times union archives obituaries
DELIVER 1276-1280 BROADWAY fZJfg&xJtTi 7379 FIFTH AVENUE.KSt, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. 66. a native of Ireland Firth Ward, died Thursday at the re""""u " ",0 u"rii aibh-ioi, aim a j home of hi me, 103 v,,,.,, ..M. 1 member of Court Kingsland. h son. The answer is easily found. with the consent band Geoige k Fiachei The funeral . 15, 1916, ANNIE BARNES, beloved wile of Henry King Carroll. isA TUESDAY THE UlMnittLVN DAILY TIMES FEBRUARY 16, 1932 WHY TAKE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE IF YOU WONT TAKE ENOUGH TO PREVENT DISEASE? Rowe, Jr., George Sleigh, of Jersey ,Clty; George Tlbbals and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rowe. If treaties will prevent war, then no armament is necessary or justified and all military organizations should be demobilized to prevent further waste of the taxpayer's money. Use information from more recent ancestors to find older relatives. STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108. Noeley, who had recently returned from the Mexican border; Misa Grace Jordan Mrs. Margaret Estabrook, Miss Esta- brook, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cleve land. It was the circle's eighty-fifth regular session. 1916 THE y PLAZA - THE PLAZA if THE l 1 PLAZA K U.. of Brooklyn RESTAURANT and Banquet Rooms Flatbush Ave., at Fulton St. Will Open Ita Doors to the Public WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27TH Three Dance Floors Three Orchestras Under Direction or Mai Craig The Last Word, In' Cabaret DAN DOTY W1U ifrsent 'The Plaza Girl" with cut of 25 ; Make Reservation NOW for Niw Year's F.VB. Miss Mary E. McLaughlin and Miss Kate Rooney, and two nephews, Peter and Thomas Rooney. He was a member of St. Peter's R. C. Church, Hicks and Warren streets, where a mass of requiem will be celebrated Monday, at 10 A. M., with interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. Copyright 2023 NewsBank, Inc. 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. Interment was In Mount Lebanon Cemetery, i CAPTAIN J. Y. DALTON died Monday In hts home, ftdT Third at. Bha wu born in flwltaarland an eamatte tMa country In har early youth on aaftled in Fiatbush, ha Uavaa har buaband, Richard; thro daughter, Anna Sophia, and Ruth, and two aona, Waitar and Arthur.- Tha fu nard! Come and note the perfect sanitation and absolute cleanliness of the new branch a reflection of the conditions prevailing in each of the fifteen packing plants operated by .Armour and Company. died Friday. Shaw, and a niece, Mra. Genealogy research can be challenging as many records are incomplete or filled with mistakes. Rii hmond Hill, died Sundav She leaves her mother, Carolyns two btothars, Fied C and 1,ohIs f and a alslei, Emma Launt The funeial set vires will be held from the late homa at 2 P M tomorrow and Interment will ba tn Mount Olivet Cemeteiy under tha direction of George Sieboid, IN MEM0R1AM TOY Tn fond and loving mmorv of our dearly beloved mother. Mott Speedy Remedies Known. Patrick Kelly. of genealogical research. The second death in the family of Mrs. Mary L. Hchiiltz. Have you a had taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, dont-care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigeated foods? Both sho and her husband caught a heavy cold and both developed pneumonia. Get started with GenealogyBank and start making connections today. man went abroad every year and had traveled extensively. Mrs Morrell Is survived by two daughters. Mrs. William - Burt Greenman, of 988 President street, recently enter tained the brides of last season at a luncheon. Patrick Malone, 46, of 4 '4 1-2 Henry street, who was killed by being run over by a truck Thursday evening, at Atlantic and Hicks streets, while on his way home, was born In Limerick, Ireland, and had lived for twenty years ln South Brooklyn. Sixteen pretty girls will t omj a chorus. tho Rev. 11 Louie Teaeler, 22 Uertrude Fchulthetaa, 20 Theodore Conrad,-81 Katherlna ottlnc 28 Louis Malkeff, 25 Kanny Harmau. 433 101st at Sha leaves her husband, Patitck, two sons, John and William, and thiea dauqhteia. H. K. Miller, will or-1 ' : ' taxed her streneth In her efforts to TAYLOR On Dec. 15, 1916, at the M. ! Frank and two Tha funeral will h Thutadav, from ihr lata home thenra to Our Ladv of Miraculous Medal. Ernest Edward, Mrs. Antonio Fticcilln, Mrs Louis De Vetto and Mrs. Philip Lembo. She later' resided at 860 Clinton avenue, and after the Hotel Bossert was built ten yenrs j ago, moved Into apartments there. Mr. Kelly is survivod by two nieces. Miss tlUxl. The Manhattan Trio also will entertain. Funeral aarvir ara to ba ronduetad at bis laie home tomorrow at t P. M., and on Thursday at 2 P, M. tha Interment will taka piara in the amity pint In Brergreen Cemetery. under tha direction of Wetqand Prot hers THOVI AH srPPl.K died Sunday In hts home V24 M Doiinuph at He lea'ea his wife, Maigarei two daughteia, Mts Ar-thru 'OBtlen and Adele, and two aona, Thomas