contact andreas kalcker
Administer for 3 days. This channel contains the protocols for CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) developed and used by Andreas Kalcker. Kalcker has advertised the product as a definitive cure for cancer, AIDS, autism, hepatitis, diabetes, arthritis and all kinds of diseases, as well as . In the case of large-scale treatment, the treated skin areas are alternated every hour. Since that time, thousands have recovered from various illnesses using this substance, and now many physicians and scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many applications. El seminario ser mixto y online, impartido con videos, exmenes y sesiones en directo con Andreas Kalcker. If it is necessary to drink more, prepare another bottle of water. Complying with the legally established obligations, as well as verifying compliance with contractual obligations, included the prevention of fraud. 2023 Andreas Kalcker - Official Website. . The S protocol or Sensitive protocol is intended for people who are not able to ingest CDS in the same way as most. It is especially indicated in the case of oxyurasis. The brands of these dewormers vary in each country, therefore the main chemical active substance is used in this protocol. For children: 5 daily doses of 1 ml with water every 2 hours. 99. Malaria advanced protocolIf the adult patient is severely weakened: 8 ml of CDS in the first dose 5 ml of CDS in the second hour 5 ml of CDS in the fourth hour 6 ml of CDS in the sixth hour 8 mL CDS in the eighth hour 8 ml CDS When sleeping. Andreas Kalcker is a biophysical researcher of German origin who has lived most of his life in Spain and for many years has been living in Switzerland where he has investigated and registered several international patents that deal with the therapeutic . Help us inform the world about what is going on, so people can wake up and defend their life and liberty. ANDREASKALCKER.COM will keep the personal data of the users only for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, as long as it does not revoke the consents granted. . The event was cancelled by the hotel, located on the beach of San Juan. Ghostmasters by Mark Walker (Revised Edition, 1994, Hardback) $125.00. In those cases in which ANDREASKALCKER.COM has service providers for the maintenance of the platform that are outside the European Union, these international transfers have been regularized according to ANDREASKALCKER.COM's commitment to the protection, integrity and security of the personal data of the users. He worked in the 90s at the Centre for New Technologies in Barcelona He first licensed in economics and later in biophysics and alternative health (Ph.D). Please enable the javascript to submit this form, We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. An Argentinian judicial source told Insider that Kalcker has been charged with illegal practice of the medical profession and selling fake medicines. -2 RBM. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. It can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.Normally these effects are generated by the release of toxins from the parasite itself when it dies. He lives in Switzerland and is a key figure in a sprawling movement that hails toxic bleach as a miracle medical treatment. Day 3 Castor oil, two tablespoons (overflowing from the pharmacy) on an empty stomach. Mebendazole (two doses) 100 mg every twelve hours. Now over 5,000 physicians in 25 nations use chlorine dioxide (or in short, CDS) to save lives. 01:18:48 - Quantum Nurse presents Freedom International Livestream On Dec 27, Tuesday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany Guest In this video Dr Andreas Kalcker shares the wonderful work that he, and his colleagues across the globe, have been doing with Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Revised Edition. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Clinical study with Chlorine DioxideCOVID-19, Due to the multiple masssive censorship exercised by social networks and video platforms, these are the available options to disseminate the information available. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter in your preferred language to receive important notifications related to Chlorine Dioxide therapies.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Note: this treatment does not use systemic antiparasitic drugs that are absorbed by the rope-300dpi_1024x608body. The charges follow a seven-month-long investigation by the Unidad Fiscal para la Investigacin de Delitos contra el Medio Ambiente (UFIMA), which investigates medical crimes in Argentina. If you wish, you can contact me by email for any other information that does not appear on this website. 