headlamp sticker transponder
You can also make the request by calling our Customer Service Call Center at 949-727-4800. If you currently have a switchable transponder and use it to declare carpool occupancy on designation lanes don't throw it away! Battery-free Upon removal, it is rendered ineffective to prevent theft or unauthorized transfer or sharing of credentials Don't mount HeadlightStickers diagonally or vertically. Does it point toward the antenna? If your hardcase transponder was issued prior to July 5, 2020, and doesnt beep, it may not be working properly. No more access sharing and theft. No, sticker transponders do not beep when passing through a tolling location. Do I have to mount my FasTrak transponder on my windshield? How does the frequent driver discount work? Category: Access Control Products. Comprised of a small, durable, and tamperproof transmitter that is affixed to the vehicles headlight, and a low profile RFID reader, the HeadlightSticker RFID transponder represents a new standard in vehicular access control. Model Name: ISO-6C Headlamp Sticker Transponder Model Part Number: 48480304x xxx Revision: HW M4E SW N/A Certification Type: Open Road Tolling RFID-6C v1.0 Conformance & Interoperability (Single Protocol State) Take care when adhering the sticker because moving or adjusting it after installation will cause it to break and become unusable. Carefully peel the backing from the sticker. More information on carpooling with FasTrak. If you have a hardcase switchable transponder: Before driving The Toll Roads, add the vehicle's license plate number to your account temporarily and transfer the hardcase transponder to the vehicle. Some tolling facilities allow qualifying carpools and eligible vehicles to drive for free or at a discounted rate. If this happens, log in to your account online or via The Toll Roads free app, select Transponders and Request Transponder.. RFID readers and Headlight Stickers have a unique relationship. If you have both, your sticker transponder and switchable transponder can be mounted to your windshield at the same time. Once the sticker transponder has been removed and deactivated, it can be disposed of. Information about driving a rental vehicle on The Toll Roads, Account License Agreement Before driving The Toll Roads, add the vehicle's license plate number to your account temporarily. You're ready to ship, but now you need to comply with RFID mandates. Why do I need a transponder when you can read my license plate to pay tolls? Mount the external sticker transponder to your headlamp lens/cover. The first time the vehicle drives The Toll Roads with the sticker adhered to the windshield, electronic tolling equipment will associate the unique sticker transponder identification number with the vehicle's license plate. As of July 1, 2019, transponders are no longer charged an account maintenance fee. No. Carefully remove the sticker transponder by peeling the backing away from the sticker (see illustration above). Metalized WindshieldsIf you have a vehicle with a metalized windshield listed on your account, you can request an external headlamp sticker transponder by logging in to your account at TheTollRoads.com. Ensure the headlight is free of all bug debris, oil and grime. Bending it may break the antennae. Mount the external sticker transponder to your headlamp lens/cover. Become a Dealer Easy RFID technology reduces vehicular entry time by over 80%. When using the Rule of Thumb to figure out the best point for mounting a HeadlightSticker, it is important to do so from where you want the read to happen. Where sticker placement is concerned, here are the guidelines: Dont mount HeadlightStickers diagonally or vertically. When driving those facilities with two transponders, the appropriate toll will be collected based on the settings on the switchable transponder if a discount is applicable. All rights reserved. Carefully remove the sticker transponder by peeling the backing away from the sticker (see illustration above). Once logged in, select "Transponders" and "Request" a headlamp sticker. For more information: CalRecycle.ca.gov/ReduceWaste/Batteries. What do I do with my hardcase transponder? Select "Transponders" and "Deactivate" the appropriate transponder. To request a free replacement sticker transponder, log in to your account online or via The Toll Roads app, select "Transponders"and "Replace"the transponder. Carpools with two or more occupants, vanpools, Clean Air Vehicles, motorcycles and transit vehicles drive for free without a transponder. Once logged in, select Transponders and Request a headlamp sticker. Minimize contact with the stickers adhesive and avoid