warrigal creek massacre documentary
Gardner cites other versions of the death of Macalister and the massacre to build his narrative, all based on Gippslander or otherwise post-Dunderdale. The stories were republished as The Book of the Bush in 1898. endobj Intertribal warfare was endemic in the region with raid and counter raid where men, women and children were slaughtered as they slept, and then eaten. 0000005571 00000 n Part III: Other Versions of the Massacre Story. The Warrigal Creek Massacre - the documentary There have now been two packed-out screenings of this documentary at Stratford. I have seen somewhere that this version of the. In an essay on Gippsland from April 1843, Henry Bebb Morris described a mock fight between six Kurnai men using spears, boomerangs and waddies: they are small men, and when in repose would not be remarked for beauty or figure, but under the excitement of the fight they put every muscle into motion, and threw themselves into attitudes which would have graced a Grecian warrior. The creek is on a farm 40 kilometres (25mi) south of Sale, and 200 kilometres (120mi) east of Melbourne, in the South Gippsland area of Victoria, Australia. [58] Apart from the perverse logic of this claim, it is factually incorrect. new domain, Events.com. But we strive to be one people, equality of opportunity for all, no privilege by birth, truly one nation. 0000116911 00000 n The reference to Bundalaguah Swamp has previously escaped notice. We are yet to have a complete understanding of Gippsland in the 1840s. Originally reported by Robinson as such, Gardner has interpreted an obscure comment by Robinson to argue that it was actually a massacre by settlers that Robinson was covering up. Thomas wrote that Meyrick, gave me a most awful statement of doings in Gippsland & tho he stated the utter impossibility of bringing forward valid evidence to convict in a court of law, yet the awful spectacle of human skeletons & pack[s] of bones & report[s] of doings within the last 3 yrs, shows that the Aborigines have been cut off in awful numbers, & the residue left almost totally destitute, in fact he said how they lived God only knew as they were driven to the Lakes & Lagoons where Europeans would not follow them, that the Maneiro Blks (encouraged he believed by the early Settlers) [had] been very instrumental with the Black Police of awfully thinning their numbers that the Awful Sacrifice of life after the Murder of Mr McAlister was awfully reckless & merciless [53]. 0000007199 00000 n The Balderstones house is just steps from a humble waterway where up to 150 Gunaikurnai people were mowed down, turning the water red with blood, A massacre map of the frontier wars interactive. 8 /Filter /FlateDecode >> [11] Sydney Morning Herald 6 September 1843, p.2, [13] Port Phillip Patriot 23 December 1841, p. 3, [15] Fels, Marie Hansen (2010) I Succeeded Once: The Aboriginal Protectorate on the Mornington Peninsula 1839-1840 , ANU E-Press, pp 249-271, [16] See also: George Henry Haydon (1846) Five Years Experience in Australia Felix pp151-152 (on-line edition), [17] Port Phillip Gazette 30 April 1845 p.2, [18] Gardner, P D (2005) The Myth of Tribal Warfare On-line essay, [20] Geelong Advertiser 5 August 1843, p.2, [21] Sydney Morning Herald 6 September 1843, p.2. 0000024533 00000 n To date, there is nothing to suggest that it will include Angus McMillan leading the Charge of the Highland Brigade. x[Ys~W`R.$7nN$QI.%>pA>\83FOT]K!+qq{|$E hj]Qw >|nQ)jn'L-.~>>ze)/[B_=|?b1R2Kz~&>,g0cppJBw'YzDh/sZOfyfALsn/P%v=3jeVy~;>H"Oj4**@EBxT14:=l3\Es`eeJZT%L}nz`^Kgxh |[jXaxqGw"0'JH-i`L>_n#&,6IvGr:hu'j^xsFo}\vfuklR4f/eK-fig;)pE?itkoe~x-gd}Y~N0f=)` s[/wE\|(u2|Jvp:n Voice.Treaty.Truth. endobj stream And when Gippsland comes to terms with what happened, and why it happened, theres an opportunity to talk much better about that history.. 91 0 obj <> endobj Many people accept the massacre as a matter of fact, as a truism. 0000020785 00000 n The story was written anonymously for a magazine for primary school children eighty-two years after the incident described, without attribution, and by someone who was not there. 2151 Gardner claimsincorrectlythat Thomas was aware of the circumstances of the Warrigal Creek massacre, as he had recorded the details of it on two separate occasions. from Buntines Bruthen Creek run was several miles and several squatting runs to the west of Warrigal Creek. [56] These accounts nonetheless provide evidence of the otherwise unrecorded conflict between the Europeans and the Kurnai at places such as Bruthen Creek. Their submission was denied; McMillan was renamed the Monash electorate instead. Please call Drouin Library for more information 56 251564. The historical record of this conflict up to 1843 is sparse and consists of just a few newspaper reports. In my research for Bitter Harvest, I could find no reference, in original sources, to The Highland Brigade, established, according to the Gardner version of history, to seek out and exterminate blacks. Rather than pursuing plaques or western versions of reconciliation, as Irving puts it, the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation and the Bunurong Land Council put their energies into changing the name of their local electorate, which was named after McMillan. First though, it is necessary to establish the circumstances that led to the European settlement of Gippsland and the resulting conflict with the indigenous Kurnai people, which is the root of the massacre story. 