akron beacon journal archives
But we never had an unwanted pregnancy.. "That was just a marvelous story," says Frank Chirkinian, the executive producer of golf for CBS Sports, "with those two going head-to-head all day and Thorpe forcing it into sudden On the air Dick Shippy death at the 18th!" Service details will follow in Tuesday's newspaper. In fact, the latest census statistics show the average married woman today will have 1.8 children. Youngstown. Get this The Akron Beacon Journal page for free from Thursday, February 2, 1978 rsday, February 2, 1978 OU Partly cloudy, cold Full weather report, A-2 1 5 (Vlll Ohio's complete newspaper a & U.S . . For a successful Akron Beacon Journal: Web Edition Articles obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. This usually indicates a list of short news items. "All he did was reach a long par-5 with a drive and 9-iron (at the 17th) and then knock in a 50-yard wedge shot on the last hole!" It includes the Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media as well as the directory of Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans. Map. When you just want to look at events for a particular date, or searching hasn't helped you find what you are looking for, browsing can be a good way to get into the papers. Gale eBooksA collection of over 200 reference books available on a variety of topics including science, career information, environment, art, history and medicine. This database also contains more than 200 educational reports. It easily formats your resume in word format and provides suggested skill and ability wording for over 100,000 jobs. My God, thats unpatriotic, she exclaimed. The archives contain most, but not all, of the articles published by your newspaper, and cover only the more recent years of publication. IN ORDER, THE Thomases are: Jerry, who will be 21 on Sunday; Brian, who will be 20 later this month; Theresa, 18; Kevin, 16; Jimmy, 13; Danny, who will be 12 later this month; Ann Marie, 10; Joe and Molly, the twins, who will be 9 on Sunday; Mary Beth, 7; David, 4; and Kathleen, 8 months. M.it k.M .M. Used by over 50% of the worlds largest superyachts, more than 7,000 yacht crew have acc, 23 Jaguar I-PACE SUV 0 297 6 . Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope! Subscribe Today Newsletters Facebook Twitter Instagram eNewspaper NIE Archives. This allows you to save a full-text article or a page image in your File box. Once, laughs Mrs. Thomas, Hunt-Wesson offered a promotion to families. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Visit the GenealogyBank Learning Center for tips and inspiration. The Clerk handed him the pen and asked him to put their names in the register. Choose whether or not to allow other members to contact you. It was his soccer number and all he could think of, says Mom. Arrangements are entrusted to Newcomer Funeral Home (330) 784-3334. Weiss Financial RatingsIt provides a single source for financial strength ratings and financial planning tools covering Insurance, Banks, Mutual Funds and Stocks. If you click the settings icon at the top of the My Clippings list page, you can change the default setting so that new clippings are not public. The Akron Beacon Journal Archive viewer is a powerful tool that lets you explore a newspaper page in close detail, clip a page or article and print, save or share what you find. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines, including Bead & Button, Creative Knitting, FineScale Modeler, Quilter's World, and many more. We will automatically search the millions of new pages we add each month and email you when we add something with matches for your saved search. At any point in the browse process you can use the brown Search within box at the top of the page (or the "Search within these papers" box on the Papers list page) and search within just the papers in the group you have selected. Thomas is executive director of the Summit County Association for Retarded Citizens. This includes the Investment Survey (with Small and Mid-Cap) as well as industry reports, analyst commentaries and ranks and ratings. MasterFILE PremierThis database contains full text articles from nearly 1,800 general reference, business, consumer health, general science, and multicultural periodicals. We cant guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that itll at least be useful. Akron Beacon Journal: Web Edition Articles Searching obituaries is a great place to start your family tree research. Browns to make their return to Canton in HOF Game: See who they play . Akron ReporterAkrons newspaper serving the African American Community is digitized and available for the years 1969-1999 and 2003-2018. No. If you want to republish an article in print or electronically, you must get permission from the newspaper. Then utilize your browser's Print function to print a hard copy of the newspaper article that you have purchased. The Thomases generally shop two or three stores for the best bargains. If saving, follow the instructions to choose where you would like to save the image and, if you would like, change the filename but keep the ".jpg" at the end. Sourced from nearly 19,000 American and global newspapers from 1704 to the present, including over 400 African American newspapers. Type the name or other words you want to search for in the search box. or. A simple and convenient way to access Akron Beacon Journal in a digital format. Amos M. Gibson, 67, of Akron, passed away February 19, 2023. Your Daily Work Horoscope for March 02, 2023. Biography Reference BankMore than 72,000 biographies and obituaries along with 20,000 photographs of the subjects. Here are some of the Viewer's key features: When you find something on Akron Beacon Journal Archive that you would like to have a copy of you can print the image directly from the viewer or you can download the image and save a digital copy. Heritage HubExplore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 today. THE THOMASES spend $100 to $120 a week on groceries. The health of crew onboard superyachts: what does the data show us? Yet this was no dorm. Includes ebook titles for iPad and National Geographic videos & eAudios. Poll: What Akron residents say about mayor's race, Jayland Walker, more . Your Account Details page is private and cannot be accessed by other Members. Since the results page will typically show you no more that the first 100 or so words of the article, the number of words in the entire article will be a good indication as to how much