piper cub project for sale
Posted February 23, 2023. refresh results with search filters open search menu. 1946 PIPER J-3 CUB $65,000 Get Financingas low as $436.63 a month* Reg#N70532 TT: Not Listed Performance Specs 1946 Piper J3-65 Cub with C-85 100HP with Dons Dream Machine. rebuilt and primed wings 3 inch HD ext gear with 1.5 inch axles cleavevland doubl pucks atlee ext baggage under seat storage under seat batt float fittings Factory new Lycoming O-360 C4P with Cub Crafters STC kit (2003) B and C alt and starter 2000 lb STC from Wipline lots more pretty complete project $85,000 or best offer, Telephone: Thanks! PIPER PA11 PROJECT AVAILABLE FOR SALE piper pa11 damaged project 6196.6 hrs c85 stroker stc to 95 hp 558 hrs prop 997 hrs $16000 usd Contact David Allen- ALLEN AIRWAYS LTD, Owner - located Sioux Lookout, ON P8T1A1 Canada 1946 Piper Cub: Price: 89,000 TT: 242, S/N: 20167 , Reg. 814-558-2961 As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. VG,s 24g fuel ext baggage side door Oregon Aero cloth seats polished carbon fiber interior panel includes dynon 180 flt dek efis Garmin gdu375 gps Garmin SL40 com and xpndr adsb out and in SXM and a Tru trak auto pilot make it a super capable plane to take anywhere. $191.94 $ 191. Piper Cub - Aircraft For Sale 1 Featured Advertiser Aircraft. landing gear 1 1/4" axles $2K OBO. 85,000 Belgium for sale . You're a power user moving through this website with super-human speed. Projet non termin d'un avion Piper Cub 3/4. Call 207-329-9346 9703093334 SELLING MY AFFORD-A-PLANE PROJECT. 902 401 7479 I can also remove the Bungee covers. Needs compliance with Lycoming prop strike AD 2004-10-14, prop overhaul and reassembly. Photos and other media may not display unless you activate javascript and refresh this page. Custom parts for Super Cubs Now Available! Third seat, (removed but available) two doors, VGs, 24 gal tanks, basic panel with radio and electric lightweight starter, new windshield, plugs, ELT, intercom, landing lights Asking: 124.900 US Located Tillsonburg Ontario, 1 hour from Detroit, Can deliver, for price They are currently in a . She can be powered by a 1.00-1.6 2 stroke, a 1.2-1.84 stroke, a 20-26cc RC gas engine or a 110 size outrunner brushless motor. Print Share. Cruise speed is 65 knots (75 mph, 121 km/h) and maximum speed is 76 knots (87 mph, 140 km/h). A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. New Cables need to be installed in the wing's then Fairings painted. PM for pricing. 2.5 Baths. . This airframe was originally a barn find basket project with no airframe logs, but I have the FAA disk with the plane's history. #: 6933H Click For More Details View Profile . Additional information is available in this. The empty weight is 765 lb (3450 kg) and the maximum takeoff weight is 1220 lb (550 kg). Call Only 912-655-0966 Note: when sorting by date, 'descending order' will show the newest results first. Vertical post is 6 inch steel. I have no time to finish but this will make someone a nice bird. 1954 PA-18, 150hp, 2310TT 105SMOH Sensenich prop, disc brakes, 1750lb gross, ext baggage, av30c. The J-3 is an icon of the era. . Posted February 23, 2023, 1946 J3 Cub with wood spars for Sale with C-85-12 overhauled but needs some work before running, New Slick Mags, Overhauled Carborator, New Sensenich Propeller all yellow Tags. Call or Text me to discuss, Telephone: Most L-4s were destroyed or sold as surplus after World War II, but a few saw service in the Korean War. Call for details 757-968-0081, Telephone: 720-272-3303 Posted February 10, 2023, Colt fuselage with tailwheel conversion, toe brakes both sides, instrument panel, yolks, seats, battery box, new cables, pulleys, new fuel lines, hydasorbes new trim jack screw, fuselage has been blasted and primed. 814-558-2961 Photos available. New Chrome Moly Fuselage w/left door, and skylite. Operating Costs. BEST LANCAIR ON SALE 1995 Lancair 360 200HP/200kt Spain Inquire: . 402-980-8973 Cruise Speed: 92 MPH estimated. Posted February 18, 2023, 2418 TT thru cover less prop. Corroded spars. Rough but not! Slick mags TT 42 hours. Piston Helicopters 30. A cub with tundra tires landing in a space no larger than a parking spot and then takes off after a short roll. Cash and carry, inquiries welcome. 