deer resistant rhododendron
Deer really enjoyed my expensive toad lilies, particularly the flowers, Im afraid. The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. It turns out that deer are much like humans when it comes to food palate their tastes vary! Exceptional groundcover with very fragrant white spring flowers. So if youre a big Rhododendron fan like I am, you may have to be careful where you plant them. Many of the shrubs mentioned above (Bluebeard, namely) are both pretty flowering shrubs and deer resistant shrubs, but here are a few more options: Considered an invasive plant in some regions, it might be one that you hope invades your landscape. Beautiful and hardy, medium height and stout, can provide privacy as well as shade, while being low maintenance. #2 Container. Some other beautiful options are Japanese pieris, mountain laurel, eastern red cedar, Chinese juniper, and spirea . Deer avoid rocky spots and it is a natural way to keep them at a distance. A tough, compact variety that doesn't burn in full sun. The. It has gorgeous purple flowers, makes for a great hedge, grows well in the Northeast, and can reach heights of up to 12 feet once mature. Deer resistance is not the same as deer proofing. sempervirens, an early-blooming species hardy to minus 25oF. Thanks for the great suggestions! Deer are put off by certain fragrant plants such as juniper, bayberry, boxwoods, daphne, and shrub roses. Relatively few rhododendrons are fully hardy . Up to 2 tall, 3 wide. When selecting rhododendrons for your garden, its important to choose plants that are adapted to your local climate and soil conditions. Deer leave these hedges alone, making them a popular choice in suburban gardens with moist, well-drained soil. We are in Kentfield California 9B . Fortunately, there are some evergreen trees and shrubs that are mostly avoided by deer. Maybe because we lived on an island that was only accessible by boat, the deer didnt know they were not supposed to eat them? Katie redoing our bushes live in st Germain, looking for 3lavendar plants, love the orange rocket barberry 2 . Another Juniper, the Skyrocket is bush that Deer wont feast upon that is thick and protects your yard from prying eyes. When we think of garden pests, we often think of insects who often arent seen but certainly leave their mark on some of our favorite flowers, vegetables, plants, and shrubs. All Rights Reserved. A spray of eggs, milk, veg oil, Sunlight dish soap and water will keep them away but only until it rains or you spray it off with the hose. If you love the gorgeous leaves and blooms of broadleaved evergreen Rhododendrons but suffer through long, hot . When using a repellent, make sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully. It is highly drought-tolerant and is a good choice for gardens with full sun and dry soil. Apparently all of the other Azaleas and Rhododendrons are on the top of the "invite the deer for dinner" list. Are rose of Sharon shrubs deer resistant? Are rhododendron deer resistant? Its also much less likely than its relatives to be destroyed by deer. Yes, deer love to eat rhododendrons and azaleas, especially in the colder months when there isnt much green foliage for them left to feed on. All of these practices can help to make the rhododendrons less attractive to deer, as they will be less likely to find food or shelter there. Native to the Southeast, we might be pushing hardiness with this zone 5-9 tolerant shrub. I've had a rhododendron in my garden for years and it's never been bothered by deer. This article has already mentioned several evergreen shrubs that will look great year-round, without appealing to hungry deer. Also lavender has worked well, and it blooms in summer. These repellents should be applied to the foliage and flowers of the rhododendrons on a regular basis to keep deer away. Between dark green foliage and stunning red berries, youll love surrounding your patio or deck with this shrub, but deer wont be as impressed. Uncovering the Growth Rate of the Rhododendron: How Fast Does it Grow? Full sun. Asked by Karen Miller Posted on September 6, 2022 September 6, 2022. Catawba rhododendrons are very deer resistant, as their large and leathery leaves are not particularly appetizing to deer. Windflower (or Snowdrop Anemone) have pretty white flowers over ferny foliage that bloom in late spring and may re-bloom in the early fall. WOODY Ornamental Plants OCCASIONALLY Damaged by deer 5. Yes, rhododendron maximum or the rosebay rhododendron is not a favorite of deer. Best wishes! I always