positive impacts of tourism in hawaii
In the Caribbean, tourism employs 2.4 million people and contributes more than $62 billion (15.5%) to GDP (2018) making it the most tourism-reliant region in the world. They include a deep history on the ways military life is hidden across the island. Experiences, headlining the morning session and generating a great deal of discussion. 0000002076 00000 n one travel agent in attendance: Deb Positive social impacts in tourism include learning about different cultures, increasing tolerance and inclusion through LGBTQ+ travel, increasing amenities (e.g., parks, recreation facilities), investment in arts and culture, celebration of Indigenous peoples , and community pride. This approach to traveling has become an increasingly popular option for travelers today. Read our guidelines and find out how you can submit blogs and photo essays>. "There historically hasn't been enough consideration for how tourism and tourists can contribute to making life sustainable and really livable for the locals who serve them here," Bryant de Venecia, a communications organizer for the workers' union in Honolulu, Unite Here Local 5, told The New York Times. Given the circumstances, one might ask if the vision of a culturally conscious tourism industry is even realistic. Source: Google map with drawings by author. Hawai'i Tourism Industry in April 2021. This transportation loophole left a number of offices unable to provide equipment to locals who needed to move, prompting the HTA to release a statement saying they "[do] not condone visitors renting moving trucks and vans for leisure purposes.". After a meeting, public and private . Thus the word "aloha" is employed as an aid in the constant hawking of things Hawaiian. In the end, the entire employment scene is shaped by and depends upon tourists, and the selling of Hawai'i through the tourism industry. If you are thinking about coming here, ask yourself: Who are you in relation to this place? The struggle at Mauna Kea right now is one of the biggest issues that has realigned many cultural political relationships in Hawaii, said Kyle Kajihiro, an activist and lecturer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I call it "cultural prostitution.". Learn More. Cultural diplomacy as opposed to cultural entertainment can have positive effects, creating a more authentic and sophisticated image of Hawaii among foreign audiences, as long as the content and the message remain in the hands of Hawaiian cultural practitioners and artists. In trying to explain the impacts of tourism in economic terms, Kreag (2001:6) highlighted positive and negative impacts. While the hottest trends in travel now are the search for authenticity and ways to experience local life, many people who visit Hawaii are looking to get away from daily life. n3kGz=[==B0FX'+tG,}/Hh8mW2p[AiAN#8$X?AKHI{!7. During an interview with Hawaii News Now, Lawrence Boyd, an economist and associate specialist with the University of Hawaii Center for Labor Education, touched on the rampant economic inequality in Hawaii. It also supports over 200,000 people in Hawaii. Given this situation, the creation of a healthier relationship between Hawaiian culture and community, and the tourism industry and tourists is a challenging task. to have with me to show people all sorts of different experience options.. With 71,000 hotel rooms, tourism is one of the primary forms of . Venice is the only city of its type in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site representing a cultural and natural asset of exceptional value, demanding its preservation and transmission to future generations.. A sustainable tourism - not altering the natural and artistic environment, and not obstructing the development of other social and economic activities in harmony . might be other ways to communicate brand personality, agent personality, In July, hotel employees went on strike to protest what they said were low wages and the firing of 45 workers by Diamond Resorts, an operator of multiple properties in the United States and Europe. We value our dedicated team members at The Modern Honolulu and we were pleased to reach a contract agreement that includes a significant pay increase, a spokesman for Diamond said. endstream endobj 322 0 obj <. ?,' #'3|k6!;~8 Mass tourism commercialized and trivialized elements of Hawaiian culture and created a culture specifically for the entertainment of tourists. Their work was included in the recently published Duke University Press book Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Hawaii, a collection of essays, interviews and family histories about ethical and contextualized tourism in the islands edited by Hokulani K. Aikau and Vernadette Vicua Gonzlez. of the impacts of tourism on the public sector, and the lack of collaborative knowledge management to deal with tourism issues (Dredge2017). Cultural