glizzy urban dictionary
he a real glizzy gladiator " by HellaHoesOnDeezNuts June 16, 2020 Get the Glizzy mug. According to Urban Dictionary, Glizzy can also be used to mean a glock, or a type of gun. Meaning and Origin. Burgers remain the most common item on British menus, but their growth has slowed. Another way to eat a glizzy is on a hot dog bun with ketchup and mustard. Kansas City Steak Company Hot Dogs are all-beef franks direct from the heartland. What does Glizzy mean? Although it's frequently associated w. Lee Majors portrays Colt Seavers in the television series. (Truth Revealed Today). The name was a sarcastic comment on the provenance of the meat. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); This is one question that has been asked over and over again. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. Following in the footsteps of "drip" and "no cap," the ad-lib "slatt" recently emerged as a popular hip-hop slang term. The truth about Glizzy will likely be revealed soon, so stay tuned! My friend comes over to tell me hes getting annoyed because he couldnt eat his hotdog in peace. For example, in Australia, they are referred to as a sausage sizzle, while in Germany, they are called wiener. I [was] like nah man. I had confidence but wasnt [the type] to just walk up to girls and be like, Yo, whats up, whooptie woo. So my homies just started calling me Shy when I was little like 12, 13, and I kind of ran with it.. Wiktionary Advertisement Find Similar Words Find similar words to glizzy using the buttons below. Your friends and family will rave about them!. rhania The term has been around for a while, with one of its earliest appearances in Hip Hop dating back to Big Puns 1999 classic, Its So Hard. The glizzy is known around the country, particularly in D.C., as slang for a Glock. Hot dog is defined as slang for doing something special in sports to capture attention. That being said, glizzy apparently became another word for a hot dog due to its similarity in shape and size to an extended clip that one might use with a Glock. Apparently, the term glizzy originated in the DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia) area to refer to hot dogs. Related words: baseball emoji. Thus, we now have a slew of TikTok videos where people refer to hot dogs as glizzies. Hotdogs, also known as glizzys, are a type of sausage that is typically made from beef, pork, and veal. Hot dogs are a subset of a pork frank. We can all agree, whether or not you read this article, that one thing is for sure. According to Urban Dictionary, Glizzy can also be used to mean a glock, or type of gun. TEE GRIZZLEY (GRIZZLEY WORLD OWNER): sure to follow and subscribe on TWITCH to never miss a LiveStream)https://www.yout. by RoyJenk!n$ June 14, 2022 Get the A Glizzy mug. But keeping it real, its an excellent name for a meme rapper someone should probably hop on that. It is very easy to find the origins of most slang words, but sometimes its harder than usual, and glizzy has proven to be one of those cases. Report 12 years ago. It refers to a bisexual woman who sleeps with heterosexual couples, a term sometimes referenced with the unicorn face emoji. For the primary meaning, glizzy can be defined as a slang term for the food hot dog. Along with this, it is assumed that you can eat a glizzy cooked in all kinds of different ways such as frying or microwaving, but these are unconfirmed. The phrase fall guy is used to describe a person who is wrongly blamed for something that has gone wrong. Your email address will not be published. Salt and sodium nitrate are then added as curing agents, which prevent the growth of unwanted microorganisms. obama really the glizzy gulper, In other news, TikTok is obsessed with Big Bear Bald Eagles Jackie and Shadow. A hot dog 3.) All Rights Reserved. A word that is used to describe a glock, or type of gun most of the TikTok videos using the word Glizzy are not referring to a glock. The word glizzies is slang for glasses.. Is hot dog an insult? I got out the car and tucked my, POLISH KIELBASA MAC / Were switching countries now, but we still got some recipes with the, In the daytime, [Tameka] Thomas said, she serves a full menu that includes honey-glazed salmon, salmon bites, chicken quesadillas, chopped cheese, The overlapping section of the Venn diagram of Phillies fans and mystery meat aficionados probably already knows this, but the Phils beloved Dollar Dog Nights appeared to be over for the season (for the uninitiated, thats when, There will be a hot dog eating contest to match the theme of Denim and Dogs along with other , Theres really not much more to say about Carhartts incredible, A Glizzy is a type of drink that is popular in the hip-hop and rap music scenes. Hence, a hot dog is a sandwich. Andouillette is a French specialty sausage made with pork meat and intestines, onions, wine, pepper, and other seasonings. verb. Glizzy is slang for a hotdog or the sausage that is part of a hotdog. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { They are often seen scampering around, darting in and out of shadows, and they are notorious for being very quick with their fingers. And when the internet-at-large learned about the slang term, they couldn't resist using it themselves. The dish was originally called a frankfurter or wiener, but eventually became known as a hotdog. Guy 1: *takes a bite of a hotdog in a slightly suggestive, and homosexual way* Guy 2: "damn. The length of the barbecue staple took on Glizzys height, and it became a more frequent joke on Twitter that glizzy is a hot dog. Thus, we now have a slew of TikTok videos where people refer to hot dogs as glizzies. Advertise here! There are other uses for toilet paper, as it is a readily available household product. Glizzy gobbler (credit: @daneddy7) #memezar #foryou #fyp #viral #glizzy #glizzygobbler #funny. It can be used like facial tissue for blowing the nose or wiping the eyes. Read also: What is Weeb? YOUTUBE DMV HOODZ AND NEWZ (@DMVHOODZNDNEWZ) June 29, 2020. For the British, hot dog is a way of serving a sausage. Define glizzy . People had fun with this new phrase, meme-ing the word so much it may have an untimely demise, laid to rest with other expressions ruined by oversaturation or misuse such as trap queen, dab and swag (swag is making a comeback though, shhh, dont tell anyone.). Glizzy is slang for a hotdog or the sausage that is part of a hotdog. Speak with your chest my yute, don't hint me, Hold six from the nine, dont sing when it hit you, So when we pulled up it was so hard to get in. Glizzy is something But Glizzy is not a hot dog. Brits say crisps, Americans say potato chips. Since Brits refer to fries as chips, they have a different name than Americans for potato chips crisps.Oct 3, 2018. A Glizzy Guzzler is a type of drink that is made with carbonated water, fruit juice, and sugar. Lets avoid that scenario and get it straight. For the sausage we took the most French tasting sausage from Toulouse, you know, the one that looks the more like a French sausage. (gzi) n. marijuana. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); If youre caught lacking, dont touch the glizzy with your bare hands. There was the dark side of the seemingly innocuous photos, ushered in by none other than Long Beach lyricist Vince Staples, using his platform to highlight a conspiracy theory regarding politicians eating the ballpark dish of choice. Nitrate is also added, which gives pepperoni its color. Slang terms have been used throughout history, but now due to the increased use of the internet it seems like there are more than ever. while there is no proof one way or the other, some people assume that it can be eaten in all of these ways. References to dachshund sausages and ultimately hot dogs can be traced to German immigrants in the 1800s. Who Is This Heather Person Everyone Keeps Talking About on TikTok? _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-img'); Meaning and Origin. Urban Dictionary: Glizzy Glizzy adjective The feeling when one is aroused (horny) and depressed. This modern term can be defined in many ways and its not really clear to know about the real origin of it. Glizzy is a word that is used to describe a hotdog, or the sausage that is part of a hotdog . But we were curious! Others use the term "glizzy" to refer to people who eat hot dogs. They wouldnt put sausages with potatoes and gravy to make bangers and mash. For years, glizzy was simply a slang term for a Glock. Its typically served in a long, soft roll, but thats how its served, not what it is. Slang changes much more rapidly than other uses. A glizzy is a type of sausage that is part of a hotdog. Home Miscellaneous What Is A French Hot Dog Urban Dictionary. However, most of the TikTok videos using the word Glizzy are not referring to a glock. Aunt Sally can also be any person who is a target for insults or criticism. It was originally a slang term for gun in the Washington DC metropolitan area (also known as the DMV), but according to HipHop DX, it became a nickname for hot dogs because the length of the barbecue staple is similar to the extended clip of a gun. The hot dog emoji is most often used to accompany messages about food, baseball, small dogsand penises. glizzy glitter it's edibleglitterfor your dick Hey man, you got someof that glizzy glitter? 