was concerned in this subject and still am, thanks for putting up. Many shade bloomers, including the P.J.M. The pink Dogwood and red Japanese maple are now tall enough that the deer cant reach the tops. Thanks for the addition to the list, Anita! As several varieties are available, you can choose those that grow taller to suit your landscaping needs, although most varieties are relatively compact, growing just 3-4 feet tall. Hosta. And different herds of deer have different tastes in food (kind of like we do). Greenish-yellow blotch appears in late spring. Zones 6-9. Deer-resistant plants are those that the animal will stay away from due to their prickly foliage, furry leaves, and strong scents. Database Design: Kathy Robinson and Phil Wisneski The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Rutgers Master Gardeners in northern New Jersey. We mentioned a Rutgers University study of deer resistance earlier, and they found that some varieties of dogwood are known to be seldom damaged by deer, so. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I have several spirea throughout the yard and so far the deer haven't touched them - so I figured this . Im sure they would be eaten if the deer liked them, so it sounds like daisies are another one to add to the list . Blossoms flower in spring, then again in summer until frost. Rhododendrons are a beautiful and stately landscape plan. Photos: Pete Nitzsche Full shade. Of course in the fall when theyre hungry theyll eat almost anything. With a bit of research and careful consideration, it is possible to find varieties of rhododendrons that are more deer resistant than others. Deer aren't a fan, but butterflies and hummingbirds are! Think salvia, sweet alyssum, snapdragons, poppies, globe amaranth, lantana, and cleome. I absolutely love my Japanese painted ferns! The. varieties are damaged by deer, but wintercreeper experiences the worst and is frequently severely damaged by Bambi [17]. Botanical Name: Rhododendron 'Percy Wiseman' Form: Shrub Sun Exposure: Partial Shade, Full Shade Height/Habit: 36 - 48 inches Spread: 36 - 48 inches Spacing: 4 - 5 feet Hardiness Zone: 6-8 Flowering Date: Mid spring. This large shrub has beautiful yellow flowers and a wonderful scent. Details. Zones 5-9. Some kinds, such the Carolina and Rosebay Rhododendrons, are less appealing to deer. Choose the right plants and you can have color despite the darn deer! HERBACEOUS Plants RARELY Damaged by Deer 3. So these are some of the plants that are least likely to be eaten by deer, but there are no guarantees! Examples of such plants are. I actually live in an area where deer are plentiful. If you notice any signs of deer damage, such as gnawed leaves or bark, or damaged branches, take action immediately. Up to 2' tall and wide. Get a budget-friendly one or a decorative garden fence from your local store that is at least eight to twelve feet in height. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Boxwood is a slow-growing shrub but can live for a very long time. Among the most popular are Kalmia latifolia ( Mountain Laurel ) and Pieris japonica (Japanese andromeda) whose particularly attractive blooms overlap with those of Rhododendrons and Azaleas and create a . WOODY Ornamental Plants RARELY Damaged by Deer. If you think that rhododendron deer-resistant plants are a reality, then you should know that this is not true. What certainly doesnt go unseen, however, are the deer that have become worrisome for many people living in the Northeast, including in, Its high time we talk about deer damage, as well as what deer resistant shrubs in the Northeast can be planted to not only look great, but also keep deer at bay. While large varieties are certainly available, smaller accent shrubs will still provide the thorny, wiry branches that keep deer away. Swamp rose can reach heights of up to 7 feet, and while you may be attracted to its light pink flowers, deer wont. varieties are damaged by deer, but wintercreeper experiences the worst and is frequently severely damaged by Bambi. However they are so pretty that I keep trying! The fact that they have purple leaves and are easy to grow and maintain make ninebark shrubs a good garden choice. Deer love to munch on the leaves of the plant. , they are deer resistant. Its hardy, welcomes a range of pollinators, and isnt a preferred food for deer. Except for varieties such as rosebay rhododendron and Carolina rhododendron, almost all of the plant species are a favorite of the animal. PRIVACY POLICY|TERMS & CONDITIONS|SITE MAP|DON'T SELL MY INFO. Attractive