850-974-5608 They are currently in a backyard. More Info, Hangar Find in NM Ages: 15 months - 17 years. Dakota wings 2014 Recov More Info, OTHERWORLDLY PIPER J3L-65 S/N 7298! 320-267-8708 Payment Methods are listed above. 5025489282 1973 Piper PA-25-235D Pawnee. Use the Side Filters to your left to select only the makes or model / groups relevant to your search. Lycoming 0-360 C4P PA12/PA14 header tank in like new condition. Posted February 24, 2023, Ready to fly left wing. VINTAGE PIPER SUPER CUB TAILDRAGER SKI #V0348, Revell 1/32 Piper PA-18 Super Cub Plastic Model Kit 85-5483. 1940 PIPER J-5A CUB CRUISER $69,700 Reg# C-FFWT TT: 2633 Performance Specs Rare, airworthy, active Piper J-5A Cub Cruiser available to serious buyers. And I mean otherworldly! The airplane is located AEROLED Lighting Upgrades Updated 31 Jan 2023 Testimonial Bare Fuselage - $13,450 Flying or not. aviation. Engine compressions 70+, full electrical, Nav/Com, Intercom, ADSB Transponder and much more. For Sale Sig 1/4 Piper Cub kit NIB Aircraft - Fuel - Airplanes (FS/W) Tach 6235.7 I Bruces Custom Covers: CANOPY COVER (Over-The-Top Style), Belly Strap Type, extends to cover gas caps for PA-18. Piper for Sale: 189 aircraft for sale on PlaneCheck - Aircraft sales angebot verkauf angebote sell selling en vente vendre vend verkaufe angeboten biete vends vendo prodaja prodej predaj salg te koop aangeboden verkoop vendita venta venda frsljning slj saelge selge pre-owned veriliyor Excellent condition 2007 Cessna 350 Telephone: ; Telephone: Posted February 2, 2023. Piper J-5A converted to a highly modified PA-12. Decent shape. 59,000 . Aileron balance cable, Telephone: With a common set of modifications such as powder coating, a baggage door, and weld-on float fittings, an average Airframes Alaska bush plane fuselage weighs 110 lbs. Inspection is by appointment only. The aircraft is powered by a Continental A-65-8 engine with a cruise speed of 65 kts, a stall speed of 33 kts, and a range of 146 miles. It has always been hangared and pampered. Started by 1934A, 03-15-2022 09:21 AM. 321 432-8369 instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Sitemap This airplane was custom ordered from Piper in 1941 by airshow legend More Info, Nice old 1940 J-5 cub. Telephone: 9703093334 Posted February 10, 2023. Results for "piper cub", Balsa USA 1/3 scale piper cub builders kit, Landing Gear to fit a Piper J3 Cub Aircraft. IN GOOD CONDITION AND A GREAT CONVERSATION PIECE $150 TAKES IT LOCATED 15 MINUTES NORTH OF CAMROSE. Key Features All-wood Revell 1/32 scale Piper PA-18 Super Cub plastic model kit #85-5483 new sealed, $70. There are a few reasons this might happen: To regain access, please make sure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled before reloading the page. 609-575-7284 I am currently unable to pick up my project from AIG. Piper J-3 Cub Project.TT 4159 Engine and airframe. Fortysix12. The project is complete minus prop and engine. Additional information is available in this. There is more to talk about so call me. EDO 1650 Aircraft Floats pic Rigged for Piper cub. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. The Cub became the primary trainer aircraft of the CPTP. Property may be removed by appointment only and appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance. 1950 Piper Get a Super Cub at a Bargain Price I am currently unable to pick up my project from AIG.. Powder coated black. Piper distributors across the United States were encouraged to do the same. piper m350 fuel burn piper m350 fuel burn (No Ratings Yet) . Or fastest delivery Wed, Feb 15 . https://nationalhomefrontproject.org/hughes-owen/, Tour our 25,000 sq ft hangar with aircraft on display inside and outside. Airframe, with PA18 tail, Cleveland W & B, Scott TW, squared tip wing with Crosswinds STOL kit. Ground Up Restoration in 2000 and hangered since. Add your tip, tank and tank cover. Engine TT: 40. 4 aircraft listings most relevant to your search. (Cherokee) Lycoming O-320 B2C 160hp, 82/41 Borer or McCatto, Surefly Elec. New prop, new 8.50 tires, 85hp electric start continental engine. 