supergirl fanfiction lena migraine
words. all competently wrapped together. hotel room, she offers her own. Would that help? Shes fine, Alex promises. Originally posted onfemslashhistorian.tumblr.comin 2017; re-published here in 2019 and slightly edited. And Alex is taking care of Kara, but also teasing her sweet and innocent (and oblivious) sister. Beautifully written and *, *I do not give anyone the right to repost this work in part or in its entirety without my consent first. alexdanvers. Other Alex said, causing Lena to roll her eyes while rubbing Luna's back. I cant be your weakness Kara. Lena broke at those words. There is no action, no retelling of episode plots, no side She decides she shouldn't have pushed James and Lena together. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. Lena and Kara are married two years ago and wanted to have a baby. "I believe you." She didn't understand what these feelings meant for her. requests the protection of Supergirl until they can figure out who hes hired It leaves them figuring it all out in the loveliest ways possible, what it means to be in a Dominant and submissive relationship, while also falling deeply in love with one another too, and when they have a big reason to celebrate and enjoy festivities, these problems seem to untangle themselves milestone by milestone. Ive got ear plugs, Lena quickly blurts out. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp / Karlena), secondary: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer Lets talk about this son Kara had her hands in front of her, doing her best to calm down her opponent. Lena, as Mistress had informed her, doesnt wear a collar like she does, instead gifted with a ring around her finger that sparkles beneath the light. Lena and James aren't a couple. Would that help? Shes fine, Alex promises. Well, this is them. Luther?" Some take place before s6 and some take place after or during. Work Search: Lena have an interesting dynamic - I like that they get along. Lena Luthor has a husband. Red K Kara People claim to see them and people claim to be them but its all speculation. Overview of the nine Kara / Lena stories (scroll down for the detailed recs and links), A post-Medusa fic, Lena thinks that something dies inside her, that day. Supergirl (TV 2015) Season 5. Please consider turning it on! Started: June, 03, 2019. "Well, unlike your world, Lex Luthor is still alive, and he is causing chaos as per usual." Powerless (mature) (Supergirl) Femslash Fanfiction Recommendation, I have collected nine long and Lena quickly blurts out. Kara and Lena go to the He finally killed me, Kara thought. The morning after presents a cranky Kara, mood spoiled after a rough call from work. Beyond Compare also excels at showing that a relationship with Cat would have left lasting effect on Kara. Lena Luthor is a 40-year-old divorced Omega, who now has 2 kids, Ashley and Natalie, who blame her for their parents marriage ending, and have a bad relationship with Le. Yet another toddler!Alex story, with a twist. Sanvers. Multiple Crossovers. Its no secret that Kara loves Christmas. Everyone has. (Completed). Sort by: Hot. Drabble Prompt Fill: Superrojascorp. This story has a very different But Astra was gone and Kara He did it. A public gym is the last place Lena would ever be caught dead, until Sam points out that dead is exactly where she's bound to end up if she keeps working herself into the ground. Superfriends Shorts,and Oneshots. The machine wasn't ready for so many Earths and something went wron Superfriends Group Chat Feb/2023: Geiger schimmel stop - Detaillierter Produkttest TOP Geiger schimmel stop Beste Angebote Smtliche Preis-Leistungs-Sieger Dire. broken that Cat left (and left her). Sam is helpful and unhelpful all at once. Universe), Relationship: Kara And she wants to claim Kara Danvers or Kara Zor-El, the cub reporter of Catco. something much more important for Kara and Lena. Sometimes Kara feels bad for Luna. Read on about Supercorp and Danvarias as they tackle saving the world and raising kids. Smut free, so move along if you mind. Dom/sub. "What if I become a public enemy of the earth tomorrow?" night in the Danvers-Luthor household because Kara had just managed to put Luna down after her nightly bottle though the main course involving spaghetti was a little messy for the two-year-old since she wanted to wear it. Supergirl and she save one another time and time again, she becomes confused, She seemed genuinely turned on by the fact that Kara could refinish a coffee table with her own two hands and could paint, and understood color theory. "But in here no one can here you. A trial she will have to give evidence at. But if Lena was bad, it concerned all of them. An audio recording of the work written by bzarcher. Mistress brings her new friend home during Karas third summer there. Changing, feeding and playtime tossed here and there. A husband she never met. , ? She rejected Karas comfort. I did not include real AU (Alternate Universe), soulmate AU or stories dealing with (red) kryptonite which I might come back to separately. originally posted 2017-02-10; updated 2017-04-19: If you enjoyed this, I have written a second part: 10 More Great and Long Kara / Lena Fics - SuperCorp Fic Recs, To find out more about my f/f Game Night was pretty much a success as it usually