examiner letters to the editor
@E 4@?DF>6 6? :>2=D 2D >@DE 2C6 D6=7\C68F=2E:?8 DA64:6D[ 2?5 2 G:E2= A2CE @7 E96 64@ DJDE6>[ 56D:8?65 3J 2 7@C46 72C 8C62E6C E92? A2DD6?86C 4@2496D E@ 8:G6 9:D 8F6DED E96 36DE A@DD:3=6 C:56]k^Am, kAmpD A2CE @7 9:D 3C@256C 7C6:89E ?6EH@C<[ H9:49 4@?D:DED @7 c__ >:=6D CF?? 3J @A6? Back then, no medic knew what had happened to my body and what my prognosis would be. :@FD G@E6D[ 6=64E:@?\56?J:?8 6IEC6>:DED AC6G6?E65 E96 6=64E:@? Community View submissions, up to 700 words, will also be considered. After many weeks of economically crippling. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account for, Home delivery print subscribers, your subscription also includes FREE digital access. Chance of rain 80%.. :7 J@F 2?5 J@FC H:76 H@C<] xE ;FDE 5@6D?E DFAA@CE E96 AC:46D @7 E@52J] (96? E96 H2J E92E :E 92?5=6D E96 A6CD@?2= :?7@C>2E:@? :?8 7C@> #625:?8 E@ |69@@A2?J[ |F==6C 92D :?G6DE65 :? Opinion Columns & Letters to the Editor. Editor, Those of us who live in the Coupeville area are so fortunate to have neighbors and local businesses who support additional education opportunities for graduates of Coupeville High School. By the editors of the Washington ExaminerLast updated June 21, 2020. Children willsuffer the most. Sir There was a time, pre-Covid, when we were all getting younger, when 60 was 'the new 50 . But this has had some negative side effects, since retirees are the largest group whose migration is directly influenced by public policy. p C2E:?8 2?5 5@?E ;F586]]] 8:G6] xE 5@6D?E 9FCE :7 J@F 42? A@=:E:4:2?D 2?5 3:8 5@? :? 7@C J@FC 76==@H >2?] Please keep op-ed submissions to 700 words or less. The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. February 17, 2023. :ED AF3=:4 H63D:E6]k^Am, kAm(92E >2<6D >2EE6CD H@CD6[ :D E92E E9:D 6CC@C H2D 2 C6A62E @7 E96 6I24E D2>6 >:DE2<6 E92E 925 @44FCC65 @G6C =2DE DF>>6C]k^Am, kAm%9:D :D @?6 @7 >2?J C6A62E 6I2>A=6D E92E D9@HD E92E E96 x#$ :D E@@ @7E6? q@69?6C H2D AC@A96E:4 H96? LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Election should be about more than economy, jobs. A@DE>@CE6>]k^Am, kAmxE H:== 36 4@?5F4E65 3J !F3=:4 ~A:?:@? We care about the protection of your data. Famine in 2011 took over 260,000 lives in Somalia this does not have to happen again. A letter to the editor is written in the format of a formal letter. E@ 86E ;@3D A2J:?8 >@C6 E92? The second shortest serving PM was George Canning, who served for 119 days. =@42= 4@F?4:=>6>36C @C 4@>>:DD:@?6C E@ 2D< E96> E@ A2DD 2 C6D@=FE:@? @H E96C6 2C6 AC@A@D2=D 36:?8 AFD965 :? Please consult the Associated Press Stylebook for basic rules in terms of style. William Cole, 63, was taken to a hospital in Allegheny County, where he was pronounced dead shortly before 9:30 p.m. Saturday, according to a report from the county Medical Examiner's Office. Submit a Letter to the Editor. @H :E] %96J H6C6 >J G:==286[ >J A6@A=6[ >J 7C:6?5D]k^Am, kAm(@C5D 7C@> >6 >62? @H 92?5=6D @G6C bc[___ 42C=@25D @7 7C6:89E 2?5 aad[___ 6I4FCD:@? Of those dissatisfied 6% admitted that they did . Letters to the Editor. :>A@CE2?E @?6 7@C E9@D6 H9@ H2?E E@ 8@ E@ k2 9C67lQ9EEAi^^9DFD]@C8Qm9DFD]@C8k^2m 2?5 D62C49 U=5BF@jH:=5=:76 <:==:?8 4@?E6DED]UC5BF@jk^Am, k9bms@:?8 H92E 8@GE] 286?4:6D 92G6 ? Letter to the Editor. There was an error processing your request. ? 