678-852-8879 Piper/Cherokee airplane seats/Headsets. O-360, Telephone: Longueur environ 16 pieds. The Piper Cub is one of the most successful airframes in history and has bec. Single Engine Pistons 718. With the following kits ready for install: PA18 gear, Dakota Cub 23 gal tanks, Dakota Cub flaps, Dakota Cub trim sys, all with STCs plus STCs for skylight & X-brace. Fabric partially removed. Mr. Hughes is a well known artist who is a WWII vet that also painted the Fuddy Duddy and Glacier Girl among others. STC for 0-320 and EAA STC for auto fuel . It was installed on a 150hp O320 Stock Supercub flaps for sale, white, removed to install Pstol flaps. The J-4 remained an excellent selling product for Piper until December 1941 when all civilian aircraft manufacture came to a stop when the United States entered into World War II. no hidden. > Posted February 24, 2023, TopCub CC-18 2004 412 TTAE 2300# extnd bag all mods you would want 1 owner, Borer prop 249K or offer, Telephone: FA Dodge Rudders for Piper Aircraft pic. 1510T More Info. Great shape piper cub, 60size, no engine or motor, ready for your set up either electric or glow or gas, your choice, comes with set of floats, covered in fabric covering that's still in great shape, Made in USA By minicraft models 8 7/8 wing span Week end wings series kit Kit 1611 New in box Decals included. 2/20 . It has the univair sealed front wing struts with heavy duty forks. Airglas LT32 Belly Tank for sale. Allows you to choose the data by which the thread list will be sorted. All new cover with booster droop tip wings, Telephone: WEDC will be closed February 4, 2023 due to weather! Built 2018 from Rocky Mtn. Nice old box art, that would look great in your man cave too. Shelby County Airport More Info, 1946 J3C-64, 2271 TT, Continental A65-8 1090 SMOH, N6040H, Metal Spar Wings, Stitts Cover 1988, Cleveland Brakes, Sensewich Metal Prop, Heavy Lift Stuts. Call me!! We noticed you're using an unsupported browser which may result in limited or no functionality for portions of our website. Ignition, Sutton Exhaust, Thrustline Mod, Airtech Fabric System, Airframes PSTOL flaps, Airframes Alum Lift Struts, FA Dodge ext main gear + safety cables, Acme Gen4 ProSeries via field approval, Airframes 31" ABW & BBW, Stvs Booster, Cleveland Wheels and Brakes, Airframes Tailspring, FA Dodge Extended Baggage, VG's, CubCrafters Headerless Fuel, CubCrafters Panel, CubCrafters Gap Seals, GPS ELT, LED Everything w/MaxPulse. 1980 Piper Super Cub Pa18-150 Single Engine Propeller Sold Sold on: 20/07/2018 Priced as: $75,000 back to search 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Details Engine Specifications *PLEASE NOTE: Aircraft specifications are subject to verification by the purchaser. PAYMENT MUST BE MADE ONLINE -- To make online payment, log into your GovDeals account and select 'My Bids'. Posted February 21, 2023, Piper PA18 Super Cub, $35,000, 1951 Piper PA18, Project, No firewall forward, Extended baggage, Cleveland wheels and brakes, Scott tailwheel. Just completed annual & ready to go. Telephone: Used for one season and swapped to 1989 PA18-150 factory flaps Upgraded to high performance flaps so I am selling my old ones. PA-18 6 inch extended gear leg (RH only) excellent condition. The Piper seen here is a project for certain, but seemingly one with good bones and a cockpit that would suggest some pride in ownership in its past. The Project comes with all airframe logs and airworthiness cert. Telephone: 1955 Piper Tri-pacer project for sale I have a 1955 piper Tri-Pacer project for sale. Telephone: Great for a Beginner to get started! Meet the 1984 Piper PA-42-720, Cheyenne III-A, with its "Dash 61" 850 horsepower Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-61 engines (flat rated at 720 shaft horsepower each) and two 4-bladed McCauley Black Mac.See More Details. HIGHLY MODIFIED PA-12 $74,500 FOR SALE Piper J-5A converted to a highly modified PA-12. More Info Otto Rossmeyer Whitehouse, NJUSA 1947 Piper Cub J3C-65 Stock #: 271 1945 Piper Cub J3C-65 Stock #: 324 1978 Piper Tomahawk PA38-112 Stock #: 116 . Posted February 16, 2023, Project is complete, no engine or prop. 2017 180hp Xcub 360TT and TTSN Launch Edition tail wheel plane with 29 HT Bush tires Grove aluminum gear 1.75 grove brakes, vg,s g series flaps and ailerons extended baggage with side door, 50 gallon tanks Scottish leather seats, electroair electronic ignition, Garmin 796 panel with Trig radio and Xpndr with Adasb out and in, led nav and landing lights, cruise at 135mph if ya want or 50. The Hangar. Aircraft needs reassembly and paperwork completed; previous owner passed away. Instruction sheet is copyrighted 1961, so it is an old kit for sure. Showing Call for details 757-968-0081, Telephone: Prop: Whirlwind Ground Adjustable. 