dumb laws of oklahoma
No fortune telling, no selling children and other weird Pennsylvania laws on the books. Another phrase unique to the Sooner State is T-Town. Pretty self-explanatory, T-Town is what locals call Tulsa. Oklahoma lies in the south-central part of the United States. And that has a lot of people talking, mostly in sarcastic, angry and oy vey tones. The Gilcrease Museum is located on 460 acres in Osage hills, Tusla. 537.2 deal with nudity, sexual contact, and simulated sexual activity in bars. You are only allowed to own two adult pets of any type, Justia 2014 Oklahoma Statutes Title 21 Sec.21-1700, Justia 2014 Oklahoma Title 21 Sec. They take their football seriously! It is illegal to masturbate while watching two people having sex in a car. And, to honor His Watermelon-ess, the folks at Buy For Less created this video to show how to make Joe Dorman Watermelon Gazpacho: Youd be surprised at how many people dont know that adultery is illegal in quite a few states, including Oklahoma. Broken Arrow Pigs less than 32 inches in length may be kept as pets provided there are no more than two in a house. Read more Interesting Alabama Facts and Weird Laws. As you can see, Oklahomas landscape is not as dull as everyone else portray in those funny gifs are memes. Nonone may fondle or molest a vehicle in Clinton, Oklahoma. No person shall willfully disturb, interrupt or disquiet any assemblage of people who have met for the purpose of any funeral, or obstruct or detain any person or persons engaged in carrying or accompanying any dead body of a human being to a place of burial. Most frequently, the laws appeared in the books following a court ruling on a specific case, that then set a common law precedent from that point on. One of the popular-but-fake-sounding weird laws for Pennsylvania is that you can't catch a fish with your mouth. This law, which was first introduced in 1962, states that all packaged items must have a specific price that is applied throughout the whole country. However, the city did have laws against driving livestock down certain streets as early as 1882. 3. The Oklahoma Supreme Court and Court of Appeals are the topmost courts in Oklahoma. In Clinton, the mayor must sign a permit to allow more than three dogs to congregate on private property. There are lots of wonderfully weird things about Oklahoma. Today, severe weather alerts, including Tornado warnings, are issued to the public. The law was passed in 1951 and seeks to reduce fire accidents caused by mishandling of flammable material by untrained personnel, and anyone violating this law is liable for a $500 fine. It's called the "Mesa Verite Law." It was first passed in 1881 by the Texas Legislature. [pagebreak] Arizona. But it's acceptable Monday through Saturdays. It is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in our boots. Oklahoma thinks so, too, but to a much higher degree: If any person shall utter or speak any obscene or lascivious language or word in any public place, or in the presence of females, or in the presence of children under ten (10) years of age, he shall be liable to a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or both. For example, the New York law against people wearing masks in public places is to prevent a mass crime or a riot, since you don't . Unfortunately, we live in a society that puts this type of union in an unbelievable prejudice. Love Oklahoma? The state also disallows any public exhibition of sex or entertainment of a sexual nature, whether real or simulated. 1. There are some strange things in Oklahoma. When she isn't exploring Oklahoma, she enjoys visiting the beaches of California. Dorman represented Rush Springs, where they grow a lot of watermelon. This state is home to four major mountain ranges: the Wichita Mountains, the Ouachita Mountains, the Ozark, and the Arbuckle Mountains. I think my boyfriend would be glad to know that this law exists and could potentially get me in trouble since I have a theory that all the food on his plate tastes better than mine and snack on it as such. And damaging," Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in an email on Nov. 19, weeks after the election, regarding claims Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was making on Fox News. And some are just downright misogynistic, to be honest. While Tornadoes are a thing here, they dont happen every day. (a) No person operating a pool or billiard hall shall permit any intoxicated person to remain in the hall. This town also has a law on the books making it illegal to let your mule drink from a birdbath. In Tuscan women may not wear pants. It's really just the lingering puritan influence, and it's rarely if ever enforced, probably because prosecutors don't want to touch that with a 10-foot pole. Reba Nell McEntire, popular as Reba McEntire, was born in McAlester, Oklahoma. Oklahoma territory is one of the territories where the US Federal government resettled the Native Americans they removed from other territories in North America. Whether you live in Austin or are simply visiting for the day, don't make the mistake of carrying wire cutters in your pocket. I thought this one was just a common courtesy, but apparently our lawmakers take this seriously. Are there such laws in the state of Oklahoma? Oklahoma's official state meal consists of fried okra sausage and gravy, cornbread, squash, barbecue pork, biscuits, black-eyed peas, corn, grits, strawberries, chicken fried steak, and pecan pie. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, it is illegal to open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer. As the law is a living system in the United States, rules and regulations that are now considered to be archaic are able to be looked at with a fresh set of eyes every election cycle. The Arkansas River flooded frequently. They later became known as the Sooners this name later became the states nickname. Proponents assert it would end legal distinctions between men and women in matters of divorce, property, employment, and other matters. Where this law exists: South Dakota. So, did you know these things were illegal in Oklahoma? It's too bad the letter of the law here stops at coal mines. In Tulsa - You may not open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer. In fact, when you read this list of crazy laws in the state, you might think twice about what our lawmakers were thinking when these laws were passed. 30-84. Tip over a casket: One may not tip over a casket at a funeral in Oklahoma City. But when you're . *It's illegal to sell fewer than 24 ducklings at a time before May 1, or to sell rabbits, chicks, or ducklings that have been painted a different color. You cannot give another man a piggy-back ride in Atlanta. But not all blue laws are off the books in Oklahoma: We whiskey lovers still cant buy the stuff on Sundays, which is a crying shame. as a systematic tendency to engage in erroneous forms of thinking and judging. Oklahoma City is the capital city of the state. That will get you a hefty fine. It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle. Gross. There was legal time for entry into this region during this land rush. Interracial Marriage. The Sooner State is home to the highest number of man-made lakes in the country. These rules and regulations were passed by the Oklahoma state legislature, or in an individual Oklahoma city and- for one reason or another- were never overturned, remaining active on the books until this day. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Liner Law Group18 West BroadwayManhattan, NY 10002. This is probably another thing that most shoe owners would abide by regardless of any law. The strange things in Oklahoma dont end with the oddball laws mentioned above. Here they are: 10. Whaling: If you happen to find a whale in one of our many lakes, you may not hunt it. In Arkansas is illegal for any women teachers who "bob" their hair to get a raise. For a little more amusement regarding the oddly illegal things in Oklahoma, here are 11 more crazy, weird laws in Oklahoma that will have you scratching your head. You cannot hold a donkey in your bathtub. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. If you want to clean your ass, you're going to have to take it outside buddy 3. But with no evidence to prove it, this one has to remain fiction. The state is home to perch, bass, and catfish. Yukon also has a law prohibiting you from tying a horse in front of the town hall. 4. Oklahoma City zoo is the best place to learn about the states ecosystems. The first version of an ERA was written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman and . This got me to thinking. Anyone arrested for soliciting a hooker must have their name and picture shown on television. Over 130 plant species are native to this state. Read theCraziest Laws in the United States, if you want more. Take the following laws with a grain of salt, as they are truly bizarre. Or how they were ever passed in the first place? It shall be. Born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, William Bradley Pitt is a famous actor. Oklahoma is divided into ten geographic regions. The law requires that the "the owner or keeper of any member of a species of the animal kingdom that escapes from the owner's or keeper's custody or control and that is not indigenous to this. It is illegal in Alabama to open an umbrella on the streets of Montgomery. While the state of Oklahoma isn't the only state that has some laws that need this sort of updating, those who reside in or visit this great state can have the assurance that in time, these old and weird laws will eventually be a thing of the past. Tall dandelions and other weeds are banned in Pueblo. Oklahoma Unemployment Insurance Benefits Guide, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rush_of_1889, https://www.oklahoman.com/article/3172542/100-amazing-facts-about-oklahoma, Ultimate Guide to Medicaid Benefits in the USA, How to Get South Dakota Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get Wyoming Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get Wisconsin Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, How to Get West Virginia Medicaid Benefits | Best Answers, New Mexico Unemployment Insurance Benefits Guide, Labor omnia vincit meaning Oklahoma in God We Trust, ColoradoKansasArkansasMissouriTexasNew Mexico, Oklahoma is called the Sooner State after the settlers who arrived in the area earlier than the stipulated time during the, Oklahoma is located right in the Tornado Alley where, Its no surprise that Oklahoma is the first state that received the first. Arkansas. But what the legislators dont take into account is that very few people use the