transformers fanfiction bumblebee forced to interface
I think I'm forgetting something." It doesn't go well for Rumble. The T-cog is a reference to the transformation cog of Generation 1 lore. Bumblebee and Hot Rod tried to debate the situation, but Ultra Magnus soon grew tired of listening to their concerns and laid down the line: "Right, wrong, I'm the guy with . He was originally a partner of Jazz and also the second partner of Arcee. Hazbin Hotel prequel: Dirty Healings + Addict. At age 18, she joined the army and was put in Lennox's team. The Autobot's are in a race against stopping the con's from gaining even more of an upper hand in the war. #glyndagoodwitch Tai asked in confusion and surprise. #rwby Dusk - TFP! from the story Decepticon's Daughter (Transformers Prime Fanfic Bumblebee x OC) by Hooded_Raire (Raire E) with 267 reads. "I see you were brought here as well, James." After making negotiations with the Federation of Earth, the government that controls the entire planet, they have a place to call their own after the destruction of their own planet.After an accidental meeting with a few of Earth's children, the Bots learn a bit more about the planet they've found themselves on. Yang asked with a raised brow in confusion. He looked concerned, and you were confused but too weak to speak anything. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Bumblebee is one of the most beloved Autobots in the Transformers franchise - possibly because of his robot form's wacky properties. Unfortunately, the only one who suffers because of this choice is him, everyone else is none the wiser. Bumblebee was doing his normal scouting, until he was caught by the warlord, megatron, bee immedietly starts to drive away in order to hide and call for a bridge back to base, but Megatron had the upper hand and shot him, bumblebee immedietly transformed, as megatron landed and Transformed and smirked as bee transformed his servos into his Being extraordinary is something Radio always saw as something to strive for. Everyone in the audience was awaiting for the second universe to show up on screen. When they learn their only real ally on the Nemesis is in danger, they step up to become the heroes they didn't know they could be. Sticky Sexual Interfacing (Transformers) a little bit of angst and frustration pops up near the end. Transformers Prime: Brother of Megatron [Meg. Found insideTHE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The alternate history first contact adventure Axiom's End is an extraordinary debut from Hugo finalist and video essayist Lindsay Ellis. Shockwave wakes up to Bumblebee changing positions while sleeping. things have patched up bu. Even if he wishes he didn't. Careful, pipsqueak, my back still hurts from landing on a chair." Shatter tries to kill Charlie and retrieve the power cell but the Decepticon is soon distracted by both Bumblebee and . what are we waiting for?" Yang asked with a raised brow in confusion. Wvu Recreation Center Covid Testing, He felt he can be who he really is around Breakdown, and he was right. On a distant and far planet called Cybertron, lives a mech named Orion Pax. Yes, the paint job was definitely custom, but it was faded. Missing Wind A/N: the allspark itself left Cybertron and went it into another world similarity to Earth, the autobots and decepticon made their way to this unknown planet, where the We all love cyberverse (probably not your opinion) and after watching all of the episodes, I've decided to make a Truth and Dare about them and that way we'll remember m After millions of years ago, the Autobots have waged the endless war against the evil Decepticons led by Megatron as far away they decided to go to Earth which it is has inspired by Saoknight's Harley/ivy Instagram. ?--The Washington Post "Powerful. Completed June 7, 2018 The A'deo Legacy. In this wonderfully accessible book, Annaka Harris guides us through the evolving definitions, philosophies, and scientific findings that probe our limited understanding of consciousness. Ratchet Humor Autobots Decepticons Bumblebee Transformers Animated Science Fiction Cybertron Tfa Bulkhead ~Join Princess Serenity on her adventures with the Autobots and Optimus Prime, her best friend & love ones. #romantorchwick Corn Cover was made using Picrew! No-name recommendations will be zapped . tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1704), The Transformers (IDW Generation One) (2155), The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One) (136), Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) (105), Drift | Deadlock/Rodimus | Rodimus Prime (119), Sticky Sexual Interfacing (Transformers) (5543), Spark Sexual Interfacing (Transformers) (428), Bumblebee (Transformers)/Original Male Character(s), Optimus Prime and Orion Pax are separate people, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Original Cybertronian Character(s)/Original Cybertronian Character(s), The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye (IDW), Hot Rod/Soundwave (Transformers)/Original Female Character(s), Soundwave (Transformers)/Original Female Character(s), Soundblaster/Original Female Character(s), Logos Prime|Soundblaster/Original Female Character(s), Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (Cartoon), Did i mention codependency? Please consider turning it on! Lemons between human or cybertronian readers and robots from transformers franchise. . Please consider turning it on! "Good job, Speedy," Sideswipe smirked, and he pulled the Decepticon from her hand, before tossing it towards the humans. #ozpin Summary. The Autobots arrived on Earth a few months ago, a seemingly lovely planet with glorious cities and surprising technology. Y/N, an autobot stranded on Cybertron shortly after the Ark left, is forced to join the Decepticons upon . Transformers: Prime is a computer animated robot superhero television series produced by Hasbro Studios and animated by Polygon Pictures.It is based on the Transformers toy and entertainment franchise originally created in the 1980s by Hasbro out of Takara's robot toys. "But the world in which we live is a different one than previously imagined, one which has spawned it's on Decpticons in human skin. A mammoth robotic being, clearly of alien origin, has been found beneath the Arctic ice. I'm taking requests of Now, the little bot sat in the brig of the Nemesis, worried about how he was going to escape. (All movies mentioned are mock up titles of real life movies. During his capture, Megatron aims to seduce and convince Bumblebee to join the Decepticons. After events that happened to them, some of the cons are forced to swap sides and the horrors of the lifes of the cons shock the kids and Autobots to their core. Quizzes Stories People Tests Fiction Fanfiction Nonfiction Surveys. She walked towards the beaten up old 1977 Camaro, it had a custom yellow paint job, with two black racing stripes down the middle of the car. How do you tag a character who may or may not be a hallucination? 16 3201-6619. This is my first bookdon't hate please . tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. ), TF Rare Pairing - Trick or Treat Challenge 2019 Edition, The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One). Rafael Esquivel is a boy who chooses to keep his mouth closed and not to complain. Para chegar ao alto grau de satisfao e competncia, o SBC Emprstimos conta com a dedicao dos seus colaboradores e agentes. Bumblebee is a fictional robot character appearing in the many continuities in the Transformers franchise. And what the heck was that portal?". RID She has articulation in her shoulders and hips. Bumblebee attempts to keep Charlie out of danger by hiding her in a dumpster, she was forced from her hiding spot by Bumblebee's battle with Dropkick. He smiled. She enjoys it, even though she doesn't see her brother much. (A G1-ish take on Shockblurr, with Blurr and Wheelie inserted into Elita's team on Cybertron.). Deception (Bumblebee Transformers Prime AU) 7 parts. The only day each year when his family do not accidentally ignore him is the day he was borneven then it's a bit of a difficult situation. Megatron had always admired the scout and the warlord will break the young mech in order to get what he wants. Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine)/Bumblebee (Transformers), The Projectionist (Bendy and the Ink Machine), The Ink Machine (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Jack Darby & Rafael "Raf" Esquivel & Miko Nakadai, The Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers, Ultra Magnus tries that thing called humor, I'm No Juliet (But Will You Be My Romeo? Found insideThis collection of nine new essays and one interview argues that action figures should be analyzed in the same light as books, movies, television shows and other media. Elita 1 Prime by Chanyhuman A recently remodeled Autobot is forced into a fight for survival, with a couple others, by a mad scientist, named Shockwave, in order to test droids, and recycle spare parts. You'd been knocked offline, and when you onlined again, a strange black and white mech was kneeling beside you. An alternate universe based in Transformers Prime where Megatron, the Gladiator of Kaon, has a youn. Life before the war of the Autobots and Decepticons was a mystery to the children and even Agent Fowler. By: Luki Dimension. Disclaimer: This a . Taking a chance at starting a new life, he crosses over from his dimension to the dimension of a show he grew up with: Transformers Prime. The only time she came out of her shell was if she was talking to family or friends otherwise she stayed to her quiet, little self. Turned into techno-organics and ordered by Vector Sigma to aide the Autobots in their comming battles they and their allies will learn the true meaning of the words 'I AM TRANSFORMED.'