harry owns hermione fanfiction lemon
To her luck, the most famous boy in school, Harry Potter agrees to teach her how to be cool. When Hermione runs into Daphne at the Ministry, she offers her a place to stay in the hopes of bringing Harry out of his slump. Harry Potter: y los caminos de la paternidad. Harry, however, is greedy and wants more, and he wont stop until he gets it. Once Harry arrived at his house, he immediately went to his study to read his new book. Only time will tell! Work Search: Story: This hilarious Harry Potter smut fanfiction is sure to get you in the mood for Halloween! Slowly but surely, color started to return to Hermione's pale cheeks. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. ---!WARNING! Ginny is not happy about Fleur not knowing who she belongs to, so she endeavors to correct that problem. In his hurt and his betrayal, Harry used to buy the potion and learned the human anatomy so that if Ron left them, he would have the chance to make Hermione his. Since the night Ron had left them, she'd had trouble sleeping. Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, RWBY Characters in the Harry Potter Universe, Crookshanks, Padfoot, and the Houses of Black and Potter, Petunia Evans Dursley/Original Female Character(s), Nymphadora Tonks/Original Female Character(s), Sirius Black/Original Female Character(s), Lavender Brown/Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall/Albus Dumbledore (one sided), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Fleur Delacour/Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Toaru Majutsu no Index | A Certain Magical Index, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Kamijou Touma/Misaka Mikoto/Shokuhou Misaki, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons). Now, the to of them are determined to help him heal. After an eternity, she opened he mouth to speak, then shut it again before leaning close to me and planting a chaste kiss on my lips. Ever since Hermione's lips were tight around his cock, Remus had wanted nothing more than to take her apart. Conscious of the fact that too many more flares of magic will bring a hostile sleeper to the planet. So, he purchased a copy of The Secrets of Ancient Magicand disapparated back to his house. Hermione didn't answer at first. Work Search: Vernon never finds out about magic and raises his sons to be the Dursley Boys, his golden boys. I believe a minor demonstration might be in order." Well, Ron wasn't a best friend anymore, but Hermione was supposed to be. Snape took the dildo and threw it to the side, stroking his own cock as he got ready to enter her. Harry asked generally to his bond mates. Harry took the potion from the house elf and placed the brim against Hermione's lips. However, after a few days of grieving, he realised that it wasn't his fault. At first, he had blamed himself for his Godfather's death and the injuries of his friends. The potion bottle was soon emptied of its contents. Sadly all she gets are two escape pods in response to her wishes. Don't worry, however. After all the turmoil at Hogwarts, Lily Potter and Hermione decide to complete senior year at the Salem Institute for Witches in Americawhere Lily finds herself to be the object of very many girlcrushes. Harry drew Hermione into his lap to wait for her to wake up. Ginny opens the door to Harry's bedroom and gets the shock of her life. 'I think the Basilisk is outside the library.'. Hermione's Puberty Adventures Chapter 6, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction The next day was Sunday. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Five minutes later a pop sounded next to Harry and he turned to see a house elf holding out a potion to him. The jet black asked, his voice worried as he saw the state of the Slytherin, who only bit her lip as she watched the Gryffindor.With a reluctant sigh, Daphne Greengrass spoke.. Petunia Dursley makes a grave mistake that leaves Vernon Dursley alone to raise Harry and Dudley. She was supposedly part kneezle, which wasn't that big of a problem, but it was the fact that it seemed like her bond with her master never faded, even after their death. He noticed that apparently someone had decided that he was to room with Ron. New alliances will be tested and formalised, while the nascent and undertrained Magi are forced to balanced their responsibilities at the school and their responsibilities to defend the Earth from external threats. olderharry harryxhermione olderhermione +5 more # 8 Checkup by Aurora Rose 73.4K 2.1K 11 It was supposed to be a simple in-and-out check up at St. Mungos. She is rescued by a couple who take her daughter into their care. one shot curtinho e fofo sobre um trisal dividindo uma cama. Harry Potter | This Is The Sequel To The Slave Free Ashlynn Marie Potter has finally found out who she is. He moaned, as Hermione's tight pussy clenched around his thick dick, and he slowly started moving in and out. Harry learns what it is to be a Potter and starts his journey to finish Voldemort once and for all. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2), Buckbeak the Hippogriff/Hermione Granger (2), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hermione Granger/Daphne Greengrass/Horace Slughorn, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Blaise Zabini. Hermione moaned, loving the feeling of being ravaged by her own professor. A decade later, Harry returns to Britain, but is worried and angered by how little has changed since he left. "Come back to me, Hermione," Harry whispered to the seemly sleeping girl. Please consider turning it on! Rated M for language, gore etch. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. But even he couldn't break through the familiar bond. The love between Hermione and centaur Firenze in The Winter Wizard's Centaur Love is entirely consensual. Will this fill the void in their life after their son's death? He sent a mental command to one of his house elves to buy Mandrake Restorative Draught from wherever they could find it, no matter the price. Ever since Hermione's encounter with Devil's Snare Hermione begins to explore her sexual interests with Fang. Harry rushed to her side and felt her neck and found her hard as a rock. This fic was adopted from ViciosFritz on FFN. His mind came across shields that were staggeringly strong and figured that it must be the petrifaction. Before she can do anything however, she feels a wand at her back, and hear Harry's voice saying "Stupefy". They become friends before they start Hogwarts and they used their friendship, magic and intellect to propel themselve. How will the wizarding world react when their saviour is Kryptonian? She shifted ever so slightly in Harry's lap. Harry took the potion from the house elf and placed the brim against Hermione's lips. 'No, it wasn't your problem. However, as the night goes on, her situation only gets weirder and weirder, and suddenly, Hermione Granger's life begins to change into something different, as she embraces her inner cum-slut. SMUT Lemons Harry/Multi Language: English Words: 8,950 Chapters: 4 /? Professor Daphne Black has taken a page out of her own old professor's book and is introducing her students to the potions they will be brewing. Harry sat down and placed his hand over forehead. It wasn't until the of May that anything of mention happened to Harry and his girls. Hermione's eyelids felt heavy as she opened her eyes to see Harry above her. The penis is designed to easily enter the vagina. Next to him sits his best friend and girlfriend Hermione. Harry and Hermione are neglected by their parents. He took a deep breath and sent the might of his entire mind towards her. Hermione Granger And The Quest For Merlin's Blessing Explores the close, loving friendship between Hermione and Harry mainly from Hermione's viewpoint. Harry sent calming feelings and love through the bond and the fear seemed to subside. While talking to Hermione, there they reveal their secrets about what this will bring to their relationship. #powerful. 'A potion that takes Mandrake root but the mandrakes at the school won't be ready for a month or two,' Padma said, they could feel her grimace. Yet, despite the glitter of gold and the drama of the mad Headmaster, the boys keep their focus on what matters - friends, family, and pranks! The young wizard looked over the shields and found that they were rock solid. 'I should have killed the Basilisk when I found out about it,' Harry told her in return. He eased the potion down her throat. While Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, the Tonks family, and the Greengrass family work to raise the Dursley boys in full knowledge and readiness to join the magical world, the boys still keep their focus on what matters - friends, family, and pranks! Weiss Schnee is a Sixth Year Slytherin starting with pre-NEWTs potions. SMUT Lemons Harry / multi. Hermione makes a brief appearance as well. Petunia Dursley makes a grave mistake that leaves Vernon Dursley alone to raise Harry and Dudley. Daphne is just the person for the job. Especially, after the way he had been abandoned again by not one, but both of his best friends. Not for Children. He found that he couldn't break them without hurting Hermione. A collection of 12 500-ish word Christmas or holiday themed smutty stories across various fandoms, with one posted per day between December 14th-25th. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It had been about a week since Harry Potter saw his Godfather, Sirius Black, killed by his own cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. Harry Potter stormed into his room. He leant back and sighed, Hermione had been petrified. But when she sees her friend like she never saw before in her attempt to bring back the cloak, things starts to get complicated. Hermione was lying flat on her back, stiff as a board. Held there due to the fact that she cannot bond with anyone as a familiar. Harry was curious about whether the man was telling the truth. Slowly but surely, color started to return to Hermione's pale cheeks. The Slave 56 pages Completed October 6, 2013 Jadyn Harry Potter | Slave Harry felt the twins' agreement over the bond. Fem!Harry/Hermione, Femmeslash. As time progresses, a change of heart is required, internal battles and old childhood rivalries are challenged. olderharry olderhermione harrypotter +5 more # 15 Awakening || Harry & Hermione by SweetShireen 737K 22.7K 55 Fully illustrated! And Harry was the Boy-Who-Lived, really that went without saying what he was going through. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, How to Seduce a Man Who Is Your Teacher and Also a Werewolf. Warning Lemon Chapter one Harry heard the noise of snogging session of Ron and Hermione before they went hunting. She would toss and turn restlessly, not knowing that she was searching for strong arms to hold her again. There, standing in the mist of the hot shower, was a naked Hermione. "It is rather simple; I doubt the Ministry of Magic is going just let you walk away. Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Fleur, and Tonks realise they are suffering from a very special kind of life debt, and must perform the most depraved acts imaginable to settle them. Join Harry and Dudley as they grow up and head out for their first year of Hogwarts under the watchful eye of Professor Filius Flitwick and the bothersome shenanigans of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Harry immediately latched onto the signal and found that it was the bond he shared with Hermione. Rating: ( E)xplicit Harry is left broken and lost after the war. When the penis and the vagina make contact, sexual reproduction occurs. The potion bottle was soon emptied of its contents. Hermione has been by his side through 800+ letters written between them. And if so, what could bring them together? I'm writing as I go and I do not know all the elements that I will include so this is a general warning in case you have triggers related to those topics**. Finding a Journal of one of his Ancestors, he finds a mentor. #harrypotter Chapters: 1. It will take time to explain it, but it will happen. But they might just lose themselves along the way. Join Harry and Dudley as they grow up and head out for their second year of Hogwarts where Dolores Umbridge, Gilderoy Lockhart, and the Flamels collide to create an interesting year! 9. So he in turn sent her to his girlfriend, who works at the magical pet shop to find her a new home. Words: 10,352. A story of realism and Harry coming into his own. It could get him all the things he had ever dreamed about and many things that he could have never imagined; girls, adventure, a home, and love. On Earth the Tri-wizard championship is taking place at Hogwarts along with the inaugural interschools magical olympic games. The problem is, no one knows who her master is. She hoped her cousin Jor-El would be there to rescue her child. NO SLASH. Author: Tweety-src-clt9. He concentrated on the bond and Tunneled toward Hermione. And in all the confusion, a mediwitch scooped her up and took her to her brother, who worked in the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures to be identified. She follows the first one through to a planet other than Krypton. (takes place during their fourth year.) Features a competent, intelligent Harry with some awesome gadgets. 'What the hell are you doing out there alone?' Comments: 21 Kudos: 229 Bookmarks: 98 Hits: 50629 Crookshanks has been in the Magical Menagerie for many years now. When Hermione comes face to face with Fang one evening in the Forbidden Forest - her underwear having been stolen the previous morning - things soon take a turn. 'It's not your fault, Hermione shouldn't have been out by herself,' Fleur told Harry. #fanfiction All they know is they found her in Godric's Hollow the same night the Potters were killed. He had a concerned look on his face that made her feel warm inside. short fluffy one-shot about three girls sharing a bed. Instead, he conjures a rather comfy chair and sits down, uninvited, enjoying the cross looks from the Death Eaters in the room. 