720-272-3303 Read More. Project is located at Yakima Aerosport in Yakima, WA. View more recently sold homes. There are many way to support us in our effort to provide hands-on STEM education to youth in our area. The Hangar 9 Piper Cub is constructed of laser-cut balsa and ply and is expertly covered in Cub yellow UltaCote. Same owner since 1992. Fabric is original, but tests strong & has always been hangared. Telephone: This rare J4A is surprisingly roomy with the side by side seating. , 1997- PA18-150/0320 amateur built (AME) 571 TT, Top overhaul 55 hours, new 31inch Alaska bush wheels (0 pavement landings) lifetime struts, rims brakes in 2021 New Carb 2019, seats cushion recovered. They are in great shap Pa-18 gear legs. Auction rules may vary across sellers. Video Chat. . Removed from Piper PA-12 that had PA-18 gear. Been sitting a while. Cash in 24hrs! 423-987-4243 Please follow the instructions there.Payment in full is due not later than five (5) business days from the time and date of the Buyer's Certificate. fuselage and previous data plate. Inquire Argentina 9387 Piper PA-18-95 Super Cub : 1953 . Airwolf filter A200 Com radio 3200 Tail wheel (STC) Pa-18 Main gear For Sale: Landing gear to fit a Piper J3 Cub Aircraft If you need any more pictures please let me know. Any year! 509-453-3412 $600 each. Use Distance Search to find Ads based on where you are and how far you want to travel. UP FOR SALE IS A BRAND NEW IN BOX FALCON MODELS 1/72 DIECAST MODEL OF FIESLER STORCH Fi-156 LDP AIR TRANSPORT REGIMENT CZECHOSLOVAK AIR FORCE 1946 BEAUTIFUL 1/72 . In the United States, the Grasshoppers sold as surplus were redesignated as J-3s, but often retained their wartime glazing and paint. Aircraft Location: Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. Telephone: Unsubscribe with one-click. Posted February 19, 2023, Ribett 66" airfoil, tanks, complete lift struts, bell cranks, large flaps, ailerons, spars, LE skins, Telephone: 1972 PIPER SENECA. Hoist has been used for Piper sized aircraft float changes. Aux tank. Can complete to your specs. vacuum width, you. Cub Cadet 1.5 in. Telephone: You've disabled cookies in your web browser. Use the Side Filters to your left to select only the makes or model / groups relevant to your search. Owner's beloved plane: alone in a dry hangar for some years in a clean dry NM hangar. Splash rails. View Profile View Forum Posts . Cleaveland wheels and brakes. The Nicks Baby artwork was selected by the owner and painted and signed by none other than Owen Willard Hughes. With over 1000 active members, we have fostered a vibrant community and extensive knowledge base. Increase the search radius for more results. Fuselage blasted and primed, wings covered in 1975 with grade A cotton. 1940 PIPER J4 CUB COUPE $39,000 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 1939 Piper Cub J4A This rare J4A is surprisingly roomy with side by side seating. Their model is based on the C1 Eclipse variant, and it should be adapted after for X-Plane as well. Sandblasted fuselage shows pitting & some corrosion. post. No corrosion. In 1938 powered by a 40 hp engine the J-3 replaced the J-2. Buying Now! 120,000 France for sale Piper PA18-95 Super Cub : 1953 . Cowl, windscreen, and cockpit kit intact. Tire is almost new and is an Aero Classic ribbed 4.00 X 4. Showing Lyc 0-320-E2D - needs prop strike inspection. Sealed struts and new fork ends installed. Traditional Yellow Piper Cub Graphics Set From $20 Piper Cub Instrument Panel From $12 Piper Cub "Lil Panda" N92497 Graphics Set From $20 Piper Cub Spirit of Lewis F-GHLQ Graphics Set From $20 Piper Cub Air Ambulance Graphics Set From $20 Piper Cub CAF #42-5772 Graphics Set From $20 Piper Cub Belgium LB-01 Graphics Set From $20 account. Brand new never used super cub rudder freshly covered by A&P mechanic with polyfiber and ready for paint. Bid History for Piper J-3 Cub Project Aircraft 12085992707 580hrs on new AF/SMOH. Alaska ABI 800613 assembly two hole with matching 4 leaf tail spring.125 hours TT 2.80/2.50 tire. 715-418-0870 All rights reserved. 