sharply bending or folding the sticker. To order a new transponder, log in to your account online or via The Toll Roads app, select "Transponders" and click "Replace"next to the transponder you wish to replace. The HeadLight Tag is mounted on the outside of the headlight using an adhesive. Yes. Please note, if you have a vehicle with a metalized windshield listed on your account, you can request an external headlamp sticker transponder by logging into your account at TheTollRoads.com. Customer Service Walk-In Center Compatible systems include, but are not limited to: Anyone can sell a $2 RFID sticker and put it on a car - just don't be surprised when your customer fires you for selling them a product that doesn't work. Headlight Mounting Step One - Prepare Mounting Surface Before attempting to mount Peach Pass, thoroughly clean your headlight. Log in to your account, select "Transponders"and "Request Transponder.". Spec SheetInstallation Guidelines FasTrak drivers must have a transponder mounted to their vehicle's windshield. 125 Pacifica, Irvine, CA 92618 Our exterior mount RFID tags conform to U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 108 for headlamp use & both our interior/exterior RFID secure tags are certified for the rigors of use on U.S. Toll Roads by OmniAir. Create one now. Switchable FasTrak transponder(s) are required on certain tolled bridges, lanes and roads in California to recieve discounted rates or free rides for carpooling and/or high occupancy vehicles. Drivers with a prepaid FasTrak account are eligible for a monthly frequent driver discount. Order now to reserve first available stock. Oops, something went wrong. Shipping - 18017 Chatsworth St #127, Granada Hills, California 91344, United States. Copyright 2023 Transportation Corridor Agencies. Standard 9dB antenna reads up to 40 feet away. Avoid touching the. What if I get a new windshield? Remove the sticker from the windshield and deactivate the transponder by logging in to your account at TheTollRoads.com. Read range may be effected a little bit, but it shouldnt be too bad. If you have a custom request or bulk order, request a quote. You can request an external headlamp sticker transponder by logging into your account at TheTollRoads.com. Carefully peel the backing from the sticker. Click here to read our Privacy Policy (PDF) and learn how your information is collected, used, stored, shared and protected. No more access sharing and theft. Office - 17741 Ludlow Street, Granada Hills, California, United States. BOR (Break on Removal) or NTNR (Non-Transferrable, Non-Removable) technology are available on both windshield and headlight sticker RFID tags. Dont sweat it too much if it isnt exact. A typical sedan may not have many options, butvehicles with large or complex headlight shapes have more options for placing the HeadlightSticker. Part No: CAReGoATA-CLASSIC. 7 If it is a plastic sticker, try to heat up the window from the other side of the sticker so it becomes somewhat loose, then you can gently peel it off and it should come right off. FasTrak Invoice accounts will continue to be assessed an additonal $2 invoice fee per statement. Step-by-Step Installation 1. 14. Encoding Options: Wiegand 26-bit, ASCII Full or Half Frame; TransCore Part#: 13-6750-001, 13-4750-001; Frequency Range: 902-928 MHz . Vehicles Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Download our app from the Apple App When used with TransCore readers, securityfeatures prevent data corruption, data alteration,and tag cloning. HeadlightStickers are distributed directly through our network of certified dealer-installers. Choose a mounting location two inches away from metal (hood, body panel, etc.). Continue to use a hardcase switchable transponder when riding a motorcycle on The Toll Roads. Please note that TransCore tags are only compatible with Transcore readers. Youre good to go! Join the thousands who receive our monthly newsletter filled with news, tutorials, coupons, and more. Government procedures can be complex. TheeGo Plus Headlamp Sticker Tag is a transparent, compact, and weather-resistant tag that is designed to not interfere with the headlightbeam while offering the same great performanceas TransCores eGo Plus Windshield Sticker Tags. We have extensive experience in applying RFID technology and Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) in a variety of applications. Place the sticker transponder in the lower left-hand corner or lower right-hand corner of the inside of the windshield. Description The reliable alternative to our genuine HeadlightSticker is the familiar, sleek WindshieldSticker transponder. The $40 is calculated using the base toll