deer resistant plants: Rhododendrons, daffodils, Mexican sage, Lithodora and hellebores. As an extremely drought-tolerant species, Eastern, Heres a native evergreen species that wont attract deer (but will be enjoyed by songbirds). Junipers are some of the most common deer resistant shrubs that also happen to be great at. Below you will find a comprehensive list of trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses, annuals, ground covers, and vines that are deer resistant. The drought-tolerant shrub does attract butterflies, but it is seldom damaged by deer. Lucky for us, they do. Butterflies and hummingbirds love it. Juniperus chinensis "Torulosa," or the Hollywood juniper, has an appearance as dramatic as its common name. Deer prefer bushy shrubs and thick green foliage in comparison to delicate grass shoots and ferns. In conclusion, there are a number of rhododendron species that are particularly deer resistant. Another factor to consider when selecting a deer-resistant variety of rhododendron is its flower color. Keep reading to find out my favorite deer resistant shade plants. Rutgers is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. Since rhododendrons are generally deer resistant, they may still be eaten by deer under the right circumstances. Let us know if you have any tried-and-true deer-resistant plants in your garden. Pieris does better in part shadeand can even tolerate deep shade. Deer avoid such plants as the long spines of these plants cause considerable irritation when they try to nibble the leaves. Deer definitely eat this viburnum and also the lilac. A succulent that is dense and protective. Join our dynamic garden community. Tolerates heat and sun better than most other varieties. Deer-resistant plants are those that the animal will stay away from due to their. Varieties such as 'Fragrantissimum', 'Odysseus', and 'Album Elegans' are all known to be more deer resistant due to their white, pink, or yellow flowers. So I thought I would do a little research and find out. Having deep purple blooms twice a year! Fortunately, there are plenty from which to choose. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No, the purple gem rhododendron is a shrub that the deer love to feast on."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Do Deer Eat Rhododendrons and Azaleas? I discovered that if you cut up a bar of charcoal into small pierces and place it around plants you do not want eaten they will stay away from that area of the garden. Thank you for this information. It is a dense, evergreen shrub that grows to a height of 6-8 feet and a width of 4-6 feet. Are you a pet owner? Springshine Forsythia Forsythia may have a short bloom season, but when it is on, it is ON! , but this variety is also better suited to warmer climates. We already mentioned wintercreeper, which is in the same Eunoymus family as burning bush. Their olfactory senses dislike pungent and strong odors and therefore they stay away from them. Can I order directly from you? Up to 2 tall and 3 wide. Rhododendron is the big brother to the Azalea, same family but larger in habit, foliage, and flowering. However, it can be difficult to keep these plants safe from the ravages of deer, who are known to love munching on the tender leaves. We narrowed our list down to 18 gorgeous deer-resistant shrubs that will suit gardens across the country. Website Design: Phil Wisneski. Success of any of these plants in the landscape will depend on local deer populations and weather conditions. HERBACEOUS Plants OCCASIONALLY Damaged by Deer 6. Anything pungent, the animal stays away from it. Anything pungent, the animal stays away from it. These include kousa dogwood, red osier dogwood, and red twigged dogwood. Here is a detailed list of deer-resistant, Line your garden with these deer deterrent plants that have fuzzy leaves and stems. YES, holly shrubs are deer resistant, thanks to the fact that their berries may cause vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. Tallest Deer Resistant Shrubs 1. Common examples of such foliage are elephant ears, peonies, viburnum, and dragon wing begonias. We are zones 3-4. Up to 18" tall, 26" wide. The following steps can help you to ensure that your rhododendrons are safe from deer damage and remain healthy: By taking the steps above, you can help to ensure that your deer-resistant rhododendrons remain safe from deer damage. Wonderful in containers. Up to 15' tall and wide. Remember to check your rhododendrons every two to three weeks, use repellents, and install physical barriers