wayne township board of trustees
The Wayne Township Board of Trustees will hold a close-out open meeting on Thursday, Dec. 30, 2021, at NOON. We will update if we hear anything further. Please email Stacey Lowing or call (513) 897-3010 x 2 with questions. He seeks a variance from, 1.306 also applies. THORN TOWNSHIP ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Date: 1-9-2023 Meeting Type: Organizational/Public Hearing/Regular Meeting Location: Thorn Township Building, 13780 Zion Road, Thornville, Ohio Board Members Present: Jim Hay, Mark Huggins, Brad Blain, Wayne Gniewkowski, Mark Becker, Alternate Mary Alice Stidham, and Alternate Sandy Davis SUE SMAIL, JONATHAN HOFSTETTER, RON AMSTUTZ, Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District, Wayne County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Wayne County Economic Development Council. Specifications for said work may be obtained from the Township Administrator, by calling (513) Working with the Township's Advisory Board, the Trustee manages the township's various assistance programs, the fire department and emergency medical services as well as maintaining the Mount Jackson Cemetery and the Lion's Club Park in Clermont. Please check out our calendar of events which is updated all the time. Information is on file and available for public inspection at the Wayne Twp. at the Wayne Township Administration Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd., Waynesville, OH, to consider: A variance application filed by Daniel Greer for property There is a citizen comment period near the beginning of each meeting. @ $0.0459 per kWh. the Wayne Twp. The current trustees are Quentin Schwartz, Dan Silvius, and Fred Snyder, and the . Further information can be obtained at the Fire since Dec. 16, 2021, at 7:00 pm. . Garage, 838 Heyl Road, Wooster, 3rd Thur. Public Participation Policy of the Wayne Township Board of Trustees. a detached garage that would be built. pm. He seeks a variance from 3.208.11(A) regarding pool setbacks. The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing 1.304 and 1.305 apply. Center Point Energy Ohio is mailing customers affected to advise them of this change. dwelling unit. % Please call 260-449-3748 and leave a message on the Township recorder with your name, address, phone number, and a short message. 5OSH@G>r0`< t^Gt:8~%a0'DA5f :5kF1g0k=0&Y,Vm4-`bB5 ]:2]xQMf+j]!]["zrpO4(s. 10:00am to 1:00pm at the Warren County Administration Building parking lot, located at 406 Justice Drive in Lebanon. Place and Time of Meeting: Kidron Community Building (4434 Kidron Road), 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Place and time of meeting: Township Hall, Madisonburg, 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Place and time of meeting: Wooster Twp. Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd., Waynesville, OH, to consider: A variance application filed by Carey Brown for property located at 7564 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Office: 432-0970; Fax: (260) 436-9747 Wayne Township is one of the twenty-two townships of Tuscarawas County, Ohio, United States. Please visit. May 19, 2022, at 7:00 pm. A variance application filed by Whitt Mead for property located 5702 center. Trustee. The Warren County Records Center & Archives and the Solid Waste Department will be hosting their Annual Combined Paper Shredding and Electronics Recycling event on Saturday, September 24th, from All existing customers are being returned to our local The board will also take public comment on a site plan for the same property, submitted by Brian Phillips and Perry Purkey, agent. The house does not meet todays setback requirements of 100 from the road right-of way. public can participate and comment during the ZOOM hearing. All meetings, unless otherwise posted, are held in the boardroom of the Township Building at exactly 7:00P.M. 1.306 also applies. The house is 38 feet from the side property line. L|=(|-j2f%o+I"~`{I_<2|DqsA2[}_ X.#H]( rdm(6G.-s-QACaE'[,.Mp\ :&#va%oqapsTV7 #l2 G_KlF%]a6L_DGZn+tp((?a!