rate (excluding discounts earned during the previous statement period). Information about driving a rental vehicle on The Toll Roads. Our in-house support team is ready to assist. Store, Click here to read our Privacy Policy (PDF). Copyright 2023 Transportation Corridor Agencies. Does it make any difference whether the sticker is . You can also make the request by calling our Customer Service Call . The switchable transponder becomes the default transponder and the appropriate toll will be collected based on the settings on the switchable transponder. Clean and dry the motorcycle headlight so that the sticker tag adheres properly. FasTrak can still be used to pay tolls on every tolled bridge, lane and road inCalifornia. Interfaces with your access controller just like a keyfob reader. Due to processing and fulfillment delays, switchable FasTrak transponders are out of stock until September 2020. Toll-free or discounted travel for qualifying carpools and other eligible vehicles is available on some toll facilities and requires a switchable transponder. New tolling technology means beeping transponders are a thing of the past. No programming required. Keep your switchable FasTrak transponder(s) to be eligible for carpool discounts on designated express lanes throughout California. When transponder is affixed to the inside of a windshield and passes through a tolling location, equipment mounted above the road reads the chip embedded in the transponder and collects a toll from the account associated with the transponder. Shop Now Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Smartrac is a globally recognized supplier, manufacturer, and developer of high-quality RFID inlays and tags. Category: 6C Interoperability Antenna. The latest in transponder technology has arrived in the form of a thin sticker, designed to be small, unobtrusive and free! View sticker installation instructions. The tag is based on passive UHF technology, making it battery and maintenance free. On the I-15 Express Lanes in San Diego, solo drivers must have a transponder properly mounted 24 hours a day, seven days a week. eGo Plus Sticker Tag . This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Clean and dry the headlamp lens/cover in the chosen placement area. Secure Tampering renders the tag inoperable. Transponder tags equipped with highly accurate Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) the vehicle becomes the identifiable unit versus a gate remote or key pad system and with the added security of an instantaneous deactivation feature - the answer is a simple and secure environment. See CA Vehicle Code section 23302. You can also make the request by calling our Customer Service Call Center at 949-727-4800. View a list of toll facilities and agencies. Use black electrical tape to mask over the serial number so you can get the number if needed later. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'd like to know how other riders have placed their Good to Go motorcycle stickers. Welcome to Infinity RFID, Inc. Providing Custom Vehicle RFID Tags & Readers. Do not move or adjust a sticker transponder once it has been installed. Log in to your account. Position and smoothly press the sticker against the glass working from one end to avoid trapping air bubbles. If you have a sticker transponder: Sticker transponders cannot be moved from vehicle to vehicle. When assessing where to place a HeadlightSticker for optimal efficiency, it is essential to know where the antenna will be, relative to the entering vehicle: Question 1: Which side? Sometimes it wont be strictly possible to follow the two inch rule. Motorcycle sticker transponders are available for free by calling our Customer Service Call Center at (949) 727-4800. For the patron, a single, multi-protocol transponder enables safe, secure travel through all public toll facilities across the country. HeadlightSticker is a seamless, convenient, and fully automated entry control RFID system for vehicles. Transponders make it easier for tolling agencies to charge the correct toll to the appropriate vehicle automatically, resulting in faster processing times with higher levels of accuracy. HeadlightSticker 2020 | HeadlightSticker is a DBA of ProTEK Integration, Inc. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our. This vehicle has very angular headlights, offering several possible mount points. If the antenna is on the drivers side, place the sticker on the drivers side headlamp. You can have, both, your sticker transponder and switchable transponder mounted to your windshield at the same time. This one is common sense. If, for some reason, a toll isnt collected based on a reading of a transponder, the toll is collected using a photograph of the vehicles license plates. Our roadmap provides a guided learning experience. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our. Your personalized account team is ready to help. SIMPLE INSTALLATIONS | 24 HOUR LIVE SUPPORT | ADVANCE REPLACEMENTS. If qualifying carpools/vehicles have a switchable transponder (FasTrak Flex), it should indicate that there are two or more occupants in the vehicle to avoid being charged a toll. On The Toll Roads, all vehicles are charged a toll 24 hours a day, seven days a week no matter the number of occupants or option selected on a switchable transponder (FasTrak Flex). In June 2019, sticker transponders were issued to existing and new FasTrak accountholders. This should be done prior to starting each trip. It will break and become unusable. FasTrak sticker transponders are the latest in electronic toll collection technology. Place stickers horizontally Stickers must be placed horizontally. Motorcyclists can pay using FasTrak or at TheTollRoads.com or using The Toll Roads App within five days before or five days after driving The Toll Roads. Vehicle headlamps MECHANICAL: Tag Form Factor: Label tag Tag Materials: Sticker Attachment Method: Semi-permanent adhesive Dimensions: 100 x 29 x 1.0 mm (4 x 0.90 x 0.04 in) Weight: 1 g ENVIRONMENT: Operating Temperature: -40 to +85C (-40 to +185F) Global Supply Shortages. Mount the external sticker transponder to your headlamp lens/cover. Yes. Once the sticker transponder has been removed and deactivated, it can be disposed of. How do I pay tolls if I am driving a rental/loaner vehicle? Click here to read our Privacy Policy (PDF) and learn how your information is collected, used, stored, shared and protected. ExpressAccount accountholders received their stickers in September 2019. Sticker and hardcase transponders are valid to pay tolls on all of Californias tolled bridges, lanes and roads. If not, move your hand and find a spot that works better. Clean and dry the headlamp lens/cover in the chosen placement area. Learn about RFID applications & how the technology is used. TheTollRoads.com/Accounts/FasTrak/California, Account License Agreement It will break and become unusable. How do I pay tolls if I am driving a rental/loaner vehicle? Yes. Let's keep the gears turning. Stick your thumb on top of the center of where you want the sticker. Or, place it behind the rearview mirror on the inside of the windshield (Consider visual aesthetics from inside and outside of the vehicle when choosing the location.). The eGo Plus Mini Sticker Tag is a 915 MHz radio frequency programmable, beam-powered, windshield-mounted tag, ideal for applications that require low-cost, easily installed tags. This sticker is unique to your vehicle and will provide you access to your community wh Show more Envera. You can also make the request by calling our Customer Service Call Center at 949-727-4800. TCA is committed to protecting your privacy and keeping you informed. We're the right supplier with the right products at the right prices. As a result many of our tags are also certified for vehicle use on our roads & highways. RFID technology reduces vehicular entry time by over 80%. The two inch rule is easy enough, and possible to follow on all but the smallest of headlights. Do not move or adjust a sticker transponder once it has been installed. 125 Pacifica, Irvine, CA 92618 One reader unit supports multiple antennas simultaneously. Do not move or adjust a sticker transponder once it has been installed. What should I do? Add to cart. The Headlamp Sticker Tagsupports factory locked data fields for Tag ID,customer, and user information. It is suitable for a variety of automatic vehicle identification (AVI)applications, including parking and security access. Quality offers long term savings and a peace of mind that may not always be appreciated in the moment, but is first to be noted when absent. Switchable and external transponders are available for purchase. We use the most reliable shipping providers. It looks bad, and it won't work. . The HeadlightSticker is the top shelf RFID transponder, purpose-built for external vehicular application and vehicular identification. Minimize contact with the stickers adhesive and avoid sharply bending or folding the sticker. Both windshield and Deactivate the transponder by peeling the backing away from the sticker ( see above. Designed to be small, unobtrusive and free be assessed an additonal $ 2 Invoice fee statement. Headlight using an adhesive tca is committed to protecting your Privacy and keeping you informed RFID. 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