how does the dod leverage cyberspace against russia
The conceptshould become a majorpart of understanding the tightening relationship between offensive and defensive activity on the internet. The Pardee RAND Graduate School ( is home to the only Ph.D. and M.Phil. Increasing its promotion of science, technology, engineering and math classes in grade schools to help grow cyber talent. Like the air domain, military space experts especially in the Air Force argued against creating a separate service. The Russian author believes that taking this stance effectively dumps all cyber issuesexistential and notin a single heap, hampering progress on high-stakes mutual threats because they are entangled with, and excessively politicized by, issues that are lower-stakes but more controversial.). JUST IN: U.S. Space Command to Leverage AI to Maintain Digital Superiority. Capabilities are going to be more diverse and adaptable. The overarching question imparting urgency to this exploration is: Can U.S.-Russian contention in cyberspace cause the two nuclear superpowers to stumble into war? While all the authors describe steps that the two sides could take now, the U.S. authors devote considerable attention to five prerequisites they consider necessary for the start of future talks on bilateral cyber rules of the road: codified procedural norms (as noted above), the appropriate rank of participants on both sides, clear attribution standards, a mutual understanding of proportional retaliatory actions and costly signaling., The Russian author believes that Moscow must agree to discuss cyber-related topics in a military context. Below we outline points on which the authors agree, disagree or cover ground that their counterparts did not. RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. "It is the only country with a heavy global footprint in both civil and military. There are three types of cyberspace missions: offensive cyberspace operations (OCO), defensive cyberspace operations (DCO), and Department of Defense information network (DODIN) operations (DODIN Ops); and, four types of cyberspace actions: attack, exploitation, security, and defense (Figure 1). Space Delta 10 Setting and enforcing standards for cybersecurity, resilience and reporting. Structure of a US-Russia Cyber Agreement 17 But leverage is also a more widely useful concept for the internet and cybersecurity, and that notion should play a bigger part in discussions around U.S. cyber strategy. Coreless Stretch Film; Pre-Stretch Film; Hand Roll; Machine Roll; Jumbo Roll; Industrial Plastic Division. It establishes commander level awareness of the cybersecurity posture of each respective DOD component. CCMD commanders work in a stove pipe and procure technology that is best to meet the needs of their geographical area, but this does not help with standardization across the DOD. In January 2019, the DOJ announced criminal indictments against malicious cyber actors associated with the Chinese Ministry of State Security for conducting a global campaign to compromise service providers to facilitate their cyber theft for economic gain, she said. Coast Guard Whether this is accurate or not, it is unarguable that the DOD, and every organization within it, needs to act right now to protect its cyberspace. This backbone is the infrastructure that connects everything together across approximately 3,500 locations in 26 nations through terrestrial and undersea transport, satellite, mobile gateways, and multinational information systems. The Russian author does not speculate on national interests per se but does describe major cyber-related disagreements between Russia and the U.S. in at least three major areas: the role of government in overseeing cyberspace; the militarization of cyberspace and the related applicability of existing international law; and the idea of legally binding treaties versus non-binding guidelines for how information and communication technologies should be used. Finally, as noted above, the U.S. and Russian authors disagree on the likelihood of success should Washington and Moscow attempt to cooperate on combatting cybercrime. Can the U.S. Military? Appendix 2 69, Analysis & Opinions Russian Threat Perception Vis--Vis US Cyber Priorities 45 The report drew skepticism from some experts and a denial from the administration, but the revelation led Moscow to warn that such activity presented a direct challenge that demanded a response. 2, 2021. Figure1: Cyberspace Operations Missions, Actions, and Forces. An attack is based on the effects that are caused, rather than the means by which they are achieved. with Ivan Kanapathy, Bonny Lin and Stephen S. Roach, The U.S. Should Make Leverage the Foundation of Its Cyber Strategy, David Vergun/U.S. 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138Locations & Directions, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Twitter. By no means should the Kremlin's activity go unanswered. 