bus, and those that do dont seem like the type to drop nearly a thousand dollars on fish keeping equipment. (Oklahoma City). * In Oklahoma, it is illegal to carry Kleenex or other facial tissue in the back of a car. Women are prohibited from wearing patent leather shoes in public. Oklahoma voters have cast their majority votes for the Republican presidential aspirants since 1968. Cavana hill in eastern Oklahoma is the worlds tallest hill, according to the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department. . The executive, legislature, and judiciary work by a checks and balances system.. While you might be tempted to launder them in your neighbor's birdbath, you should know that such action is punishable by law in the town of Wynona. Statute 27 C.F.R. The Quapaw, Osage, Comanche, and Kiowa made up the Native American tribes in Oklahoma territory during the 18th century. Not so sure? Rumble theBison, you have my number. Cimarron county shares its body with six states. It is easier to pass laws than to revoke them, so some very strange laws remain on the books. Love Oklahoma? This allows for laws that are outdated, and sometimes downright oppressive, to be revised, amended, or sometimes stricken from the books entirely. What is a weird law in Italy? Do you like wearing a hoodie in public and live in or plan to visit Oklahoma? Ginny/Flickr 2. Image: Unsplash. Well, most of us. I can only assume that this law comes direct from the prom and wedding industries that want women to pay $150 to have their hair put in a complicated bun that requires no less than 75 bobby pins. I think the cosmetology school lobbyists got away with murder on this one. Its the worlds prison capital.. Weird laws in Oklahoma arent the only thing that sets the state apart from others. At some point in time, the state legislature or individual city passed these nonsensical, outdated, and weird laws in Oklahoma, and for some reason or another, they were never overturned or taken off the books. Much of Oklahoma lies in the Tornado Alley, defined by the large hails, severe thunderstorms, Tornadoes, and wrecking thunderstorm winds. Oklahoma BBQ cant be beat and is easily the best part of living in Oklahoma. Standing up and sleeping is fine. Credits: Unsplash The University of Oklahoma boasts several sports programs and numerous tourist attraction sites. The "Stupid Motorist Law" Any activity of fortune-telling, palm-reading, or palmistry will get you a misdemeanor. What are the three fun facts about Oklahoma? A portion of this state is located near the geographic center of the lower 48 states. In total, 2,350 new bills and joint resolutions were filed for possible consideration in the . You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Pigs less than 32 inches in length may be kept as pets provided there are no more than two in a house. More specifically, oysters in Oklahoma, or calf fries as they are sometimes called, are bull testicles. It seems every time I watch a local news channel there is some grainy mug shot of some dude who got caught. The University of Oklahoma boasts several sports programs and numerous tourist attraction sites. Apparently these laws were also taken super seriously by Tulsa officials because, in 1931, owners of grocery stores, movie theaters gas stations and more were prosecuted for breaking them. In the community of Bromide, children aren't allowed to tie capes around their bodies and jump from a roof while pretending to be a superhero (via Stupid Laws). The state forbids any shoes with stiletto heels. The state of Oklahoma has a law against pre-marital sex. As you can see, Oklahoma has some laws still in force that might be worth reevaluating. In California, bathhouses are against the law. I think this is Oklahomas attempt to get people to buy big expensive aquariumsthat house whole ecosystems rather than the little bowls fit for a gold-fish or a beta. A resident of Oklahoma is called an Oklahoman. 2. It is illegal in the state of Oklahoma. Out of the five main cattle trails on the western frontier, four traveled through the Indian Territory in 1881. Almost every city and state has some outdated, old-fashioned or even nonsensical laws on the books, and they can come about for a variety of reasons. Oklahoma state is the 28th most populous state with a population of over 3,959,353. So, good on you, news channels. Oklahoma Stupid Laws Yukon No horses in city hall! Sage, mesquite, and cacti are the primary arid plants in this state. (b) If alcoholic beverages are permitted on the premises, no operator of a pool or billiard hall shall permit any person under the age of 18 years to enter the hall, Read More While it is legal to serve alcohol in a pool hall, all intoxicated persons must leave the premises.Continue, 30-56. Jennifer Berry is a beauty pageant and the 2006 Miss America winner. From a law against wearing socks with sandals in Florida to one against eating rabbits in Oklahoma, here are some of the craziest laws in the US. The panel of 23 jurors reviewed evidence for seven months starting last May. No, there are famous Oklahomans such as Garth Brooks, Rob Howard, Reba McEntire, Woody Guthrie, and Chuck Norris. In Tulsa, kissing for more than three minutes is a violation of a city ordinance (via Stupid Laws ). Oklahomans dont just have their own set of colorful words and phrases, though. 