renewable energy quiz pdf
/XObject << >> /MediaBox [ 0 0 535 835.65000 ] And wind. ), How do we know the energy is there? This scenario would be terrible. Hydropower Hydropower is our most mature and largest source of renewable power, pro-ducing about 10 percent of the nation's . <> /Rect [ 17.01000 744.69000 81.07000 736.69000 ] /I1 51 0 R /Width 1034 convection: The transfer of thermal energy in a fluid (gas or liquid) by the circulation of currents in the heated fluid causing warmer packets to rise while cooler packets sink. Some of these types of energy are called renewable, or can be re-used, such as energy from the sun, wind or water. Q Provide examples of common types of renewable and non-renewable resources. Onm`}Q4j,|b(GT1~_+x endstream >> /Type /Page Kinetic 2. Copyright 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Nuclear Fusion Attracts Startupsand Skeptics. >> ] Talking Devices Could Reduce Odds of Electrical Grid Breakdowns. /Rect [ 17.01000 744.69000 81.07000 736.69000 ] 0000014628 00000 n Top 11 Books About Renewable Energy. << Although sometimes you can hear energy (sound), feel energy (wind), taste energy (food), and see energy (light), most often it is hard to figure out exactly where energy is. >> /Font 31 0 R /XObject << They are working to make machines smaller and more efficient (industrial engineers/designers). 5), Energy comes in different forms. (Possible answers: We use energy all the time. You may want to give an example here like coal being mined from the earth, sent to power plants where it is burned to produce steam. Text STOP to stop receiving messages. /Font << /ProcSet [ /Text /PDF /ImageI /ImageC /ImageB ] >> Geothermal energy (from heat stored in rock by the natural heat flow of the Earth). What are Engineers Doing to Improve Our Energy Sources? /XObject << >> /Subtype /Link /S /URI While solar accounts for less than 2% of U.S. electrical generating capacity overall, it is one of the fastest-growing energy markets in the country. >> /Font << /Border [ 0 0 0 ] endobj First, unlike solar, waves offer a consistent energy source regardless of time of day. >> active solar system: Solar power systems that use electrical or mechanical components, such as fans, pumps, and electrical controls in circulating fluids. <00430061006d00620072006900640067006500200055006e00690076006500720073006900740079002000500072006500730073> Tj /pdfrw_0 180 0 R /ProcSet [ /Text /PDF /ImageI /ImageC /ImageB ] >> /Contents 23 0 R ET /Type /XObject /Type /Page 2023 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. /F1 53 0 R Thanks to technological advances, some private companies predict fusion may be on the grid as early as the 2030s. << With several large solar plants phased into operation in 2014, California's utility-scale (1 megawatt or larger) facilities generated a record 9.9 million megawatthours (MWh) of electricity in 2014, an increase of 6.1 million MWh from 2013 and more than three times the output of the next-highest state, Arizona. Great job! /Resources << /Type /Page A report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory sets the groundwork for identifying stakeholders and designing new systems. In its various forms, it derives directly from the sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth. 4 0 obj >> You are an energy master! /S /URI In these lessons, we review promising new technical approaches for wind and solar PV, such as offshore floating wind platforms and building-integrated PV. /S /URI <00460072006f006e0074006d00610074007400650072> Tj This resource is also great for revision! /Subtype /Link /Contents 75 0 R >> 978-1-107-02848-7 Renewable Energy Engineering Nicholas Jenkins , Janaka Ekanayake Frontmatter More Information Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02848-7 Renewable Energy Engineering /Border [ 0 0 0 ] q ), Check out the awesome information and activities/games at Environmental Education for Kids (EEK) website from Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources at, Check out some of the activities at Watt Watchers:, Check out some of the activities andgames about energy online, Play energy-themed games at NASA's Climate Kids website:, Learn more about renewable energy at Alliant Energy's website:, Read, color, and solve puzzles in the "Saving Energy in My Home Coloring and Activity Book" at, Try a Nuclear Chain Reaction activity at turbine: A machine in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted into mechanical energy by causing a series of buckets, paddles, or blades on a rotor to rotate. 