93, May 17 2021. Navy (Currently, ambiguity can be problematic even within a single language, much less across languages; the term cyberattack, for example, is widely used in English-language news media and everyday speech to mean any sort of breach of cyber systems, while the U.S. military, The distinction between cyber defense and cyber offense. NDIA is not responsible for screening, policing, editing, or monitoring your or another user's postings and encourages all of its users to use reasonable discretion and caution in evaluating or reviewing any posting. Polyethylene Film / PE Sheet Is Chinas Huawei a Threat to U.S. National Security? Pacific Command Eyes Layered Communications Network, Given Budgets, the Stars Show Uneasy Future for Air Force Space Systems, Weapons Not the Answer for Potentially Catastrophic Meteors, Website design and development by It is composed of 44 different DOD components made up of service, agency, and combatant command constructed networks (Figure 2). 22201 The DOD cyberspace backbone is called the DODIN. U.S. officials fret about Moscow's ability to wield its authoritarian power to corral Russian academia, the private sector, and criminal networks to boost its cyber capacity while insulating state-backed hackers from direct attribution. Holding DOD personnel and third-party contractors more accountable for slip-ups. Drawing upon decades of experience, RAND provides research services, systematic analysis, and innovative thinking to a global clientele that includes government agencies, foundations, and private-sector firms. The DODIN is DODs classified and unclassified enterprise. Army Services/Handout via REUTERS, Year in Review 2019: The U.S.-China Tech Cold War Deepens and Expands. This step is critical to inform cyberspace defensive planning and operations. This commentary originally appeared on TechCrunch on July 22, 2019. Sgt. More than 5.3 million others are still estimated to be . used toyota avalon for sale by owner craigslist January 27, 2022. burger king head office contact details near irkutsk. Focusing entirely on CO, and acknowledging that cyberspace effects can be delivered instantly from one side of the planet to the other, the DOD must work to ensure administrative processes do not hinder friendly defensive cyberspace operations (DCO) and that DOD cybersecurity is prioritized as part of the on-going global effort for us to act at the speed of relevance. how does the dod leverage cyberspace with nato. Kyle Hanslovan, a cyber-warfare specialist serving with the 175th Cyberspace Operations Group of the Maryland Air National Guard, works in the Hunter's Den at Warfield Air National Guard Base, Middle River, Md., Dec. 2, 2017. Additionally, the 2019 Joint Doctrine Note (JDN) 1-19 Competition Continuum augments this concept with the idea of continual campaigning rather than a campaign. Securing DoD information and systems against malicious cyber activity, including DoD information on non-DoD-owned networks; and 5. - Foreign Affairs, Paper Leverage in the internet ecosystem has been written about in many forms, including the costs and benefits of deploying particular cybersecurity technologies and the major parts of the global internet network that enable data flows. At some point theU.S. and Russiamay be able to undertake joint initiatives that build on areas of overlapping interests and concerns, for example combatting materially driven cybercrime. Iran has conducted disruptive cyberattacks against U.S. and allies'companies, along with information operations to push their own narrative across the Middle East, Mortelmans said. Cyberspace is critical to the way the entire U.S. functions. Combatant commands with assigned geographic areas are unique in that each military service has portions of its own service networks that fall within the geographic purview of different combatant commands. The danger in both sides' cyber deterrence, however, lies not so much in their converging will and capacity as much as it is rooted in mutual misunderstanding. If you become aware of postings that violate these rules regarding acceptable behavior or content, you may contact NDIA at 703.522.1820. For example, a unit executing a DODIN operations mission can be conducting cyberspace security actions (e.g. Russian military operators conducted what should be considered a more aggressive cyber campaign a year before their presidential election meddling, when they posed as CyberCaliphate, an online branch of ISIS, and attacked U.S. media outlets and threatened the safety of U.S. military spouses. As the United States emerges from the era of so-called forever wars, it should abandon the regime change business for good. Make no mistake, until such a time, will all leaderships in such fields fail to fly and be earthbound on the ground in the form of great white elephants/massive money pits which just scratch at the surface of solutions and offer no panoramic picture of successes easily made available. Points of leverage on the internet can shift at varying speeds, whether from defensive and offensive cyber actions or physical alterations to the internets topology. It offers a separate voice within the military for the use of airpower on the strategic stage. The U.S. authors believe that key concerns for the U.S. government in the cyber domain include stopping foreign interference and disinformation intended to undermine American democracy, protecting critical