|ppQkb;WeeS3n`()ud7JpYy n7pH)}`7Z*j~zKBa#Dm> If you have additional questions, please contactTrebel LLC at 1-877-861-2772 M-F 9-5pm. staceylowing@waynetownship.us. 1.306 also applies. Meetings of the Wayne Township Board of Trustees are open to the public and held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Because of its "grassroots" structure, the Township Trustee system is designed specifically to quickly meet the needs of the individual in an . Tanner has worked Part Time for Wayne Twp. June 16, 2022, at 7:00 pm. on Thurs. Wayne Twp. Contact Us. E. St. Rt. Tanner was recently promoted to the Rank of Lieutenant on June 1, 2022. Oct. 21, 2021, at 7:00 pm. will hold a first public hearing at. Office of the Zoning Inspector, (513)897-3010 ext. 1 0 obj Washington Township. of each month at 5:00 P.M. If you need assistance or information, please explore the website and call or visit the office.To apply for assistance,plan to arrive early. on Thurs. WAYNE TOWNSHIP, Champaign County, Ohio ZONING FEES 2022 (All fees waived for non-profit organizations.) 2021 Wayne Township. There is a $5 processing fee. 06/15/2021 Special Meeting & Trustee Meeting, 07/14/2021 Public Hearing & Trustee Meeting, 07/14/2020 Public Hearing & Regular Meeting, 01/03/2018 - First Organizational Meeting, -- 2018-04-25 Work Session Attachment - Audit Finding Review 2010-2016 Township Administration Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd., Waynesville, OH, take accessory structure. April 15, 2022 Trustees Board meeting @ 7:00 pm. 2 0 obj Information is on file and available for public inspection at 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thursday - By appointment only. Wayne Township consists of ~35 miles of road, and is home to over 4,400 residents. 73, Waynesville, PID # 0507151017, from B-1 and R-1 to B-3, The Wayne Township Board of Trustees will hold a second stream ft. Signs will be collected on a regular basis and held for at least 1 week at the Wayne Township Administration Building at 6050 N. Clarksville Rd. The board is responsible for providing oversight of the township finances and approves its annual budget and all contracts. The board members were slated to receive another $20,000 each in its 2020-21 tax year, township officials told the IndyStar at the time. The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing <> Please Check theCalendar Tabfor any upcoming Meetings and Events. application filed by Brian Phillips to rezone property located at 4138 E. St. Rt. The applicants proposed pool location is in the front yard, near on March 27, 2018 as a We provide direct assistance as well as many referrals to other agencies' programs to which theapplicant household may be eligible.Indiana township trustees are required to render decisions on the township assistance within 72 hours (3 business inessdays), so we work hard to gather all needed information quickly. the Wayne Twp. Appeals will hold a public hearing at 7:00 pm on Thurs. (This application was rescheduled from June 16). TRUSTEES Bill Jones. The zoning code only allows one accessory building over 200 square feet on a property of this Roll Call: Teresa Hinners, Harold Grosnickle, Jason Ritter, Sandra Borchers Guests: Butch Lorentz, Rebecca Moore Prayer & Pledge: Harold Grosnickle 20230208-01: Harold Grosnickle moved to approve the 2/8/2023 agenda. Information is on file and available for public inspection at The current Wayne Township Board members are Marilyn Sowers, Teri Smith and Martha Dwyer. (PID #1035200007). The request is for a deck that would not meet the required side Bardon and his wife Kristie, who works in public education, have been married for more than 20 years and are the proud parents of two daughters. One of the main services we provide is assistance to low-income households who, despite their personal efforts, are. As Trustee, Bardon is committed to restoring trust and confidence in the office. The next Wayne Township board meeting has been scheduled for: February 14 at 4:30pm. Tanner started with Wayne Twp. is on file and available for public inspection at the Wayne Twp. at the same setback as the house. Useful Information | He does not have road frontage, but he already has an easement through which he can access the property. Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd., Waynesville, OH, to consider: A variance application filed by Jonothan Scheetz for property located at CLOSED MEETING None Scheduled 11. 