1. /BM /Normal <> /XObject << /Font << Ask the students to describe some sources of renewable energy? We use energy to power our appliances, vehicles, lights, etc. ), Ask students to describe where they get their energy. /Border [ 0 0 0 ] 0.06500 0.37100 0.64200 RG 21 0 obj /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107028487) /A << endobj {bW9'LBn\BTz:[82ODV1'F~XIR h-CS/D ~CG"BFbV{G r%_lu"gh7O j>v4h\YhQKTml. /Subtype /Link /Subtype /Link >> Snow, Theodore. 0000038523 00000 n >> << How I Cut My Use of Fossil Fuels: Tips From the Pros. Energy is present whenever there are moving objects, sound, light, or heat. /Subtype /Link /Type /Annot >> Where to Put Solar Panels? Other energy sources, for example, include energy created from old car tires: this source fuels five power stations in the U.S. Also, engineers are trying to design new gas power stations (gas drives the electricity generators and then is reused to heat the plant). Fuel Cells 9. *The NGSS logo is a registered trademark of WestEd. /A << /TK true Marine energy (such as wave energy, marine current energy, and energy from tidal barrages). /Rect [ 17.01000 744.69000 81.07000 736.69000 ] /Rect [ 17.01000 744.69000 81.07000 736.69000 ] >> << Includes biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar and wind. /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Type /Page 5mhXXFPBDeV`#N`|o~XoDpP1p>m /A << Whatever form it is in, energy is essentially the ability for making something happen or, as scientists put it, "doing work.". Non-renewable energy is energy that cannot restore itself over a short period of time and does diminish. Sales Policy >> Chemical 5. 17.01000 738.29000 Td Save a Watt: Ask students to engage in two energy saving activities before the next class period. As a result, the statistics of OECD nations covering the duration of 1990-2015 were used. 0000006872 00000 n /I1 51 0 R /Border [ 0 0 0 ] Dematerialization: Energy conservation, less new energy needed for future economic growth. Renewable Energy Test Questions , but end up in harmful downloads. /Rect [ 17.01000 744.69000 81.07000 736.69000 ] <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 842.04]/Parent 36 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> %PDF-1.3 0000008504 00000 n << Hydropower uses the movement of _____________, to power itself. /Resources << Geothermal Energy 7. <>stream /URI (www\056cambridge\056org) /ProcSet [ /Text /PDF /ImageI /ImageC /ImageB ] Solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric power, biomass energy, geothermal energy, and tidal energy are examples of renewable sources of energy. >> /R9 28 0 R %%EOF >> /Border [ 0 0 0 ] >> In that sense all non-renewable energy is energy store. What are the most common photovoltaic cells used today? 4-ESS3-1. /URI (www\056cambridge\056org) Wouldn't it be great to be an engineer making such an important difference in our lives? Solar Energy 3. /pdfrw_0 Do /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107028487) /ProcSet [ /PDF /ImageC /Text ] The four sources of non-renewable energy.copyrightCopyright 2020 Sabina Schill. endstream endobj startxref 440 0 obj <> endobj /A << /S /URI This book is useful for academicians, students pursuing engineering or agriculture-related courses,. Now, imagine yourself having surgery in a hospital and the power goes out. >> YPEs b8{$2ig4BAfeb#B_)"UA^my@c! Who would decide? /Subtype /Link Identify the evidence that supports particular points in an explanation. A. Greenhouse gases B. Continue reading your article witha WSJ subscription, Already a member? /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107028487) Commercial Energy: Energy supplied on commercial terms. >> Annual Membership. /Contents 179 0 R /Length 13 >> They are studying corals because they very efficiently use low levels of phosphate in the water for energy. >> Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment. Final Early Bird Pricing! /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Type /Page We use energy to heat houses and buildings, provide light, heating water, break down food, play sports, do activities, operate vehicles, etc. 5), Use multiple resources including print, electronic, and human to locate information about different sources of renewable and nonrenewable energy Questions: 11 | Attempts: 1862 | Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 Sample Question /Type /Annot 0000001531 00000 n Answer: Coal is a non-renewable resource. Corals have fractal surfaces, and scientists believe that fractal surfaces could make many chemical reactions more efficient. 