48 49 50 51 52 First Previous More random definitions UrbanDictionaryis writtenby you Define a Word Twitter Facebook Help Subscribe If something is dusty, it means its old and unoriginal. The song is called Glizzy, and its on his debut mixtape titled Seattle S#!t. It also refers to people who eat a hot dog in large amounts, Glizzy Gladiators. Glizzy can be used as a noun or adjective, describing guns and people respectively. Hashtag Glizzy. With social media platforms such as TikTok gaining popularity, new slang terms appear to be popping up left right and centre online. November 16, 2022, 6:16 am. A Glizzy pill is a type of pill that is used to treat ADHD. Besides being a hot dog, they can sometimes be called a frank, wiener or sausage. } catch(e) {}, by So-called -izzle speak for Glock. Glizzy is used to mean a hotdog, or the sausage that is part of a hotdog. ), Are Rabbits Halal Or Haram? American-style bacon is readily available in the UK, but it is known as streaky bacon due to the streaks of fat running along it. And even, this term became wider in 2020 after a lot of TikTok users posted funny video content about glizzy. The hot dog is defined as slang for doing something special in sports, but it can also mean a lot of things, like being amazing or on point. Have something to tell us about this article? "eh rasclart, ya mudder, da ****** ***** - she a bumbe clart. But along with it being as an alternate name for guns, people in the DC area have long used the phrase as another title for hotdogs. Another meaning of this term can be defined as the modern slang for Glock handgun, by the Urban Dictionary. Now, if youre caught without touching the glizzy, youre out. } catch(e) {}. What it is is a type of sausage. The objective of the game is to bounce the ball off the ground and into your opponents goal. Are you always wondering what those young kids are \"hootin\" about, well look no further. These immigrants would often fry up a sausage and serve it with a bun. We dont typically eat eggs, cold-cuts nor drink juices or eat fruits or cheese for breakfast in France. The word glizzy is often used to accuse friends of homosexual tendencies. var _g1; The term is German for Vienna sausage which was eventually shortened to wiener. Its also known as an alternative name for a hot dog in the District, derived from an extended clip (a glick) comparable in length to the barbecue favorite. The word hot dog refers either to the sausage that you buy squeezed in a plastic package with 7 or so of its kind, or to the same sausage heated and served in a long split roll. 1805 The people of Vienna (Wien), Austria point to the term wiener to prove their claim as the birthplace of the hot dog. Glizzy I thought it was a cock but it's a hot dog Put the glizzy on the barbecue mate by Ticklemtpuckke August 1, 2020 Get the Glizzy mug. One of the earliest users of this term refers to YouTuber Azel Prather, who already uploaded a video to describe the different kinds of glizzys in October 2016. An umbrella may also be called a brolly (UK slang), parapluie (nineteenth century, French origin), rainshade, gamp (British, informal, dated), or bumbershoot (rare, facetious American slang). The slang Glizzy was created by Young Geralds mom, where she has used to describe her son for his whole life. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); Here is the guide to know more about glizzy, its definition, its origin, and how it influences the world of young generations. The rest is up to interpretation. Both of these senses were ascribed to the Washington metropolitan area until piquing the curiosity of the world in JuneJuly 2020 when internet users endeavoured to upload pictures containing sausage buns just to say the term. People have been wondering whether or not glizzy can be eaten in other ways such as microwaved, fried, boiled, etc. But most of the TikTok videos using the word 'glizzy' are not referring to a glock. Fans of the drink are eagerly awaiting the reveal of what it is, and where to find it. today you guys get to see me mastering the vacuum seal double hand twist gawk gawk combo 3000 infront of strangers.definitely do try this at home!also try su. In this. Tang glizzy Tang delicious glizzy Glizzy Urban Dictionary - Genius Uk Uk Slang Dictionar (Download) "Learn to play Cricket" by Margao Cricket Acade # eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free. (informal, slang) shiny and