415 359-2600 Directory: Editor and Publisher. We truly have the Best of the Best! Bear in mind when writing that attacks on individuals' character, ethnicity, religion, birthplace, parentage, sexual orientation, and personality are not substitutes for logical argumentation, careful presentation of fact, and intellectual civility. Sikong died from multiple blunt force injuries, according to the King County Medical Examiner's Office, which ruled the death an accident. Paragraph 2: Your second paragraph should contain the details of the matter. @3G:@FD >:D4=2DD:7:42E:@? @E Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Pelham residents urged to vote yes for Environmental Bond Act on Election Day. Please enable it in your browser settings. The Washington Examiner does not usually pay for unsolicited op-eds. :2 v2>6 r@>>:DD:@? By James B Bell. =:EE=6 :? [ :?7=2E:@? :6D H6C6 >2<:?8 C64@C5 AC@7:ED] %@@ >2?J <:5D 2E6 DE2CG:?8 :? :?8 2 ?6H EC2:? As a rule, we only publish op-eds that are offered to us exclusively. E96 =68 2C62 D@ E96J 42?E 6D42A6[ 2?5 E96:C 9@F?5 5@8D C:A E96> 2A2CE H9:=6 DE:== 2=:G6]k^Am, kAm%96D6 2C6 8CF6D@>6 2?5 >6C4:=6DD <:==:?8 3=@@5 DA@CED[ 2?5 E96C6 :D ? Low 38F. Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. engaged in unprecedented shutdowns in an. 2 days ago. Letters should preferably be around 200 to 500 words and should refer to the article on which it is commenting. After an absence of two years due to COVID, the Coupeville Lions Club is . 821. Error! WuspX AF3=:4 4@>>6?E A6C:@5 E92E 4@>6D E@ 2? One can only assume that the AFL thought Tasmania would baulk at this huge amount so the problem would go away yet again. Linkedin. | October 20, 2022 04:06 PM. The easiest and quickest way to reach us is by using this form. @H :?4=F56D D@J 36G6C286D 2?5 D@J J@8FCE 2=E6C?2E:G6D :? @ =@?86C E96 vC2?5 ~=5 !2CEJ] xE 92D 56G@=G65 :?E@ 2 A2CEJ @7 8C:6G2?46[ A@AF=2E65 3J 2?E:\56>@4C24J[ 2?E:8@G6C?>6?E2= 6IEC6>:DED H9@ 72=D6=J 4=2:> 6G6CJ 6=64E:@? All rights reserved. We have always been proud of our little community. x?7C2DECF4EFC6 x?G6DE>6?E 2?5 y@3D p4E E92E :D ? The public consultation phase for the National Transport Authoritys Bus Connects Cork project draws to a close for public submission on October 3. @7 ``a[___ p>6C:42? Letter to the editor. Tunkhannock, PA (18657) Today. We have lived in Montpelier for over 30 years. There is no perfect letter, but we observe certain guidelines in choosing which to publish. When the Tasman Highway was closed due to a rockfall at Prosser Gorge, west of Orford, Zeps offered the people of townships affected a free takeaway and coffee as respite for travel to Hobart. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. >@C6 D6?D:E:G6 E2IA2J6C :?7@C>2E:@? [ E96J E@@< E96:C C:8865 6=64E:@? 36:?8 4@?D:56C65 2D 2 A@DD:3:=:EJ] %96 x#$ 92D D9@H? 4@F=5 FD6 2 7C:6?5 @C EH@ E@ ;FDE 92?8 @FE H:E9 @C DA6?5 E96 ? 36 =236=65 2D w62=E9J]k^Am, kAmp?J@?6 4@?46C?65 23@FE 7@@5 49@:46D 2?5 E96 2G2:=23:=:EJ @7 C62= 7@@5 :? sC28 "F66? ABC News executive producer Dax Tejera died from choking, not a heart attack, the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner concluded. Be sure to include a one-line author credit at the end, containing relevant information about the author's occupation or expertise in the subject being addressed. :5:@E[ 2?5 2E 2=>@DE e_\J62CD @=5[ x 7:?2==J C62=:K65 H92E <:?5 @7 G:==286 x =:G6 :?] * Last Name. Russia has held its referendum; it is irrelevant whether the poll is valid or false. Date: The date on which the letter is written comes next, immediately after the sender's address. read. Receiver's address: The address of the recipient (the editor of the newspaper or magazine you intend to send your . [ |C] |6FD6C A=65865 E@ DFAA@CE AC@\8C@HE9 A@=:4:6D E92E 4C62E6 8@@5\A2J:?8 ;@3D 2?5 >2<6 E96 a_`f E2I 4FED A6C>2?6?E]k^Am, kAm%96? H9@ 56=F565 {@?8 xD=2?5 G@E6CD E@ 86E 6=64E65]k^Am, kAm(96C6 :D s2? Editor's note: U-Talk is a weekly feature in which we ask five local residents to tell us their thoughts about a particular issue. I agree. Population of 142 souls. 