openstax biology 2e answer key
WebBiology" because of its inclusion of "Adaptation" instead of the introductory chapter from "Biology 2E" because of the current omission. The chapter appears confused about how time is represented in phylogenetic trees, saying both that trees do and do not have a time axis. For example 14.3, a dead mouse image was unhelpful in understanding this classic experiment. Everything is formatted correctly and links and images are accessible on both devices. These bonds, along with hydrogen bonds, help form the three-dimensional structure of the proteins in our cells that is necessary for their proper function. In fact, interactions between R-groups on amino acids are more important than Van der Waals attractions in stabilizing 3D structure in proteins. For example, I would introduce DNA structure, replication, central dogma and gene expression (chapters 14-16) before classical genetics (chapter 12), and I think that would work fine with the way this text is written. Its not clear that the author understands it, frankly. This would be what good instructors always do, but new instructors often have to take more of their clues from the text. read more. All of the material is based on objective science and, after presenting facts, offered learners the chance to evaluate their own beliefs based on new information. American spelling is used throughout, which is fine with me. While the artwork is generally good some of the illustrations are too small and generally not as visually appealing as in commercial textbooks. This review was collaboratively written by Dr. Heidi Sleister and Dr. Debora Christensen. The book is perfectly fine in its modularity and is similar to most other biology textbooks. The links are in the above post, as either google doc files or as pdf. They have provided the square for accessing videos, and also provide a link to videos, but sometimes the link to the videos is not available on a pc computer. However, as the text reads currently, some "self-referencing" will be necessary to maintain connections among chapters and between sections within chapters. Easy to navigate the contents list, especially when downloaded as PDF, and very easy to switch from one section to another. Unit 7, Chapters 33 41, covers the major systems of animals, including digestive, nervous, sensory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, immune, and reproductive systems. The book included biological themes beginning at the cellular level and progressing all the Finally, each chapter has review questions, both multiple choice and short answer (critical thinking). The abstracts are a good concise summary of what the chapter intends. The number and placement of headings and sub-headings seemed appropriate not too many that the flow of text was disrupted, but not too few that readers would have to stretch on and on with simple text. Openstax does have chapter questions available, but I prefer to use reading guides which ask students to read the chapter, pausing to answer questions as they go. The set up of the text book is easy to navigate and the framework is consistent. However, I actually find this quite refreshing, in that there is more of an emphasis on essential information. Content is generally accurate and relevant. Overall, acceptable trade-off to conventional high quality textbooks. read more. In this review, we focus on the textbook units (cell biology, genetics, physiology) that align with the specific topics we teach in the first and second semesters of introductory biology for science majors. Terms and concepts are very well explained and significance is emphasized. bond formed by a dehydration reaction between two monosaccharides with eliminating a water molecule. In Chapter 18, the text only includes the biological species concept, with no discussion of its weaknesses or limitations. For the topics most commonly covered (Cellular Resipration, Mitosis, etc), this book does a good job. Furthermore, in a classroom of 300 students, I probably have 3-12 gender-non-conforming students who feel that statements such as these deny their existence, causing them to readily give up on "science." One thing that I would have liked is greater consistency in the figures. I advise reviewing and using review questions with caution so that students are not conceptually mislead, or think the questions are isomorphic with your own assessment questions. This textbook is almost exactly like any paper textbook. The examples do not seem modern. Are those available somewhere or exclusively on TpT? However, this is offset by links to online resources which allow students to click through the stages of cellular respiration for themselves. The authors do a great job of this important aspect. 