0000007927 00000 n We use energy to power our appliances, vehicles, lights, etc. Solar energy is the most abundant energy source on the planet. >> /FormType 1 Thanks for your feedback! A gas-fired power station burns gas, converting the gas' chemical energy into heat. (Possible answers: engineers study renewable resources to develop better ways to use these resources for energy generation; engineers design cars that run off renewable resources; engineers design generators that store the energy gathered from renewable resources; engineers develop wind farms to generate electricity for us to use; engineers develop hydropower plants to generate electricity for us to use; engineers are developing machines that are more efficient to reduce the amount of energy, renewable or non-renewable, that gets used; and engineers work to inform communities about what they can do to help conserve energy and use renewable resources.) Name the form of energy that can be stored in a battery. /XObject << Uses a practical approach to design and analyze renewable energy conversions Offers a solutions manual, PowerPoint slides, and lab activity plans for instructors Table of Contents 1. 0 835.65000 535 -42.52000 re Electricity generation Heating. 527 0 obj Now, imagine that all of the above mentioned things are backed up with solar energy power or another type of stored renewable energy. 10 0 obj /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107028487) c4-~Er3hd*wx%avY@;YB)$0]m\"8f^4bdbe,8qkHQU'lcO << /S /URI /Subtype /Link /Subtype /Form Ukraine (Ukrainian: , romanized: Ukrana, pronounced [krjin] ()) is a country in Eastern Europe.It is the second-largest European country after Russia, which it borders to the east and northeast. BT .css-16c7pto-SnippetSignInLink{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;}Sign In. endobj endobj Renewable energy is plentiful, and the technologies are improving all the time. Affordable solution to train a team and make them project ready. /F1 53 0 R What does it mean, if an energy resource is renewable? For example, they developed fiber optics (thin glass cables to replace heavy metal ones for phones). Energy and fuels that humans use are derived from natural sources, and their use affects the environment in multiple ways. No thank you, Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. Renewable energy: energy in which comes from natural resources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat (Bhatia, 2014). /Type /Annot 0 g 28 0 obj /Kids [ 3 0 R 4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R ] 0000007614 00000 n Energy can be transferred in various ways and between objects. >> xRn0+|LCh%FJ^RKX/JV3&(]@7 Hydrogen Oxygen Sulphur Nitrogen Report This Question /Border [ 0 0 0 ] Methods for analyzing renewable energy options within an integrated framework are discussed in . /Type /Page 12 0 obj Generators are not normally attached to things like stoplights, railcars or computer networks, which is why we sometimes see stoplights that have gone out. What's the difference betweenphotovoltaicandconcentrating solar power? You are probably new to learning about all the different forms of energy and how they can affect our environment. Guess the Amount! /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107028487) /Annots [ << /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /pdfrw_0 171 0 R Renewable and non-renewable energy worksheet Home Support and resources Student resources Renewable and non-renewable energy worksheet Renewable and non-renewable energy worksheet Go to the 'Energy Efficiency' page on the website to find the answers to these questions. /pdfrw_0 134 0 R Ask them to describe in detail the impact these actions had during the next class. endobj x\}WQej%+ =^b{r! <<5773DB9A21CC544A9BFFAEDE1D1515B9>]>> >> >> ] hbbd``b`$@D$rnID ? /Type /Annot 0000065092 00000 n /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107028487) The Texas oil and gas industry could convert to clean energy through the drilling of wells to tap geothermal heat. Advantages: 0000012576 00000 n >> >> >`Slvy`HPcV H2TPeDW#_`oP A2z Discuss the answers. /A << a project of D2L ( 0000015477 00000 n Hewitt, Paul G. Conceptual Physics, Boston, MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2004. /Parent 1 0 R >> ] Some are direct and easily visible, such as pollution and land degradation. endobj A similar percentage of households (24%) obtain 20-40% of their energy from RES. Solar panels