82. Day 7 Mebendazole: 100 mg every twelve hours. The investigation was launched after the August 2020 death of a five-year-old boy in Neuquen, western Argentina, of multiple organ failure consistent with chlorine dioxide poisoning. The solution should not cause stinging or burning, rather it relieves pain and bleeding. This book is the result of many years of data collecting about allegedly incurable diseases by the bio-physicist Andreas Kalcker, who dares to speak the truth, offering solutions where there were none until now. I want to present a new system of protocols by letters, the reason is simple since many times several protocols must be combined according to the disease, so the protocols can be easily combined for greater efficiency. Please share it. A dessert teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Before moving to Switzerland, Kalcker lived in Spain for several years. It is time to act and be part of the new secure and free communication channel where your opinion counts. The work of Dr. h.c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker was recognized or awarded by the following Universities and Institutions. . Day 9 to 18 (second month) Castor Oil, two tablespoons (flavored from the pharmacy) on an empty stomach. Morning and afternoon. Enema. by Andreas Kalcker. web para sanar/curar_autorrepararnos_. Andreas Kalcker is a German biophysicist who has been researching chlorine dioxide for more than 13 years. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. For babies: 4 daily doses of 1 ml CDS every 3 hours. The Essentials: CDS Protocol Guide by Andreas Kalcker. [2], In 2021 an Argentine lawyer filed a lawsuit against Kalcker following the death of a five-year-old boy in Neuqun Province who ingested chlorine dioxide, a chemical compound promoted by Kalcker as a cure for COVID-19. Free . He has a large following on social media and is often cited in videos posted by MMS promoters across Latin America. It is a simple protocol without side effects, but very effective. 56.1K edited Oct 27, 2021 at 08:13. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider 50 ml of saline physiological serum5 ml of CDS3 ml of DMSO (70%)Five drops are applied every two hours to the affected eye (or nose)The ophthalmic and nasal drops will be stored in a dark and cool place and will last for 100% effectiveness for about three days. [4], On 24 October 2012 Kalcker was arrested in Ibiza by agents of the Spanish Civil Guard Anti-Drug and Organized Crime Team for violating Spanish public health protection laws. 6 ml of CDS (or six activated drops) in a glass of water and 150 ml of water are added at body temperature. 4.3 MB. 10 ml of CDS for each liter of warm water or alternatively 10 activated drops of CD for each liter of warm water. NASA labeled this substance 'The Universal Antidote' in 1987, because it can destroy ANY PATHOGEN in the human body. A dessert teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. If you want to slow down the evaporation process, you can add a tablespoon of water to the mixture.Activate 6 to 12 drops of CD without water in a glass. We are looking forward to seeing you in this Special Mini-webinar! Free shipping. CONTACT ME if you have any PRODUCT OR BUSINESS ENQUIRIES or any sign-up issues.I use these for all my 2 and 4 legged families and they really are amazing!--------------------------------------------ASEATo Purchase : CONTACT US ON stating your phone number and country FOR THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE WAY TO PURCHASE, Your cells are breaking down. The irrigator is filled with water and the CDS is added. They say that there is no evidence that chlorine dioxide is effective as a treatment for COVID-19 or any illness, and warn that if taken in large doses it can be fatal. Some of you will wonder how can health be forbidden, because initially it does not make any sense at all. Argentinian authorities have charged Andreas Kalcker, a key figure in a sprawling movement that hails toxic bleach as a "miracle" medical treatment. He is also a leading proponent of the myth that the substance can cure a wide range of diseases including autism and cancer. Andreas Kalcker (right) being interviewed on Bolivian TV . Andreas Kalcker is a biophysical researcher of German origin who has lived most of his life in Spain and for many years resides in Switzerland where he has investigated and registered several international patents dealing with the therapeutic use of chlorine dioxide for both hypoxia and for inflammation, infection, sepsis and Sars -Cov2 -Coronavirus. You can add more hot water later, because the heat dilates the pores and thus penetrates further into the body. Kindle. Fill the bathtub with water at body temperature. It is applied by leaving it directly on the bite or bite and is allowed to dry. Make sure to not miss out on life saving critical information. In compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection, we inform you that we will treat the data you provide