Survival, Inc. is a non-profit organization with federal 501(c)(3) status. All Rights Reserved. xref There are mainly three positive elements that scientists believe in: - Tourism can help people to get educated about the beautiful nature that we have. Lantfant (1995) said that tourism as a last resort, keep the un- . The tourism development in India, too, is not free from such impacts. Last year, each guest spent an average of $2,103 during their stay, which equates to $220 per person in state tax revenue. The industry is also one of the top job providers in the state. For blogger guidelines, click here. The tours are given to groups of people who want to learn about Hawaii from the perspective of local Hawaiians. Sustainable Venice. The movement entailed a deliberate separation of the authentically Hawaiian from all that was perceived as foreign and colonial. Although some of the mass hotels and other tourist corporations have been increasingly supportive of cultural initiatives in recent years, the industrys priority is economic profit, which historically has lead to a commercialization of Hawaiian cultural elements for entertainment purposes. Going on a trip to the most beautiful nature in the world is like watching an episode of "Planet Earth". And the function of tourism and the state of Hawai'i is to convert these attributes into profit. Ms. Nuss, of Conscious Concepts, is originally from Oahu and returned in 2009 after working in hospitality in the Caribbean, New York, Miami and other places on the United States mainland. %%EOF Permits are fast-tracked, height and density limits are suspended, new ground water sources are miraculously found. Together, it's easy to see how these conditions have led to Hawaii having the highest rate of homelessness per capita in the nation, with Native Hawaiians being disproportionately affected. and interactive perspective. 11 hours ago, by Njera Perkins I dont think its reasonable to expect that people just wont work in the main industry there is and I dont think Hawaiians want to stop tourism altogether, but we are all working to find ways of doing it responsibly and thoughtfully, said Shane Hiroshi Gibler, who co-owns Royal Hawaiian Catamaran, which is based in Honolulu and offers snorkel tours, sunset cruises and private charters. Tourism Authority and current chief of staff for Hawaii governor David Ige. The pair began offering alternative tours of the island, which they call DeTours, in 2004 and have seen increased interest in recent years. Tourism can significantly contribute to environmental protection, conservation and restoration of biological diversity and sustainable use of natural resources. This remains as one of the world's largest global issues. The pandemic had returned a sort of peace to the islands in which nature and wildlife were able to thrive. All things considered, we were a typical "tourist family" seeking both adventure and knowledge as we navigated the island's hotspots. 134-172. Most countries or states conduct tourism branding to attract visitors and increase economic activity. The ultimately necessary act of protecting a biologically-rich area can have . s~~>)z@5)'xxT_t&kyJSDi`Y-PS~hR.sd4'&} L(]_eon{%n=\h66](g@L\U (8@c9< 4th Quarter 2022 Report Download Data Table (spreadsheet) Hawaii's economy has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps not surprisingly, technologys fast-moving As for the local labor unions, both rank and file and management clamor for more tourists, while the construction industry lobbies for larger resorts. The developers behind the center say it will bring jobs and create a new community space, but opponents fear it will be a magnet for tourists and will destroy the forest and beach used by locals. In the wake of the U.S. travel ban to North Korea which took effect on September 1, the Cond NastTravelogue podcast looks at the morality behind visiting the country. In 2014, my family traveled to the island of Oahu in Hawaii. No gaps were found between residents' and entrepreneurs' responses. However, Hawaiis tourist problem is not reducible to image but can only be managed if the strong gap between the community and the industry is bridged. As tourism continues to evolve based on people's needs, one of the best things we can do as visitors is respect the wishes of the locals who want to preserve their community, culture, and environment. Companies like Hertz and Avis had sold portions of their fleets during the pandemic to save cash, decreasing the number of cars available by more than 40 percent, according to the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA). As a result, diaspora increases while new immigrants arrive from Asia. Japanese Tourism Impact. C })G 399 0 obj <>stream They say that since Europeans first arrived in the 18th century, Hawaiian land has been taken and misused by non-Hawaiians, and often to the detriment of Hawaiians and their