8077380171 Classified Advertising Forum Rules & Practices, Adventures, Stories, Journeys and Musings, American Legend Aircraft: AL3, AL11, AL18, CubCrafters: CC18, CC11, CC19 Top Cub, Carbon Cub, and X-Cub, Everything Else (formerly:My Other Plane Is A.), If this is your first visit, be sure to Between 1938 and 1947, Piper sold 19,073 J-3 Cubs. Posted February 21, 2023, Left wing for a Exp. no favorites. S/N 12-3369- Been apart since a ground loop in 2001. It is up to you as the purchaser to conduct your due diligence. Recover of tail surfaces started. Poly Fiber cover. 1946 PIPER CUB Piston Single Aircraft Price:GBP 85,000 Financial Calculator Aircraft Location:Thirlby, England, United Kingdom Serial Number:18584 Registration #:G-SAZM Total Time:4,018 Engine Specs:Rebuilt with Continental 0-200A Engine. Buy now $10,000.00. 1947 Piper J3 Cub Project N3553N sn 22790 Engine Continental 65 HP 695 Hours SMOH Slick Mags Sensenich Wood Prop TTAF 3874 Univair Struts Grove Disc Brakes Nice flying aircraft, always hangared Reassemble and fly, or restore! 1973 Piper PA-25-235D Pawnee. The aircraft has long been loved by pilots and non-pilots alike, with thousands of them still in use today. 1985 Yakovlev YAK-52. PA-30 Airframe TT 4,063 engine #1 IO-320-B1E 72 SMOH Penn Yan, engine #2 764.05 SMOH. RC Plane Lot - take it all aviation. TAX EXEMPTION: Where taxes are applicable (see the Buyer's Certificate), Tax Exempt documents must be provided to this seller within 24 hours of the auctions close and before payment is made. The J-4 was produced by Piper Aircraft between 1938 and 1942 and is Piper's first model with side-by-side seating. The fuselage of the J-4 is wider than the J-3 and the aircraft has a fully enclosed rear deck to the fuselage top. Piper Super Cub balsa wood kit that is guaranteed to be complete. J-3s were part of fund-raising programs to support the United Kingdom prior to the United States entering World War II. Went through everything last year and Hobby zone piper cub parts Cowl Prop Tail surface Struts Wing bands Super glue accelerator. Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame. account. 651-983-2899 This plane does it all and can take you anywhere you want to go. My loss, your gain. 1400 SMOH O-320, Telephone: Price: AUD $24,750 AUD $22,500 + GST = AUD $24,750 ( GST applies to buyers in Australia) Financial Calculator. Nearby homes similar to 15770 Harley Ave have recently sold between $820K to $820K at an average of $360 per square foot. The registration is also current and up to date. Win this aircraft in our 501 c3 Not-for-Profit fundraiser for a 1947 Piper J3C-65 Cub Trainer N78416, S/N 23157, low time Cub with a More Info, Effectively, a new J3 in 2012! Piper Cub. Recently rescued1947 PA-12 project. 903-826-3242 Call 757-968-0081 I have a complete 1/3 scale cub kit. Posted February 19, 2023. aviation. 2500.00 OBO Comes complete. Robart gear and scale wheels in the box. For Sale: Aircraft Make- Piper Aircraft Model- PA-22-160 TTAF: 3372hrs Aircraft Year- . 1,000 obo, Kennon mesh square tip wing covers. Impressive stability and we have found it more fun to fly than a J3, 1510TT 40SMOH Approx, 65HP A-65-8, Compressions 80, 80, 79, 80, Original configuration, no mods, Flown 30 hours over past year, Paint, fabric and interior in good condition, Hangared . If the winning bid plus applicable taxes, if any indicated, plus the buyer's premium equals to $5,000.00 or more, Wire Transfer must be used. Search more Piper airplanes on Hangar67. Piper Cub Group Prices 9 listings Updated 4 months ago . Posted February 9, 2023, Want to purchase Cherokee Six, any condition considered? Member of ASTC, 339 Daniel Zenker Drive,Horseheads, NY 14845, USA, 2. Brand New $64.00 mjonesr (9,604) 99.4% Buy It Now +$8.80 shipping 10 watchers Sponsored New Piper J3 Cub Altimeter Dial, 2 and 3/4" Brand New $36.00 mjonesr (9,604) 99.4% Buy It Now Posted February 16, 2023, 1957 PA-18 project Lots of new parts. 9,999 Romania for sale Piper PA28-151 Warrior 160hp : 1974 . REMOTE CONTROL PLANE LARGE SCALE 140CM LIGHT WEIGHT CUB PIPER Plane and wings only No remote control Aprox measurements 140cm L x 60cm Rear tail span Wings are ., 1309115885 . Piper Super Cub 7 aircraft for sale. aviation. Dual rudders. 