2 0 obj 3 0 obj He added that one of the Kurnai involved in the murder survived and often re-enacted his part in the ambush. The Warrigal Creek Massacre event will include: Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country Refreshments Filmscreening Panel-led discussion Date: Thursday 11 July 2019 Time: 6.30pm . He has attached his own assertions to his source material without distinguishing between them, and these assertions are made without proof or explanation. An excellent and detailed correction of Gardner. In a letter to his family in England dated April 1846, the Gippsland squatter Henry Meyrick said: .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}The blacks are very quiet here now, poor wretches. ?6m-^a_DD/UJ[ Gardner accepted Hoddinotts Gippslander story literally and uncritically, stating that it is completely reliable due to its vividness and detail. bHn=Y,8M*[+GwXfi1^yn}vSuvA@pN. <>>> [55] The murder of Macalister may have marked a turning point in which the Europeans went on the offensive. A Scottish colonist, called Angus McMillan, led a group of about 20 settlers who . The answer is in three parts. [23] To put this in context, crimes against livestock carried a heavy penalty. While the murder was well documented in contemporary newspaper accounts, the reports also indicate that by mid-1843, Gippsland was in a state of disarray. 5|ya"R=:(O)Y?vM=u(f!ygaR@Dfx*qVhCqE CML@Ishk4 C&YE$A9M#~gyHN#,H^(eC:Z;o=ni!|"V?bx6c49Y+b FyELe_`GGWy&2SpKeQPZY4)OEe [42] Elsewhere he states that Hoddinotts desire to remain anonymous would seem to indicate that the telling of the story may have had undesirable repercussions. Macalister stated that escaped convicts were committing the most revolting crimes the calendar can namesuch as murder, rape, robbery, forgeries, cattle-stealing, and last, though not least, sly grog-selling, the root of all crime. Can only find the trailer. At a quiet bend on a beautiful creek they committed one of the worst acts of indiscriminate killing in the Australian colonies. An important part of Australian history, necessary for reconciliation. It really hadnt happened before and it just was not even acknowledged or recognised.. When Angus McMillian and the Highland Brigade rode through Gippsland in 1843, they aimed to murder as many Gunai Kurnai children, women and men as they could. Gardners fiction about McMillan, his misquoting of source material, and his reliance on an unattributed, anonymous and generic story truly relegates his Warrigal Creek narrative to the realms of the apocryphal. I ill not believe anything about aboriginal history that does not have the Indigenous Seal of Approval by the Bruce Pascoe Ministry of Truth. 12/02/2019. Welcome to you all., Read Quadrant online or as a printed magazine Starting at $88.00 a year. 6az Q";cM;|?)/ Bg~VK7QVK_6 +K}\\&h"DmWK+^>Pnu"8H8@sF1jO-@g?XjGs=2]v'x9y[6p X &.-Yl;;]+/[r=w(\QwG SDB?#86mXpqrOzX\R++QkEfz75Br,=t'F4_]Ug@dNq{":Q7 &DvB )vBqKwbm%aM!._aiaekE)hc_9lujzR10IrR--6HWXSA[Wd{DS#~}wDvenr,rFU-}aOe(d}b The timing of this record is important because it was made after two of the three searches for a white woman allegedly held captive by the Kurnai. 0000000016 00000 n [54] Meyrick arrived in Gippsland in 1845 so he was not a witness to anything before that date. Within a period of two years, it appears that Gippsland became a haven for escapees. This documentary tells the story of the Warrigal Creek massacre of 1843 in Gippsland, Victoria, where as many as 150 Gunai Kurnai children, women and . He was joined by detachments of the Border and Native Police. Historian Peter Gardner, in a review of all accounts of the massacre, wrote that MacMillan and the Highland Brigade aimed to wipe out all the Aboriginal people in the area. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. Chapters 6 and 7 of Gippsland Massacres retell the story. true /ColorSpace 25 0 R /Intent /Perceptual /SMask 26 0 R /BitsPerComponent 0000024227 00000 n They say they want to tell the story widely, and take down the monuments to McMillan the butcher of Gippsland. This provides a contrast to Gardners analysis, which is based largely on a story from a schoolchildrens magazine from 1925. T*,2$i ,2N0p$ rOE2)Tde$2([X~O`E([HH|MrJSo Bell stated: The historic pen of Victorian settlement would paint with truth the horrors of many a scene of Gipps Land life; it was in 1843 that the aggressions of the blacks were so frequent. When Angus McMillian and the Highland Brigade rode through Gippsland in 1843, they aimed to murder as many Gunai Kurnai children, women and men as they could. Your email address will not be published. The Van Diemens Land convict economy provided the economic motives for the European settlement of Gippsland, which in turn led to conflict with the Kurnai. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 01:43. Convicts under the control of the penal system in the Port Phillip District and elsewhere were notorious for their crimes against the Aborigines. Like Dunderdale and Thomas, he did not mention a mythical Highland Brigade and he was clearly not constrained by Gardners imaginary secrecy. Gunaikurnai people have visited the land for years to pay their respects, giving Balderstone some understanding of the pain and intergenerational trauma they still experience. At a quiet bend on a beautiful creek they committed one of the worst acts of indiscriminate killing in the Australian colonies. [33] His work was cited widely in a motion to remove monuments to McMillan put before the Wellington Shire Council in June 2020. [48] Thomas (right) recorded a conversation with a man named Hatcher who Gardner believes was the brother-in-law of a Gippsland squatter named Buntine. I think the first thing for Gippsland is to acknowledge that it does have that history, like other places where bad things have happened, where massacres have occurred, where theres some acknowledgement of whats occurred instead of masking it, a Gurnaikurnai elder, Doris Paton, told the film-makers Andrew Dodd and Lisa Gye. 0000017382 00000 n According to Gardner, the Warrigal Creek massacre was revenge for his murder. In the latter, there is no mention of McMillan at all, the death toll is different (many escaped into the bush), and there is no Bing Eye or Club Footwhich may suggest editorial licence in the original version. Following the screening, VMIAC will facilitate a discussion about the film and its importance in understanding the effects of colonisation and inter-generational trauma and resilience for First Nations peoples. 0000003656 00000 n Gardner is dismissive, claiming that Some parts of this account are definitely wrong on the basis that Dunderdale referred to Macalister of Nuntin. He also stated: There are many persons congregated in Alberton, without any visible means of earning a livelihood, a parcel of the most lawless rogues. In other words, by coincidence, Robinson and Hatcher arrived in Gippsland at exactly the same time. The manager of the Krowathunkooloong keeping place in Bairnsdale, Rob Hudson, agrees. The official reports from Tyers to La Trobe from 1844 to 1845 thus describe the situation in Gippsland where the settlers were being attacked by the Kurnai and their stock was being killed. For them to do that and come up with a shared name was a major achievement. Bookings free, but essential. And forward if you like. The quote from Robinson is from Gardners book, Through Foreign Eyes; he says Robinson was incorrect to blame the convicts, because The hostile collisions that occurred following the murder of Macalister and others in Gippsland were carried out by the squatters and their employees.[31] This correction suggests that Gardner entirely overlooked the substance and significance of Robinsons observations. Third, Gardners narrative is constructed around a story written for schoolchildren in 1925, a story that could at best be considered as folk history. First, using the information Gardner misinterpreted, rejected or missed in Thomas, Dunderdale and Bell, we must accept the possibility or even the probability that an atrocity took place somewhere. Historical. In Chapter 4, he gives another rendition of the Gippslander story, stating the massacre was lead [sic] by McMillan. [43] The fallacy of this secrecy argument is that it is contradicted by Gardners own evidence from William Thomas from 1845 and other versions of the massacre story that pre-date Gippslander by more than fifty years (see below). endobj An unexpected error occurred. The murder of Ranald Macalister may have been the pretext for an attack on the Kurnai at Warrigal Creek or Gammon Creek but this is not borne out by the contemporary historical record. However, the region was isolated from the rest of New South Wales by mountains, rivers, forests, swamps and the fierce reputation of the Kurnai. In July 1843, up to 150 Gunaikurnai people were killed near the banks of what is now known as Warrigal Creek. hbbbd`b`` K But I wish to look forward, unimpeded by SJWs. His alleged role in the massacre is a construct entirely of Gardners own making, where he attached McMillans name to the Gippslander story without revealing this to his readers. The Gippslander account mentions the Highland Brigade and a death toll of 100 to 150, but McMillans involvement, Scotsmen, the swearing to God and the Queen, and secrecy, are entirely Gardners creation. Perhaps the most revealing example of Gardners influence is Cal Flynns Thicker Than Water, in which McMillan is denounced by his own descendant. This article has been rated as Low-importance on the . Wayne, a very valuable and comprehensive article. Captain Charles Tyers RN arrived in Gippsland in January 1844 as the Commissioner for Crown Lands. This land was never ceded. Warrigal Creek Massacre Documentary This documentary will be shown at the Regent Theatre in Yarram on 10 July at 7.30pm during Naidoc Week. One was a boy at the time about 12 or 14 years old. Warrigal Creek Massacre is within the scope of WikiProject Australia, which aims to improve Wikipedia's coverage of Australia and Australia-related topics. This mass murder was committed by early colonists Angus McMillan and the Highland Brigade. 