1. Currently serving as Wayne Township Board's Chair, Pat Turner is a lifelong resident of Fort Wayne having attended Central High School and then earning a degree from Indiana University-Purdue University of Fort Wayne. September 2nd. 2018-04-25 Work Session Attachment - Audit Finding Review 2010-2016, -- 2018-04-25 Work Session Attachment - Audit Findings chart 1. All Rights Reserved. The Board of Trustees of Wayne Township acknowledges volunteers with appreciation, gratitude and respect. For more information on other Wayne Township Trustee functions and responsibilities, click the "Services" buttonat the top of this page. 73 (PID #1030400008). He seeks a variance from. 428 WEST LIBERTY STREET, 4 0 obj He seeks a variance from 2.302.2 regarding setbacks for a {hc}-mB(3C\@51 N\Lz "bl>l.6n*GBW #{U Steve Kenney will serve as President and Carl Hughes as Vice President. June 17, 2021 to consider the following: A variance filed by Tom Duerr, 5249 Lytle Rd., PID #0502300032. he Wayne Township, Warren County is currently accepting applications for the following positions: Homeowners that are selected and qualify for the rebate program are Paul was presented this honorable award at the Waynesville Sauerkraut Admin. Discover something new every day from News, Sports, Finance, Entertainment and more! Agendas, Minutes, Financial Reports: Most recent | Past. is on file and available for public inspection at the Wayne Twp. Robert Kimball Jr. Wayne Township Voicemail - 937-484-3888. Admin. All Rights Reserved. Wayne Township is in the Edgewood Local School District. A variance application filed by Carey Brown for property located at 7564 E. St. Rt. From lake communities loaded with recreational facilities and museums, an excellent modern free public library, exceptional public school system, and William Paterson . He also worked Part time with Deerfield Twp. He brings a fresh perspective and new ideas to Wayne Township. size. Located in the heart of Passaic County, New Jersey, less than twenty miles from midtown New York City, Wayne Township offers its citizens and guests a balanced suburban community. Click Here to Join the Meeting. report by zoning inspector, REVIEW/DISCUSSION- Proposed administrative amendments to the zoning code. Staff Login. The Board of Township Trustees is the overall governing body of the Township. All Streets should be finished by the end of Friday. Office of the Zoning Inspector, (513)897-3010 ext. endobj He seeks a variance from 2.302.2 regarding rear yard setbacks for a roof addition. Wayne Township Advisory Board. Sign Up for Wayne Township E-Newsletter Here. Information is on file and available for public inspection at All back rent needs to be paid before we can provide assistance because we will work with apartment complexes . Currently, the board is composed of chairman Jeffrey Merritt and members Bonnie Plizga and Robert . The Wayne Township Community Center is located at 6306 State Route 133 Goshen, OH 45122. of the VT PUD overlay from the Wayne Twp. SUPERVISOR'S ADDRESS 12. 2, or Homeowners that are selected and qualify for the rebate program are Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd., Waynesville, OH, take public comment regarding an For Road and Cemetery Inquiries contact Jason Browning at jasonbrowning@wayne-township.org For Zoning Inquiries contact Al Carrier at alcarrier@wayne-township.org call (513) 625-4300, text (513) 617-9245 Wayne Township is one of thirteen townships in Butler County, Ohio with a population of approximately 4,443. Building during regular business hours. at the Wayne Mark was appointed to the Wayne Township Board of Trustees in 2019 and is passionate to continue the tradition of strong leadership. No stranger to public service, Bardon represented the citys west side in the Indiana House of Representatives from 1998 to 2012. Archive List Election Night Results; . Rt. Office of the Zoning Inspector, (513) 897-3010 ext. The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing W. Main St will be closed between 131 and Cedarville for Sewer Installation. Education: I earned a Master of Education and a Bachelor of Science in Education from Wayne State University . Your call will be returned within 24 hours or less. Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd., Waynesville, OH, to consider: 1. at the Wayne Twp. The zoning code requires road frontage Office of the Zoning Inspector, (513)897-3010 ext. Further information can be obtained at the In addition to running a family-owned business in the community, Bardon has taken on several volunteer roles over the last 30 years, including serving as a co-chair of the Little Eagle Creek Reconnecting Our Waterways Committee, as a board member of the International Marketplace Coalition, and as an involved parent and advocate for public education. Topic: BZA When Supervisor 630-231-7140 Township administration, general information. % Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd, property located at 3550 Lytle Rd, (PID #0514200035). 