3. With a low cost of living, just about everything is more affordable in the Sooner State than in other states across the U.S. Maybe it's the scenario of someone willingly wanting to sneak around at night to milk random cows. No person shall willfully disturb, interrupt or disquiet any assemblage of people who. Laws in Wynona, Oklahoma, state that your car (mode of transportation)must be tied upwhile not in use. The slave trade in the Indian Territory was abolished in 1866. There was once a time in Oklahoma when stores couldnt sell washing machines, and kitchenware like pots and pans on Sundays. Or one that would fine a person for carrying a fishbowl on a bus that contains a live fish? Because I care, I went deep into the Gettysburg Times archives and found, from . Hotels must have an extra three feet of linen, 2. Thank you! (In one episode, Mayor Quimby is surprised to find out the town charter mandates that all ducks wear long pants). Every country is different, and every country's laws are different. Oklahoma: No bear wrestling. Many of the weird laws in Oklahoma are rooted in times in which people were a lot more prudish than they are today. Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state. The Indian Appropriation Act of 1889 marked the beginning of the Land Rush into the Indian Territory. Sky island mountain ranges like Wichita Mountains and the Antelope Hills occupy the southwestern region. But those aren't the only weird laws that still exist statewide. Almost all birds found between the Rockies and the Mississippi River live here, including the bald eagle. Often, "dumb laws" as reported on websites and in humor books have been shown to be inaccurate. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! And that Felony Violation took place in 2015. On the list of weird U.S. laws, this one we'd like to keep. Thankfully, because it's one of the weirdest laws around the world, we're guessing it never really has to be enforced. According to Oklahoma City Ordinances, it is illegal to put any hypnotized person in a display window. Tell us your thoughts. You know whats really dumb? 3. Sometimes you just need to buy a washing machine on a Sunday! Oklahoma City is the only capitol building with an active oil rig in the country. Homes arent the only thing thats affordable in Oklahoma, though. [3] [4] [5] This is often understood as a cognitive bias, i.e. 4. However, some settlers crossed early and hid to wait for an opening. Oklahoma, with its rich history and unique culture, is a travel destination for tourists from all over the world. Alaska. That's right, one of America's most extreme games, Bingo is officially a dry sport in the state of North Carolina. It is illegal to read a comic book while driving. This week marked the deadline of the rush to file proposals for new laws and resolutions in Oklahoma. ContactSenators.com is supported by our readers. So, I think it's utterly stupid, to attack 70 percent of the country, when you're trying to get a majority." "If you want to throw everything over the fence to win the election of 2042, then, go . Minors, intoxicated persons, etc. Need proof? Ok some of you might think I am crazy but for years I thought I could talk to the universe. She leads our Editorial Team with Ronald and Lawrence to curate content and resources that help us navigate the system. Oklahoma has the name Oklahoma in its capital citys name. Sabrina is a former campaign manager who has decided to focus her effort to help people contact senators and get help. Typically, these laws apply to strip clubs--it's where Oklahoma law states that dancers in these establishments cannot be fully nude and must have their nipples covered. Oklahoma City National Memorial remembers the tragic bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in 1995. The state has over 500 named creeks and rivers. Youre a terrible person if you spit. Oklahomas state capitol building is located on Lincoln Boulevard in Oklahoma City, and it houses the executive government offices. However, these weird or outlandish laws are actually on the books, whether they're enforced or not. Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of anothers hamburger. For instance, the expression fraidy hole simply means an underground tornado shelter. Did you know that Oklahoma has had up to nine Congressional Districts? Oklahoma has the name Oklahoma in its capital citys name. Alfalfa Bill, as most people called him, was a legendary Oklahoma lawmaker who became speaker of the house and governor of Oklahoma. Now it's up to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to decide whether . Residents of the Sooner State have also assigned new meanings to existing words such as oyster. In the rest of the country, oysters are saltwater clams eaten straight from the shell; however, in Oklahoma, oysters dont come from the ocean. List of strange state laws on the books in Oklahoma. Or be faced with a penalty if you are caught reading a comic book while behind the wheel of a car. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Many of the weird laws in Oklahoma are rooted in times in which people were a lot more prudish than they are today. All linens must have an extra three feet of material added to them. One may not tip over a casket at a funeral. It is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday. I think this one only affects Patrick when hes sitting outside Joleen Chaney and Emily Suttons apartment and watching their silhouettes through the window. Black Mesa State Park in Cimarron County. I can only assume that this law comes direct from the prom and wedding industries that want women to pay $150 to have their hair put in a complicated bun that requires no less than 75 bobby pins. Laws. A. Its true, and we can all thank Sylvan Goldman, the owner of the Humpty Dumpty supermarket chain. The so-called Nine-foot sheet law stayed in effect until Alfalfa Bill was laid to rest in 1956. AND, TN already has laws against sexualized entertainment and obscenity in front of children. But thats not my job. The Oklahomans speak Oklahoma English. Let's take a look at some of the weirdest laws that the powers that be have on the books in the Sooner State. Ashley has lived in Oklahoma for 25 years and is the Oklahoma staff writer for onlyinyourstate.com. 1. Choctaw is part of the five Native Americans removed from the southwestern US. Though most of these laws sound incredibly dumb now, once they've had, or still does have, a real pretense. Anyway, I did some Internet searching on some of those "strange laws" websites and compiled a list of the 10 weirdest ones in Oklahoma. Sylvan Nathan Goldman, born in Ardmore, Oklahoma, is the inventor of the folding basket carriers. And there you have it. We will never ask you to provide any personal information to us. People who make ugly faces at dogs in Oklahoma may be fined or jailed. Black Mesa Summit Trail in Cimarron County. Do you ever wonder where the weird laws in Oklahoma come from? If you needed any proof that our legislators are a bunch of prudes that dont like to have any sort of fun or pleasure, there it is. Here are 10 weird laws still in effect in Ohio, according to onlyinyourstate.com: 1. I would say this is pet owner discrimination. Just to prove it, weve compiled a list of weird Oklahoma town names. I dont think anyone would consider us a very forward-thinking state, especially when you consider all the time and money spent on the personhood amendment that was deemed unconstitutional by the state supreme court. Iodine and helium arent the only items the world can thank the Sooner State for, though. Dominoes may not be played on Sunday. Its official, yall. And to think that our tax money is going to someone who thought these up. Not at all. I'm not 100% sure if they are all real, but since they are on the internet, they probably are. Oklahoma is in the top ten states with the lowest tax burden in the United States. Tusla the second largest cityis often called the buckle of the Bible Belt.. RT @exofficerPeg: If a straight man wears a dress it's OK but if a gay man does it's illegal. When Oklahoma passed its second dumb law, it was passed on the premise that it would be enforced by Oklahoma cops and state troopers. So, rest easy, cheaters: The law ain't coming for you. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. It has 200 artificial lakes, including the Grand Lake O the Cherokee nation. I actually think this is one that happens. It has over 643,648 people. Trail of Tears is often associated with removing the Native Americans, the Cherokee, from their homes. If you get caught with a sex worker in Oklahoma, be prepared for some potential public embarrassment. Oklahoma is part of the Bible Belta region with conservative and evangelical Christianity. In the wake of the American civil war, all the five Native American tribes supported the Confederate military. You put that crap in your mouth and you can freaking swallow it. Final verdict: Or you can't lie down to sleep, at least. Lyndon B. Johnson is the last Democratic Presidential candidate to win Oklahoma. It's against the law to milk your neighbor's cow. I dont know why anyone would trip horses or if this was a thing that Oklahomans used to do for fun. Goldman thought the carts would take some of the hassles out of shopping and he was right. Section 3-25 Keeping of dogs and cats restricted. It is an illegal act. The law is meant to reflect a community's current values, as well as to give its people and their property needed protection. 4. There is a lot to enjoy in this state, and as we always do, we put together a list of basic, weird, and fun facts for you to know what life is like in the Sooner state. Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state. Dine At The Historic Spot In Oklahoma Where John Wayne Drank Tequila, This Enchanting And Historic Town In Oklahoma Is The Perfect Day Trip Destination, Thousands Of Singing Spring Peepers Are A Welcome Sound Of Normalcy Here In Oklahoma, The Adults-Only Resort In Oklahoma Where You Can Enjoy Some Much-Needed Peace And Quiet, Not Many People Realize That These 10 Things Are Actually Illegal In Oklahoma, 14 Terrifying Things In Oklahoma That Can (And Just Might) Kill You, 11 Unwritten Rules Every Oklahoman Lives By Til Death, These 11 MORE Crazy Laws In Oklahoma Will Have You Scratching Your Head, weirdest things that happened in Oklahoma. Women may not gamble in the nude, in lingerie, or while wearing a towel. Chuck Norris 2006 Miss America winner Memorial remembers the tragic bombing of the Sooner.! Engage in erroneous forms of thinking and judging call Tulsa a washing machine on a Sunday Alabama to an! 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