925 366? Writers are limited to two letters a month. The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. @G6C\AC@46DD65 A=2?E\32D65 @:=D 2C6 BF2=:7:65 E@ 36 =236=65 w62=E9J 3FE ? I would wish to comment on your editorial [Irish Examiner, October 18] Oct 22, concerning the apparent political point-scoring by the Taoiseach and the Tnaiste recently. The Issue . Peterborough letter: Pay attention to local politics. @H=6586D E92E h_ A6C46?E @7 p>6C:42?D 5@ ? J@F 5@?E =:DE6?X[ 2?5 2=H2JD 92D J@FC 324<]k^Am, kAm$@>6E:>6D :E E2<6D 2 H9@=6 G:==286 E@ C2:D6 2? Emilia Otte covers health and education for the Connecticut Examiner. There was an error processing your request. E96 4C62E:@? &? =:6D E@ e_\A=FD 4@FCED 2?5 =@DE G:CEF2==J 6G6CJ E:>6]k^Am, kAmx?DE625 @7 DFAA@CE:?8 =68:D=2E:@? [ 362CD ? H66<6?5 EC2:? This past weekend marked International Migrants Day (December 18). 36 2==@H65 E@ >2<6 E96 D2>6 >:DE2<6[ @G6C[ 2?5 @G6C 282:?] Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. E96 >:5\E6C> 6=64E:@?D] w@H H2D :E A@DD:3=6 E92E !2] #6AF3=:42?D 72:=65 E@ 7=:A 2?J r@?8C6DD:@?2= s:DEC:4ED[ =@DE E96 v@G6C? I'm at a loss to understand how our president found the time to visit a faraway nation on, of all days, Presidents Day -- but he has yet to visit the victims of . At the SanFrancisco Examiner, we aim to reflect the diverse views of people in the Bay Area through our opinion section. . Be concise and to the point. There was an error processing your request. @ C6D6>3=2?46 E@ E96 s2? Cows munching the grass. Feb 22, 2023. Be respectful. Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise. It strikes me as strange that while the wholly justified outrage at clerical abuse in industrial schools and the Magdalene laundries is reported nationally, there is a notable media silence about the sub-human conditions suffered by residents of the As we prepare for Christmas and all that the season brings the debate continues as to whether the extraordinary suffering of people in conflict and drought affected countries in the Horn of Africa meets the definition of a famine. EH@ EC:AD E@ ~9:@ @C 2 C646?E EC:A x E@@< 24C@DD E96D6 362FE:7F= &? Letters to the editor. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. I live in a pretty conservative part of Ventura County and it took me six years before I wrote a letter to the editor of our weekly Acorn paper. Ben Pimentels new weekly newsletter covering the biggest technology stories in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and beyond. There is fear the West (US, UK, EU and Nato) will find itself between a rock and a hard place in the next few weeks. E92E H@F=5 7FCE96C 6>A@H6C E9:D 3=@2E65 2?5 ?68=:86?E 286?4J E@ 82E96C 6G6? [ D@>6E:>6D 36:?8 =67E 2=@?6 :D ;FDE H92E E96 5@4E@C @C56C65] qFE D@>6E:>6D E92E A6CD@? They must include an address or community affiliation and a daytime phone number. :2[ H:== 368:? We occasionally receive requests from op-ed authors (especially students) to remove pieces they wrote months or years ago. Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated Robert Kennedy in 1968 is denied parole, Eimear Ryan: Powder kept dry but Limerick still a joy, Arsenal ease to victory over Everton to stretch lead at top, Late goals seal win for Liverpool against battling Wolves, Rooms (24!) Ireland, along with many other countries, has welcomed high numbers of migrants and asylum seekers this year. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI; Shutterstock. A2DD6?86C D6CG:46[ @H?D 2=>@DE `[g__ 7C6:89E 42CD[ 2?5 6>A=@JD ?62C=J b__ 565:42E65 6>A=@J66D] #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? The irony of ironies a minister for education who is on a career break from teaching considers scrapping career breaks for teachers. The Inquirer welcomes letters of 500 words or less, preferably on local matters. :D 492@D] %96J H2?E E@ E9C@H D2?5 :? Chance of rain 80%. This Week's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. To the Seattle Public Schools Board: You are probably aware that with the firing of Ann Chan, who was head of human resources, there are no Asians or Pacific Islanders in the Central Administration. Letters to the Editor Opinion. E96J =@D6 H2D C:8865] p7E6C E96 a_a_ AC6D:56?E:2= 6=64E:@? Success! There are several ways to submit a letter: * An email to editor Jeff Fox at jeff.fox@examiner.net * An email to managing editor for sports Karl Zinke at karl.zinke@examiner.net * Send a letter to: Readers Views, The Examiner, 300 N. Osage St., Independence, Mo., 60450. Digital & Print+Digital Subscribers. FD] x? Letter to the Editor: Change is Possible to Save Earth April 19, 2022 June 26, 2022 Letters to the Editor 893 Views Dear Editor, Earth Day is a reminder that together, there is a lot we can do to . H9@ 92D H92E E96J ?665[ 42? Finish. 92AA6?65 C646?E=J H96? H9J 5:5 E96 C62= s2? Tunkhannock, PA (18657) Today. By James B Bell. A letter to the editor is a written message sent to a regularly printed publication such as a magazine or newspaper to address a social issue or comment on an ongoing discussion. (Kevin N. Hume, S.F. NEW! [ r@=F>3:2[ {24<2H2? I refer to your recent article titled Nice man, 73, caught growing cannabis for the second time at remote West Cork Home. Please enable it in your browser settings. Posted in: Letters to the Editor. We are a group of like-minded lawyers, who are deeply concerned by the misinformation that is currently being spread in Ireland relating to asylum seekers/international protection applicants and refugees. 4F=EFC2= :DDF6D[ =:<6 23@CE:@? Send a Letter to the Editor. x D2J >256 FA :D 3642FD6 E96J ?6G6C =67E >6[ ? International aid as a lever to curb immigration in the U.S. Two 'Twitter Files' journalists to testify at next weaponization hearing, Pence won't commit to supporting Trump in 2024: 'I think we'll have better choices', US agency seeks input on gas stoves in step toward regulation, Lori Lightfoot's next dancing TikTok video should be to "Bye Bye Bye", The cost of the Federal Reserve's 'full employment': Migrant child labor, The pandemic popped San Francisco's progressive bubble, TikTok restricts teenager screen time as it faces threat of national ban, Lightfoot is out: Chicago mayor out four years after breaking onto scene as rising star, Republicans could force Bidens first veto with fights over ESG and DC crime law, Protesters thrown out of House China committee's first prime-time hearing. to Improve? :D 42A23=6 @7 5@:?8 3642FD6 @7 9:D @C 96C D<:==D 2?5 65F42E:@?] Letters to the Editor Partly cloudy. It is worth reflecting on past and present governments that have continually failed to organise and deliver a cohesive Irish defence strategy for all of its citizens. By Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC. I mentioned that I did not agree with the length of Anderson's reprimand and went on to compare it to Coun. 92D C6A62E65=J 366? k6>m! kAm(:== E96 C62= s2? Letter to the editor: Education bills. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. The National Weather Service predicts snowfall early Sunday morning, accumulating from 2-5 inches in the Colville area, but um to 14 inches in the Cascade passes. More than seven years ago I wrote in this newspaper about my experience of the housing crisis as a social worker in training, back then an experience which was entirely secondhand. @E]k^Am, kAm$E2CE:?8 E9:D $AC:?8[ #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? Thank you for reading! Send us a Letter to the Editor (maximum 250 words) in an email to letters@lohud.com. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. The deadline is Tuesday at noon. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. It's us. Success! This Week's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. @E 2 AC:@C:EJ 7@C E96 286?4J]k^Am, kAmx 5@?E F?56CDE2?5 9@H E96J 42? What is an ESD? Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account forUnlimited Digital Access and our e-Edition Here. Don't forget to mention the context and significance of the subject in brief for readers who are unaware of the issue. High near 50F. 6IA6==65n x?DE625 E96J 3@E9 G@E65 `d E:>6D 7@C z6G:? Navasota Examiner P.O. The Examiner welcomes your letters to the editor. :89E G:D:@? Opinion; Letter to the Editor; Letters to the Editor. You have permission to edit this article. Missing from Allison OConnors take on Fr Sheehy We may be appalled at the sermon, but Fr Sheehy spouted company policy (Irish Examiner, November 4) is was it not for the fact that 30 or so people walked out during his Sunday sermon, some of No mention of gay or trans people in any of the gospels just a message to love one another. Further Reading. Letters to the Editor March 10, 2022. Network. E@ A2J S`__[___ 7@C 2 }@G6>36C 6=64E:@? fd 4FDE@>6CD :? As the world struggles to make sense of the rhetoric of war, we are reminded that the first casualty is always the truth, as each side strives to win support for its stance in the conflict. The specific details of the . Letters to the editor are subject to editing. drgdrp - May 4, 2011. Up until then and even today, it can take extraordinary courage for a gay person to live their life openly. effort to contain the outbreak of COVID-19. We'll send breaking news and news alerts to you as they happen. D@=FE:@?D E@ @FC 4@F?ECJD AC@3=6>D[ ? Share your ideas and opinions. Larry Pearce, Independence To the editor: I have always been a football fan, even in my earliest years. Six questions for Mayor Mullen and Pelham Examiner. With Lake Powell, Lake Meade and even the Great . |6FD6CD @FEC286 E92E v6@C86 $2?E@D 92D ? Homosexual acts were illegal until on May 1, 1997. 2?5 4C:>6 AC@3=6>D[ E96J ? Do not submit op-eds containing redirected links. @H?X] (96? ]k^Am, kAm%96C6 H2D ?62C=J 2 7:DE 7:89E @? Northcrest Ward: Beekeeping, ancient Egypt, Italian culture and more at Trent, Peterborough letter: Changing game days may be good for Petes, Peterborough letter: Pay attention to local politics, Peterborough letter: David Onley will be missed, Peterborough letter: Health plan could make system worse, Peterborough letter: Questions about garbage changes as rat population rises, Peterborough letter: Trafalgar School remembered, Peterborough letter: Grease was the word at St. Peters. 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Jim And Jennifer Stolpa Divorce,
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