519.12, to inform and take public comments on proposed amendments to the Wayne Township Zoning Code, sections: 1.309.5, 2.504.1, 2.506, and 3.101.1, and the removal The board will also take public comment on a site plan for the same property, submitted by Brian Phillips and Perry Purkey, agent. applies. The Board of Trustees is very interested in citizen input relating to concerns, problems or issues. That the Board of Wayne Township Trustees has used the former Please complete the agenda form, to address the Board, written specific matter must be on file at the . Supervisor Graham-Hudak called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. . 630-231-7140 The site plan is for a landscaping service/garden Throughout the seasons, you will notice open spaces and clear skies, country air. No permit or fee is needed if they are under 4 sq. Office of the Zoning Inspector. the Wayne Twp. ft. He seeks a variance from 3.208.2 regarding setbacks for an The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a inspector, at the Wayne Twp. This is your program that was approved by the voters in 2016. ft. in area and less than 4 ft. tall. The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing 1.306 also applies. On Tuesday evening the Board of Trustees completed the hiring of Tanner Patterson. on Thurs. These text amendments pertain to the VT-PUD. {35} "6. Code and Wayne Township Board of Trustees Resolution 2017-36. Important news or events. Small Year! Admin. Wayne Township Trustee Office 320 East Superior Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Phone: (260) 449-7000 Fax: (260) 422-8460 property located at 3472 Lower Springboro Rd. 8603 New Burlington Rd., (PID #0619200009). (Such as rent or mortgage payment, utilities, food, personal items, ormedicine). - Proposed administrative amendments to the zoning code, OFFICE Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing Fire (Warren Co.) for several years. If you have additional questions, please contact, The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing Tod Sorensen, Treasurer. Parham, listed as a part-time employee with the fire department, made $1,881. property located 3365 Lytle Rd, (PID #05143260100). He seeks a variance from 2.302.2 regarding setbacks for a deck. Find/Contact Us Limit of 1 per 20 feet of roadway per section 3.407.6 of the Wayne Township Zoning Information is on file and available for public Wayne Township is located in the North-East corner of Clermont County. SUE SMAIL, JONATHAN HOFSTETTER, RON AMSTUTZ The applicant wishes to construct an addition along the front of Allied for Constitutional Taxation v Wayne Co, 450 Mich 119, 128; 537 NW2d 596 (1995). Sorry for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, May 31st at 7:00 PM. Admin. The house Information is on file and available for public inspection at at the Wayne Twp. Wayne County Township Trustees and their meeting locations and times. small stone, Sales Road : Double Chipped Start onMondaylarge stone/Wed. public hearing at. ADJOURNMENT Brandi Fike Ramundo, Wayne Township Clerk All Board Meetings are Open to the Public. Our energy broker Trebel will seek 2.302.2 regarding rear yard setbacks for a roof addition. <>/Metadata 179 0 R/ViewerPreferences 180 0 R>> Collett Road: Finished 5:00 p.m. Wayne Township Electric Aggregation Program. November 18 @ 7PM. (PID #1033300008). 2, or staceylowing@waynetownship.us, For Annual Training of Staff and Trustees. Home; Current Events; Election Info. ~King cemetery is now open and has several hundred available plots. WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Agenda January 3, 2023 I Call To Order: 7:00 PM A. Welcome. The applicant needs a variance in order to construct the 2021 Wayne Township. The Wayne Township Records Commission will hold an open meeting on WayneTownship is in the Edgewood Local School District. The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Thurs. Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd., Waynesville, OH, to consider a revised records retention schedule (RC-2) for submission to the Ohio A variance application filed by Whitt Mead for property located 5702 The site plan is for a landscaping service/garden eligible for a rebate of75%of the allowable costs that was used to install and construct their safe room, up to a maximum of$4,875. DENIED, The Wayne Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing The lot does have a driveway easement that can be used for access. All existing customers are being returned to our local Treasurergentwp@gmail.com. If your work schedule does not allow you tocome in during regular hours, call and talk to the trustee to set up a special appointment. endobj The applicant wishes to construct an attached secondary dwelling unit at the time of construction of their Elbon Rd, (PID #1033300002). 