more information you will receive. American Periodicals. Editors note: The following story by Charlene Nevada appeared in the Akron Beacon Journals Lifestyle section on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1982. Two of the boys work at the Akron Automobile Club. Please check to make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Xenia. A new Concept in casual slacks. The Akron Beacon Journal was published in Akron, Ohio and with 3,067,722 searchable pages from . At a time when families are getting smaller, a family this size doesnt go unnoticed. . There are Spanish and French language versions as well as links to Atlases and Dictionaries. What are my options? Theyre my eighth and ninth.. To access a recipe found in the index, contact the Special Collections Division. I would send them through parochial school and they would have to put themselves throigh college. You should clear both of those items from your browser then exit the browser and try again. of genealogical research. Copyright 2023 NewsBank, Inc. 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. Mitchell On Demand(USE IN LIBRARY ONLY)Automotive research and information database that provides problem diagnosis and repair, maintenance schedule, and access to quotes for services. Browse. Fold3Fold3 provides convenient access to US military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. You can hide your clippings from the public with privacy settings found in the Clipping Settings page in Your Account. Access World NewsIncludes current and archived news content from more than 12,700 sources spanning 200+ countries. All Rights Reserved. Providing a balance of materials from all viewpoints, it includes over 1,300 main essays, leading political magazines from all sides of the political spectrum, newspapers, radio & TV news transcripts, primary source documents and reference books. Primary SearchThis database for elementary school students provides access to primary school focused publications including, encyclopedias, almanacs and magazines. Sign in to Newspapers.com using either your Newspapers.com, Ancestry or Facebook account credentials. But the World Series of Golf, that showcase event that is staged at Firestone annually, will be hard pressed to match the theatrics of CBS' 16th drama. Death notices, on the other You can use quotation marks (") to narrow your search to results that exactly match your search and/or to limit your results to matches where the terms are right next to each other (i.e. Streetsboro firefighter grateful after co-workers save his life. They sit on church pews. till 8:30 tit .M. They bought it in 1970, before interest rates and home prices went sky-high. How wonderful, the woman said. A search will look for pages that include all the terms you put in the search box. Science Reference CenterTopics covered in in this database include biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health and medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife. When Ray Thomas' twins were born, he was standing . Privacy Policy | Contact Us, Akron Beacon Journal - Including Digital Version, NewspaperARCHIVE - Academic Library Edition, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. The Western Open showdown between Verplank and Thorpe brought CBS a 6.5 rating. I MADE THEM a deal, says Thomas, who is president of the Catholic Board of Education. Click on text version for full-text access to content from 1984 to the present. information about local people. Small Business Reference CenterSmall Business Reference Centeroffers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well astools to address many small business topics. Includes links to articles, webinars, pod casts, blogs, dictionary, nutritional information, calculators, and practitioners. Perform searches by using common misspellings. Please note that each newspaper may choose to store different content in their archives. Akron Beacon Journal Monday, August 19, 1985 WORLD SERIES OF GOLF 1985 16 TV golf, Every golf tourney has a story line all its own, and CBS Sports comes into Firestone Country Club this week seeking its 17th drama of the season. Average Joe writes about 1982 article: A holiday toast to angels who light the way. At that point, the Thomas family was getting bigger and the old dinner table smaller. Wall Street Journal Subject: NewspapersDigital version of the Wall Street Journal from 2008 to within the last 3 months. Come in today and try on a pair We know you'll agree that Sansabelt Sport is a comfort classic $45 to $85 mi H J to Y- , ' SANSABELT I MWi ti SPORT 1 If SANS-A-BELT SLACKS STOCKED IN . Lately, vacations have been at state parks. With the Akron Beacon Journal: Web Edition Articles obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Ohio, it's important to know how to perform a Akron Beacon Journal: Web Edition Articles obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. This database also provides access to 500 full text pamphlet and over 350 full text reference books. Summit MemoryAn online, collaborative project capturing the history of Summit County, Ohio. Regional Business NewsThis database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. They just fit the IBM table. Databases can also be viewed by subject on the Databases by Subject page. Sanborn Fire Insurance MapsDetailed maps at building level for more than 400 Ohio communities from 1868 to the 1960s are provided by this database. The archive contains articles from the publications below. Include your full name, username, browser type, browser version and a brief description of the problem. If you do not receive the complete text of the article you want, you can click on it again. 