slippery; glossy. Glizzy A Hot Dog Related words: dog face emoji. Wiktionary Hotdog . The original meaning of glizzy was an old New York slang term for hot dog. Some believe that Glizzy may be a new type of energy drink, while others believe it may be an alcoholic beverage. Patty A ground beef hamburger patty Alternative names Burger Serving temperature Hot Main ingredients Ground meat, meat alternatives, vegetables, grains, and/or legumes Cookbook: Patty, or Burger (British English) Media: Patty, or Burger (British English). DMV residents had some strong opinions (and memes) to share about the mass internet discovering one of their secret jokes. Glizzy is a new mystery beverage that has been making waves on social media. We cant know for sure how or when glizzy meant hotdog, but we do have some good guesses. The Glizzy hashtag on TikTok has over 700 million views. Hearing non DMV folks calling a glizzy a glizzy The word glizzy is a perfect example, and although the word existed before this year, it has been used online a lot more in the past few months. frankfurter sausage flaunter footlong foot long frank Georgia hot grandstander hotshot pigs in a blanket. If you search the #glizzy hashtag on TikTok, youll see a variety of videos that dont appear to have anything in common at first glance. Initially, it only lasted 2-3 days on each appearance instead of a week like all other Live Events, but this was changed with its fifth appearance. This can be either because they are being set up to take the blame, or because they are simply an easy target. by TiddyTaster July 1, 2022 Get the glizzy ganker mug. Oh, internet. Ketchup, mustard, relish, picalilli, and chopped onions are the most common toppings. you are a glizzy gobbler, homie." by U S 3 4 8 August 13, 2020 Get the Glizzy mug. The typical ingredients of a hot dog include meat trimmings, animal fat and spices such as salt, garlic and paprika. A glizzy gobbler, therefore, is someone who is gobbling up hot dogs, usually very quickly for a hot dog eating contest. Glizzy is a physically and mentally challenging sport that is played on a large, inflated ball. The term Glizzy originated in America and is used to describe a type of gun. The food item and grilling staple. Distractify is a registered trademark. Glizzy is a term that is used to mean a hotdog, or the sausage that is part of a hotdog. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Candy, also called sweets (British English) or lollies (Australian English, New Zealand English), is a confection that features sugar as a principal ingredient. The bundle is known as a toilet roll, or loo roll or bog roll in Britain. But as per Urban Dictionary, it can also be used to mean a glock, or a type of gun. Its interesting to think about how the word handgun could come to be used to refer to hotdogs, and what this says about the way language evolves and changes. It is a mixture of iced tea, lemonade, and Sprite. Wiktionary Penis . Required fields are marked *. The category, called sugar confectionery, encompasses any sweet confection, including chocolate, chewing gum, and sugar candy. A Chicago slang for money, as expressed by one of Young Geralds songs Yayo on the mixtape Pimpin Aint Dead. (Drugs.) Sus is a shortening of suspicious or suspect. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); For some, the term may simply refer to a feeling of excitement or happiness, while for others it may be used to describe a more intense emotional state. Even so, if this term is used for fun purposes, it can lead to a joyful social life in our daily lives. the French hot dog! The hot dog emoji is most often used to accompany messages about food, baseball, small dogsand penises. It is usually grilled or pan-fried, and can be served on a bun or in a dish such as chili. Can Whoop Be Worn on Ankle? Isnt that a Glock? Well yes and no. quotations (Can we verify ( +) this sense?) Its difficult to pinpoint when glizzy was first used to mean hot dogs because nobody knows for sure where or when it originated. They have a texture and taste that are very similar to North American hot dogs, however, they are typically thinner and longer with an edible casing. Maybe the best interaction and the one that sums up the trend was between Hip Hop podcast ItsTheReal and Twitter personality NC Rap Fan. Some people are always going to be entertained by the fact that hot dogs are, well, kinda phallic. TikTok is obsessed with Big Bear Bald Eagles Jackie and Shadow, {{#media.media_details}} {{#media.focal_point}}. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Glizzy hashtag on TikTok has over 700 million views, and the hashtag Glizzy Gobbler has over 200 million. To be perfectly honest, still-frames of glamorous famous people going to town on messy hot dogs produce some hilarious results. You never cease to entertain. It was originally a slang term for gun in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area (also known as the DMV), but according to HipHop DX, it became a nickname for hot dogs because the length of the barbecue staple is similar to the extended clip of a gun. Thundercat Trolls Chris Brown While Linking With Drake & Robert Glasper, The Weeknd Lands First Feature Film Starring Role Opposite Jenna Ortega, 50 Cent Champagne Bottle Sells At Auction For Record-Breaking $325K, Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post via Getty Images, Birdman Argues That CEOs Kept Hip Hop Alive, SZA Was Too Scared To Do James Cordens Carpool Karaoke, De La Souls Trugoy The Dove Delivers Posthumous Verses On Gorillazs Crocadillaz, Omarion Responds To Woman Who Believes Shes Engaged To Him, Charlamagne Tha God Announces First Black Podcast Festival With iHeart Media, On Kanye Wests Brilliant Revenge After Losing MTV Award To Black Eyed Peas, Clipse To Reunite For Full Reunion Set At Chicagos Hyde Park Summerfest. The Glizzy hashtag on TikTok has over 700 million views, and the hashtag Glizzy Gobbler has over 200 million. Breakfast is called le petit-djeuner in France, or ptit dej in modern spoken French, and in France, its usually a rather light meal. But glizzy has another meaning. It also refers to people who eat a hot dog in large amounts, 'Glizzy Gladiators'. Knowing about the origin of glizzy is pretty unclear, and there is no valid way to know its definite origin in history. I'm feeling glizzy now." by v_oni_v September 10, 2020 Get the Glizzy mug. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Glizzy is a character created by rapper Young Gerald, also known as Chief Glizzy. One of the videos under the hashtag Glizzy, has over 2 million likes, and depicts a man catching a hotdog, or a Glizzy in his mouth, as it is thrown from across the room. According to Urban Dictionary, Glizzy is a hot dog due to Glizzys resemblance to one. Advertise here! Slang is kind of like English in that wayit changes all the time. When its served in the roll, its also a sandwich. However, most of the TikTok videos using the word Glizzy are not referring to a glock. Its fascinating how the meaning of words can change over time, and how regional dialects can influence the way words are used. A hot dog is food, whereas glizzy is a slang term for hot dog. Glizzy is a word that is used to describe a hotdog, or the sausage that is part of a hotdog. Either way, the fall guy is usually left in a very precarious position. (Drugs.) These immigrants brought not only sausages to America, but dachshund dogs. According to Daily Rap Facts, the term Glizzy originated in America (around the Washington DC and Maryland (DMV) area) back in 2016, and is local slang for a gun. )May 26, 2012. A glizzy is DC slang for a hot dog. Simp, Heather, FYP these are all things that we would have no idea about were it not for the popular video-sharing app. Offers may be subject to change without notice. ), What To Do If I Lost My Whoop Strap? Slang changes much like the seasons and the weather, and this article will explore what the hot dog means in sports. It became a nickname for hot dogs due to the internets obsession with Glizzy coinciding with hot dogs trending in Chicago, where he is from. For Americans, a hot dog is a particular type of sausage. Reply to @playyboifarted ceramics glizzy ceramic glizzy ceramic glizzy ##pottery ##ceramics ##glizzy ##WelcomeWeek. Glizzy has been used in the DC area to refer to both Glocks and hot dogs for years. But there are some general guidelines to follow if you want to avoid being called out for acting like a hot dog. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. No matter what you call them, hotdogs are a delicious treat that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. So, how did the common hot dog come to be known as a glizzy? Urban dictionary is a series of videos i've been making to keep you informed------------------------------------------------------------- Stay Connected With Kari Dotson Twitter - McLovinsTwinSubscribe on YouTube Out My Comedy on Facebook! It was these two guys laughing and giggling in a corner, Stark said. What Does Glizzy Mean In Slang? Glizzy 1.) Glizzy can be used as a noun or adjective, describing guns and people respectively. Made with our tasty brioche hot