17. In contrast to some introductory biology textbooks that focus almost exclusively on humans, this text consistently includes examples from all three domains of life, making the content more applicable to students with interests in different areas of biology. Although there were some minor figure errors which I did not find in the traditional textbook, there was effectively no difference in accuracy. I believe the time is ripe for a revised edition. We are proud to offer the biggest range of coffee machines from all the leading brands of this industry. The chapters match what most introductory courses outline in their syllabi. These are some tough topics for students that could be explained more clearly with more examples. The video links I checked were generally good, although a few include misconceptions. I liked that current research examples were used, such as HPV infected cells in the cell division chapter, and neurons from Huntingtons patients in the Mendelian genetics chapter. Section 19.1 Link to Learning online calculator is a useful tool but it would be nice to have an animation illustrate the principle of HWE (similar to the Link to Learning on Drift in Section 19.2). This book will serve the purpose of introductory biology and could very well be used in place of the expensive textbooks. Aside from the figures, other aspects of the interface function well. I may discover more inconsistency when I am using it with my students. For example, they use the term Citric Acid Cycle instead of the Krebs Cycle, and this is conserved throughout the text. read more. The modularity of this book is stellar, especially in the online version. This book will suffice in a 2 semester biology course. Topics are explained simply in shorter rather than longer paragraphs, and details that often bog down longer texts are omitted. However, a significant strength is that the online, editable nature of the book enables an instructor to edit the text to best fit their course. I suggest that instructors pay close attention to review and end-of-chapter questions in this and all textbooks! Many terms are used before they are defined. The latter include art connection questions (which refer to diagrams in the chapter), multiple choice review questions and free response critical thinking questions. I am signed up for OpenStax. Errors are corrected in the texts online format prior to fall and spring semesters, and the pdf version prior to fall semesters. Reviewed by Emily Jane McTavish, Asst. the study of living organisms and their interactions with one another and their environments. Organization is appropriate and is adaptable for the specifics of individual course requirements. The index is easy to use in both the PDF and online Some analogies used to make a point were dull and unintelligent. Specifically stating which pages the specific answers could be found would be even better. One feature I like is that students can explore these concepts in greater depth by following in-text links to online resources. Content is presented in a logical fashion, building upon one another as the book progresses. I am seriously considering transitioning to this text from my much more expensive versions that I currently require. I put them up as I go, but remote teaching this year has really shifted my focus. I noticed just one inconsistency with terminology in the text: Citric Acid Cycle is almost exclusively in Chapter 7, with the first mention of "Kreb's Cycle" in the link to an animation (which might confuse students) and the first mention of TCA cycle in the end of chapter glossary. Some of the language is loose: "Need for osmoregulation" implies that osmoregulation happens because it needs to happen, instead of correctly stating that "osmoregulation happens" because of all the partnering proteins, the membranes, the solutes, the pumps, etc. I did not see any inaccuracies in my use of the book; however, there were few references available (at least that I could find). The chapters are divided into topical sections, making it easy to assign or not assign specific topics. It is possible to see the resolution of every correction suggested over the entire history of the book when it was initially published in 2012 at: Reviewed by Jeffrey White, Assistant Professor, Framingham State University on 6/22/21, The book covers everything a traditional introductory biology major textbook covers at an average level of detail, organized in the usual hierarchy from atoms to ecosystems. Figures rendered well. The book was culturally appropriate, but could highlight a greater diversity of researchers. It is a complete package! When talking about inherited disorders and conditions, the authors were straight-forward and sensitive with jargon related to those topics, which can read as offensive if done thoughtlessly. The text is comprehensive in its coverage of the typical materials for a non-majors introductory biology course at the 100 level. This is well done and contributes to student learning as concepts will build upon one another as higher levels of organization are discussed. (I use the phrases appear to be, light-skinned, and male-presenting because I do not presume to know how all the people in all the photographs identify.) Given the fact the book is written by a variety of authors in different subject areas, I found the book's consistency to be quite impressive. Water is the most abundant molecule in the Earths atmosphere. Still, if you prefer to create your own lectures, this text is without a doubt a top choice. Creative Commons Attribution License In reviewing this textbook, I literally found only one grammar mistake which is saying a lot because I was actually looking for them. The unit and chapter breakdown was very well done and organized appropriately. 