J and Rernaid 1 The funeral will taka place Wednesday from tha lata home thence to Our Ladv of Good Counsel R C Church, where a requiem mass will he offered at 9 A M Interment will ha tn Holy Ctoaa Cemetery RNTP FJCKHTKIN RETH1NG (bed and denlv eaterdav 8ha leaves her husband Frederick A AAething The funeial eer vices will he from the late home. "She is also survived by her adored cats, and Zoey and Bruno, loving and loyal mutts blessedly unable to understand their loss of a best friend. Walter B. Bentley. For a successful Florida Times-Union obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. Lots 10 feet long and 3 feet wide, ln the playground, may be purchased by 1 inose interested in the physical better- Funeial services will be held at hi!ment r 11,6 "kiddies" at J3 each, in late home, 388 Stuyvesant ave., lnreB payments 01 one dollar a montn Brooklyn, on Sunday, at IP, M. j lf desired, in this way tho required amount is expected to bo realized. 1 , 1VJ, SARAH K, beloved daughter of the late Hannah and Ftancia Casev, at her home. Information regarding access and use for institutions is available by contacting NewsBank at 800-762-8182 or email sales@newsbank.com. The terms of purchase are liberal, but Mon slgnor McGolrlck expocts to have the land paid for ln one year. Instances coming to our attention, with an alarming frequency, where dangerous germs finally are found in the blood stream, as the answer Is being sought to a baffling train of serious symptoms. The price was ascertained, a payment made and the deed transferred. She is survived by one daugh ter, Jennie, with whom she lived, j Funeral services were held at her latei homo this afternoon, the Rev. nt.nl." We make it easy for you to search, discover, and share your familys untold story. Several chapters of Dickens' "Great Expectations" were read by Mrs. Cleveland,) Mr. Tlbballs, Mrs. Slocum, Mrs. Ksta-brook and the Rev. will taka piara Thursday warning at IO atoclr and Intarmant wilt ba la Lln-dan Hill Camatary under tha direction of Thomas H. Iryiaod. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. William Otts; a son, Harry, and?lx grandchildren, one of i whom is Brother Richard, of the Fran ciscan Order. Miss Eggert is a sister of Herman Fletcher t.ggert who recently married Miss Mary Parker u estervelt. Wlocum, the Kev. Thus it la. Obituaries can vary in the amount of information they contain, but many of them are genealogical goldmines, including information such as: names, dates, place of birth and death, marriage information, and family relationships. Know them by their olive color. After the routine business and election of new members had taken place, .the chapter voted to give $30 to tho Children's Museum for the purchase of lantern slides to be used there In lectures on the Civil War; this being in line with its patriotic work. He waa a member of the Church of the Ascension, Kent st. and of the John R. Brooke Camp No. Take ona or two at bedtime fop quick relief. Are you looking for a female relative? Death notices can help extract more information about an ancestor and uncover their place of burial. Mrs. Frederick S. Rook. hi Id (h ipel 88 1.effetiq pi p rpfk I ' n More than 4h( persons m hiding mtn promt-nr nt tn ihr . He waa a Ufa lesident of South Brooklyn, and leaves bta mother, Maty, a brother, Charles and three aisteia Mra Jamea McCatlhv. Although some people use the terms interchangeably, theyre actually two different things. Wfr triilitu nIi fflaipaitOlali MMa a m Resmol rurr -enry- t, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. This is a mistake, as condl-!Ln avor,lt1 for germ grdwth In the blood stream are constantly varying, and If one hopes to do a proper test, the blood cultures must be taken many times. Nellie Aspall (nee furlej Funeral from her real-, deuce. She was a former chairman of the garden department of the Mas-snpcquR Womans Club, and belonged to the Valley Stream Dahlia and Flowei Sodetv and the Pan-manat ke Gatden Club. But once In a great while, the needed while blood cells are not on hand to carry out their protective act. We want you to see for yourself that Armour products deserve your confidence and trust. t FI RRY On Mondav. The social hour passed in the prettily decorated dining room, whoro a sumptuous repast was served, was punctuated with humorous readings, tho narrating of experiences of members and the relating of Interesting stories. On Feh 1 4 1 932. . Include Boolean operators and proximity search techniques. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. If youre trying to get more information on a specific relative, follow these steps to perform an advanced search of the Times Union obituary archives. ra.lru.iils iroin n.l i err its. 78, widow of Adam D. Graham, whose home was at lu smith street, died Thursday of pneumonia after a brief illness. Thursday Feh 18. at tl A. M Intel ment Greenwood Cemeteiy. Waiter Condlt For more than fiO years she waa a member of tha Christian Church of the Evangel, Greenpoint. She was born In New York City, of Scotch parentage, the daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth Luke (jnris REYNOLDS, Exalted Ruler. a sister, Alloa OKeefe; end s brother. If you must uoss a field infested with poisonous snakes, do you protect ourself b wearing boots almost heavy enough to prevent the penetration of their fangs? j ne rormai announce' ment was made at a tea recently. IK HrnnhAMt . R. A Watson, her pastor. Dr AdHbeit " Manhrvtn psychiatrist of Kings Park Stale Hospital Or Howard ,M Phipps of Hempstead and I etov G Kdwardn Mineola attorney counsel to the Town of North Hempstead were SI, 000 and Piano to Daughter, Residue to Husband Under Terms of Document. :M thta aftarooon from tha lata homa. died at her home on Richmond ave Sunday She had been III several months The funeral sendee will he held st St. Martin's R C (hurt h. tomoriow morning, the Re. When the ll.ard-men entered the Inner world's forest. ?31 Hayward at . . Mr. ! He might have swung from his hideous mount to one of the lower branches that grazed their heads as they paseed beneath. MARY A. MrHRIDE CURLEY died yesterday. .837 Broadway Sot Broadway Manhattan . Arrangements are pending with Titus Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Warsaw. He was for many yeara'in tho leather goods business in Manhattan. Searches were carried out in November, December and January. Funeral Wednesday. Valley Stream, Feb. 1. These are the notices written and placed in the newspaper by the family. $30,000, of which $6,000 has already been BROOKLYN LODGE, No. M taxi In AIpxiiuIm h krim, huahand, executoi i Nw V nt U v e tealdtie, Minnie Irts dauKhtri. 18.. 235 Johneon va Iarasl Lliiht 22 771 Lafayetta av. Henrietta 'Wtdmati; two aoni, Juiiua H. and Charlag J. Ho also leaves to grandchildren and 'three great-grand children. Mrs. Rose MorrcU. A mit Hie, Keh Ifi Mra Grace W Wingate. Readers can find. URGES BORO AUTONOMY, Church are invited to attend the flclate at the funeral services in the i girl. Tha funeral will ba held at t P. M. tomorrow, from Iht lata home, 1320 Rogers ave., and Interment will be in Bt, John's Cemetery, under tha direction of T. J. Higgins A Ron. Finding death notices in the Florida Times-Union can be another vital source 1996 - 2023 | Florida Times-Union obituary and death notices in Jacksonville, Florida. Services at her late residence, 145 Westervelt ave., Plainrleld, N. J., Monday, Dec. 18, at 2:30 o'clock. : ; By ROBERT QUILLEN . Charles, died. Her brother, Carman Frost, waa hurled Hitndnv from tba Schultz home. Mrs. Mary A. Hayes, 76, wife of Joseph Hayes, of 921 Lorlmer street, n resident or ureenpoint for sixty years and a member of the Kent Street Reformed Church, died Thursday night of apoplexy, j Funeral services this evening will be conducted by the Rev. Nations never begin a war if they know they have no chance to win. Interment will follow in Greenwood Cemetery. For a successful Times Union obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. Clara Shannon and Ida Dtats. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ,sf--v --- The Social Side of Brooklyn Reynolds-Wallace Wedding This Evening Holiday Dances for the Younger Set -Engagements Announced Club Notes. Elizabeth Cox Catheiine Dfltp Klten Pieiaon and Raiah Brandies She mi a life resident of this boiough Ketiuiein miti will be offeied at 9 A M tomoriow in St T-iee a R C Church iaton ave and Steiling pi Interment tvtM he In Holv Cinea Cemeierv under the duet lion of k H McGuli 4KAH FANCKA KIKFKR died Sunda' in het home 160 Catiev ae Hiinringlou 1 I She leaves het husband Andien Reauiem irmi will he offeied at 9 JO A 1 tomonow in St Patttrk a R C Chutfh Huntington I, I Interment i)l ha in St John a Cemeteiv CHRISTIANA hnirkerhocker a hoi n in Getrnanv a son Charles A FAA died st Ti4 ie . that later, the very stimulation of auch an Invasion, will call forth unusual efforts, and an ir-restible army of white cells, mav still sweep them away. ai 535 Johnson ave Franceaca VolUgylo. If you want to find death notices alongside Times Union obits, follow these tips: The Times Union records are invaluable sources of historical Tel. Interment will bo made in Cypress Hills Cemetery tomorrow. The Schenectady High student vanished on Nov. 25, beginning an intense missing person's investigation that lasted until a man fishing in the river spotted her remains on Feb. 22. To ensure you get the correct relative, 22 Uertrude Fchulthetaa, 20 Theodore Conrad, -81 ottlnc. Made at a tea recently Mount Lebanon Cemetery, i CAPTAIN J. Y. DALTON died Monday hts. Interment was in Mount Lebanon Cemetery, i CAPTAIN J. Y. DALTON died Monday in hts home, ftdT at., Keh Ifi Mra Grace W Wingate ihr lata home thenra to Our Ladv of Miraculous Medal John and,. And William, and share your familys untold story November, December and January, waa hurled Hitndnv tba! At her late residence, 145 Westervelt ave., Plainrleld, N. J., Monday, Dec. 18, 2:30! 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