infrastructure, preventing or guarding against reckless malware and safeguarding confidential communications, and that some of the related threats emanate directly from Russia. One of Moscows chief interests, in the U.S. authors view, is weaponizing cyber capabilities to sow discord and embarrass Western powers it views as undermining its sovereignty (principally the United States).. The Russian Federation's willingness to engage in offensive cyber operations has caused enormous harm, including massive financial losses, interruptions to the operation of critical infrastructure, and disruptions of crucial software supply chains. [2] Garamone, Jim, Global Integration Seeks to Buy Leaders Decision Time, Increase Speed of Relevance, DOD News, July 2, 2018, A CCMD should go to its COIPE, JCC, CSSP, and NOC to obtain its operationally assigned cyberspace from JFHQ-DODIN. Moreover, the U.S. authors wonder how to overcome the depth and nature of the mistrust in Washington in pursuing meaningful dialogue, since there is a perception that Moscow has denied capabilities and actions that the U.S. considers to be well established. (Figure 4). This will also establish awareness for all stakeholders of what cyberspace terrain is part of their assigned DAO. This then translates into a critical task for CSSPs. perimeter and endpoints sensors) and their deployment within each DAO and across the DODIN, Standardizing data aggregation at local (local network log/data collection), regional (base/camp/post/station collection), and enterprise (big data) levels, as well as what data is fed to higher echelons. The overarching question imparting urgency to this exploration is: Can U.S.-Russian contention in cyberspace cause the two nuclear superpowers to stumble into war? Adopting standardized cybersecurity reporting practices such as the DOD cybersecurity analysis and review (DODCAR) methodology and cyber threat framework that provide effective, and readily digestible, cybersecurity risk information. Conclusion: Long Road Ahead 31Prospects for US-Russia Cyber Rules of the Road:A Russian Perspective 33 At some point the U.S. and Russia may be able to undertake joint initiatives that build on areas of overlapping interests and concerns, for example combatting materially driven cybercrime. WhatsApp. Director, Russia Matters Project; Assistant Director, U.S.-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Sarah Sewall, Tyler Vandenberg, and Kaj Malden, Copyright 2022 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. We proceeded to formulate research questions (see Appendix 2) and seek out authors who could separately explore the American and the Russian perspectives on the cyber-treaty idea. The Domain Name System, the internets phone book for addressing traffic, and the Border Gateway Protocol, the internets GPS for routing traffic, were both designed with a preference for speed and reliability over security. Open and reliable access to the Internet is essential for global security and prosperity. The Department of Defense provides the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. Andrey Krutskikh, the Kremlin's bombastic point man on cyber-diplomacy issues, likened Russia's development of cyber capabilities that year to the Soviet Union's first successful atomic bomb test in 1949. If ever a cyber rules-of-the-road agreement is signed, theU.S. and Russiawill have to think creatively about compliance verification, which is particularly difficult in the cyber domain. There are also cyber criminals who pose a. The Russians and Chinese are playing a long game to threaten the international, rules-based orderand they are doing this with actions below the threshold of armed conflict. Virtually all countries have access to some renewable energy resources (especially solar and wind power) and could thus substitute foreign supply with local resources. November 4, 2022 [5] U.S. Cyber Command, Mission Relevant Terrain-Cyber, Cyber Warfighting Publication 3-0.1, 20 August 2021, [6] Russel, W. William, Defense Acquisitions: Joint Cyber Warfighting Architecture Would Benefit from Defined Goals and Governance, GAO-21-68, (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2020). Despite Cyber Command's new authorities, Moscow's hackers are comparatively unfettered by legal or normative boundaries and have a far wider menu of means and methods in competing with the United States short of all-out war. SCCs provide appropriate administration of and support to cyberspace forces, including service-retained forces and forces assigned or attached to CCMDs. Plain Writing Continual campaigning is when the joint force is continually competing and adapting in response to strategic conditions and policy objectives through different levels of cooperation, competition below armed conflict, and armed conflict. Renewables are widely perceived as an opportunity to shatter the hegemony of fossil fuel-rich states and democratize the energy landscape. The U.S. authors believe that barring certain attacks on critical infrastructure would be the most important item to include in a bilateral rules-of-the-road agreement and, considering the unlikeliness of such an agreement anytime soon, this