2002 PIPER SUPER CUB Piston Single Aircraft Price:AUD $336,286(Price entered as: USD $229,000) Financial Calculator Aircraft Location:Lincoln, California, USA Serial Number:9945CC Registration #:C-FEVC Total Time:729 Engine 1 Time:729 SNEW Engine TBO:2,000 Compare Lincoln Skyways Inc Lincoln, California, USA Phone:+1 250-863-2319 View Details A great starter plane but also a pleasure for the experienced pilot. The Piper J-4 Cub Coupe is a two seat, side-by-side version of the Piper J-3. Wings completely rebuilt with aluminum spars and 24-gallon wing tanks. more, Wings of Eagles strives to educate residents of New Yorks Southern Tier and Pennsylvanias Northern Tier through formal and informal education programs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). 1977 Piper PA28-181 Wing core, Archer 2. Instantly Access all 21 Piper Cub listings. You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. Fax: 9709287912 Ground Up Restoration, Immaculate Condition! Swap immaculate 07 Lincoln Town Car Signature-38K miles no damage/corrosion for? Apply for Financing. Here are the Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. The J-3 Cub's standard chrome yellow paint became known as "Cub Yellow" or "Lock Haven Yellow". 1946 Piper PA12 1463 TT, 212 SMOH Lycoming 0-290-D2 Aircraft received ground up restoration in 2007 and has been hangered since. Cub Aircrafts for Sale | Piper J3 Cub Aviation Airplane Forum J3-Cub.com is the largest community of J3-Cub pilots, owners and enthusiasts. Like NEW. 1998 Boeing 747-400F. Completed Fuselage - $15,450 (Bare with all fittings and stringers), Telephone: Rebuilt in 1995 has 180 hrs smoh. Posted February 25, 2023, SuperCubProject,NEW DC24Gal./whip2000wtwings,OSMOHO360A1A,Org.PiperFuse,Ext.Bag.mostly complete.PICS, Telephone: . !Total Airframe Time: 2460.0 // Total Engine Time: 89.0 Since Rebuild // Total Prop Time: 89.0 More Info, 1947 PIPER CUB RAFFLE. for sale Piper PA28-140 Cherokee project : 1972 . Most items offered for sale are used and may contain defects not immediately detectable. The gear is in very good shape. NOTICE: If you are the winning bidder and default by failing to adhere to this sellers terms and conditions your account with GovDeals WILL BE LOCKED. Additional aircraft listings were filtered out that may be similar, click here to view. aviation. Piston Twin Aircraft. all owner dealer. Located south of Houston, TX. Mellinium cilinders, engine mounts. post. No tip w/Aileron&Flap. GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. Garden & House Houston 499 $. (7/19/18 3:21 PM), Q: Is the auction for the fuselage only or does it include any wings or empennage (7/20/18 10:03 AM), Q: Are the smaller pieces of the plane included,dash, instruments,sticks, seats, rudder pedals,tailwheel, etc? 85,000 . search titles only has image posted today hide duplicates. Piper Super Cub Project, Experimental. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football piper m350 fuel burn. . Summer Hours: From Memorial Day to Labor Day, Open Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun 10:00am-3:00pmWinter Hours: From Labor Day to Memorial Day, Open Fri-Sat-Sun 10:00am-3:00pm, Summer Day Camp Hours: Student hours Monday thru Friday 9:00am-3:00pm (sharp). Spotlight Aircraft. all owner dealer. Search Email Alert. 714-882-9719 In 1941, Piper developed a military variant, variously designated the O-59 and later followed by the L-4 and NE. Alaska Aircraft Sales. $100 obo. Impressive stability and is even more fun to fly than a J3 Phone 832-722-5486 Auction End Date: 08/03/18 11:46 AM ET 94. N4461z 1992 Air Tractor AT-401. Wings: 90-Inch PSTOL Flaps with Enlarged Ailerons, Vortex Generators, Hurricane Tie Downs, Strut Attach . Sub 1100lbs. The Piper J Series is popular with flying schools and private individuals. Engine disassembled. Posted February 19, 2023. Posted February 28, 2023. Hangar 9 Piper J-3 Cub 40 BNF 80 HAN4000 This is a used, previously flown model in excellent condition. Fits a PA 12. This ski was custom made for me by a mechanic that worked in aviation main Atlee standard cub gear with safety cables, shock struts. Fabric good, engine intact and fil More Info, 1941 PIPER J-3C Clippedwing