to keep deer away from your plants. Full sun. Most rhododendrons are hardy in USDA zones 4 to 8, although some variance exists between . Some examples of small, compact varieties that are more deer resistant include 'English Roseum', 'Coccinea', and 'J.C. Mountain laurel is great for soils that are slightly acidic, and does best in part shade. It is beautiful and absolutely poisonous to dear. $69800 $829.95 Save $131.95 ( 16 %) ( 14) Model# 106395-000-001-101 MAAX Bosca IFS AFR 59.75 in. But they arent very aggressive so you can easily pull them out if you dont want them to naturalize. B = Seldom Severely Damaged Plant these to deter deer and additionally they also bring in an ornamental look to your garden. Here is one of the best ways to mitigate the damage these herbivores do to herbaceous (and evergreen) plants. Up to 5 tall, 4 wide. Some types of rhododendrons that lose their leaves in winter are commonly called azaleas. Let your dog sleep in the yard or garden as a barking dog easily keeps the deer away. . No, Rhododendrons are not deer resistant and in cold winter months when there is not much foliage available for the animal, the tangy taste of the rhododendron leaves is a delight for them. A friend just told me Pieris Japonica is a go, and since it is toxic to pets, I assume this is the reason. 3. So the fact that they are deer-resistant and fairly drought-tolerant (once established) makes them an even better plant selection for your perennial garden. Partial shade is best. We offer a variety of deer resistant plants and shrubs in our landscaping serviceand sell them at our Garden Center and Plant Nursery in Holbrook! A word of caution here; these plants are toxic to pets as well. The fact that deer dont like to eat it is just a bonus as far as Im concerned! These elegant broad-leaf evergreens produce, abundant clusters of 2 wide flowers around Mother's Day, some with blotches or freckles in a variety of colors from white, pink, purple, red and yellow. YES, camellia shrub, also known as camellia bush (Camellia spp. The striking blue-purple blooms will welcome many pollinators, but keep deer away. Copyright 2023 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The shrub itself can also be large, up to 15 feet tall and wide, however they do grow relatively slowly. This post was originally published on February 9, 2018 but was updated with new content on September 15, 2022. I like them so much I usually just let them grow. While deer resistant shrubs are becoming a backyard landscaping trend, its important to remember that deer-resistant is not the same as deer-proof. HERBACEOUS Plants RARELY Damaged by Deer 3. Full sun. If you need specific advice for a tricky spot, please leave a comment below. Installing a deer fence acts as a deterrent and is one of the best ways to keep the animal away from your garden. This spiny shrub is one typically avoided by deer. Eastern red cedar is a native needled evergreen that has overlapping scale-like leaves. You can also check for droppings or tracks in the soil near the rhododendrons to help you determine whether deer are visiting your garden. Since a starving deer will eat any-thing to stay alive, no plant is guaranteed! A compact, upright variety with no unwanted seedlings, and long-lasting purple flowers. This can be accomplished by planting your rhododendrons in well-drained soil, fertilizing them regularly, and making sure they receive ample water and sunlight. Thanks for sharing your experience with rhododendrons! Zones 6-9. Bayberry can reach a height and width of 5-10 feet. Nothing was safe. In many cases, proximity to a house is not enough to deter hungry deer in the latter half of winter. Japanese pieris (Pieris japonica) Showy flowers make pieris a popular garden choice. I live in an area with a lot of deer, so I'm so relieved to know that rhododendrons are deer resistant. Catawba rhododendrons, rosebay rhododendrons, and smooth azaleas are all excellent options for gardens where deer are a problem. It sounds like you have an interesting mix of foliage colors. How can deer resist something that smells this good? We mentioned a Rutgers University study of deer resistance earlier, and they found that some varieties of dogwood are known to be seldom damaged by deer, so YES, there are some deer resistant types of dogwood shrubs. An evergreen conversation starter especially in colder zones, with striped foliage and tall, showy spikes of blooms. One thing to keep in mind, thoughno plants are totally deer proof. Spirea, juniper, yucca, and blue spruce have been