oregon quarter horse breeders
Winning his Open Division Level 2 class at Tennessean Dressage Show in Nashville in 2018 at only 5 years old! See blacksterlingfriesians.com for more pics and vids or call 415-272-2112 .. Black. Explore King Ranch's Stallions The above pedigree shows how today's stallions connect to our foundation stallion, OLD SORREL. http://www.productontology.org/id/Equestrian_facility, https://img.equinenow.com/slir/w350-c5x4/equine/data/photos/1468757t/1672768383/none-horse.jpg, Online Auction, Friesian Sport Horse, 16.1. Brush Prairie breeder offering stallion service and horses for sale. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Horse Breeders in Oregon City, OR. Your browser is out-of-date! Copyright 2021. 937-869-3670, Justis Kelly Quarter Horses - 6666 Ranch Home | Quarter Horses Quarter Horses Our American Quarter Horses are consistently ranked among the best in the breed, as evidenced by our receipt of the AQHA Best Remuda Award and as an AQHA All-Time Leading Breeder of Performance Horses, Race Money-Earners and Winners. Currently we have over 150 head of cattle and approximately 100 head of AQHA horses, with an emphasis on foundation breeding. :: HARRELL - MACKENZIE QUARTER HORSES ::. The easiest horse I have ever started. All Rights Reserved. "It's easy to work cattle with good horses and good cowboys. <>/Metadata 244 0 R/ViewerPreferences 245 0 R>> Find useful information on everything related to your Hobby Farm or Homestead!!! We firmly believe in our stallions maintaining respect for your mare at all times and will do everything that is needed to make sure that her breeding experience is safe, productive, and never compromising of any morals--human or equine. All rights reserved. View 2023 Sale Bulls Thank You and Congratulations to Judd Flowers. :: REGISTERED HEREFORDS ::. KCS Easy Streak: LTE $4k+ . 4 yo Mare Powered by Wild Apricot. $100,000 guaranteed (870yds) Feb 4. They are the most popular breed in America, and the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) is the largest breed association in the country. 2014 NW Emerald Circuit Champion Select Western Pleasure 2013 Oregon Summer Classic Champion 3YO Non Pro Western Pleasure Scott we have a great training program for young. If you're ever in the area, please stop by we'd love to show you good cattle, good horses, and a touch of western hospitality. We are passionate about the relationship we develop with our people and their horses. your full service ranch. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'hobbyfarmwisdom_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hobbyfarmwisdom_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'hobbyfarmwisdom_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_3',114,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hobbyfarmwisdom_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1'); .large-leaderboard-2-multi-114{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}Have a great day! An official website of the State of Oregon , Oregon Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association, Oregon Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association, Association of Racing Commissioners International, Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority. Perry is very, Looking for safe, reliable and bombproof? Friesian. Follow Us On Facebook! Over the years, The White Ranch has worked with professional trainers, breeders, and veterinarians to produce outstanding show prospects and finished, At Heirloom Ranch we strive to raise the best Mammoth Donkeys, saddle mules and Quarter Horses that we can. Headquartered in the historic Baker Valley located in northeastern Oregon, these families are ranchers, cattlemen, USTRC competitors, and quarter horse breeders who have made their living in the saddle, riding good horses. j6&TzEQdEzp. When sorting in the herd, a calm horse does the job smoothly. You've found the Oregon Quarter Horse Breeders page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! Dun the Right Way Horses specializes in custom horse training, specialized lessons, high quality horse breeding and endless adventures when you attend one of our retreats or clinic. KM Zippin The Best is for sale, and will be shown until sold. KT Ranch is the best of both worlds, with a balance of horses and cattle. All members of the Hancock Horse Breeders Group list free in the Breeder Directory (below). Average field size for Quarter Horses was 7.21 and for Thoroughbreds was 5.91, creating a total average race field of 6.45; a higher average than all California fairs, all Oregon fairs, and Emerald Downs, he noted. Try our all-in-one platform for easy membership management. __________________________________________________________, Sorting Sale Bulls in the Fall and Commercial Heifers, Voted best CNB Carcasses 2011-2012: This handsome gelding will check those boxes! Hes that classic american quarter horse everyone thinks of when they picture the horses, Jack has all the buttons and with a confident rider could excel in any discipline (working equitation, ranch, Western dressage, English dressage, jumping, At Horse Of My Dreams weve dedicated the last 17 years helping thousands of families find their perfect partners! Contact Rachel Eady (541)740-7501, We have plenty of foals, colts and fillies. 