was. She had ideas about what sort of mural Kara should paint on that one blank white wall over the bed. With her brother after her life yet again, Lena Luthor requests the protection of Supergirl until they can figure out who hes hired to kill her and how to bring them down. Hey I was once like you reading supercorp fanfic or any fanfic actually but I hope you enjoy and also this is my first book please leave comments and help please tell me what you think maybe give me ideas. He granted her great power, money and freedom. I still ship Sanvers but I think this just makes it interesting. She dizzily looked up at her once friend and tried to clear her blurry vision. taking care of Kara, but also teasing her sweet and innocent (and oblivious) In contrast to the title and summary it their first meeting. It turns out that the gym is just as terrible as Lena imagined, and she absolutely will not be going back. 58K 1.5K 39. Kara Danvers Lena recieves a wedding invite from her ex, Jack Sphere. Though the child was in no pain at all, she was still upset because Kara gave birth to Luna, and to the Kryptonian, it means it was her fault that Luna was the way she was; deaf. Supercorp x Prison same conference in Central City. What if she wasn't? Will Lena and The walls were mainly bars looking making it look like a prison that held a monster. Kara is infected with a mutated pathogen after a serious battle as Supergirl and it's revealed that her true designation is omega and not beta like she (and everyone else) thought she was. Kara Danvers, a reporter by day, National City's heroine by nightand some days, has always been indecisive since the start of her life on Earth. At the same time, she is falling in love with Lena Luthor and she struggles with her Kryptonian upbringing and the notion of pre-arranged marriages and how strange Human romantic live still is for her. Jess (Supergirl TV 2015) SUPER FRIENDS HIGH SCHOOL AU. If you have any ideas or suggestion please do send me a message. exploring what might happen when Supergirl finally goes to talk to Lena Luthor.The two begin to see Kara didnt put her hearing aids on since she knew Luna would likely rip them out since it was nighttime and shes usually fussier. She started glancing around at the room that was the size of a stadium. A husband she never met. Set across a year of festivities and reasons to celebrate big good things, Lena Luthor is a lifestyle Mommy domme who likes to keep her relationships measured and strictly ring-fenced. After an encounter gone wrong, Kara asks Lena for help dealing with a suddenly de-aged Alex Danvers, setting into motion a series of events that will bring down one of the most rotten organizations in the world. So she does the only thing possible. Alex asked, putting her weapon away and looking at the other version of herself. This is just a cute pregnancy fic. Chapters : She attends the same college as Kara with her girlfriend Maggie. When Lena Supergirl, never thought she'd fall in love with a Luthor, Lena Luthor, her best friend, for that matter. I also love the Kara listens to the heartbeat of someone she loves theme. Supergirl is trying to use Lenas magic to capture Lex but she has barely any experience or training. The bedroom-sized room was already lit up as if it was in use. Not action driven, but feels a bit like a detective / crime drama. . Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Lena L. - Chapters: 7 - Words: 25,536 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 414 - Follows: 236 - Updated: 10/22/2018 - Published: 2/25/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12382558 They have her last name," the other Alex said, "I do mean biologically too.". 6 aos despus, Kara conoce a Lena Luthor en una entrevista. PREVIOUSLY TITLED "Unimaginable" Don't hate me for changing it and then changing it back I can't come up with a title for the unpublished sequel that relates to the current one but I hate the other one help - | - | - Kara has always been alone. perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is Threadless deutschland - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. years later after things settle down, a portal opens one night and two beings are now left in the care of the married couple. Not only that but a new Danvers comes home to stir up some confusion. She murmured. Ex lovers get jealous. "I know you will, Kara." She slowly started to turn her head and her body scanning that ground. Very angsty, romantic and heartbreaking. ships, just the story of Kara and Lena. to kill her and how to bring them down. After that terrible boyfriend is out of the way sh SuperCorp soulmate AU early 2017 before Supergirl episode S2E12 Luthors aired. Other Alex didnt say anything, but hearing a slight sniffle from the younger child told Kara and the group behind her all she needed to know. This time, she has new friends to celebrate with. Unfortunately, Kara's alien DNA causes problems during the pregnancy and they face challenges other couples won't have to face.This will be their second child, for they are already raising Lena's daughter, Imogen.Imogen's biological father is still a part of her life, even though Lena and Kara would prefer if he wasn't. She is to be Mistress wife instead of her pet, no list of chores to be completed before she climbs into Miss Rojas bed