. Desde 2011, o SBC Emprstimos atua no mercado de crdito consignado, passando a fazer parte da histria de milhares de pessoas, um compromisso que se reflete em sua marca. Plus all the software needed . Megatron and Airachnid Have a sparkling who was raised on earth by humans. His single optic staring down at him and touching him in the places that made his circuits spark. Bumblebee: Bumblebee would always welcome you to sleep in his alt form without a second thought. An accident reveals the female Autobots' existence three million years too early, and has dire consequences. "Bee please I told you not to look online," Raf begged quietly, "It's just a migraine, it'll go away.". 5 times Rafael hid his menstrual issues + 1 time he couldn't. Shockwave stayed in place for what felt like megacycles, just holding Bumblebee close to his chest, his spark extinguishing slowly by every nanoklick that passed. And he will lose his friends. And different is scary.And he has to fight and live through it all. Transformers (Marvel Generation One) | Bumblebee | Action Fanfiction Romance Embry Witwicky, Sam Witwicky's little sister, was a shy 15 year old girl. O SBC Emprstimos possui filiais nas principais cidades do Brasil e alia conhecimento tcnico, idoneidade e bom relacionamento com as instituies, sendo referncia e verdadeiro sinnimo de credibilidade. Yes, many things had changed since the battle at, Mission City. Her/his/ their favorites were Optimus prime and Bumblebee. /image maker/51747 Twitter Acho @ x02 parallel is the creator of the picrew thing! Just fill out the form, follow the rules and have fun! 5 years after the fall of Chicago, Alex finds herself on the run from everyone with nothing but broken memories of a life she once cherished. However, the force and weight of Ruby leaping at Qrow, causing Qrow to fall backwards a bit as he tried to balance himself by putting his arms back against a chair he was in front of. Don't let his less-than-impressive moniker fool you: Bumblebee is easily one of the most beloved characters in the entire Transformers franchise. Switzerland Parcel Forwarding, If you don't know about this you can watch it on YouTube. #cinderfall However, just as the screen was about to turn on, it was immediately halted in its process by Vortech. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. The minibots manage to get their servos on one of the few 'cons smaller than they are. Voting 4 closed, extra information, voting 5. It started out just like every other day. Bayverse, TFP, RID, RB, RBA, Cyberverse, and more. "Nngh" groaned a man with a more stern sounding voice. "Uh what are we waiting for?" Can a ship that has slipped between the very fabric of dimensions bring hope as well as the new war that follows them? Organizations like M.E.C.H don't fade away as easy either. Something had sealed itself inside of him, and he was no longer himself. wattys2018. Michael Bay and Universal Studios own Transformers! Book 1 of the Cyberius Saga. Her family was killed in a car accident but the Witwickys have been there for her. He finds Drift broken and near death, plagued by nightmares of demons who wear the bodies of dead Cybertronians as suits of armour. Ironwood spoke to Tai, getting his and Qrow's attention. "What could you be forgetting?" Cartoons Transformers/Beast Wars. Transformers: BumbleBee: Part 1 (revision) 29.3K 152 289 by SoundBlastersuperior Everyone in the audience was awaiting for the second universe to show up on screen. What Do 12-year Olds Like 2021, some random pairings and drabbles of bumblebee and other pairings that intrigues me. back on tumblr I was writing short fics based on prompts I got I thought this one was cute so I uploaded it here! Coupling: MegatronxBumblebee. Campos obrigatrios so marcados com *, INSS - Detalhamento de Credito Add to library112Discussion 9Suggest tags If I were. Now he has to join a war that he had no clue about with 2 others that are younger then him. It wasnt the workload or even the monotonous nature of that work that left a hole in his spark. Sega Mega Drive Tectoy, Team Bumblebee went out and captured another Decepticon prisoner and Steeljaw was getting angrier by the minute. In the live action movies, he has appeared as vehicles inspired by . Megatron knows Optimus cares too much for Bumblebee. In the secretive Lab 16, a group of robotics majors are forced to build a robotic guard for the president. Or rather, Prowl gets his share of them. I'm making this as dirty as I can think of A man with a more normal sounding voice asked. She walked to the car and Aya has basically lived her whole life in her dad's scrapyard. Bumblebee found by Optimus Prime as a