280 inch bull elk
background-color: #333333; I start by estimating the brow tines (the first two points) by seeing how close they are in comparison to the length from the burr to the tip of the bulls nose. My archery bull from last week goes right around 300, maybe an inch or two below. No idea why the pic is upside down.just flip your phone. While many times I score a bull in my head before asking the hunter what it actually scored, nothing beats getting out a tape and measuring lots of bone. Here's an elk I arrowed that gross scored 310" and netted 301" P&Y: Sorry for the bad picture it was the only one I had scanned. I am hoping for help here at the 'fire with the first problem. At magnum velocities, the soft bullets tended to fragment and fail to penetrate adequately. The best three-shot group came courtesy of Hornady 's .280 AI Precision Hunter load pushing a 162-grain ELD-X bullet at around 2,800 fps and measured exactly 0.40 inch center-to-centerclearly outstanding for a factory rifle/ammunition combination. 300 Bull: G1= 14, G2= 14, G3=10, G4= 16, G5= 8. border-color: #656565; When you're shopping for a rifle, the list of possible cartridges can be outright confusing. In purely practical terms, no elk cartridge equals the beautifully balanced .300 Win. So, I'm guessing him to be in that range you asked about. 4,531 Bull Elk Premium High Res Photos Browse 4,531 bull elk stock photos and images available, or search for bull elk bugling vector or bull elk in banff to find more great stock photos and pictures. For a truly monster elk, we recommend a 400" class bull. We have a variety of deals on Rifle Ammo, Handgun Ammo, Shotgun Ammo & Rimfire Ammo, as well as ammo for target practice, plinking, hunting, or shooting competitions. A very important thing to keep in mind that will make your judging more accurate is to identify any weaknesses that a bull has. There are several ways to field judge elk. hunting. The Pope and Young Club awards North America's finest archery-killed wapiti by size in two categories: typical or symmetrical antlers and non-typical or unsymmetrical horns. It is not a .35 Whelen. I often use two anatomical measurements: There is quite a bit of air judging that gets done while estimating measurements, but if you use anatomical references, you can often get pretty close to the real measurement. Re: In search of pics of a 260-300 bull. Finally, go back to the main beam, mass and inside spread. Let me confess that I, too, consider these best caliber articles overdone and quite subjective, but by hashing them over and over, we gain insights. Good luck on your hunts and have fun field judging the bulls! Mag. bullet will carry about 250 ft-lb more energy. Our Genetics are improving each year and our antler average is getting bigger each year. The .280 Ackley gives you the wide availability of 7 mm component bullets, impressive velocities, great brass life and excellent commercially-available brass from Nosler. Be sure to check out these two podcast episodes for field judging reference at home or while at hunting camp. Lets' hit increments of 5" 250-255 255-260, and so forth. padding: 10px 5px; But that doesnt seem to matter. Heres what to do when you run up against non typicals or bulls such as 77s. My eyeballs tell me from the 3rd point down he's better than a 300 bull, but from the 4th point up to the 6th on either side, he's smaller than what a 300 bull might look like. Tags 2015 Elk Hunt Colorado Elk Hunt Eastmans Ike Eastman About Ike Eastman The following methods I have used for a long time when picking apart a bulls rack. Most 225-grain factory loads are rated 2,750 to 2,800 fps, enough velocity to put about 3,900 ft-lb of energy into that little bullet. When a bull is broadside, you can compare his fourth point to that measurement. It can be loaded with everything from 100-grain Sierra Hollow Points to 195-grain Berger Elite Hunters. font-weight: bold; 422 inch elk) he took this whitetail deer. Wed, Feb 22, 2023 LOGIN Subscribe for $1 Ill stick my neck out and say it: This is the best 6.5mm cartridge ever devised for hunting. The .338/06 adds about 200 fps muzzle velocity for about two inches less drop at 300 yards and roughly 300 ft-lb more punch. border-color: #656565; thanks coondog. Obviously, there is plenty of leeway in all of this, and personal biases can play a big role. Slide up to some of the new 190-gr. Various sources suggest that Remington engineers were interested in creating a high powered 7mm cartridge for several years before reaching their long term goal. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Mags. Mag., and elk hardly know the difference. Download Bull Elk Close Up stock photos. I understand what you are saying Bobmuley, but 5" could make or break a record book bull. font-size: 18px; The most important thing to remember to make you a skilled field judge is to use this base 200 method. Note that most 380 bulls will have 52 to 56 inch beams, and a spread of potentially more than 40 inches. He got a mature bull without issue. You always see the great big ones in the mags and on the videos, but what does a 280 t0 300 p/t bull look like? Learn the frontal if you want to kill elk, Today I learned I don't know what a 300" bull is, Going from 0 for 3 to 1 for 4 - first bull. Just $1 per month , Find a tough cartridge for one of the most prizedand toughestbig game animals around, We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. from a .338 Federal should deliver 1,711 f-p energy at 300 yards and drop just nine inches. Let's look at those assumptions a bit closer in the following table. Youll be much more satisfied with the outcome of most of your elk hunts. Here's the story of his hunt. Mag., and no one howls about that being too fast. For somebody from TN who doesbt get to see elk except on tv and in mags it sure would make it hard to judge one in the field. We offer a 100% Authenticity Guarantee on all products sold on our website. 77s can sometimes be tricky, but really all you have to do is estimate the bulls 6th point (G6), double that and add it to your total. One, lung-shot by a client with a .270, reared as might a horse then fell backward, planting its long beams in the ground. Ditto the .416s, 44s, and 45s. Its superb on elk to 350 yards or a bit more in the hands of a very good rifleman. Home Accommodations Photos/Sizes Pricing Reviews . 360-Plus Bull Elk with a Bow Editor's Note: Mark Hanson lives in Mesa, Arizona, and has been a Mossy Oak ProStaffer for 7 years. Enter the number of points. Mag. border-color: black; If you think those measurements deviate from the magic number, just add or subtract the differences accordingly. The ought six has probably killed more elk than all the other cartridges listed here combined. Also known as the .280 Ackley Improved or the .280 Remington Ackley Improved, the .280 AI is basically a .280 Remington case (itself a .30-06 Springfield case necked down to 7mm/.284") that's . The 9 pointer scored 135 2/8 inches SCI. Magnum, 26 Nosler, and my choice for all-round balance in a short action rifle, the 6.5 PRC. That is to say, we assume the elk being harvested is shot directly or nearly directly in the vitals (heart and/or lungs). His favorite Mossy Oak camo pattern is Treestand. A bull elk is a male, which is much larger and heavier than a female, called a cow. A 22LR cartridge can fell a bull elephant under the right conditions, and a newborn squirrel can survive a 50 BMG round under other specific conditions. Note that a 300 bull will more likely have 45 main beams about 54 inches of total mass and a 35 spread. Bull elk antlers are typically referenced by the number of tines, with each side referenced separately. So why is it included? Any rifle strong enough to contain the 7mm Rem. 290-300 is what I always guesstimated him at, but I vowed to never put a tape to an animal after living in Texas. But, credit where credit is due, its a great elk cartridge. Nevertheless, the 180-grain has long been the standard with elk hunters. In 1963, everyone knew the all-American .30/06, so they had a benchmark against which to judge this belted magnum throwing the same familiar bullets 200 fps faster. .308-inch diameter bullet carrying 1,500 ft-lb energy and I doubt theyll notice any difference. Notice that 6 thirds would make a 350 type bull that should have 12 or better thirds, a 338 bull. Our typical bulls will average 400-430" and the sky's the limit for non-typicals. But I also have a 6-foot 2-inch 20-something friend who climbs with a little 6.5 Creedmoor and lays out 66 bulls with single shots at 400 yards. If you add these totals up for main beams, spread, and mass from both sides you get 200 inches. Thanks guys those are some awesome bulls. 3. vertical-align: top Big cartridges provide forgiving margins of error. But I still dont consider them a top pick for elk just because, well, larger calibers provide a slight edge. Bulls scoring 320-350 . font-size: 14px; The right bullet in the right place. Most bulls that I see either have weak 3rds or weak 5ths. vertical-align: top high B.C. Bulls with curvy looking points score well. Best Ammo (Round, Load, Cartridge) for a Successful Elk Hunt. That 380 bull with these extras would score around 417. Elk carry enough venison on the hoof to suggest a big cartridge and big bullet. It worked fine for long range deer hunting, but elk hunters wanted more bullet. Hornady 180-grain GMX and 200-grain ELD-X. Other 7mms The 7mm family hatched around 1892 with the 7x57mm Mauser and has since grown to fifteen or more. In eight-pound rifles, the 7mm Rem. This is going to be a very close estimate for most big bulls and serves as our solid starting point. In late summer the velvet dries and falls off to reveal the bonelike structure of the fully-grown antlers. 180-gr. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. A 360+ inch giant eats dirt in this web edition of Eastmans' Hunting TV. Dozens of indignant elk hunters sent up a wail when the first elk cartridges article went live on F&Sbecause I hadnt included their .300 RUM favorite. What is the average weight of an adult male elk? What was amazing was that this trophy elk had grown to this size on the worst drought and growth year that anyone could remember in Arizona. worldwide popularity. I gain the most consistency and accuracy with my field judging by actually scoring lots of antlers and, with each one, I gain more confidence. The .280 Ackley Improved is hot these days, flying about 100 fps behind the 7mm Rem. You are using an out of date browser. Messages. } Here's a bunch from 300 to 400+ SCI scoring ones. If it is shorter or longer than the hump on the back, I add or subtract inches accordingly. Learn More . Mag. They were grouping well under MOA, too from a 5-pound rifle! And realize that after a hunt or choice you might want to choose differently. Next, I estimate the length of the shortest point for each antler, double it and then add them up. It almost equals the .300 Ultra Mag, and does it with a whole lot less gunpowder. Not that its a better choice; its just extremely common, and yes, its pretty darned good at making meat. A bull with 6 tines on each side is called a 6X6 ("6 by 6"). It was the only non-typical on Area 23! For excessively rugged, steep-canyon elk country such as Idahos River Of No Return wilderness, such a rifle could mean the difference between steaks and tag soup. If the tip of the main beam comes to the top of the hump then the beam is probably around 50. The final way to judge is through the Estimating Shortest Points Magic 200 Method. Many an elk hunter has suggested the .300 Win. vertical-align: top Thats why I like 7mm and .30-caliber magnums with tough, heavy bullets, and why I consider an elk hunter toting a .338 magnum a wise man. As a result, we put too much pressure on ourselves to kill a bull that scores X amount. Pictures of dead elk don't do much good. A 140- to 150-grain .264 driven to the same speeds as a .270 Win. This is my son's bull from a couple years ago. Final analysis: Its not for everyone, but when you want to drive tough, heavy .30-caliber bullets fast, its awesome. Keep in mind the beam tip is counted as a point, but not measured as a point. Calibers lighter and heavier than the 7mms through .338s can be considered excellent for elk. Hunters looking to break into the B&C minimums or hunters looking to figure out the difference from a 370 bull from a 390 bull all need to dissect a bulls rack long before they decided to pull the trigger. I realizethat not every bull will be a typical 66. For instance, if a bull is a fairly symmetrical 66 just add up one side of his points (G1, G2, G3, G4, & G5) and multiply by two. The 140 Nosler AB is mentioned a lot on this site as the best bullet and effective out to around 400 or 500 yards. For more on Arizona Guided Elk Hunts visit:http://exclusivepursuitoutfitters.com/arizona-elk-hunting/ The .338 Win. In essence, good elk cartridges drive tough, heavy bullets of healthy diameter, and drive em fast. Again, most 400 bulls will have 54 to 56 inch beams, and a spread of potentially more than 40 inches. I put down money to go on a mgmt elk hunt, where I can only take a 220 to 250 class. Maybe in some altered reality this might be true, but the .358 cannot compete with a 165-grain .308 or .30/06 load at any distance beyond 100 yards. as with all other cartridges, and in every case its been outstanding. It has nice tails but the 4 is a little short as well as the 3. Dreamstime is the world`s largest stock photography community. Hunters typically but incorrectly use the best elk calibers to mean cartridge, but Ill use calibers for the sake of this review. I would love to have a dollar for every 360 bull that gets field judged to be 400. Use enough gun, enough caliber, and enough cartridge and bullet to invite them to dinner. At the light end is the .338 Federal, the .308 Winchester case necked up. What does a 380+INCH Elk look like? Best bullets are the 7mm 155- to 175-grainers, and the .30-caliber 180- to 200-grainers. If you only have one elk on the wall, a bull with six inch forks will "look" big. Elk dont like any of this. or .264 Win. Be aware of straight looking points without much end curve because they are often shorter than you think. 2. This takes us back to the launch. Mag., look at a .338 Federal, .358 Win., or even 7mm-08 Win. JavaScript is disabled. This one you can hopefully see the length of the 4. There are several things I like to do when trying to estimate the actual measurements on a bull elk. 320 Bull: G1=15, G2= 15, G3= 12, G4= 16, G5= 8. With the right bullet, a .270 will put down any bull walking the earth today. You may want to do the same with a taxidermist in your area. Straight looking points are always short. Click to reveal Before the 6.5 Creedmoor was born, this was my favorite cartridge for any recoil-sensitive shooters. Free ranging bulls of 350+ caliber will cost from $15,000 . I grew up hunting with one stoked with 150-grain Partition handloads, and I never had a problem cleanly killing a bull. A common thread you may encounter in online forums is anecdote after anecdote of large animals being brought down by small caliber bullets, or small animals surviving large caliber bullets. retains the title of best balanced elk caliber in it. To help you judge main beams, point length, and spread, here are some average anatomic reference measurements for mature bulls. pictures? Finally, the .280 Ackley Improved is rocketing to western-hunting stardom. No idea why the pic is upside down.just flip your phone. 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