goal could be pursued outside the framework of a formal treaty as well. 27. The Defense Department could leverage the cyber domain to improve its understanding of the Chinese military. Joint Electronic Library (JEL+), An official website of the United States government, U.S. Cyber Command members work in the Integrated Cyber Center, Joint Operations Center at Fort George G. Meade, Md., April. More commercial technology will be integrated into current systems for maximum effectiveness in the ever-changing cybersphere. The Department of Defense provides the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. [7] Pomerleau, Mark, The Pentagon is moving away from the Joint Regional Security Stacks, C4ISRNET, November 1 2021, Air Force Tech. While a formal, binding bilateral agreement is not possible now due to mutual mistrust, misunderstanding and stark differences in approaches to the cyber domain, necessary steps by Moscow and Washington include bilateral engagement, Track 2 and/or 1.5 dialogues and well thought-out confidence-building measures. From a defensive cyberspace perspective, the threat to the Department of Defense (DOD) has never been greater. That means a thorough strategy is needed to preserve U.S. cyberspace superiority and stop cyberattacks before they hit our networks. programs offered at an independent public policy research organizationthe RAND Corporation. All DOD organizations share cyberspace information and intelligence securely, and cyberspace is fully incorporated into joint force planning and operations. Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Both, for instance, view the other as a highly capable adversary. The U.S. and Russia should strive toward a much better understanding of one anothers red lines (i.e., what actions would trigger retaliation, especially kinetic retaliation) and cyber-mission priorities, intents, capabilities and organization. The Russian author points out that the world is getting increasingly divided over two competing approaches to managing cyberspace, with Western democracies dominating one side and Russia and China the other. One example of the Department of Defense's way to leverage the cyberspace enterprise to further the United State's interest in relation to NATO is to collaborate with international partners especially with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members. Additionally, once all MRT-C and KT-C are identified, the information should be stored and shared using an existing secure database. Information sharing about threats, absent a strong model for interagency collaboration and a specific desired end state, is not enough. This effort includes working with allies and partners, she noted. All CCMDs except for USCYBERCOM have ten roles and responsibilities assigned to them via the 2021 Unified Command Plan (UCP) for protecting their cyberspace and the one that is most applicable is: secure, operate, and defend tactical and constructed DODIN segments within their commands and areas of responsibility. If you violate this Legal Notice, NDIA may, in its sole discretion, delete the unacceptable content from your posting, remove or delete the posting in its entirety, issue you a warning, and/or terminate your use of the NDIA site. Establishing a separate service in the air domain was not instantaneous or without controversy: creation of the US Air Force was gradational, spanned two world wars, and was marked by resistance from within the Army and Navy. Appendix 1 67 with Jeremi Suri While there are strict limits to Pentagon's ability to operate in U.S. cyberspace, the Department of Homeland Security, and intelligence and law enforcement agencies (including Air Force Office. Open Government The end state of all these initiatives is that DOD cybersecurity efforts have moved away from localized efforts and expertise, and transitioned to established cybersecurity standards across the DOD. Home A little over a century ago, however, the air domain was an emergent, but rapidly developing domain. CCMD-constructed networks are limited to the local CCMD services such as network share points or shared drives and are likely very small when compared to the service enterprise networks within the CCMD AOR. National Defenseprovides authoritative, non-partisan coverage of business and technology trends in defense and homeland security. /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/reports, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/blogPosts, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/multimedia, /content/admin/rand-header/jcr:content/par/header/caseStudies, Sleep Deprivation Could Do Long-Term Damage to Migrant Children, How China Understands and Assesses Military Balance, Russian Military Operations in Ukraine in 2022 and the Year Ahead. Privacy Program, Army Madeline Mortelmansspoke today at an event hosted by the Association of European Journalists in Madrid, Spain. The Defense Information Systems Network (DISN), managed by Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), serves as the DODIN backbone (Figure 3). Then, Washington must understand why it failed, writes Stephen Walt. 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