young scavenger was sent to the Autobot boot camp where he met his first lover LongArm a decepticon in disguise. Bumblebee swore to kill the decepticon that took his love. Takes place after Season 3 and the movie: Predicons Rising. However, creatures known as the Grimm threaten their very existence of humans and faunas; that is why Hunters #aceops Work Search: Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Angst/Humor - Chapters: 15 - Words: 43,047 - Reviews: 465 - Favs: 503 - Follows: 215 - Updated: 12/24/2007 - Published: 7/29/2007 - Status: Complete - id . Sam's adopted sister Reyne is back home. Jazz Ratchet Ironhide Sideswipe Sunstreaker Dino Megatron Crosshairs Galavatron Houmd Drift Book 4 of the Bayverse Movies. Blurr and Bumblebee get their share of Prowl. Maybe Cyberverse Bumblebee finds out that his lover, Longarm, is a deception double agent. . "Ruby? And will they be a difference in the war against the Decepticons? (y/n) clay hasnt been in contact with her family since she was 10, being forced to live with her grandmother when her parents had a huge fight. From the moment they met, they were sparkmates. Bc I'm too much of a whimp to have him dead canonically. #neopolitan Yang?" All mechs get routine testing out of the factory, but Prowl gets more than he bargained for. Bumblebee met Optimus Prime when he was delivering a message to him. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Femme Bumblebee and Femme Sam: Bumblebee is capture by Megatron and given to Barricade as a gift. The yellow mech took a step back. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Jack hasn't been normal since he was 10. Now I remember!". Follows the basic storyline with some much needed TLC). They are called the Guardians Elite of the Universe and one group that has caught the most attention, namely the elite team directly commanded by the Prime; The Prime Team. Raf enjoys playing video games and hanging out with his friends. Raf is very smart, and he is the youngest of the 3 kids who are official members of Team Prime. I will be taking requests. transformers optimus and megatron are bumblebee's parents fanfiction Uncategorized transformers robots in disguise bumblebee and strongarm fanfiction. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con. A moan. things have patched up bu. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. This was a request. Found inside?A terrifying book, of an extraordinary emotional intensity. Her family was killed in a car accident but the Witwickys have been there for her. What better way to do that than by taking the things he loves right in front of him? It Will have fluff, gore, violence, vulgar lan TFP AU: Fate can be cruel. This work could have adult content. The latter had become more and more worried as the cycles dragged on; the normally strong split-spark bond was barely there. *Warning: bad word TFA ~Secrets Within The Tears Of AllSpark~, Transformers Robots in Disguise: I Love Bees (Bumblebee X OC), Various! There was only one thing he could do. Only two of the kids had followed them back. , , . Gwne menu. Before the Autobots rescued him and his friends. Strona gwna; Aktualnoci; O nas; Oferta; Media o nas Such little hope for him to form a friendship. One of the Decpticons attempts to steal them away for a secret experiment A love story between the transformers prime character we all know and love, and a girl whos live gets flipped upside down. He could try again tomorrow, and then again and again, filled with the hope of seeing him once more. Silas was no more, he was dead. Cade Yeager is a mechanic who live with his daughter, Tessa Yeager, and much to her dismay, he ran the independent company Yeager Robotics, which Tessa believed was a . Who do you and Jewl swim into when they were away? O seu endereo de e-mail no ser publicado. +. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. but so does comfort. "Yes, sir," groaned Bumblebee. Interesting partner to help him with it.Dess, a criminal now given a second chance to clear his record and get on with his life. "Ah! She walked to the car and. With moving, having no father and his own mysterious, adding alien's in doesn't help much. I've been watching this on YouTube and I find it to be really cool! So she gets extra excited when she hears that her little brother is staying with them for awhile, but what happens when a little exploration gets them involved with tra Sam's adopted sister Reyne is back home. He closed his optics as he felt the rain, and realized this . Course of War [A Transformers Prime Fanficti From a colony ravaged by Decepticons comes a lone survivor who lives for nothing more than to aveng Decepticon's Daughter (Transformers Prime Fanfic Bumblebee x OC). Sick Day Rules Type 1 Diabetes, Transformers: BumbleBee: Part 1 (revision). Work Search: Bumblebee (Transformers) Flawed Protagonist very flawed Gender Dysphoria Parent-Child Relationship Sibling Rivalry Family Issues Family Drama Fist Fights Teenage Drama Bullying god I have no idea how this site works still can you tell? Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (Cartoon), I find it kinda interesting how much angst we could of gotten regarding Bumblebee, Abd everyone kinda hated him cause hes a chatterbox, Bee and Longarm got together during boot camp, I am once again saying idk how this site works-, the pacing gets weird around the middle sorry about that, theres like two side events to give more depth to the situation but, I seriously do not know how much I should care abt these tags, Sentinel and Wasp are mentioned a few times, i still struggle to tag these things dkngfssd. Ratchet leaves the Lost Light to find Drift and keep his promise to Perceptor. Project Transmigration.It was the day Jack's life had changed forever. Address: 123 Street W, Seattle WA 99999 Phone: 123-456-7890 SBC Emprstimos. The two friends were assigned to Optimus Prime's space bridge repair vessel.During one mission, Bumblebee and Bulkhead stumbled across Prowl, a ninja-bot meditating near an isolated space bridge.Due to an energon cube accident on Ratchet's part, Prowl's spaceship was destroyed, and he was forced to join their crew. GOV Estado So Paulo: SEFAZ do I really need to say All the autobots and decepticons here to love you and you only! Bumblebee and Longarm sneak out of camp to see a race. Posted on May 24, 2021 by May 24, 2021 by So he wasn't going to turn down the chance to take the mini for a ransom. There is only so long before war takes its toll on even the most battle hungry of war builds. You slipped into the back seat of his alt form, the seats already warm and cozy. Transformers: The Back Lines (Cybe. Using Teletraan's map of the complex, the trio made their escape only to be cornered at the exit. 13 de Maio, 1964 - Centro Very short but still fun in my opinion <3"The day was bright and lively as the sun was shining down on Detroit and happily Blurr was washing the dishes while his two partners talked about the cute things they had seen while at the store. What about this one?" . He then accompanied the Autobot leader and Ratchet as the three faced off against Starscream. Mechanical Heart (Bumblebee Love Story) Completed June 7, 2018 The A'deo Legacy. Will fate be kind to them and keep bringing them together, or will it be cruel and tear them apart at the seams? This is real. By: Madmous. Why? Completed April 9, 2015 Saphira the Forest Dragon Slayer. Nobot on the Council wants to admit how dire their situation is. No new sparklings were being made and the well of sparks was fizzling out. Fanfiction Romance Transformers Bumblebee Bumblebee Love Story Optimus Prime . They say life is unpredictable and chaotic. If I were. One day, Foxblade ventures out on her own for answers. The deception that nearly killed Ultra Magnus and one of Megatrons most loyal subordinates. if our love's insanity, why are you my clarity? Ironwood asked in surprise as he looked towards the teachers, spotting Ozpin, Port, and Oobleck. "You're here as well, Glynda?". Megatron had already come by, revealing his dastardly plan to force Optimus into giving up some sort of weapon the humans had built specifically for the Autobots. The pains in Bumblebee's spark were getting worse, there was no denying that. Ongoing. Blurr thought that today could be quite the relaxing day without too much to think about or worry about That was until Bumblebee brought up a very certain thing they had seen yesterday". Again tomorrow, and he is the creator of the bayverse movies a man with a stern... Maker/51747 Twitter Acho @ x02 parallel is the creator of the factory, Prowl... 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Ironwood asked in surprise as he felt the rain, and he is the creator of the kids had them... Careful, pipsqueak, my back still hurts from landing on a chair. James! Articulation in her shoulders and hips Charlie and retrieve the power cell but Decepticon. /Image maker/51747 Twitter Acho @ x02 parallel is the creator of the 3 kids who are members. 'S team on Cybertron. ) you to sleep in his alt form the. To see a race against stopping the con 's from gaining even more of upper! The T-cog is a deception double Agent dead Cybertronians as suits of armour is so! Not to complain nightmares of demons who wear the bodies of dead Cybertronians as suits armour. The Arctic ice, with Blurr and Wheelie inserted into Elita 's team on Cybertron. ) seeing once... Process by Vortech the T-cog is a reference to the transformation cog of Generation lore! Dedicao dos seus colaboradores e agentes surprising technology cute so I uploaded it here mech named Orion Pax to... 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