capture and harness the sun's ___________. >> << The steam turns a turbine and produces electricity that is sent to our houses via power lines, and used in our electrical items like a refrigerator. /Contents 97 0 R /Type /Annot GD!dpXhT{]b0 a{D1\96#WjE34}Ew] Z0="0JQy8[ }Ev^:*'A3Hb(8`'g$ -`em; >wf,gJdLdz:}{}_|:kL/eEN>D|fh)CPFGe`57,-QBt MF%PvDQ0/y- fRd#3)J39b%`PBJsna'W9x2r3KnT-c.8l! /Border [ 0 0 0 ] >> Describe the role of engineers in energy conservation. /S /URI /S /URI q /Subtype /Link passive solar system: Solar power systems that do not require electrical or mechanical components; these systems can be used for heating water or heating/cooling buildings. I Nonrenewable resource 8. >> ] ), What percent of the electricity consumed in the U.S. is used for light bulbs? 29 0 obj >> These systems can be used for heating water or heating/cooling buildings. 23 0 obj /Contents 60 0 R View Environmental Issues EXAM #3 - Google Docs.pdf from ALEC 410 at University of Nebraska, Lincoln. >> Human activities in agriculture, industry, and everyday life have had major effects on the land, vegetation, streams, ocean, air, and even outer space. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference (2016) in Marrakesh, Morocco, 48 countries, who are members of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, pledged to use only renewable energy by 2050. /Rect [ 17.01000 744.69000 81.07000 736.69000 ] can provide basic information about students' backgrounds in energy and can be used to highlight the severity of the greenhouse effect. /pdfrw_0 161 0 R >> Use this power point quiz as a starter or plenary when learning about renewable energy. endobj endobj *h+Vhy%4y($ hEQ=8VRKbq]`24AFby%W8VE)l'9QQO.NDH*GBD'x4w3rss>Y~8"54ugL:dtrb`~Ddt-2'-{W{C")Z_r+o |sL@S9:Q72N> _3_Rsly BT /Annots [ << 0000011379 00000 n Cells use energy to perform the most basic life functions. The most common biomass materials used for energy are plants, wood, and waste. >> Q hydraulic head: The difference in depth of a liquid at two given points; the pressure of the liquid at the lower point expressed in terms of this difference. Ask them to really consider how they would feel and what they would do. 0000001863 00000 n /Border [ 0 0 0 ] endobj stream /OPM 1 /F1 53 0 R Most non-renewable energy sources are converted to /Rect [ 17.01000 21.01000 191.50000 13.01000 ] /Annots [ << Renewable: The World-Changing Power Of Alternative Energy First Edition. /Subtype /Link You are an energy expert. Trivia Quiz: What do you know about Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy? >> << >> /pdfrw_0 88 0 R \l0Dq[1|ela4PLT2k&\hH";u /A << ), The U.S. has less than 5% of the world's population. Improvements, however, still must be made to transition from fossil fuels. False 4. >> 1. You probably are always on the look out for green solutions in your life and hope to see more clean energy solutions being used everywhere. Today, we are going to look at how engineers can use sun, wind and water power to create electricity to run our homes, cars and everything else. Renewable Energy Quiz: Test Your Knowledge - WSJ Skip to. The . >> Keep up the good work. Nonrenewable-identified as sources of energy that have "limited supplies" and take millions of years to form. /pdfrw_0 61 0 R 0.73700 0.74500 0.75300 rg /pdfrw_0 139 0 R Quiz: Are You A Lion, A Tiger, Or A Bear? to prevent this from ever happening. /Subtype /Link 0000003080 00000 n 485 0 obj /Length 1720 Concentrating solar power technologies use mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto receivers that collect solar energy and convert it to heat. /Border [ 0 0 0 ] Most of us already use renewable energy in our daily lives. << Good job! /F1 53 0 R /Rect [ 17.01000 21.01000 191.50000 13.01000 ] Energy can be moved from place to place by moving objects or through sound, light, or electric currents. /Type /Annot /ProcSet [ /Text /PDF /ImageI /ImageC /ImageB ] Renewable Energy and Green Building Entrepreneurship: Duke University. Put your knowledge to the test to find out just how powerful it can be. >> This essay is focused on the main three renewable energies, wind, sunlight, and water. 487 0 obj /Parent 1 0 R >> << /URI (www\056cambridge\056org) Fossil fuels and the fossil fuel industry have many negative impacts. /F1 53 0 R /Annots [ << Wind Energy 4. 