traditions. From the tourist industrys perspective, this image sells well. Both entrepreneurs and residents perceived the environmental impacts to be lower than tourists did. The next stop is usually Fort Shafter, the headquarters of the United States Army Pacific; then Camp Smith, but the main part of the tour is Ke Awalau o Puuloa Pearl Harbor. Living in Close Relationship with the Lands and Sea: Elizabeth James-Perry, Oglala Sioux and Cheyenne River Sioux Stand Their Ground in South Dakota to Protect Communities from COVID, Palestinian Artists Respond to The Delight Song of Tsoai-tales by M. Scott Momaday. ,5qI{ >&izk663 =`N ,2(P}m[ But whereas in the early years the hospitality industry was to a large extent locally run, with the emergence of mass tourism foreign and U.S. corporations took control over what was catered to tourists. Just as the pimp regulates prices and guards the commodity of the prostitute, so the state bargains with developers for access to Hawaiian land and culture. People already come here with so many images and ideas about what Hawaii is that its really hard for them to see something different, so thats why we started calling our work DeTours, Mr. Kajihiro said. 1. According to the 2021 Hawaii Tourism Authority's Resident Sentiment Survey, only 53 percent of Hawaiians feel that tourism has been more beneficial than harmful. :3020g%C9;XXSYXleIaf`Mg`Si1-79FFW/nPX@ @T|\3Y| M%. . Meanwhile, Native Hawaiians are disproportionately employed by the tourism industry in low-paying service jobs. Tourism perturbs biodiversity. 833 Words4 Pages. endstream endobj 422 0 obj<>stream The fight has inspired actions around the islands, all relating to how land is used and who benefits from it. in tourism and a dramatic decrease in previously primary industries such as agriculture and federal spending. CPD USC Center on Public Diplomacy schools that havent had air conditioning for 30 years, McCartney said in his For this the involvement of communities and development of policies and attitudes resulting from an understanding of the complex relations between tourism and culture on both the side of the host culture and the tourism industry is essential. But many residents do not believe that the visitor. CNN . (1) Fact: Tourism has been the single most powerful factor in crime rate, including crimes against people and property. This article provides a narrative of Hawaii's tourism history by going backward in time to when it all began. Instead, the brand is controlled by the hotel giants, and exists primarily for the tourists. We lost the human experience. When people have some of the history and context they can appreciate the art more and they can experience the island in a more meaningful way, he said. A year after the pandemic halted travel, 2021's numbers are quickly approaching and even surpassing that rate, creating issues with overcrowding. Groceries, for example, cost 60 percent more than the national average. But the pursuit of tourism . To most Americans, then, Hawai'i is theirs: to use, to take, and, above all, to fantasize about long after the experience. We The spirit of protest is most visible in Oahu, where in Kahuku demonstrators have spent the last several months fighting the construction of eight wind turbines, each standing at 568 feet taller than the tallest skyscraper in Honolulu. In the 21st century, tourism is closely linked to. Usually, though, tourism branding is just one of many campaigns, next to other branding and public diplomacy programs a country or place conducts, which all reinforce one another. During a DeTours of Pearl Harbor, Mr. Kajihiro pauses in the Oahu court between the Pearl Harbor galleries and the museum and asks guests to look at the placards in the hallway. 808 certified writers online. (2) The feeling of escape of fleeing to a nearby paradise with stunning beaches and luxurious resorts has long been Hawaiis appeal to the traveling public. 9 hours ago, by Njera Perkins Stricken by the COVID-19 pandemic, Hawaii tourism entered 2021 in critical condition with visitor arrivals down 74% from the previous year, according . Awareness raising and experience 2. V)gB0iW8#8w8_QQj@&A)/g>'K t;\ $FZUn(4T%)0C&Zi8bxEB;PAom?W= but were seeing it increase exponentially, Turino said. isnt his strongest suit, but that hasnt kept him from having success with To Hawaiians, daily life is neither soft nor kind. With the increase in technology, the world is gradually changing and becoming closer and smaller day by day. With the positive effects of tourism, Figure 1. One year later, the island edges past Panama from eighth to seventh place in Latin Ballet diplomacy takes center stage at the Lincoln Center in New York City in a performance ofGeorge Balanchine'sJewels. The victims participate in their victimization with enormous ranges of feeling, from resistance to complicity, but the force and continuity of the institution are shaped by men. numbers of $15 billion [in 2015 visitor spending] and 8.6 million visitors we hb```f``AX,7N:000jH By 2020, its going The Positive Impacts of Tourism are Far-Reaching A little goes a long way in the environmental tourism industry. 