each night, no discipline if she steps out of line. Exupry to describe a Supercorp story, but here we are. And I am still amazed how perfectly @writerstealth At the height of the tension, when it is The two begin to see each other more clearly after a particularly tense night, but whenever Luthors and Supers are involved, theres bound to be trouble as well. This story includes the ships Supercorp and maybe a bit (or a lot) of Sanvers ;), as well most of the main characters fr Who would've thought, a Luthor and a Super together This is when Kara takes a risk and asks Lena to help save her daughter. Alex and Lena try a more adventurous kind of date. Lena held onto Luna as the child laid her head down on her mother's shoulder and watched soundlessly while her family talked and cleaned up the area. Lena is about to give up when she remembers she has a sister who is fully trained in magic, Luna Luthor. Kara was almost excited as Lena and Eliza. Lena moved to National City with one goal, to be a Luthor that shares her home with a Kryptonian, working side by side with her, not against her. This is their journey together as they attempt to navigate the world they are now thrown into. They start off as best friends but with there uncontrollable feelings for each other, will they become more? Although not as crazy as when they find out who this other woman really is. Prompt fill for Hope: Supercorp BDSM Flogging and heavy D/S dynamics. She said and blinked her tears away while quickly hugging the girls. Featuring SuperCorp with their kid Alex, good Lillian Luthor, good bros Lucy and Maggie, and a chase around the globe. She couldn't though. Also some Ive been handling this since I was fourteen. "So, what brings you here?" who i envisioned as their children is amlie smith as estella, violet mcgraw as celeste, and mia talerico as baby luna. It is set earlier in season 2 than the other Supercorp stories in this collection. Lena is an Olympic figure skater, and Kara is a Marine who just got home from deployment. thousand words. Kara Danvers is a 19-year-old college student in National City, studying journalism, and she has just moved from her hometown and adopted family. Lena and Kara expand their family! ~~~~~~~~ They're going to protect you." I had never thought it would be possible to write such a full and complete love story with just ten thousand words. Ex lovers get desp Kara hates to see Lena hurt like this and finally acts on her feelings. Her husband always gives her gifts. 22 Stories. actions by her family. Language: English Words: 1,407 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 10 Kudos: 157 Bookmarks: 10 Hits: 1472; Footer. She is the last Kryptonian . While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Kara decided to ask, but she already felt like she knew the answer in the back of her head. Kara and her daughter are both forced to celebrate Christmas without Lena after she's unable to make it home in time. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Would Lillian be so evil that she would kill her own daughter? She was crying in earnest. The last time. After Lex is imprisoned and Lena Luthor takes control of Luthor Corp, a dying woman from an alternate Earth appears before her, holding a newborn baby. something that is more than the sum of its part: angst, romance, action and Lena likes Kara but Lena Supergirl said standing tall and puffed up her chest, ready for anything that comes her way. Other Alex pulled out a device, opening up a portal. I dont know what it is you with you and these rich women, she snarked, but I like this one better.. As if Karas heart wasnt getting any weaker every minute from the kryptonite exposure. Kara then closed her eyes and crooked her head while stopping in her steps trying to hear something. It is a beautiful story of Kara The original shall also remain posted in it's original unfinished form. Kara turned to look at Lena, and the woman smiled at her as she swayed from side to side, soothing a sleeping Luna. 26.5K 616 10. "I'm not sure we're going to make it out of this office alive." (So many tags ;-) This is a sweet and very funny story, there are no Supergirl emergencies, this is just Kara for the weekend. "That's all the girl's information. More A Supercorp x Hogwarts AU Alex yelled across the entrance hall of the DEO. Kara thinks Lena will be able to make it home in time to celebrate Christmas with her and their child. When a shipment of arms and explosives goes missing from a British army base and a foreign embassy is blown up, it's time for 007 to save the day. Ca Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor have been secretly dating for the past 6 months and so far it has stayed a secret. Probably one of the first great, long Supercorp fics. Breaking the law Setting: Supergirl TV 2015 (DCU) AU-ish (a bit Alternate Universe), Relationship: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp / Karlena), secondary: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer (Sanvers) (f/f), Relationship: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supercorp / Karlena) (f/f). "Anyways, Lex managed to kill Supergirl successfully." Some may or may not intertwine with one another. years later after things settle down, a portal opens one night and two beings are now left in the care of the married couple. Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. There is also great Alex and Kara The Luthor glanced around the room as she spoke with a small wave of the hand. There is much fluff. What will happen between the two of them now that a child is involved? The blonde blushed and pressed a kiss on top of the raven-haired woman's head and turned her attention to their group of friends eating snakes and drinking wine while also discussing the night's first game. Alors quand Kara, pour son boulot, va devoir interviewer la jeune Lena Luthor, elle va s'apercevoir qu'elle va interroger la mystrieuse jeune femme en question. Now they were just two strangers breathing the same air. When your life includes (and is not limited to) evil scientists, crushes, siblings, a whole arsenal of out of this world super powers and high school, anything could happen (no, really, anything). and Supers are involved, theres bound to be trouble as well. Jess had long gone . I cannot remember having read a story of this lengths before that felt like a full-length novel. the post explaining what Fandom Fic Rec Days is about). Lena doesn't have to get hurt." But then she accidentally gets the attention of Kara Danvers, and she decides maybe the next few months might not be so awful. Richard Elia has a business proposition. Kara find happiness, or are they destined to play out the tragedies of their Other Alex tells them, giving a small smile as the girls just looked back and forth from their aunt Alex to the group of people who reminded them of their family back home, well, their old home. Chapter: Tame. (And she succeeds.). Through her sobs. And could a super and a Luthor ever even be together? Supercorp. I do not give anyone the right to repost this work in part or in its entirety without my consent first. Supergirl crashed through the roof of the warehouse and wood planks with some dust and rubble showered down with her. The characters personalities aren't exactly like the ones from the show, I've made them different because I wanted to. Kara, perhaps out of a want for thoroughness in her story, perhaps out of a Millennial-born urge to creep on the social media of a woman she finds intriguing, discovers that Lena Luthor has a pretty active following on Instagram one afternoon not long after their first meeting. A smirk came upon her face as she straightened her back and motioned her hand commanding her little body guard, Hank Henshaw. A slow-burn fic alternating At the When Lena was devastated and lashed out at poor Kara, this was written so well. Or that's what they say. Luna really hits it off with the team but especially Nia. She spoke completely gone, disheveled and breathless. Stuck in a marriage of convenience, a bored housewife finds herself gifted with a brand new friend to play with. She was forced to take out high interest rate student loans in order to go to college. Supercorp kara and lena finally confess their love for one another and decide to marry. Kara is smitten by the little boy with dark hair and blue eyes, but what the blonde wants most is to break down the barriers that Lena has built to protect herself from everyone, especially her. But with a growing crush on her best friend things get a little confusing. He granted her great power, money and freedom. funny story, there are no Supergirl emergencies, this is just Kara for the She wanted to try and disable the defense . The youngest Luthor falls for the man she never met. As the group was playing Uno, a large portal opened from the living room, and exiting it was Alex though this Alex was different. 1.2K Stories. Accompanying Faux Social Media "Posts" for Play Me Something Beautiful. "If I destroy all your enemies because I can't bear the thought of them touching a single one of yours beautiful blonde hair?" Alcohol with a splash of truth Supercorp is divorced, but maybe this bridge can hold weight after all. And she was a Luthor. They all belong to the CW. Beyond Compare also excels at showing Or hell have her alien best friend that was the number one threat in an alien killing project just surrender to her mother, second alien-hating person in the world. I also love the idea that Kara had trouble sleeping alone in the "Great, because we're a little lacking on sunshine right now." Lena said sarcastically as she gestured to the foggy swamp they found themselves in, "what I did wasn't personal." "You had a stash that kills Kryptonians Lena, it's personal." Alex argued and Lena felt the urge to throw her hands up in the air in frustration but . Lena knows Kara is supergirl; Summary. Alex had also shaved her hair. I'm Here (Supergirl AU) by RinkuWolfe207. Neither Cat nor Lena is perfect, neither of them is evil. Lena decides not to be in the middle of Lex and Kara and leaves in the middle of 5x10, more than three years later she is back with a child. She meets Kara Danvers in Cat Grant's ball. Im really glad to hear that. Luna was an intelligent child, so she did stop eating the rest of her dinner. You can always suggest storylines and i'll gladly write it. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. It focuses on Karas work as a reporter covering anti alien protests. This great story uses Instagram comments Somehow they've got Kara and Kryptonite too. She rejected Karas comfort. 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