2013 AQHA Region One Champion Select Western Pleasure. . OQHRA represents the interest of quarter horses at various race tracks around the state of Oregon We represent the interests of quarter horse owners, breeders, and trainers before the Oregon Racing Commission and the Oregon Legislature. Oregon Quarter Horse Racing Association, Inc. Get in touch with us abouthow we can help you. Baker City, OR Producer of the Year. Both herds sired by Harrell Hereford Ranch bulls We believe their work ethic is as important as their pedigree. Members of AgSearch.us. 5450 results. Baker City, OR 97814 Cant find the right Quarter Horse in Oregon? "Zip" is an extremely lit up 15H 12-yr-old black & white Spotted Saddle Horse gelding with a cute, flashy way of going. Jeff lives in Tacoma, Washingtonand serves as the current Past President for the Washington State Quarter Horse Association. 10. We will strive daily to teach you horsemanship and to help you develop the relationship with your horse that you have always wanted. Our horses are bred to work hard in the roping pen or in the show arena. 4 0 obj 2009AQHA World Showfinalist Our Annual Production Sale is held the first Monday in March each spring, offering registered Hereford bulls, heifers, and started 2-year old Quarter Horse prospects. Copyright 2005-2023 EquineNow.com, LLC. Hereford Herd Sires | Cow Herd | Harrell Bull Roundup Sale | H5 Marketing Partnerships | Harrell Bull Sale Barn An official website of the State of Oregon. Click Here. - The TRPB functions as a national investigative agency in the horse-racing industry, with the goal of ensuring the integrity and security of racetrack wagering networks. We will push you to excel, but always maintain the safest environment for your learning. Check out Ranching Heritage Incentives here - https://www.aqha.com/disciplines/ranching/ranching-overview Also, don't forget to check us out in the March, 2019 issue of Western Horseman! 59301 (406) 232-3519 email@17ranch.com Please note our email address has changed! Home; Our Horses; . Industry Marketing Bloodline Breed/State Horse Name Seller. Eastern Oregon Livestock Show & Racing (at Union) June 9,10, & 11, 2023, Southern Oregon Horse Racing Association (SOHRA) - June 17,18, 24, 25, July 1,2, & 4, 2023, Crooked River Roundup (Prineville) July 12,13,14, &15, 2023, Tillamook County Fair - August 9,10,11 & 12, 2023, Horsemen's Racing Association (HRA LLC) - September 3, 4, 10,11,17,18, 24, 25, October 1, 2, 8 & 9, 2023. Our outstanding breeding program offers your mare the safety she deserves while preserving breeding lineage by only breeding to mares that meet our strict standards. Sunrise Farm horses are raised to be our partners. All Rights Reserved. If this is the first time you have visited our site: Welcome! 2014 WSQHA High Point Junior and Select Western Pleasure Horse Hisshow horses, broodmares and pleasure prospects arelocated in Graham Washington at Summitview Ranch. Her breeding is a combination of all of our favorites here. We have over 1,000 different breeds of small animal livestock, game fowl, and exotic pets listed here. 'Hawk' is a champion bullfighting horse, talented dressage horse, and a grand prix jumper! Video below, KM Zippin The Best 2010 AQHAGelding We have added other breeds to our flock including Olive Egger, Easter Egger, Pearl Leghorn, Silver Leghorn, Black Copper Maran, Blue Cuckoo Maran, Australorps, Salmon Faverolles and Welsummers. Harrell Hereford Ranch is home to over 700 head of registered Hereford and commercial cattle and a backgrounding feedlot with a capacity of 800 head. If you aren't a current AQHA member, create an online account, and then purchase your AQHA . Your horse will have a very well rounded education when he leaves our ranch! We are passionate about the relationship we . 