0000015048 00000 n 0000001526 00000 n 0000005692 00000 n >> ASME Membership (1 year) has been added to your cart. 0000177520 00000 n SunShot was created with the aim of making solar power cost-competitive with fossil fuels by 2020, and it has made significant strides toward that goal by supporting the development of more efficient solar cells and cost-effective manufacturing processes. This means that the U.S. uses a lot more energy than other countries. /Contents 123 0 R q endobj Thanks for your feedback! %PDF-1.7 % Nested under units are lessons (in purple) and hands-on activities (in blue). /Font << We can reduce this consumption of fossil fuels by finding alternative, renewable methods of energy production. Chapter Test Renewable Energy Answer Yeah, reviewing a book Chapter Test Renewable Energy Answer could add your close associates listings. Science explanations describe the mechanisms for natural events. >> 496 0 obj /I1 51 0 R /A << 0000010865 00000 n /XObject << /Border [ 0 0 0 ] xref 0000009490 00000 n o zd7oxVYq!0 '=d*{yIG!Y0j (r)KuF)72*`\7%BBVM2Lxx WHjg [K$ k 0000012186 00000 n (Grades /Rect [ 17.01000 744.69000 81.07000 736.69000 ] It is the capacity for vigorous activity. >> /Border [ 0 0 0 ] Not all renewable energy is also sustainable, but improving the sustainability of renewables and fossil fuels can have environmental benefits. >> endobj Do biofuels last longer than other gases used to power cars? /Rect [ 17.01000 21.01000 191.50000 13.01000 ] Wind, sunlight, and the planet have energy that transforms in ways we can see and feel. 102 0 obj <> endobj 502 0 obj With an emphasis on energy generation, this technology focuses on creating biogas energy using biomass which can be generated everywhere by everyone. 8|v+iJXjsr@ eC+iaHu?lAIpvhV Ask them what answers they . << Pupils answer questions to reveal the hidden picture. /S /URI /A << /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107028487) HMO@HY~K$"(z@94=w1`PWYpzu9Z-6+6wYj]:RUy1)5j0E5 a[XIv93i?[+.((WR&cbIITD@qwG lp'`w4A /Length 65672 Renewable energy is also known as clean energy which is obtained from natural sources and can be replenished. endobj True B. /F1 53 0 R What percentage of new power sources. 0000005054 00000 n reflect: This is when something such as sound waves or light waves bend back or return upon striking a surface. >> Gone with the Wind Energy: Design-Build-Test Mini Sail Cars! Energy can move (be transferred) and change (be transformed), but it cannot be destroyed. /Type /Annot >> While some places in the United States have run on 100% renewable energy, such as Burlington, Vermont, the entirety of the country has not. Lesson, quiz, self assessment. 17.01000 760.97000 Td /Rect [ 17.01000 744.69000 81.07000 736.69000 ] (Answer: Around 17%. /pdfrw_0 129 0 R Explain how engineers design more efficient ways to use generate electricity. 0000064389 00000 n endstream 14 0 obj /MediaBox [ 0 0 535 835.65000 ] /Font << 2 0 obj /A << Venn Diagram: Ask students to create a Venn Diagram to compare/contrast a form of renewable energy and a form of non-renewable energy. << Choose multiple options. What are the Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified and used to explain change. /Resources << 0000002729 00000 n /I1 51 0 R >> /I1 51 0 R Crime C. Pollution D. /Parent 1 0 R /S /URI 0000065858 00000 n Well send you the latest and greatest Earth Day news and more quizzes, of course. $#W#?cO Enjoy unlimited access on 5500+ Hand Picked Quality Video Courses. 0000010171 00000 n /URI (www\056cambridge\056org) /MediaBox [ 0 0 535 835.65000 ] /Type /Annot Washington, DC 20036 /Parent 1 0 R Search curriculum by Common Core standards, Print lesson and its associated curriculum, Wild Wind! Add to my workbooks (0) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp: Link to this worksheet: Copy: bungaasavana: Finish!! /A << hb```f``}AX,S&1;9Oyc 3 %$R)}%M$&M_zF >> How would it get distributed? This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. >> Engineers are involved in many new technologies that will save our precious resources from devastating long-term effects. Elastic 7. Thanks for your feedback! /Matrix [ -1 0 0 -1 535.74805 697.32306 ] Which of the following is NOT a technology used in concentrating solar power? Despite these advantages, wave-energy harvesting is still in its infancy. Advertisements. >> Tax ID - 13-3798288 They are conventional and non conventional sources of energy. This thermal energy can then be used to produce electricity via a steam turbine or heat engine that drives a generator. 0 0000008318 00000 n /FormType 1 <>stream /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107028487) /Contents 118 0 R 2TF%$7*V-4@-J*hN |jDwSgz\dF"%]K8D uj. 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