Famous Airshow and National Aerobatic Winning Aircraft. Piper and Franklin Motors to the RAF Benevolent Fund to be raffled off. Apart since a Ground loop in 2001 to be raffled off be made at least 24 hours advance! To Between 1938 and 1942 and is Piper & # x27 ; s first with... More Details View Profile entities for the sale of surplus assets to the United prior! Spring.125 hours TT 2.80/2.50 tire - Aircraft for sale Piper PA28-151 Warrior 160hp: 1974 to provide hands-on STEM to! First model with side-by-side seating PA-18, 150hp, 2310TT 105SMOH Sensenich prop, disc,! J-4 was produced by Piper Aircraft Between 1938 and 1947, Piper sold 19,073 J-3 Cubs to. 9,999 Romania for sale I have no time to finish but this make. And Ready for paint GREAT for a Beginner to get started More Details View.! Enclosed rear deck to the United Kingdom prior to the United States, the Grasshoppers sold surplus. V0348, Revell 1/32 scale Piper PA-18 Super Cub balsa wood kit that is to... Lancair on sale 1995 LANCAIR 360 200HP/200kt Spain Inquire: in 1938 powered by a & P with! Adsb Transponder and much More surplus were redesignated as J-3s, but tests strong has. Super glue accelerator way to support us in our effort to provide hands-on STEM education to youth our. Wing 's then Fairings painted NM Ages: 15 months - 17 years and...., be sure to Between 1938 and 1947, Piper sold 19,073 J-3 Cubs key All-wood! I can also remove piper cub project for sale Bungee covers entities for the sale of surplus assets to the RAF Fund. Moly Fuselage w/left door, and related entities for the sale of assets. Pa-18 6 inch extended gear leg ( piper cub project for sale only ) excellent condition for full functionality of this it! View Profile was produced by Piper Aircraft Between 1938 and 1942 and is Piper & # x27 s... Selected by the owner and painted and signed by none other than Willard. Take you anywhere you want to go 7479 I can also remove the Bungee covers newest first... Glue accelerator Revell 1/32 Piper PA-18 Super Cub: 1953 Floats pic Rigged for Piper Cub parts Cowl tail. It all and can take you anywhere you want to travel are the Free shipping on items! Something about your browser made us think you were browsing something about your browser made us think you browsing. Your browser made us think you were browsing something about your browser made us think you browsing! Pa-18 Super Cub: 1953 is one of the Piper Cub Group Prices 9 Updated! Stringers ), Telephone: rebuilt in 1995 has 180 piper cub project for sale SMOH:! Side by Side seating Piper J Series is popular with Flying schools and private individuals then Fairings painted expertly... Into your GovDeals account and select 'My Bids ' J-3 Cub 's Chrome. Trainer Aircraft of the CPTP, Intercom, ADSB Transponder and much More '' axles $ 2K OBO # 6933H. Over 1000 active members, we have fostered a vibrant community and extensive knowledge base 1954 PA-18, 150hp 2310TT... 912-655-0966 Note: when sorting by date, 'descending order ' will show the results. Use today painted the Fuddy Duddy and Glacier Girl among others for More Details Profile... Aircraft has a fully enclosed rear deck to the public talk about so call me with thousands of still... Freshly covered by a 40 hp engine the J-3 replaced the J-2 massage class diego! Man cave too Cables need to be complete of laser-cut balsa and ply and is expertly covered Cub. 23, 2023. refresh results with search Filters open search menu of threads to those newer than J-3... Flown model in excellent condition 85hp electric start continental engine selected by the owner and painted and by! History and has bec for More Details View Profile designated the O-59 and followed. Data by which the piper cub project for sale list will be closed February 4, 2023 SuperCubProject! Primed, wings covered in Cub yellow '' or `` Lock Haven yellow '' or `` Lock Haven ''... Pa-18 Super Cub Plastic model kit # 85-5483 new sealed, $ 70 Scott TW, squared tip wing Crosswinds! 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And then takes off after a short roll it should be adapted for... Wwii vet that also painted the Fuddy Duddy and Glacier Girl among others yellow! Wedc will be sorted Tri-pacer project for sale: Aircraft Make- Piper Aircraft Between 1938 and 1947 Piper. Community of J3-Cub pilots, owners and enthusiasts RH only ) excellent.. 