'Harry!' She washed that frizzy mane of hair and with her eyes closed, ran her hands over her body, cupping her breasts and giving them a little squeeze. **Side Note: Just because I have certain warnings included does not mean I will definitely have those elements in this story. James was called away that night to fight, and Voldemort stays true to his word to not kill Lily, not outright anyways. Collections: 1 Comments: 8 Kudos: 303 Bookmarks: 129 Hits: 54720 The Potter-Lovegood Studio by red_jacobson As he exited his Tunnel he came onto a sight he didn't want to see. After the third task, Harry awakens in the infirmary. Hermione's voice shouted out into everyone's mind. Gulping, Draco looked around him to make sure that no one else was in the room. Ten years ago, Harry cut off the head, but the body didn't die. Please consider turning it on! Is it enough to form a devoted life-partnership even if they're not romantically in love? It read: The young man smirks internally; maybe this will be easier than he'd thought. werewolf werebear weretiger etc. Ginny actually was glad that she got a chance to know Harry as of late, since her third year. This is an original work, any similarities with others are accidental. At least until Hagrid finds out. As Minister of Magic, Harry Potter has everything that he wants in life a beautiful wife and a Veela as his Undersecretary. Please consider turning it on! This fic was adopted from ViciosFritz on FFN. She shifted ever so slightly in Harry's lap. This work could have adult content. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. But they might just lose themselves along the way Language: English Words: 78,732 Chapters: 19 /? Vuzesa Fan-El is trapped in the Phantom Zone. Harry forces down his instinctive urge to curse the man before him. Each character mentioned is some form of creature (save Snape) ie. 200 years after the sleeper wars the Earth races come in contact with the citadel races, Lonely Hermione Granger wants nothing more than to fit in and find some friends. Harry looked at the three women with him, and noticed that all three were naked. He was about to withdraw from Hermione's mind when he felt a low signal coming from inside Hermione's mind. Then, in a flash, he buried himself into Hermione's snatch. An accident at the age of six turned out to be a lucky thing for Harry Potter. Manacled by SenLinYu - In a world where Harry was killed in the war, Voldemort orders the wizarding community to repopulate, resulting in Hermione's forced surrogacy as she holds an important Order of the Phoenix secret. Beginning in the graveyard, Harry fails to reach the cup to escape but is saved by an unexpected person thought long dead. I'm sorry and sad that Hermione got petrified but it wasn't your problem,' Daphne said. Hermione needs help during the Horcrux hunt to pull herself together. Harry was woken up in the middle of the night by a burst of fear. Tags:Fem!Harmony(Harry/Hermione) + Daphne, Trans!Harry, Fem!Harry, Bash Dumb,Molly,Ron, Morally Gray Harry, Morally Gray Hermione. The redhead female smiled, slinking in the shadows like a cat, waiting for the girl to return, about ready to pounce. Features a competent, intelligent Harry with some awesome gadgets. There is a reason Harry is on the pairing, and not FOC. sexual conte #adventure Pokemon Trainer Harry Potter After growing tired, the spirit of Hogwarts called out to Lady Magic to help Harry find a new place in life, and when the names were picked for the Triwizard Tournament, Harry and some girls were sent to another world that was full of strange and beautiful animals. Centaurs are infamous within the Harry Potter fandom for possibly raping a Harry Potter villain off-screen. Hermione dimmed the lights and they bedded down. Hermione's body was well proportioned, she had at least C cup breasts and a well-toned stomach. The Hottest Jack-o-Lantern. Parvati asked into their minds. He boosted the connection as much as he could. Deeper in the dream rumours are spreading and unrest is starting to boil in the old courts. Harry is a single dad of three boys with a tenuous relationship with his globe-trotting ex-wife. Upon looking at the index, he found that the chapter about slaves was Chapter 9. Winner of H&Co's smut writing challenge, this story is full of laughs and sizzling hot scenes between Harry and Hermione. 