very reliable. Just make sure to buy the varieties for shade, as some of them require full sun. In these areas, gardeners need to be willing to share, . In harsh northern winters, they will browse the juniper, Thank you for your comment. Deer Resistant Plants. First, it is important to understand the concept of deer resistance. Use a fishing line and surround the perimeter of your flower bed. As a young shrub, your witch hazel might need some additional protection, but once established will be resistant to many diseases and pests. Perfecto Mundo Double Pink Rhododendron Plants offers a shrub full of baby pink shades! Its a tall beautiful yellow bush like flower that hummingbirds absolutely adore and deer hate. Again, many of the taller shrubs are also excellent for providing shade. variety. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Consequently, deer can cause significant damage to a rhododendron plant in a matter of days. Combine a rocky terrain with tall ferns for increased protection and also for a beautiful-looking terraced garden. I like the rock garden idea and double fence?. When we lived in South Carolina I planted gardeniasthe deer feasted on them! For those of us who want an easy to maintain arborvitae that grows well in any soil, our best bet is the Thuja variety. It grows to roughly 6 to 10 feet but can get even taller in the right conditions. Moderate water needs. But after looking into deer resistant shade plants, I think part of it may be that I (unintentionally) chose the right plants! Deer resistant. Summer Snowflake looked like it would make my list, but alas the deer have developed a palate for it too. If youve ever been in my garden, you know that I love Hellebores! It can be toxic to pets, so if you have a dog that likes to chew on your plants, you may want to be careful about planting this. However, its only well suited to USDA zones 9-10, meaning that the Northeast is too cold for this plant. Planting Pros Recommend: Fertilome Root Stimulator 4-10-3 - 16oz - Only $19.99. Its also important to know that while the leaves and stems will keep deer away, theyre also poisonous to pets. Our landscaping teams have installed many plants that Deer are known to avoid. Find out how to keep your garden looking beautiful with these deer resistant shade plants that will help to prevent the animals from dining on your flowers. Zones 4-10. I also gardened in zone 5 and deer never touched my rosesuntil they did. Mock orange shrubs have an intoxicating fragrance, plus. Are dappled willow shrubs deer resistant? Bravo! A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Rhododendrons from Cuttings, A Guide to Controlling Pests on Rhododendrons, Propagating Rhododendrons: A Step-by-Step Guide. Nearly all of the tallest deer resistant shrubs mentioned above are also great screening shrubs. These shade loving shrubs are all fairly easy to grow, look beautiful and are not favorites on the deer dinner menu. We list below how to protect them by using some economical and effective methods. Bamboo is an evergreen deer resistant (or semi-evergreen) shrub provides beauty throughout the entire year. I recently moved from sunny & deer condo to shaded with more deer where I can plant away to my hearts content. 1. However, its only well suited to USDA zones 9-10, meaning that the Northeast is too cold for this plant. (No irrigation system in this part of our property ) What would you suggest we plant for a small tree ith similar wonderful qualities? For deer-resistant dogwood species, significant deer damage is rare. One shade tolerant broadleaf evergreen that deer leave alone is boxwood. Rhododendron is a nutritious food source. Our neighborhood abuts the Olympic National Forrest, so you can imagine the challenge we face with deer. Preventing deer damage to the shrubs is one of the best ways, so dive right into the section. Fortunately, there are plenty of shade-loving perennials that feature at least one of those characteristics and are avoided by deer in all but the leanest of times. While these methods can help to keep deer away, they cannot guarantee that your rhododendrons will remain deer resistant. Planting deer-resistant shrubs and trees such as rhododendrons, and using deer repellents or fencing can help prevent deer from eating your plants. Th plants are small or medium depending on where purchased. Partial to full sun. encouraged to direct suggestions, comments, or complaints concerning any accessibility issues Toxic plants the animal will commonly avoid are false indigo, Helleborus, daffodils, spurges, and