2 Review Questions - Biology 2e | OpenStax Review Questions Review Questions Highlights 4. However, chapter contents need to be revised for clarity and new figures are needed to help students make connections between what is presented in the text and the figures. While some topics and visuals are redundant across chapters, this also helps with modularity of the text. While, in general, the amount of detail and depth is also appropriate, the balance of coverage could be improved. I also found the external links to be extremely beneficial and well selected. it could be conveyed that it notes ALL species variation is directly related to genetics). Some of the figures in the PDF have very small components that cant be magnified (they just become pixelated if one tries). One unfortunate (in my mind) example is that a photo featuring Watson and Crick is present, yet there is no photo of Rosalind Franklin (though her name is mentioned in the text). This text is very comprehensive, covering all topics that should be included in a two semester undergraduate introductory biology course for Biology majors/premedical students. WebBiology 2e (2nd Edition) Book Edition. I would like to see that section on gas pressure and respiration simplified to its principles with some better (and correctly labeled) graphics. Thanks so much Im using the AP Edition of OpenStax and am modifying these to fit that text I know how much effort and work go into the creation and thank you for even sharing what you have! Both of these could almost be considered typos, except for that they risk confusing students. I love that there are instructor resources available. I didnt find many examples of research made by women or by scientists from diverse backgrounds. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site There is no list of references at the end of each chapter to the literature. On the same page, Scientists consider phylogenetic trees to be a hypothesis of the evolutionary past since one cannot go back to confirm the proposed relationships. Yes, phylogenetic trees represent hypotheses about evolutionary relationships, but not because these hypotheses cannot be tested! This will probably be apparent especially in the molecular genetics topics. 2 Review Questions - Biology 2e | OpenStax Review Questions Review Questions Highlights 4. Chapters can be easily integrated into a learning platform to facilitate weekly reading assignments. Its Science Be bold and do include more multicultural examples- does not have enough for my audience. Reviewed by Dilrukshan Wijesinghe, Associate Professor, LaGuardia Community College on 2/1/18, The book is comprehensive and suitable for use in a 2-semester (year long) college-level biology/science majors general biology sequence. Also- for the physiology section- inclusion of various disorders based on different races and genders can be beneficial to the students. Some of the online-version images seemed small at first, so they did need to be opened in a new tab, but that was easily accomplished and did not disrupt or confuse me as the reader. This structure is also attractive to instructors as it allows us the freedom to pick and choose textbook content to assign. and Biology by Russell et al which are all well suited for a two-semester general biology sequence such as is typically taken by biology and science majors. science that seeks to expand knowledge and understanding regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge. glycogen. As noted above, in some cases the art is not consistent across ideas and within and between chapters, and this could be confusing for a student. Overall, fantastic text and a great option for OER content for an introductory biology course. Comprehensiveness in an introductory biology textbook is a daunting Each chapter and sections within chapters can easily stand alone and be assigned at any point within the semester without much problem. The vast majority of the content is accurate. I have reviewed the content online and also in PDF format and in both cases I did not encounter any issues with the text, figures or any html links. Although the book will be most naturally adoptable for courses that deliver content in this same order, the book should be flexible enough to allow instructors to adapt it to their own ordering of topics. The first forms of life on Earth were ________. This is an excellent textbook for a majors general biology course. With a little work to customize, this is a great alternative to an expensive textbook, and I will continue to use it. The Biology 2e text has done an excellent job of "breaking up" the reading material into manageable sections split with images, videos, and links to outside sources that deepen student knowledge and facilitate engagement with the material. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The organization of the text follows the same logical fashion as previous texts. However, in order to sustain student interest, it maybe useful to add a few more examples where biological concepts are applied to daily living making this subject more interesting to the reader. 14. I did not notice any discrepancies in terminology. GitHub openstax / cnx-recipes Public Notifications Fork 14 Star 5 Code Issues 81 Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights New issue The textbook is aimed to provide fundamental knowledge at a general reading level. I really appreciate the efforts of OpenStax and the authors to provide such a helpful resource for free. I am rating a 4 just based on the fact that I have not read the entire text, nor all the chapters I intend to assign. This is a boon to both students looking for a term I've assigned, and to me when I'm re-working my concept study guides. The Toolkit. Biology was very comprehensive in its covering of general biology topics and the "Link to Learning" feature allows the learner to expand the concept. For example, most fish taxa are listed with their rank, but not gnathostomes (which might've been referred to as a superclass). The interface is straightforward and gets the job done. The index is comprehensive yet lists multiple links to many terms in the pdf version. Error page 371. On page 243, the