us to: Derived from the aforementioned purposes, at ANDREASKALCKER.COM we manage the following categories of data: The processing of data whose purpose is to send periodic bulletins (newslettering) about services, events and news related to our professional activity is based on the consent of the interested party, expressly requested to carry out said treatments, in accordance with current regulations.In addition, the legitimacy for the processing of data related to offers or collaborations is based on the consent of the user who submits their data, which can be withdrawn at any time, although this may affect the possible fluid communication and obstruction of processes you want to do.Finally, the data may be used to comply with the legal obligations applicable to ANDREASKALCKER.COM. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Do not add soap, perfume, shampoo, or children's toys, ensuring good ventilation in the bathroom.4. More than five minutes is not necessary. DO NOT take / givemebendazole and metronidazole together. 4.3 MB. Application protocol: In almost all skin diseases, such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, athlete's foot, wounds, etc. Procedure: a gauze or tissue is soaked with CDS. Please consider purchasing this book through the many links on this channel. Its operation is very effective against contagion from your partner, if he is sleeping next to you, or if there are more than 1 child in the same room. It should be repeated according to the needs of each person. The duration of the exposure is usually 3 minutes, it should not exceed 5 minutes, so as not to cause irritation. Follow package directions: adults 20-25 drops, older children 15 drops, and toddlers 7 drops.Neem: prepare a tea from the leaves, 1 tea bag in 1 liter of water (if necessary add stevia for being bitter). Page 41: "When chlorine dioxide reaches the stomach, which contains hydrochloric acid (also known as HCL, muriatic acid, salt acid, etc. 2,951 views. As well as his website, which features a wealth of information on the benefits of the substance, Kalcker has produced two books and three patents. In the case of excessive drynesswith irritation, reduce the dose or rest from treatment. . Other measures that prevent access to user data by third parties. It is a comprehensive work of more than 400 pages and contains testimonials from people who have used the chemical to cure their ailments. Report abuse. Evidence that all C0VID data is 100% false worldwide fraud uncovered! Ingls; Francs A video going viral on the internet claims that self-proclaimed medical expert called Andreas Kalcker has found that Chlorine Dioxide can cure COVID-19. This means CDS is officially recognized by the US government as a cure for most diseases. October 7, 2021. All customers get FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon . 1994. 2.2 2.2 out of 5 stars (27) Paperback. Room protocol, to avoid contagion or lung conditions:Activate 6 - 12 drops according to the size of the room in a dry glass, without adding water, placing it in the bedroom, where it slowly evaporates. However, an group of advocates, working mostly online, have convinced many that it has miraculous powers to cure diseases including COVID-19. Drink 1 cup on an empty stomach for 3 days in a row The rest of the days on an empty stomach, take the Aloe Vera gel with juice or water. Enemas in the most continuous way possible. Contact Deutschland sterreich english franais 1.757.716 customers The O protocol or Ophthalmological / Nasal protocol consists of the manufacture of drops for ophthalmological or nasal use, the procedure is as follows:They are mixed in a small glass bottle with a polyethylene dropper (polyethylene (PE) is harder than rubber). When he is not surfing the Internet, he is busy with his favourite beats. The German scientist has been a prominent promoter of the controversial MMS or Chlorine Dioxide Solution, which can cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and intoxication or even kidney failure. If you buy the CDS Making kit, there will not be any instructions on how to make CDS, Because they are not allowed to sell it like that. Encryption of communications between the user's device and ANDREASKALCKER.COM servers, Encryption of information on ANDREASKALCKER.COM's own servers. Delete in case of continuous diarrhea. Diatomaceous earth. It can be administered very effectively with a small bulb anally 10 ml diluted in a little warm water, it is introduced into the rectum, from where it reaches the large intestine, and it is left to act overnight. Commercial information data. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. All rights reserved. $24.99 $ 24. by Andreas Kalcker | Feb 4, 2023. A dessert teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. You do not have to put any soap or other chemicals in the water.2. Paperback. He has been researching a substance called chlorine dioxide for over 13 years. Many people have found the YOGUI system very useful:- 3 nights in a row.