2022 by The University of Akron The University of Akron is an Equal Education and Employment Institution. Mrs . Akron Beacon Journal: 1984 - Current. Akron Beacon Journal Blogs: 2005 - 2017. The Akron Beacon Journal (Akron, Ohio) 1903-Current. Snacks are usually healthy things apples and cheese. Explore and stay informed on local, national, and international topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. It includesbusiness videos, a help and advice sectionand detailson how to create business plans. A fully searchable resource for Latin American newspapers from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and elsewhere. Change your Member Name, password or email address. It can be used to find historic maps from all over the world. You should have chosen your own password when you registered, and verified it by typing it twice. How do I set up an account? A friend heard IBM was getting rid of some equipment and made a bid, thinking the table could be used at one of the group homes for the retarded that Thomas had been instrumental in setting up. Global superyacht health service MedAire provides insights into its 2022 case data Pie chart showing the breakdown in case categories The most common injuries and illnesses onboard Telemedical Assistance Crew member calls MedAire to receive telemedical advice London, March 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MedAire has just released data, providing insights into its global telemedical response service during 2022. Friends may coll at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday. Akron Beacon Journal: Local News, Politics & Sports in Akron, OH. Access World News Tutorial. Please note that photos, charts, and graphics are not included. Health Source Nursing/Academic EditionProvides access to hundreds of articles and scholarly journals related to nursing and health care. CultureGrams OnlineThis resource includes: worldwide photo gallery, slideshows, video clips, famous people collection, and a recipe collection that offers five homegrown recipes from all countries in the database. Recognised as one of the most important textile artists in the UK, Alice Kettle, represented by Candida Stevens Gallery, has been announced as the winner of the 2023 Brookfield Properties Craft Award. Akron Beacon Journal obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Akron, Ohio.. With the Akron Beacon Journal obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Ohio, it's important to know how to perform a Akron Beacon Journal obituary search to access this wealth of . But once Danny, the sixth-grader at St. Sebastians, got confused when someone asked his number. MEDLINEThis authoritative online resource from the National Library of Medicine provides a wealth of useful information on medical issues and disciplines, including: nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine and prescription drugs. Kettle won the award, a leading contemporary craft prize for UK-based artists worth the equivalent value of 60,000, in recognition of her significant contribution to the national story of contemporary craft and making. All you have to do to get started is enter the last name of a chosen relative and press the Search button. Two of the three oldest have managed to get grants to help pay college costs, although that could change if federal education money becomes more scarce. The Akron Beacon Journal archive contains articles from 1984 to the present. Mrs. Thomas, 43, is a registered nurse, which makes her invaluable for fixing up scrapes. Our Mission: The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community life. This online archive is for access and use only by individuals for personal use. Search; Browse; Papers; Clippings; Join Consumer ReportsOffers access to the Consumer Reports website, with expert, unbiased ratings, reviews, product comparisons, and buying guides for many essential consumer products. American Ancestors(USE IN MAIN LIBRARY ONLY)Created and maintained by the New England Historic Genealogical Society this site provides a number of digital documents for researching your ancestors. Instructions on how to do this can be found here. The reference was to professional Jim Thorpe and Verplank, and to their stirring stretch run at Butler, a race deadlocked after 72 holes when Thorpe proved himself pressure-resistant with a birdie putt at No. Theresa, for instance, wanted to spend at least a year living on campus, so she worked at McDonalds and a number of other place to save the money for room and board. Foundation Grants to Individuals Online (USE IN LIBRARY ONLY)Online database with grant and foundation information for individuals (scholars, writers, artists, students, special needs). List of newspaper databases including historical newspapers that the University Libraries subscribes to: 17th - 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers, 19th Century U.S. Newspapers Digital Archive, Newsbank World Newspaper Archive - Latin American Newspapers. Find My Past(USE IN MAIN LIBRARY ONLY)Provides access to over 2 billion historical records from around the world including the largest collection of Irish records online as well as records from England, Wales, and Scotland and the PERiodical Source Index (PERSI). So far, they are getting the better part of the deal.. When Mrs. Thomas sent in the data, the company sent back a reply that obviously I was not feeding my family well and should apply for food stamps.. By default, clippings you make are "public" (other people will see what you've clipped on the Clippings page, in search, or on your profile). This index provides the title, date, and page where an article can be found in the Akron Beacon Journal, which is on microfilm in the Special Collections Division. When entering your password, make sure your Caps Lock key is not on. & Thurs. The Akron Beacon Journal Archive viewer is a powerful tool that lets you explore a newspaper page in close detail, clip a page or article and print, save or share what you find. If you successfully retrieved an article, you are not entitled to a refund, even if that article did not contain the information you were looking for. If home is where the heart is, why shouldnt it follow the same stars that we do? Akron Beacon Journal: Web Edition Articles obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Akron, Ohio.. With the Akron Beacon Journal: Web Edition Articles obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Ohio, it's important to know how to perform a Akron Beacon Journal: Web . Obituaries can be used to uncover information about other relatives or to confirm that you have the right person in Akron, Ohio. SiJUA3, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month, Exclusive licensed content from premium publishers like the. Check out archive Pricing. Report a Problem with an Electronic Resource, Cummings Center for History of Psychology. (Prentice, 753-7721 ) 7 i Monday, April 7, 1980 Mary S. Pankov Mary S. Pankov, 71, of 93' Mc-Naughton St., died Saturday evening. My search results returned no articles or I received an error message that I did not understand. The archive contains articles from the publications below. You do not receive the complete text of the problem amp ; Sports in Akron, Ohio 19,000 and. 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