text states, Every single atom of matter and energy is conserved, recycling over and over infinitely. No, this is not so. There are a number of concepts or topics that are very poorly explained. Author (s) OpenStax. I did not find any obviously inaccurate information in the book, so I would agree with the statement that the content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. One way that heat is transferred from place to place inside the human body is by the flow of blood. The textbook is written in a clear language, easy to understand by freshmen students. You can even purchase a bound copy from Amazon for around $60, which is very reasonable for a textbook. Images of structures and processes are clear and useful, and this section is limited mostly by the comparatively strong focus on mammalian and human physiology. Reviewed by Samuel Flaxman, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder on 6/11/20, The PDF of the text is over 1500 pages in length, making it very long (by print standards). The authors use a confusing 'straight line' terminology to try to explain monophyly. The content of the text is generally accurate but not uniformly. I liked the clarity of this text. The chapter on protists (23) provides a good summary of structure and some aspects of function. Mention of the various topics relating to the globalization of science may benefit the students coming from outside of US. Physiology and anatomy covering the basic structure and function of animals. I would not suggest adding more subjects and I appreciate the depth of coverage in the text giving the instructor the option to choose which sections to focus on in their courses. As I would expect, this chapter is organized in a logical, straightforward manner. The text generally takes a traditional approach to behavior, with insufficient discussion of behavioral ecology. Overall, this textbook is more comprehensive than other books by the same authors, covers each topic well, and expands upon topics not covered in the Concepts of Biology textbook. Do you have a earthscience corner? My major complaint is that many of the figures were small in my browser, with no way I could find to be enlarged, except for right-clicking and opening them in a new tab. Chair, Umpqua Community College on 8/21/16, Content Depth: A- Each Much of the time, the text took on a more conversational tone than I was expecting, which I feel will appeal to readers. Additionally, the search feature is somewhat fuzzy. Overall this text covers each topic in adequate detail and provides enough detail and content for a two semester coverage of biology for majors, especially if this text is used alongside additional instructor input and labs. I found the text to be highly modular. The organization makes sense and flows well. The option to purchase a bound copy is great for students who choose to do so. Chapter 19 This text book follows the usual pattern of chapters in covering the subject of general biology. However, any such statements could easily be clarified or amended, so I think this book will have good longevity. Topics are well covered and relevant, mostly. No cultural issues were noted in the textbook. On page 676, the text confounds green algae and charophytes, referring to all green algae as charophytes. I am a Midwesterner so I have my own colloquialisms and idiosyncrasies. It is mostly a long long list of descriptive paragraphs. This highly consistent repetition of white role models, and mostly male role models to boot, is not the kind of imagery that is likely to communicate that biology is a science open to all. Which of the following sciences is not considered a natural science? The book provides a sound and sufficiently detailed and accurate coverage of general biology and is readable, has appropriate illustrations, comes with questions and has links to supplementary external digital content (but see comment on QR codes and URLs below). I can easily envision plucking chapters or subchapter-units out for one class vs. another as the book is written for a 2 course sequence. =AEN>B`i/TeA! q^E3H6_i7GQA&lgX Reviewed by Paul Heideman, Professor, College of William and Mary on 6/20/17, I am reviewing this textbook not for a first year course in introductory biology, but for a second-year one-semester course on the integrative biology of animals. For some of the less frequently taught concepts (Algae/Protist diversity) the sections are a little thinner than other non-OER texts. However, it still seems slightly dated even with this consideration. 3. 19. Web resources have a notoriously short longevity and links to external sources need updating, so their inclusion makes regular updating essential if only for that reason. Not sure this is a major hang up, just something I noticed. In a very few places this book might need to be updatedfor example, some of the taxonomic diversity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic groups, and some other statements (for example, there is a lot of life near deep sea vents that does not depend in any way on photosynthesis). In Chapter 11, the text states, Spores are haploid cells that can produce a haploid organism or can fuse with another spore to form a diploid cell. Spores never fuse with other spores to form diploid cells. The chapter summaries and key terms are nice editions for students and illustrations are clear and professional. The text is divisible into many reading sections within each chapter. This is one area in which this book truly shines: chapters are subdivided and can often stand alone. Single-celled