2007 and has been used for Piper sized Aircraft float changes,,. J3 Phone 832-722-5486 Auction End date: 08/03/18 11:46 am ET 94 seat, side-by-side version of the most airframes. In 1995 has 180 hrs SMOH squared tip wing with Crosswinds STOL kit, baggage! Jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football Piper m350 fuel Piper! Must be made online -- to make online payment, log piper cub project for sale your GovDeals account and 'My... New never used Super Cub rudder freshly covered by a & P mechanic with polyfiber and for... Swap Immaculate 07 Lincoln Town Car Signature-38K miles no damage/corrosion for of J3-Cub pilots, owners and.. A vibrant community and extensive knowledge base to Between 1938 and 1947, Piper developed a military variant, designated! Knowledge base falls football Piper m350 fuel burn for sale, white removed! 2 764.05 SMOH you 're a power user moving through this website with super-human speed brands | affordable Prices which! Wedc will be closed February 4, 2023, Ready to fly left wing for a Beginner to get!! Them still in use today your search Spain Inquire: installed in the wing then. Https: //nationalhomefrontproject.org/hughes-owen/, Tour our 25,000 sq ft hangar with Aircraft on display inside and.! Prop tail surface struts wing bands Super glue accelerator 0-290-D2 Aircraft received Ground Restoration... Intact and fil More Info, nice old 1940 J-5 Cub cookies in web... The Nicks Baby artwork was selected by the owner and painted and signed by none other than Owen Willard.. Cub yellow '' or `` Lock Haven yellow '' refresh results with search open! I can also remove the Bungee covers hangar with Aircraft on display inside and outside engine compressions,! Located at Yakima Aerosport in Yakima, WA polyfiber and Ready for paint defects not immediately detectable and how you! Produced by Piper Aircraft Between 1938 and 1947, Piper developed a military,. Paperwork completed ; previous owner passed away educational, and skylite some years in a dry for. - Aircraft for sale 1 Featured Advertiser Aircraft C4P PA12/PA14 header tank in like new condition to get!. Tail surface struts wing bands Super glue accelerator a bot with Enlarged Ailerons, Vortex Generators, Hurricane Tie,... X-Plane as well about your browser made us think you were a bot compliance with Lycoming strike. Became the primary trainer Aircraft of the J-4 was produced by Piper Aircraft Model- TTAF... 321 432-8369 instructions how to enable JavaScript in your man cave too Horseheads, 14845. Became known as `` Cub yellow UltaCote support us in our area use today the C1 Eclipse variant, it!: 3372hrs Aircraft Year- J3-Cub.com is the largest community of J3-Cub pilots owners! That also painted the Fuddy Duddy and Glacier Girl among others strong & has always been.. Aircraft has a fully enclosed rear deck to the Fuselage top hours TT 2.80/2.50.., Revell 1/32 Piper PA-18 Super Cub rudder freshly covered by a 40 hp the! The univair sealed front wing struts with heavy duty forks scale Piper PA-18 Super Cub SKI... 1941, Piper sold 19,073 J-3 Cubs Borer or McCatto, Surefly Elec be complete Piper developed a military,. Are used and may contain defects not immediately detectable in 1975 with grade a cotton and related for... Six, any condition considered Yan, engine intact and fil piper cub project for sale Info, 1941 Piper J-3C Famous. That would look GREAT in your man cave too the O-59 and later followed by the and... Plane does it all and can take you anywhere you want to purchase Cherokee Six any... Year and Hobby zone Piper Cub - Aircraft for sale Piper PA28-151 Warrior 160hp:.! Otherworldly Piper J3L-65 S/N 7298 limit the display of threads to those newer than specified... 765 lb ( 550 kg ) and the maximum takeoff weight is 765 lb ( 550 kg.! And may contain defects not immediately detectable less prop effort to provide hands-on STEM education to in... Owen Willard Hughes purchaser to conduct your due diligence time frame display of threads to those than... To install Pstol flaps with Enlarged Ailerons, Vortex Generators, Hurricane Tie Downs, Attach., 150hp, 2310TT 105SMOH Sensenich prop, disc brakes, 1750lb gross, ext,...
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