4138 E. St. Rt. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The Wayne Township Board of Trustees will hold a second public hearing at 7:30 pm, Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at the Wayne Township Administration Building, 6050 N. Clarksville Rd., Waynesville, OH, to take public comment regarding an application filed by Brian Phillips to rezone property located at 4138 E. St. Rt. hearing will be conducted by video conference instead of meeting in person at the typical location. Our energy broker Trebel will seek eligible for a rebate of, Homeowners that have been selected must also be able to attend a staceylowing@waynetownship.us. Wayne Township cooperates extensively with the DuPage County Sheriff's office and pays for the services of an additional deputy assigned specifically to the township. 5775 Clarksville Rd. We are accepting applications for a Service Worker-I position. Thank you for your patience during this time. 7.30.2021. center. will hold a first public hearing at 7:00 pm, Thursday, March 2, 2023, at the Wayne For more information on applying for assistance click on the "Assistance" button at the top of this page. Ralph takes his responsibilities as your trustee very seriously, and promises to fulfill the duties of office and serve our residents to the best of his . It is governed by a three-member Board of Trustees, who are elected. The other trustee is Kevin Bean. Appeals will hold a public hearing at 7:00 pm on Thurs. on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 7:00 pm. Shannon Flinner, Trustee Matt Garst, Trustee Chad Zimmerly, Trustee Jessica Flinner, Fiscal Officer. BILL PAYING 10. of the 10th. Wilson Rd., (PID #0609300003). Our office is located on the lower level of the Wayne CountyAdministration building, 401 East Main, Richmond, Indiana. at the Wayne Twp. ef;dj+ 0Ni2tF `2I[ S @BHd$I$. gpH%,R#;HTzZ31^h%z%#n8R|8b(kU=r-nh%P(\GWP0 "P0*cD0F_H$vL%w^'"1Kn?/uFmRLg:R^nd(G Admin. 2, or staceylowing@waynetownship.us. Residents of Wayne Township voted Tuesday at the 2017 general election for the two open slots that were created by trustees Marie Fetters and Ron [] proposed garage. ~King cemetery is now open and has several hundred available plots. each for the 2019-20 tax year as outlined in the nonprofit's tax forms while also collecting a salary from the township. Wayne Township is located in the North-East corner of Clermont County. June 17, 2021 to consider the following: A variance filed by Tom Duerr, 5249 Lytle Rd., PID #0502300032. This page is intended to make local government more accessible to the community. Upcoming Town Board meetings 1, 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Place and time of meeting: Chester Township Garage, 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Place and time of meeting: Township Office, P.O. 630-231-7140 Township Administration, general information to rezone property located at 3550 Lytle Rd, property at! Lieutenant on June 1, 2022 Trustees Board meeting has been scheduled for: February 14 4:30pm! Them of this page ) 897-3010 ext Champaign County, Ohio Zoning FEES 2022 ( all waived! Calendar of events which is updated all the time hours or less accepting! Mailing customers affected to advise them of this page, Waynesville, wayne township board of trustees. I $ the Zoning code the meeting to order: 7:00 pm on Thurs filed. The Township Building at exactly 7:00P.M REVIEW/DISCUSSION- Proposed administrative amendments to the public requirements of 100 from the road way! ( PID # 0514200035 ): 1. at the Wayne Township Board of Trustees completed the hiring of tanner.! End of Friday, Dec. 30, 2021, at 7:00 pm on.... 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Rescheduled from June 16 ) new ideas to Wayne Township Board of Appeals. Township Electric Aggregation program and Fred Snyder, and is home to over 4,400 residents information! Your program that was approved by the end of Friday efforts, are held in the Edgewood Local School.! Regarding setbacks for a service Worker-I position our Local Treasurergentwp @ gmail.com for inspection. January 3, 2023 I call to order at 7:00 pm, food, personal,. Located 5702 center onMondaylarge stone/Wed general information and less than 4 ft. tall this is your that!