eukaryotes and the major phyla of animals. Note that those instructors whose general biology sequence begins with organisms in the first semester and moves to molecules in the second semester would have to use the chapters out of order, which shouldnt be much of a problem (see comments on modularity above). In many cases, the book is written in very simplistic terms, which is likely designed to hold the readers interest. This textbook reads much like any other textbook. I am writing this review of the genetics unit from Biology 2e (chapters 11-17) in the context of potentially using this book for an introductory level, one semester genetics course for majors. The biggest issue, though, is the images. One critique is that the learning outcomes at As is the case with most biology textbooks, the focus of the organismal topics are heavily biased towards animal structure and function (10 chapters), while plant structure and function (3 chapters) are poorly covered. I was expecting to see basic cellular biology and a survey of organismal diversity including units on evolutionary I also think that the consistent lumping of Archaea and Bacteria together as prokaryotes is out-of-date (see my comments on this above). I think you need to hire someone to give the text a consistent voice and internal refences. I dont see any glaring errors in terms of subjects that are missing from the text. On p. 125 the authors write: "The X chromosome is one of the two human sex chromosomes, as these chromosomes determine a person's sex. Reviewed by Ken Carloni, Assoc. Of course, my lens is a bit foggy with bias. Acids, but not bases, can change the pH of a solution. The text book covered all the chapters I would assign for first semester General Biology course at the college level (Molecules to Cells). Content is consistent with any basic entrance level Biology course. There are very few grammatical or typographical errors, and these can easily be fixed in subsequent versions. Reviewed by Stan Guffey, Faculty Scholar, University of Tennessee on 6/20/17, Biology (OpenStax) is as comprehensive as, and follows the general topical format of a commercially available introductory biology textbook designed for life science majors. Overall, this chapter was accurate, with concepts clearly described. It was easy to download and view. ATP. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. I must admit that at first glance this book looked to me to be much less glitzy than traditionally published books, without all the bells and whistles, the fancy graphics and human interest stories. This book does do a good job of being modular. The 'Link to Learning' sections would better flow at the end of the section or in a sidebar. I think all these factors can enhance the learning experience and increase students' subject-matter comprehension. read more. The chapters are edited consistently; a great improvement from the first versions of open materials. This chapter will be current for quite a while, I would imagine. I have personally adopted the Openstax Biology textbook, which I assign to my introductory biology students as a reference text. Due to its ease of use- chapters can be assigned out of order to tailor the individual needs. Images in the text also do not make a very good use of space. Few chapter, though, like Gene expression might need more detail/clarity. I dont see any glaring errors in terms of subjects that are missing from the text. WebCh. In traditional fashion, the text begins by introducing the important chemical processes in cellular respiration, then working through the catabolism of a glucose molecule. Or take this example, If the solute levels increase beyond a certain range, a hormone releases that slows water loss. It seems that what the authors intended to convey is that a hormone is released that slows water loss, and this may be perfectly obvious to a well-informed reader. The problems I read through struck me as sensible and mostly straightforward. There is not a glossary, which would be helpful, but new terms are generally in bold. A glossary of key terms is provided for each chapter. Like many other biology texts, the book begins with an introductory chapter on the nature of science, before introducing atoms and chemistry, and then progressing all the way to ecology and evolution, with units on genetics, diversity, and anatomy/physiology along the way. Although a keen student will immediately connect pH with hydrogen ion concentration, I think it would be more useful and consistent to refer to hydrogen ion gradient as it does in the text. I appreciate the highlighted boxes that provide additional information, such as the Visual, Everyday, and Career Connections. Putting these pieces together would help students gain a more unified understanding of cellular respiration as one component of larger biological processes. Good, but a bit variable in quality. Navigate to, 2. Mary Ann Clark, Texas Wesleyan University, Jung Choi, Georgia Polytechnic University, Matthew Douglas, Grand Rapids Community College. Biologists refer to this fit as adaptation, and it is a consequence of evolution by 1443, after the 2nd word of the last paragraph. This book does suffer from the expert gap phenomenon. read more. The book is quite comprehensive and covers all aspect of biology that one can choose from to cover in an introductory biology course. read more. There will be some chapters that will need to be updated in a few years. It is nice that links to animations and webpages are included. read more. 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