101 Friday Dr. Go to the membership tab at the top of this page to get a membership application. Auctioneer ~ C.D. In 2016 Karen's Quarter Horse & Buckskin Ranch had 2 of our horses place top 5 at the International Buckskin Horse Association World show in Dun Factor. Today the Harrell-Mackenzie Quarter Horse program consists of over 40 broodmares and a line-up of performance bred stallions. Gelding. MARCH 6, 2023 Harrell Hereford Ranch.backed by the best crew in the country! Pasture, Hi my name is Shannan Alvis I have been training for the public for the last 15yrs. With headline stallions like Billy Red Baron, RR Frenchmans Bully, Payin Doc, and Star Like Freckles, the HARRELL-MACKENZIE program is now producing over 25 colts annually, with the premier colts offered at the Annual Harrell-Mackenzie Performance Horse Prospect Sale the 1st Monday in March (each year). Sunland Park. Kohl is jet black and a pure beauty! Copyright 2008 Harrell - Mackenzie . Pygmy Goats For Sale Info, Locations, and Prices! Manns Quarter Horses 38387 Highway 226,Scio 97374 541-971-2673 Mike 541-979-6418 Gail 541-905-1866 Shirley 541-570-5596 Mack MannsQH@smt-net.com 1 / 6. Each horse must have a current coggins test to be admitted on the grounds.If you have questions you can call the Racing Secretary, John Everly at 602-799-6067. Dun the Right Way Horses specializes in custom horse training, specialized lessons, high quality horse breeding and endless adventures when you attend one of our retreats or clinic. Also raising black and grullo NFQHA Horses & AMERITANO Horses . 2009 Bay Gelding. Oregon Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association - OTOBA strives to increase public interest in Oregon Thoroughbreds while strengthening the industry through the promotion and . 2 0 obj - 7479 Nelson Lane - Turner, OR 97392. Head on over to oregonqha.com to find the latest show and club information. Home | Contact Us | Cattle Links | Site Map BREEDING BEAUTIFULLY BRED HORSES. For well over half a century the name "Driftwood" in a using horse's pedigree has defined outstanding performance. Quarter Horses, Paul Elsner, Trainer Reserve High Selling Quarter Horse. If you're looking for a versatile horse, the Quarter Horse is the horse for you. Oregon Quarter Horse Association - Home Home We've Moved!!! Phil Livingston ("The Driftwood Legacy . An official website of the State of Oregon We truly love our job and it shows in everything that we do. Edna's grand-daughter Lexie represents the third generation involved with the ranch. Jeff has owned an AQHAReserve World Championand shown a number of AQHA superior and world show finalists, winning national titles in both NSBA and AQHA competition. Now, under the guidance of an elected board, we continue to represent the interests of quarter horse owners, breeders, and trainers throughout the Pacific Northwest. SHOWING INVESTING IN OUR INDUSTRY. These registered Hereford genetics remain an important part of the current cattle breeding program. We are #AQHAProud to serve you. You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet! We also lease the legendary Mr Junewood fromKeSa Quarter Horses. Trails. Learn He is the ultimate, "Perry" is a truly special guy!! See you there! Home to sons of top performance horses including: Autumnator, Black Cat Olena, Magneticat, Starlight Midnight, High Roller Rey, Last Hickory Lynx, Smokn Black Starlight and Royal Blue Lena. Congratulations to Stephanie Richardson of Wilsonville, Oregon on her recent purchase of KM Best Ever. Unclaimed: Claim this business. Hereford Herd Sires | Reference Dams | Harrell Bull Roundup Sale | Beef Marketing Alternatives | Harrell Bull Sale Barn Click on photos or pedigrees to enlarge. Horses are athletes in their own right. 2012 AQHA World Championship 2YO Western Pleasure - 9th Place All of our prices include shipping and, Right here are what dreams are made of! Box 1090 Bend, Oregon 97709 Office 541.383.0058 Linda McMahon - Owner / Operator John von Hurst - Breeding & Sales Manager Jeff Ramsey - Ranch & Farm Consultant (how to identify a Oregon.gov website) This famous burst of speed is one of the reasons . He performs a beautiful racking gait, and will also slip into a slow, easy little canter, as well. 25Harrell-Mackenzie Quarter Horses, New! Please click available Mares or Geldings to be directed to the page. Quarter Horse Classifieds in Oregon by EquineNow.com, part of the EquineNow.com, LLC group of websites. Your points don't start accumulating until your dues are paid for year end awards. 2013 Oregon Summer Classic Champion 3YO Non Pro Western Pleasure. Bob & Becky Harrell (541) 523-4322 42590 Salmon Creek Rd. Thank you for considering a quality Brooks Quarter Horse! Our stallions are respectful to our Ranch guests, our own herd, our staff, and your mare. 2013 AQHA Register of Merit in Open and Amateur Western Pleasure Please sign in to use the services below. KT Ranch. many 1D horses). Clark Farms Quarter Horses was the FIRST and is one of the ONLY Ranching Heritage Breeders on the East Coast! Oregon Quarter Horse Racing Association Inc. (OQHRA) is a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation in Turner, Oregon. A lock icon ( ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Sire of A "Quarter Horse" is a horse registered with the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA). Home | Contact Us | Horse Links Runner-Up ~ Harrell Hereford Ranch, Thank you for your interest. "Butch" Booker, , Rich Machado By the late 17th century, these horses were being raced successfully over quarter-mile courses in Rhode Island and Virginia, and . Horses for Sale in Oregon - DreamHorse.com Horses for Sale Horses for Sale in Oregon 1 - 40 of 884 1 Red Enterprise, Oregon 97828 USA 2018 Sorrel AQHA Quarter Horse Gelding $10,000 Athletic 6 year old gelding that could go any direction! 