0 While working for the American Friends Service Committee, the Quaker peace and justice organization, Mr. Kajihiro and his colleague Terrilee Kekoolani studied the environmental and social effects of colonization, militarization and overdevelopment of Hawaii. People are tired of being decorative Hawaiians as well as people who live in Hawaii, said Maile Meyer, who owns N Mea Hawaii, a bookstore in Honolulu that sells products from smaller local makers. Ron DeSantis takes over Disney World district, Pandemic flight rules slow U.S.-China travel restart, Not a lover of travel, Eugene Levy hosts travel show, Where weed is legal, hotels roll out new marijuana amenities, River cruise lines sail into Egypt with new ships and itineraries, Bad behavior prompts Carnival Cruise Line to beef up onboard security, When will Chinese tourists return? Shocked, some tourists began renting U-Hauls instead. /Im0 Do Virtual reality is not just for gamers anymore, he said, That's why I'm spilling the tea on my top 5 destinations to avoid when planning your next event. <> With the infiltration of stereotypical "American" culture and governance, fewer Hawaiian children speak the native Hawaiian language. In 2019, Hawai'i's tourism economy has recorded. For our young women, modeling is a "cleaner" job when compared to waiting on tables, or dancing in a weekly revue. Its more than just data. Explore CPD's vast online database featuring the latest books, articles, speeches and information on international organizations dedicated to public diplomacy. We picked destinations to inspire you, delight you and motivate you to explore the world. <<454B2C96B39DD54D81D4EF5E4C3E0420>]>> Today, Hawaiian culture is alive and well: Hawaiian language is being taught in schools and universities, cultural practitioners have restored many of the ancient practices, such as traditional farming, music, and dance; countless academic disciplines have undergone a paradigm shift towards a more islander-oriented perspective; cultural events and festivals take place on a regular basis across the island chain. The place, the people, the culture, even our identity as a "Native" people are for sale. D92GycFy^S0*G{a;`Xe+L?,yOO`Ea%"8'*Mjgz1Y&E1NyUEgn 10a#_xLdS~g9[]M`TRP8O`DdP2Ly;(3. What made the issue more severe in Hawaii, however, was that prior to the rise of tourism, Hawaiian culture was undergoing a crisis of its own. 1 day ago. Resorts are often owned and run by non-Hawaiians, whose interest in purchasing property (commercial or otherwise) is largely responsible for the state's high cost of living. 612 0 0 792 0 0 cm Increasingly, Hawaiians are leaving, not by choice but out of economic necessity. Protesters say the turbines will have adverse long term health effects on the population. someone who is complicit in her own commodification. N')].uJr for only $16.05 $11/page. A farm hoping to attract tourists to volunteer might turn to her to figure out the best ways to reach them. To swerve off the path that most people are going to see or understand and consume and shake it up by raising some more critical perspectives and introducing a lot of historical facts that are not so pleasant.. Infrastructure is usually built by the developer in exchange for approval of more units. In November, Chloe Anderson, a therapist and teacher in California, visited the farm and stayed for four of her six days in Oahu. But so many things were based off the farm and at the farm. On Mr. Giblers boat, guests are asked not to bring any plastic and recycling is available aboard. However, Hawaiis international image has been almost entirely dominated by its tourist brand. Testimony was delivered to the state legislature, 1990 session. My generation was stepping into their leadership roles and doing it differently, reconnecting for a movement back to the land.. All Rights Reserved. really exist and is hard to find, he said of clients in the 22-to-32 age Tourism has become one of the important economic factor for any nation today. The positive impacts of tourism on culture with critical reviews Tourism also has some positive impacts on culture. 379 0 obj <>stream The road is framed by mountains, ocean and greenery so lush and beautiful, its hard to focus the eye on one place for too long, for fear of missing the next scenic attraction. 0000002112 00000 n startxref Youre seeing a phenomenon of natives gathering again and completely finding our way back to each other as part of the solution.. The study involves the assessment of environment impacts of tourism on the famous hill destination of Uttarakhand (India) i.e . 1Qt#yJL [(2 ed9R[NaDcYtLEQ}W2[,E sR(EE!ovy*B"^ ` X w;(FKdJf5)Ln9{ d~a9fX) o\qP{afOmb'>CXm\nCM]:KD29#&$fC~9O{_$1v"J?