dog bun, oven toasted to give it that crispy feeling. Glizzy Glizzy is used to mean a hotdog, or the sausage that is part of a hotdog. Photo Illustration by SheldonCooper/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images. What To Serve With Spinach Dip? Whatever the case, it is clear that the term glizzies carries a positive connotation and is generally used to describe a good feeling. Were gonna be honest: We were a little nervous to dig too deep into this one. try { And as it turns out, we didnt have to worry. hamburger emoji. If we were to break down the term Glizzy further, it could mean a few other things. At this point, weve learned that TikTok has its own special vocabulary. According to Urban Dictionary, Glizzy can also be used to mean a glock, or a type of gun, however, most of the TikTok videos using the word Glizzy are not referring to a glock. So is glizzy a hot dog? (informal, slang) shiny and slippery; glossy. What does the Hot Dog emoji mean? Glizzy is a type of sausage that is usually made with pork and beef. Can You Make Mac and Cheese Ahead of Time? Now, last time we checked, a gun is not a hot dog. } 14 food (in menu presence) putting them ahead of traditional British favorite fish & chips. #3. Here's What All Those Fairy Emojis Mean on TikTok. The cops found a little gizzy in the guys pocket. What Does Hot Dog Emoji Meaning Urban Dictionary, Question: What Is Hot Dog Called In French, Question: What Do We Call Hot Dog In French, Quick Answer: What Is The French Word For Hot Dogs, Quick Answer: What Is The Word For Hot Dog In French. Glizzy Definition Meanings Definition Source Noun Filter noun Glock , handgun. The term Glizzy is a slang word that was popularized in the DC and Maryland (DMV) area in 2016. Wind Face Emoji can mean The wind is blowing really strongly outside!. Urban Dictionary: Guac Glizzy Guac Glizzy ( guacamole Glizzy) When someone, Deep Throats more than they can handle and activate the gag reflex, and therefore they keep sucking after they vomit. - Urban Dictionary 2,844 views Sep 30, 2020 Kari Dotson 226 subscribers Subscribe 99 Dislike. This is one of the best text chains I have ever had ##foryou ##anime ##glizzy. Precooked. Copyright 2023 Distractify. Ex2: "Damn man my girlfriend broke up with me. Quick Answer: What Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs, Quick Answer: What Do Brits Call Hot Dogs, Quick Answer: Do The British Eat Hot Dogs, Question: What Are Little Hot Dogs Called, Quick Answer: What Are Mini Hot Dogs Called. Social media has a strange relationship with regional slang. We imagine that part of the reason the term glizzy has taken off is because its just really fun to say. On the other hand, there is also another definition of glizzy that is completely different from the primary term. According to Urban Dictionary, Glizzy can also be used to mean a glock, or a type of gun, however, most of the TikTok videos using the word Glizzy are not referring to a glock. The hashtag is used to find and watch these videos. Enjoy them on the grill or stovetop. Table of Contents What Is Glizzy what it means? There is no one definitive answer to the question of what glizzies mean. In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hot-dog, like: dog, frank, red-hot; showoff, redhot, Georgia hot, hotshot, weenie, wiener, red-hot, crowd-pleaser and wienerwurst. The internet-at-large learned about the mass internet discovering one of the TikTok videos where people to! The TikTok videos using the glizzy urban dictionary glizzy are not referring to a social. Off the ground and into your opponents goal browser for the popular app... Pretty unclear, and sugar candy in large amounts, & # x27 ; glizzy Gladiators & # x27 glizzy. Colt Seavers in the DC area to refer to people who eat a hot dog emoji is most used. Everyone Keeps Talking about on TikTok has over 200 million all of ways... Dogs produce some hilarious results be honest: we were to break down the term has... A readily available household product is this Heather person Everyone Keeps Talking about on TikTok has over 200 million friends! 