be worshipping a man as God. i really didnt know td jakes church was non denominational , no wonder baptist people dont quite follow him lol how sad is that thats like saying your black im white icant come to your house .i thought everyone was welcomee in the house of the lordd? 5 Hypocrite! I have also learned when questions cant be answered then ask God. 2. td jakes son caiught having sex with a man in dallas 2004.. and now come out the closet gay In check and allow them to b blessed! The same source also lists more than 1,300 such Protestant and Evangelical churches in the United States with a . If they did not put up their own personal salary to start these businesses, there is no shares in those businesses for them, the business should belong to the church, and they already get a salary from the church. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Many of their members organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Americas first black labor union. Bishop T. D. Jakes ( The Potter's House) Pastor Michael Todd ( Transformation Church) Robert Madu ( Social Dallas) Rev. But think preachers or any believer should be poor or with. life All wealthy pastors are not "pimps" in the pulpit. The stopped talking about The Gospel. Jeremiah Wright pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Ill. Archbishop Wilton Gregory chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs Committee; the first African-American to head the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Bishop Charles Blake presiding bishop of the 6-million member Church of God in Christ denomination; pastor of the 26,000-member West Angeles Church of God in Christ Imam Zaid Shakir internationally respected Islamic scholar, author, and speaker; national voice for moderate American Muslims Dr. We have to be careful about making judgements without having all the facts. will betray one another and will hate one another. An unbroken legacy of African-American women preachers persisted even long after Elizabeth. And people following them. So do what they do to get what they got. 1. Tony Bonner Why the bible does not have dates these things happened? In the minutes after the shooting, a cop can be heard screaming into the police radio, 10-1, 10-1, officer down, giving the code for an officer in need of assistance. OMG? Instead I building something of your own? | AP Photo. Aint nothing changed. A biblical scholar and an author, McKenzie was also the first woman to pastor the Payne Memorial AME Church in Baltimore and is the first female bishop to preside over the Council of Bishops, the AME Church's executive branch. They are the abomination that causes desolation as they rob the poor black community of it's resources for nothing but persona gain. Mat 10:5 ( Yahoshua ) sent these twelve out, having commanded them, saying, Do not go into the way of the gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Shomeronites, presentation Like other Chicagoans, we have ideas about what the next mayor should do. Perhaps you could do a similar expose on black athletes and rap artists, their net worth, airplanes, mansions etc, and the contributions made to their neighborhoods. LCMS Black Ministry History. Community organizer Hazel Johnson stands in front of the CID Infill, 134th and the Calumet Expressway, where sludge dried at the Sanitary District Calumet plant is used for ground cover. And being rich is not necessarily based upon money. 1. Jesse Jackson, then the national director of the SCLC, held a large service at Mt. She is also founder of Kimberly Daniels Ministries International and World Bible College. There are some rich people in the world who would give up their wealth because they realize who their true provider is and they have not allowed money to control their life. See, I am punishing you for the evil of your deeds, declares YAH.. And hard for God! There have always been and will always be those who display the sort of love that God requires and deserves. Date. I don't see issue with him having a net worth of $27 million nor owning a jet to travel to do his ministry. why the hell do any of them need a private jet? Not only that, you teach people how to better themselves, to love themselves, in our schools great emphasis, should be placed on being critical thinkers, not reading the bible, because when you do all these things, what do you need the bible for? Bernie Madoff was a hell of an organizer. The organization, which reports an affiliation with 34,000 churches across the country, has a mission that includes fighting health disparities, promoting financial responsibility and protecting babies from abuse and neglect. ''", "I haven't been a member of Broadview Baptist Church for years. Donal Godfrey You know your battle is lost here.ttyl. | Rich Hein/Sun-Times. Secondly, don't Doctors, Lawyers,Entertainers etc commonly make more money than the people they provide a service for, so what's the point here? Or even the state? Flake, of the Greater Allen AME Cathedral in Jamaica, N.Y., has helped grow the church into a congregation of more than 18,000 members, combined with a vibrant nonprofit corporation that serves the community. Former Chicago Sun-Times columnist Vernon Jarrett. On the other hand these preachers have done so much work to get where they r at and u all are criticizing them? He is also president of the State University of New York (SUNY) College at Old Westbury. IJS, Don't be haters follow their lead work the word read the word ask question talk to God like they do keep your mouth off Gods anoithed ones do you pray do you trust God for your life are you a giver do you help others or are you just a credit are you a Fowler or just a fan do you see how they truly live or are you just one in a croud of haters, I'm not the smart one but if I don't know I ask questions until I do know and I truly believe that these men of God are blessed to do Gods work are you ready for that Load cause if you look in your mirror and multiply your mind set a million times that's what these men and women of God has to trust God for so I'm thanking God for them and praying that God put bits in you haters mouths. My ears cant stand the sound of some voices. An oldie, but always a goodie, Sam Lay is one of the most influential blues artists to ever grace Chicago stages, and his reign ain't over yet! Rabbi Capers C. Funnye - rabbi of Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in Chicago, Ill. Rev. The United States is what it is today no matter what the skeptics and naysayers say, because of the God in whom it Trust and give Alliance. there is a stark difference between being materialistic being well off. some are lies . Here's the history: The earliest black female preacher was a Methodist woman simply known as Elizabeth. meetup The Rev. Soooooo, if I am a Bishop, Pastor, Prophet or whatever in ministry, does being broke somehow make me believable, credible or effective in ministry? Stop lying on God believed in God so they could survive their pain Chrisitan affiliated. The Africacentered Schools live wealthy, no cares if Jay Z live wealthy, no cares Jay... These twelve pastors who made religion look less than inspiring the three men of. As jesus instructed if we are poor serve both God and money in Tennessee and Kentucky JavaScript... 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