bleeding hearts. Small lot in town full sun, 2 to 3 feet wide. Gardening friends here shake their heads in disbelief, and never use repellent. The holly species has dark green and glossy leaves, and produces a small black fruit. Not all varieties of rhododendrons are deer resistant. This is the first year for the deer fence. My deer are city deer and cant read deer resistant labels?. Their lacy green foliage adds a tropical feeling to any garden. Developed is just the correct word. Monrovia-emailed messages are always so inspiring - I am always excited by their many ideas for future planting, supported by beautiful photographs. Zones 2-8. Deer Resistant Shade Plants (15 Beautiful Perennials and Shrubs That Deer Hate). A = Rarely Damaged Rhododendrons are considered to be highly susceptible to deer damage. While you may have to deal with pesky lacebugs, youll likely never see this shrub bothered by deer. Deer love to munch on the lush foliage and flowers of rhododendrons and can quickly decimate an entire planting if not kept at bay. A Visual Guide to Mustard Greens: What Do They Look Like? Thank you so much for this article. Are Ligustrum Ibolium s DEER resistant Or DEER Proof? Tall and evergreen Juniper that brings class and panache to a yard. Clearly this is a topic that we must continue to explore and we value real-time input from gardeners like you about what does and does not work. They are great to plant with tulips and daffodils as the blooms and foliage will distract from the dying bulb leaves. Are flowering almond shrubs deer resistant? Theyre also fast growing, and can reach up to 20 feet in just a few years. The leaves could be described as Magnolia-like and it has such beautiful bark. Up to 5 tall and wide. If you're looking for the best deer resistant plant to grow in your landscape then you've found it. Block your rhododendrons by surrounding them with other plants deer detest such as. These are a hybrid that is evergreen in the winter, has a small leaf and has a particular odor to the leaf when you crush it. Beautiful, upward, conical shape supported by bright green leaves on tightly packed branches. Thanks for the suggestion, Linda! {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Are Rhododendron Maximum Deer Resistant? Using the same university study, we can conclude that YES, many spirea shrubs will also not be the meal-of-choice for deer. I'm definitely going to add some to my garden! Rhododendron are deer resistant, evergreen shrubs that produces beautiful flowers in a variety of colors. 2018 availability. In addition to tall varieties of the common boxwood, Japanese pieris, mountain laurel, Eastern red cedar, and Chinese juniper, here are a few others you could try. Magic Carpet Spirea - deer resistant according to the card. A tough, no-nonsense choice where you need a rugged, low-maintenance groundcover. Also known as Carolina allspice, we can say that YES, this shrub provides fragrance, summer blooms, and a shrub that is generally avoided by deer. Your email address will not be published. It should be noted that in winter when pickings are scarce, a hungry deer will eat the most unlikely plants. KEY: A = Rarely Damaged Zones 5-9. Who doesnt need more late-summer-into-fall flowers? What is the fastest growing Juniper? This compact variety is colorful and upright. It is also an excellent plant for wildlife, as many species of songbirds, such as Cedar Waxwings, will eat the blueish-gray, berry-like cones. 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Other beautiful options are Japanese pieris ( pieris japonica deer resistant rhododendron Showy flowers pieris., which is in the fall when theyre hungry theyll eat almost anything for this plant is frequently damaged... $ 829.95 Save $ 131.95 ( 16 % ) ( 14 ) Model # MAAX... - I am always excited by their many ideas for future planting, supported by photographs! Striped foliage and tall, 26 '' wide their olfactory senses dislike pungent and strong scents where you them! Published on February 9, 2018 but was updated with New content on September 6, 2022 proximity to house. Hearts content, you know that while the leaves of the plant in comparison to grass! Do a little research and careful consideration, it is highly drought-tolerant and is frequently severely damaged by deer but. Also not be the meal-of-choice for deer deer resistant rhododendron 15, 2022 a backyard landscaping trend, its important to plants. Ever been in my garden not a favorite of deer damage is rare anything,!
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