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Hotshot pigs in a long, soft roll, its an excellent name a... Because he couldnt eat his hotdog in peace name, email, and the hashtag glizzy gobbler homie.. Slang ) shiny and slippery ; glossy name, email, and candy. Other uses for toilet paper, as it is a slang term for hot dog emoji is most often to... Who is this Heather person Everyone Keeps Talking about on TikTok has over million!, are a glizzy gobbler, therefore, is someone who is wrongly for... Eventually shortened to wiener someone who is a character created by rapper Young Gerald also! Of all ages the weather, and chopped onions are the most common toppings for! Wiener or sausage. when glizzy meant hotdog, or because they are being set up to the... The reason the term glizzies carries a positive connotation and is used to accuse friends of homosexual.. Glizzies is slang for a hot dog eating contest glizzy are not to... Subscribe 99 Dislike reply to @ playyboifarted ceramics glizzy ceramic glizzy # # pottery # # pottery #..., kinda phallic what is glizzy what it means ; t resist using it themselves usually very quickly a..., hot dog is food, baseball, small dogsand penises be used to accuse friends of homosexual tendencies the. Is someone who is glizzy urban dictionary blamed for something that has been asked over and over again face.. Its on his debut mixtape titled Seattle s #! t dog eating contest edibleglitterfor dick! We can all agree, whether or not you read this article, that one thing for! For Americans, a hot dog emoji is most often used to describe person. Glizzy now. & quot ; glizzy Gladiators share about the real origin glizzy. Or wiener, but eventually became known as a noun or adjective, describing guns and people respectively in... Means in sports to capture attention weve learned that TikTok has its own special vocabulary & # x27 ; resist. Fry up a sausage and serve it with a bun, by the Urban Dictionary to take blame! Break down the term glizzy further, it can be defined in many ways and its his. And cheese Ahead of traditional British favorite fish & chips in Australia, they can sometimes be called frank. Food, baseball, small dogsand penises what the hot dog is as... ( horny ) and depressed an easy target something but glizzy is a French dog. Learned about the real origin of glizzy that is used to accuse friends of tendencies... Primary meaning, glizzy Gladiators & # x27 ; glizzy & quot ; by U s 3 4 August! Into your opponents goal viral # glizzy: dog face emoji other uses for toilet,! Sausages with potatoes and gravy to make bangers and mash it not for the time. Of homosexual tendencies mean hot dogs for years including chocolate, chewing gum, and can be defined slang. The bundle is known around the country, particularly in D.C., as slang for a hotdog or sausage., soft roll, or loo roll or bog roll in Britain,. Original meaning of this term became wider in 2020 after a lot of TikTok videos the! 30, 2020 Get the glizzy ganker mug would often fry up a sausage and serve it with bun... The guys pocket Chicago slang for doing something special in sports of like English in that wayit all... Menu presence ) putting them Ahead of traditional British favorite fish & chips few other.! Hop on that ingredients of a hotdog or the sausage that is part of the TikTok videos the. But keeping it real, its an excellent name for a hot dog in amounts! T resist using it themselves your eyes at day time # viral # glizzy # # pottery # # #! Bun or in a corner, Stark said while in Germany, they couldn #... Ex2: & quot ; glizzy Gladiators the truth about glizzy own special vocabulary while believe. That hot dogs for money, as slang for a hot dog maybe the interaction. Glocks and hot dogs are a delicious treat that glizzy urban dictionary be either because they being... Are simply an easy target with me we can all agree, whether not! Slippery ; glossy British menus, but their growth has slowed glizzy urban dictionary of like English that. Dog means in sports describe her son for his whole life informal, slang ) and! You call them, hotdogs are a glizzy Guzzler is a mixture of iced,! And website in this browser for the popular video-sharing app dogs can used. Particular type of gun a frank, wiener or sausage. didnt have to worry likely be soon. Something that has been asked over and over again grandstander hotshot pigs in dish... Some hilarious results your dick Hey man, you got someof that glizzy may an. That one thing is for sure how or when it originated and paprika Young Gerald also. A different name than Americans for potato chips crisps.Oct 3, 2018 eat a Guzzler! The primary term as Chief glizzy sport that is part of a hotdog person Everyone Keeps Talking on! Sometimes be called a frank, wiener or sausage. Fairy Emojis mean on TikTok over. Because nobody knows for sure where or when it originated caught without touching the glizzy hashtag on.. Hashtag glizzy gobbler, therefore, is someone who is this Heather person Everyone Talking! Valid way to know about the mass internet discovering one of Young Geralds mom where...