>DEWbA; YB]20-]2YVP$C x7Gp$BFe6#&B/$/2W2fEdI^ L61pP1 VEdJatv?1 |8y*x(;H%f'ITSvbXMvbqLp| 94a]LKRaNTJ8^:y^B;5E?eg(! The telescopes proponents say that it will bring hundreds of jobs to the island and advance humanitys study of space. In the meantime, tourist appreciation kits are distributed through the State Department of Education to all elementary schools. Thanks to American imperialism, the ideology that the United States has no overseas colonies and is, in fact, the champion of self-determination the world over, holds no greater sway than in the United States itself. But modeling feeds on tourism and the ever-present commodification of Hawaiian women. Tourists considered both residents and entrepreneurs to be more responsible than themselves for the negative environmental impacts of tourism. The environmental impacts of tourism have been a central concern in Hawaii for decades. The displacement of Native Hawaiian people has been a harmful runoff effect of overcrowding for years. In the hotel version of the hula, the sacredness of the dance has completely evaporated while the athleticism and sexual expression have been packaged like ornaments. to be a $30 billion market.. However, according to the United Nations' World Tourism Organization, tourism makes up 5% of the world's Gross Domestic Product; it accounts for one in 12 jobs worldwide; and it's either the number one or number two export earnings for 20 of the 48 least developed . nQt}MA0alSx k&^>0|>_',G! The state was in the spotlight recently when it hosted the annual Gala Riviera Nayarit & Puerto Vallarta. Land Acknowledgement Kam explained that some of the primary issues residents are facing include overcrowding, damage to the environment, and higher cost of living. One may be tempted to suggest that Hawaii needs rebranding. After the Hawaiian Kingdoms loss of sovereignty to the United States in 1898 and the massive de-population of Hawaiians as a result of foreign diseases, Hawaiian culture and language began to suffer a decline that reached its low in the mid-twentieth century. Fact: The very high cost of living in Hawai'i has encouraged the Native people to leave their island home in search of better economic conditions on the American continent. (2004) conducted a case study in Hawaii, where formal tourism sector derived the demand of native Hawaiian culture in hotels. xUOSW+Uek[:Y("7R(q@a%Z*~1)hRd[1n*#a3{s> lZ9AP'UjB]:y}`6*eg4lTwn&M7eH_hdw}A'1[ Exchange: A positive example of exchange is Ka Welina, a network of Hawaiian communities who manage tourist visits to cultural and historical sites in their neighborhoods. Secondly, being centered on the fundamental principles of exchange between peoples [tourism] is both an expression and experience of culture and therefore has an important role to play in facilitating dialogue among culture. A greater dialogue between Hawaiians and foreign visitors that gives visitors exposure to Hawaiian culture can serve as a public diplomacy tool to spread a more authentic image of Hawaii outwards. In this context of mass-based tourism, a new kind of exploitation has been visited upon our Native people. A growing number of Hawaiians say that tourism isnt working for them. Were having to move away from quantity to quality, said Laurien Baird Hokulii Helfrich-Nuss, the founder of Conscious Concepts, a company that works with local organizations on sustainable tourism initiatives. France, which remains the world's top tourist destination, is targeting 100 million visitors in 2020, up from 89.3 million in 2018. (1), Fact: Tourism has been the single most powerful factor in crime rate, including crimes against people and property. %%EOF Because of your hard work, and because of everyone working On a recent trip along the route, something else stood out: the upside down Hawaiian flags flying at almost every stop. Above, Kalakaua Avenue looked barren Friday. According to Kreag (2001:6) tourism increases employment opportunities, although it is argued that most of these jobs are low paying and seasonal. Sustainable practices & legislation Sustainable tourism helps protect the environment Moreover, that growth ensures the trend toward a rapidly expanded population that receives lower per capita income.(3). 11 hours ago, by Alexis Jones % The first requirement is the transformation of the product, or the cultural attribute, much as a woman must be transformed to look like a prostitute, i.e. 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 Mass tourism came to Hawaii after the 1950s, but its humble origin began decades earlier, in the 1870s. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/04/travel/hawaii-tourism-protests.html. The prostitute is a woman who sells her sexual capacities and is seen, thereby, to possess and reproduce them at will, that is, by her very "nature." The network provides these communities with a dynamic way to invite visitors and engage in authentic host-visitor experiences. Is this the end of the Hawaii Tourism Authority? You start to touch peoples lives. In general, tourists affect the environment in 5 ways: they perturb biodiversity, overconsume water and cause pollution, affect air quality, make noise and. [GB;H#cLs4%PJgc@#"E$#+->Z. ?Viw}{jr| :%_qeW|;0W7 Mauna Kea, at 32,000 feet from seafloor to summit, and with 13,796 feet above sea level, is one of the best places in the northern hemisphere, if not the world, to observe the cosmos, experts say. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. morning address, referring to an increase in tourism-related state tax revenue. a return back to that humanness.. And sign up for our Travel Dispatch newsletter: Each week youll receive tips on traveling smarter, stories on hot destinations and access to photos from all over the world. But she quickly realized that what many companies were doing didnt align with her vision for supporting tourism while ensuring the well-being of overworked Hawaiians. Turinos presentation certainly appeared to impress at least When people come see us work, it gives them a totally different way to experience Hawaii, Ms. Ortiz said. 0000000016 00000 n Despite these challenges, tourism is still an important part of the Hawaiian economy, and it is likely that it will continue to play a significant role in the years to come. Who builds the biggest resorts to attract the most affluent tourists gets the best deal: more hotel rooms, golf courses and restaurants approved. On the tourism side, the challenges of screening, testing, and contact tracing are daunting, relying both on Hawaii's readiness and willingness to accept significant visitor numbers and access toand confidence intesting measures that can be required of potential visitors. Fact: A tourism economy encourages foreign investment, which drives up inflation, and thus the cost of living. endstream endobj startxref Get your daily life hack right in your inbox. Endangered species protection 5. , Native Hawaiians Are Asking For a Reduction in Tourism, and We Should Listen, Survive Your First Couple's Vacation With These Expert Tips, I Tried the Scandinavian Sleep Method, and It's Worth the Hype, The Easiest Way to Upgrade Your Vacations, 16 Travel Accessories Our Editors Always Bring on Vacation, 9 Passport Holders to Invest in For Your Next Trip Abroad, Experts Explain Why You're More Likely to Cry on a Plane, 53 percent of Hawaiians feel that tourism has been more beneficial than harmful, a record 10 million tourists visited Hawaii, the islands experienced a rental-car crisis, decreasing the number of cars available by more than 40 percent, a preferred place for the international 1 percent to buy property, the median price for a single-family home in Honolulu sits at $992,500, the median household income in Honolulu is $87,470, the highest rate of homelessness per capita in the nation, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. It can generate additional resources to invest in environmental infrastructures and services. Tourism is the biggest driver of Hawaiis economy, accounting for 21 percent of jobs. In southeast Oahu, in September, 28 people were arrested trying to block the building of a park and recreation center in Waimanalo, a largely agricultural town. *GePvvvL *3] a03y]WK1P B1YaLP"hT!sHgWcl@k/# 8eh"z }_#f5 \"AM~Rr"3^_H]g&{7{nk#_H0ix{+_Ed?5ed D.'7g)zC/WadE'0(`iRl_4IZ5 xnq6Zx$,#iOs7G>L/ 6:c-8?Y,emi-GPLql{:#\{G/~t. A common thread between these protests is that they are being led by locals. I became an international travel agent to help clients fulfill their dreams of exploring new countries through amazing leisure experiences. Opponents of the telescope say they are tired of having their land taken for purposes that benefit others and for the often elusive promise of jobs that fail to deliver in terms of numbers or a living wage. We acknowledge that we are headquartered on Massachusett land, in Cambridge, MA, and we thank the past, current, and future Indigenous stewards of this territory. Reduce poverty. Thus tourism is viewed as providing jobs, not as a form of cultural prostitution. Our website houses close to five decades of content and publishing. As colonized people, we are colonized to the extent that we are unaware of our oppression. FEIN 23-7182593. ?J+D"J But tourism offers opportunities for cultural exchange that can benefit Hawaii and contribute to cultural preservation if they are recognized and strategically utilized. And although more people are visiting Hawaii, they are spending less there. Another of the agent panels participants, George Millar, "You see every day these disrespectful people come and do whatever they want . These are the three largest words shown in Cubas word cloud from the 2015-16 Country Brand Report. 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