0000001936 00000 n [citation needed], A witness, Willy Hoddinott, wrote the following in 1925:[3], "The brigade coming up to the blacks camped around the Waterhole at Warrigal Creek surrounded them and fired into them, killing a great number, some escaped into the scrub, others jumped into the waterhole, and, as fast as they put their heads up for breath, they were shot until the water was red with blood. [37] Again, no proof is offered. We wish to pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. The Warrigal Creek Massacre of 1843 was another despicable act of violence. 0000888069 00000 n Bells account and the report of the massacre involving the Native Police in April 1845 can be found by simple searches on Trove. According to Tyers, at least fifty Kurnai were killed by the Native Police and other Aborigines attached to the search parties. Many Bunurong joined the police and used the guise of their role to extract vengeance on the Kurnai. [17], This story was repeated in several of the colonial newspapers but there does not seem to have been any follow-up reports. Many of the stock keepers were ticket-of-leave holders or assigned convict servants. [citation needed] The group of Gaelic-speaking Scotsmen was known as the "Highland Brigade". Thu E lizabeth Balderstone leads a lifestyle that many city dwellers fantasise about, on a farm in Victoria's Gippsland, surrounded by friendly sheep, with a humble little creek just 60 metres from. 0001031115 00000 n 0000029696 00000 n The Australian reported in August: The Prince George touched at Port Albert on the 25th ultimo, and reports that the Agenoria is taking in cattle there, the captain of which reported the blacks to be in a very riotous state. 2020, Cnr. Warrigal Creek Massacre: A Truth-telling Documentary. 0000014051 00000 n Required fields are marked *. 'Conspiracy of silence': how sabotaged inquiries fed massacre denials, Telling the truth about Australia's past will be painful but it will be liberating | Karen Mundine and Richard Weston, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Warrigal Creek is the site of an 1843 massacre in of Gunai/Kurnai people in colonial Victoria, during the Australian frontier wars. [1] Gardner, P. D. (1993) Gippsland Massacres (third edition) Ngarak Press, Ensay, Victoria, p. 66, [3] Howitt, A W (1880) The Kurnai: Their Customs in Peace and War in Fison, L. and Howitt, A W Kamilaroi and Kurnai Anthropological Publications, Oosterhout, facsimile edition, pp 227-29, [6] Morris, H. B. 0000003620 00000 n This special screening is being hosted by the Healesville Local Aboriginal Network (LAN), Healesville Indigenous Community Services Association (HICSA), Yarra . Fawkner blamed them for most of the conflict between the Europeans and the Aborigines. Some basic research puts Hatchers account into context. The statistical discrepancies likely emerged because Macmillan's group killed Aboriginal people at five different locations in the area. One was a boy at the time about 12 or 14 years old. McMillan is not implicated in any of the material cited as evidence against him. These passages represent the sum total of Gardners evidence against McMillan (left), but he does not explain how the story implicates McMillan. Drawing on official archives and oral histories that have never died, this is the story of The Warrigal Creek Massacre. This included five in the Border Police, one of whom held a ticket-of-leave. 29 May 2018. Advice: This page does not contain images of people who have died. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.4 841.8] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> [52] There could not have been a cover-up if human remains were still visible after their arrivals. 0000034127 00000 n Gardners method in telling the story is to first present the massacre and McMillans involvement as matters of fact. Personally, it,s hard to know who to believe, such is my lack of confidence. 27 May - 3 June. [15]. <> The Kurnai people were the indigenous inhabitants of Gippsland when the first Europeans arrived. Ranald Macalister was the nephew of Lachlan Macalister and the fifth European to be murdered by the Kurnai. The Gippslander story consists of just over a page; within it there is a myriad of minor details that are contradicted by the contemporary newspaper reports. [3] Their customs and society were studied in detail by Alfred W. Howitt, but due to violence and the effects of disease, alcohol and the mission system, much traditional knowledge had already been lost by the time he began recording information in the mid-1860s. 0000885516 00000 n >> /ExtGState << /Gs2 23 0 R /Gs1 24 0 R >> /Font << /TT2 11 0 R /TT3 12 0 R 0000023940 00000 n Elizabeth Balderstone leads a lifestyle that many city dwellers fantasise about, on a farm in Victorias Gippsland, surrounded by friendly sheep, with a humble little creek just 60 metres from her house. Build his narrative, all based on Gippslander or otherwise post-Dunderdale, necessary for.! 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