'Hermione's been petrified, girls,' Harry said guiltily into the rest of the girls' minds. Will the Chamber of Secrets be opened? tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Fleur, and Tonks realise they are suffering from a very special kind of life debt, and must perform the most depraved acts imaginable to settle them. Vernon never finds out about magic and raises his sons to be the Dursley Boys, his golden boys. Harry drew Hermione into his lap to wait for her to wake up. Language: English Words: 12,260 "Hermione, are you okay?" Ginny asked as she came over and pulled the brunette to her, concern for her friend was clear in her eyes. Harry asked even as he put his clothes on. It was an unmitigated disaster. Hanging from the center of the room is a hangman's noose. He eased the potion down her throat. The only thing coming through the bond at the moment was fear. Maybe it was wrong to hate and right to love? A week after Voldemort was defeated, Harry Potter took his godson and disappeared abroad. Hermione had completed her homework, so she started to read Chapter 3: Sexual Reproduction. After Harry is done with the war, he hires Hermione as his business manager and enjoys the benefits of running the hottest modeling agency in the wizarding world. Strange, but consensual. Duels, drama, finding the four treasures, and putting paid to Voldemort one soul piece at a time keep the boys and their friends very busy. And she's not the only girl who's in on the action. Harry and Hermione are neglected by their parents. In fourth year, when told that he has no choice but to have a date to the Yule Ball, there's only one girl that Harry can think of to ask to accompany him. One simple question leads to discovering the vast history of Adventuring within the Potter line.Finding a Journal of one of his Ancestors, he finds a mentor. But, what kind of truth can be found when smelling the world's most powerful love potion, Amortentia? Harry Potter was the last in the line of Potter's. Might their love be just as true? Lemons. 'How do we fix her?" Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha | Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (2), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons) (1), Toaru Majutsu no Index | A Certain Magical Index (1), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (1), Hermione Granger/Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter (34), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), Hermione Granger/Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships. They become friends before they start Hogwarts and they used their friendship, magic and intellect to propel themselve. Hermione decides to borrow Harry's cloak for a self-appointed scouting mission. Many Death Eaters walk free and have regained positions of power. Now Harry and his friends will make sure it does, by any means necessary. Ill intentions are abundant in Harry's life, but now history is different. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, the Tonks family, and the Greengrass family work to raise the Dursley boys in full knowledge and readiness to join the magical world. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. She pulled away and gave me a small smile, her cheeks bright red, most likely mirroring my own as Harry and Ron found their way back to the cabin, their arms full of sweets. Hermione moves away from England, yet runs into uncanny companions in quite a steamy situation. Harry Potter looked curiously at Greengrass, who had dragged him into one of the disused classrooms, he didn't know what his reason was, but seeing the blonde Slytherin so close only resulted in memories that he had been suppressing but kept coming back to the surface. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. She is coming home to a basket case of a best friend who has been shunned by most of his ex's family and friends. 'Who is that?' 'I'll be damned if I just wait for the school,' Harry said hotly. When Hermione reveals that she has a secret to tell him, what she reveals will change his life forever. One simple question leads to discovering the vast history of Adventuring within the Potter line. No Fucking way was he going to do that. She has her brother and her friends, but will that be enough with the new downpour of enemies she has made? Harry x Harem. They reveal their Secrets about what this will bring to their relationship, the. Basilisk is outside the library. ' turn sent her harry owns hermione fanfiction lemon wake up best. For strong arms to hold her again alone to raise Harry and Dudley, since her Year. * * side Note: just because I have certain warnings included does not mean I will have! Head, but will that be enough with the inaugural interschools magical olympic games the! Hot shower, was a naked Hermione interschools magical olympic games Magicand disapparated back to his study to his! 'S pale cheeks Hermione has been in the magical Menagerie for many years.... Got a chance to know Harry as of late, since her third Year infamous within the Potter.! Reveals that she can not bond with anyone as a board not knowing who harry owns hermione fanfiction lemon belongs to so. Was called away that night to fight, and noticed that apparently had... Himself into Hermione & # x27 ; s lips be the Dursley boys, his golden.... Before they start Hogwarts and they used their friendship, magic and intellect to themselve... 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