38 stalls, 2 outdoor arenas. Cowboy Oriented Web Sites, HARRELL-MACKENZIE QUARTER HORSES Jeff Williams has been breeding and showingAmerican Quarter Horses since 1983 with the objective of becoming a nationally recognizedbreeder and competitor, primarily of western pleasure horses. The membership application can be found on the nomination page on the website. 17 were here. To do that, you've got to have horses." BILL KANE, EAGLE POINT, OREGON QUARTER HORSE BREEDER AND FORMER COW BOSS OF THE SPANISH RANCH. Go Slow N Sweet 2003 AQHA Gelding Dun the Right Way Horses--. In the mid-1900s, horses such as Driftwood, Bert, Hollywood Gold, Grey Badger III, Sugar Bars, King, Poco Bueno and Leo added another layer to the foundation of the breed. Sound, fundamental ranch development & training has been the basis for the horses they ride and offer for sale. Harrell Hereford Ranch Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Racing AssociationSouthern Oregon Horse Racing Association. We specialize in Foundation Quarter Horses. Print and complete the membership application and send it along with your check for $45.00 to O.Q.H.R.A. Our retreats can include women only, moms and kids, couples, corporate, or any combination of those and more! Colts from both operations were historically sold in the surrounding area for many years, but in 1998 Bob & Becky Harrell and Wannie & Beth Mackenzie teamed up to form Harrell-Mackenzie Quarter Horses. <> stream x[[oF~70RaKZ%MSH61MXJs"i:u! He is the most inquisitive, EASY STREAK OF FAME We offer quality bloodlines that produce natural athletes who perform. Fairfax, CA. The breed originated about the 1660s as a cross between native horses of Spanish origin used by the earliest colonists and English horses imported to Virginia from about 1610. Get in touch to inquire about having us sponsor races conducted within the state as well. We are a full service breeding facility that is veterinarian recommended, as well as a training and education center for our clients. Miles City, MT. Big boned, thick body, big hip, pretty head, and just a perfectly put together ranch and trail gelding! Horse ID: 2242973 Photo Added/Renewed: 16-Feb-2023 10AM For Sale PF LEGEND (LEGEND) High-percentage Blue Valentine Driftwood And Hancock Horses. BAKER CITY, OREGON. Madrid is the quintessential kids, family, and beginner horse! In 1998 Harrell's entered into a partnership with Mackenzie Ranch Quarter Horses, operated by Wannie & Beth Mackenzie, to expand their operation to include registered Quarter Horses. The inn is the perfect overnight or vacation getaway. DunBetcha Quarter Horses Madras, OR We are located in Central Oregon were we have been breeding top quality horses since 1985. We will get you therejust let us know how you want it to be "Dun"! Traces of the original Oregon Trail can still be found in the area. Stallion Alley | Production Horse Sale | Harrell-Mackenzie Sale Horse Barn <> We have over 1,000 different breeds of small animal livestock, game fowl, and exotic pets listed . Our mission is to breed the Quarter Horse back into the American Quarter Horse. Sale Horses Brooks Quarter Horses has a great variety of versatile horses offered for sale for your consideration. * CLICK HERE Use the search bar above to navigate through the site and view the breeder listings of all sorts of different animals. :: REGISTERED HEREFORDS ::. QUARTER HORSES PHOTO ALBUM View Entire Photo Library Harrell Hereford Ranch 42590 Salmon Creek Road Baker City, Oregon 97814 Ranch Office: 541-523-4402 Fax: (541) 523-5502 Bob Harrell Jr. 541-403-2210 Bob cell 541-523-4322 Bob home Don Schafer (541) 403-0008 Follow Us On Facebook! AVAILABLE MARES AVAILABLE GELDINGS This working Quarter Horse Farm is nestled in the heart of Willamette Valley Wine Country. Quarter horses have been recorded going as fast as 55 miles per hour. Only share sensitive information on official, secure websites. View 2023 Sale Horses Along with joining a group that seeks to protect horses and their owners, our members are able to enjoy an array of benefits. Youve safely connected to the membership tab at the top of this to. @ smt-net.com 1 / 6, Online Auction, Friesian Sport Horse, just! Below ) ( LEGEND ) High-percentage oregon quarter horse breeders Valentine Driftwood and Hancock horses since 1985 the Oregon Quarter Horse Racing Inc.! 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