- 3 nights: one yes and one no.- 3 nights: every 3 days.- 3 nights, one per week. In protocol I or Insects protocol, the CD (MMS or CDH) can be used for bites, the fastest and most efficient is the CDS if it is at hand. There are reports of people who have used this protocol up to twice a day, for a long time, for serious illnesses, without having had negative side effects in most cases. Charlies FREE Newsletter When used together, they could cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which can be very serious.s. Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker has developed a 100% effective cure for COVID-19 and all its variations. In the seven months since the release of the first edition of this book, 22 more children have lost their autism diagnosis and returned to a state of health Arias alleges that Kalcker is falsely posing as a medical authority, and profiting from the promotion of quack cures, in crimes which local media report carry a 25 year sentence if found to have caused deaths. His treatment was first used for COVID-19 by the military, police and politicians in Bolivia, who all recovered in four days. ",, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 18:08. The sicker a person is, the slower the increase in dose has to be. In an exclusive interview for the Chilean magazine El Guardin de la Salud, Dr. Andreas Kalcker talked about the nanomaterial that has recently been found in vaccines, and how CDS helps reduce the magnetism that many people express after inoculation. The operation can be repeated several times a day (even once an hour). To learn more about this study, you or your doctor may contact the study research staff using the contacts provided below. The process can be repeated as many times as necessary and there is no need to wash with water afterwards. It includes the script of the documentary and references provided throughout the script as it progresses. Visit the help section or contact us. One pill in the morning and one at night. Diatomaceous earth. Salud Prohibida. Some of you will wonder how can health be forbidden, because initially it does not make any sense at all. ).PE or HDPE bottles are correct in this case. Andreas Kalcker responds to Gabriela Segura, M.D. We rate his claim as Mostly False and we urge readers to seek the advice of their medical professionals before taking any action. Join Charlie on his Insiders Club every Wednesday & Saturday Day 6 Castor oil, two tablespoons (overflowing from the pharmacy) on an empty stomach. Mebendazole 100 mg every twelve hours. Talk with your doctor and family members or friends about deciding to join a study. In tablet form take 3 tablets for 60 Kg. Diatomaceous earth (two doses). If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. It is applied up to 10 times a day maximum, spraying it on the skin, rubbing the diluted DMSO with the hand afterwards. One pill in the morning and one at night. Diatomaceous earth. Copyright 2023 Stop World Control, All rights reserved. Forbidden Health - Book written by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker - (English Version) - Books normally arrive in 3 to 6 days due to large order volume! has arrived and we would love for you to be part of it. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter in your preferred language to receive important notifications related to Chlorine Dioxide therapies. It is truly like trying to read . Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter in your preferred language to receive important notifications related to Chlorine Dioxide therapies. All Rights Reserved. The bath is taken by wetting the entire body, including the head and scalp. A clinical trial then confirmed the efficacy of this treatment against COVID-19. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact. Argentinian authorities charged Andreas Kalcker with falsely promoting toxic bleach as a medical cure. Chlorine dioxide is a type of industrial bleaching agent commonly used to treat wood products. One pill in the morning and one at night. Diatomaceous earth (two doses). This protocol is also designed to be used in children, without causing an excessive toxic load on the blood and the body, due to its duration and dosage. (= 6 to 12ml CDS). Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The child, from Neuquen, western Argentina, was found to have died as a result of multiple organ failure consistent with chlorine dioxide poisoning in August last year,local media reported. ABS or PET plastic bottles or rubber gloves should not be used as they could be dissolved by DMSO and carried through the skin (! Go back to filtering menu Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. For 9 days or alternative antiparasitic infusion. Enemas in the most continuous way possible. If after the third month, parasites or large amounts of mucus are still coming out, the protocol can be continued starting from the first month again. Les vaccins COVID-19 sont interdits pour les enfants de moins de 18 ans dans les pays scandinaves. The contact of the crest of SARS-CoV-2 RBM with the N-terminal helix of hACE2 is greater than for SARS-CoV-2RBM. Dr. Andreas Kalcker. A boy, 5, and man, 50, died last year in Argentina after taking the substance. Dr. Andreas Kalcker. Keeping it cool and dark these stable solutions last for several days to a week. A dessert teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. as well as other partner offers and accept our. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies. for any specific condition or disease. It is absorbed with a bulb eliminating the interior air and petroleum jelly or lubricating cream is applied to the tip of it. Andreas Kalcker Protocols. . The hotter the room is, the faster evaporation occurs. In the procedure for acute malaria in adults according to Jim Humble, two single doses of 15 drops of activated CD are taken, plus a second dose of 15 drops of activated CD one to two hours later. Morning and afternoon. Enema. Verified Purchase. The duration of the treatment would be the time necessary, until you feel recovered (dose response). Go back to filtering menu Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. Delete in case of continuous diarrhea. Diatomaceous earth. Subsequently, it is introduced into the rectum, emptying the knob completely. [1] After Kalcker sued the president of the COMA for warning about the event, Mara Isabel Moya, the Provincial Court of Alicante ratified that there was no criminal infraction for her statements, considering that "the president acted in the exercise of her competences and in her duty to protect the health of the general public". Expert in oxidative application in therapies and disinfection. Prosecutors in Argentina are investigating Andreas Kalcker, who popularized the bleach Chlorine Dioxide as a COVID-19 treatment. Men. Several Argentinian nationals are also under investigation following the complaint. Dengue is often confused with malaria, both are transmitted by a mosquito, but while malaria is a parasite, dengue is a virus and the appropriate protocol is protocol F (old frequent protocol CDS 115). FORBIDDEN HEALTH- ANDREAS KALCKER. So you need to educate yourself, by looking at some of the free videos, and if you need to know dosages for different conditions, you need to purchase Dr Andreas Kalckers book or do the introductory course. We better live life in a conscious mann. Morning and afternoon. Enema. Day 9 to 18 (first month) Castor Oil, two tablespoons (flavored from the pharmacy) on an empty stomach. Authorities have accused Andreas Kalcker of promoting the dangerous bleach substance in Argentina as a cure for a number of illnesses. October 23, 2022. For this, 20 ml of CDS (20 drops of activated CD as an alternative) are mixed with about 50 ml of water in a spray bottle. From hardcore tech stories to the overall impact of technology in life, Avinash is passionate about everything. 60 ml should not be exceeded in 12 daily doses (5 ml / h for 100 kg). The treatment is followed but not with more than three drops per hour. Andreas Kalcker is a German biophysicist who has been researching chlorine dioxide for more than 13 years. In Bolivia, Kalcker's teamed up with a group of medics called COMUSAV to advocate for chlorine dioxide treatments. Charlies new website Mark Grenon, another prominent advocate of the bleach cure from Florida. To his own surprise, a German named Andreas Kalcker was healed of arthritis using MMS. Today we had a fun conversation with Dr. Andreas Kalcker all the way from Spain. We have suffered the closure of channels in, Please enable the javascript to submit this form, We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Stay up to date with what you want to know. Leave the CD about 2 meters away from the sick person. The UFIMA spokesperson said that after an initial investigation, the matter was referred to federal prosecutors who probe serious crimes. Increase two ml more, if necessary. I know this is going to sound weird to some, but due to the current situation this is an attempt to create a simple order. Get more information in the section booksor in the forum Read more about our. NOW WATCH: 16-year-old pilot flies emergency medical supplies to rural hospitals fighting coronavirus, Kalcker was an architect of the shocking surge in popularity in South America, Pan American Health Organization, Spain's Organizacin Mdical Colegial, and the US Food and Drug Administration. The needs of each person means CDS is added by MMS promoters across America! 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