birds destroying 5g towers
Chances are, the same applies to human beings. India 5G towers kill 32 villagers in 20 days! For educational purposes only. Astonishingly, the council took the worries of its tinfoil hat-bearing residents seriously, saying it had never seen so much electromagnetic activity. However, according to scientists researching the consequences of such high-frequency waves, these radiations have damaging effects on the eggs of birds. Milham was also involved in an investigation at La Quinta Middle School in Palm Springs. Yet those super-towers are only 1.6 percent of the total number of towers. How Not Cool Is That? sports 593 on now. British Military Knocking on Doors for COVID Testing. Bias in 5G Reporting at the New York Times? U.S. Radio wave emissions above 10 MHz from radio transmission antennas (including cell telephone towers) are not known to harm birds,says Joe Kirschvink, a biophysicist at the California Institute of Technology who specializes in magnetics, in an email. You want to keep [your body current] under 18 microamps. , which is another case when 5G affects the environment. Never before in history have humans been so cleverly induced to slowly exterminate themselves-- and happily pay big money for the privilege. - Amy Worthington, Your email address will not be published. Is this the pin that popped the stock market bubble? Destroying nature by 'electrosmog' effects of wireless communication technologies, A brochure series by the Competence Initiative for the Protection of Humanity, Environment and Democracy, 47 pp. Pictured is a protester at mass rally in Melbourne on May 10, Anti-vaxxers and 5G conspiracy buffoons held a series of small protests against coronavirus lockdowns around Australia earlier this month. It concluded this radiation could indeed pose a potential risk to bird and insect orientation and plant health, The Telegraph reported. ChatGPT is yet another infringement of the social networking invention of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies, CEO Michael McKibben. Ive also provided a number of those papers as supporting references throughout this article. Insects like bees, which are a critical part of our ecosystem, also have an impact on cellular devices. 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Exposureto electromagnetic radiation from DECT phone towers (similar to cell phonetowers) had deleteriouseffects onthe rate of honeybee egg laying,return to hive, and honey production. of State Katie Hobbs takes money from foreign governments and George Soros. His estimates show that this technology will kill and incapacitate far more people than World Wars 1 and 2 combined. But how the 5G myth and otherslike it can still cause damage is by distracting people from the many. Harst,W., J. Kuhn, and H. Stever. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This and other findings are discussed in Otts book, Health and Light: The Effects of Natural and Artificial Light on Man and Other Living Things.. In the United Kingdom, according to USA Today, several. There was some news spreading after the 5G introduced that birds are falling from the sky because of radiation. The resolution makes Easton the first town in Connecticut to ban 5G. The 5G towers that follow are much smaller than typical cell towers. When I first discovered this business, I went online; I studied commercial sources of photovoltaic inverters I found this statement which said that all photovoltaic inverters create amplitude modulation (AM) radio interference. According to the Times, as radio frequencies increase, our skin blocks them out, making radio waves safer as they increase in frequency (to a certain point). This post is in response to several articles and videos that we have posted at the American Intelligence Media, specifically on Tesla and how he used energy, frequency, and vibration in his free energy devices and how this technology can antidote the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and 5G. . Anti-vaxxers and 5G conspiracy buffoons held a series of small protests against coronavirus lockdowns around Australia earlier this month. Not unlike the claims that 5G kills birds, these fears are also unfounded, stemming from a misinterpretation of a single chart in a 2000 report on the potential health impacts of installing WiFi networks in Florida's Broward County Public Schools, the New York Times reported earlier this year. Milham also discovered that almost all non-incandescent lighting puts high current into your body, directly from the light. Fish and Wildlife concerns over potential radiationimpacts from cellularcommunicationtowers on migratory birds and other wildlife- research opportunities. STEPHEN Heres how to help people impacted by Covid-19, Do not sell or share my personal information, Simultaneous translation of several languages in a party conference call, Self-driving cars can stream movies, music and navigation information from the cloud. Even to have a few people think differently that social distancing isn't for them is a silly idea and is putting all of us at risk,' he told Seven News last month. Or take action immediately with one of our current campaigns below: The Audubon Bird Guide is a free and complete field guide to more than 800 species of North American birds, right in your pocket. Thats making virtual traffic and making the internet speed slower day by day. In addition, the charity called for further studying of this threat. The red one goes to your EKG patch on your chest (or to your mouth). Please Get the Digital Baby Monitor OUT of the Nursery! Within 20 days of installing the towers, 32 villagers died! Were talking about frequencies up in the kilohertz and higher; thousands of cycles per second.. . The radio waves can disrupt the magnetic "compass" that many migrating birds and insects use. The BBC reports that at least three 5G towers were set alight within the last week, and police and fire services were called to extinguish the flames. Your support helps secure a future for birds at risk. The same number of people say governments are using the pandemic to push people into vaccines. Make sure to see our blockbuster interviews with the real innovator of social media. Further, these scientists have requested to take health risks by 5G connections into consideration before establishing such connectivity worldwide. Ive read estimates of the percentage of the population with EHS as high as 10%, especially since it remains undiagnosed in a lot of people who arent clear why they are suffering. 5G Is Coming, And With It Potentially Calamitous Health Risks. A more specific study foundRFR exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels. BUT IT DID KILL ALL THE STARLING ROOSTING IN THE ADJACIENT PARK.KNOW THE FUTURE. But What About Lawsuits for Smart Meter Fires? "We apply limits to all types of pollution to protect the habitability of our environment, but as yet, even in Europe, the safe limits of electromagnetic radiation have not been determined, let alone applied," said Matt Shardlow, CEO of Buglife, The Telegraph reported. The death of these birds in 2018 was not due to 5G. Unfortunately, few are willing to take the issue seriously. 4G and 5G are both harmful to every living organism on Earth. So, for half a century there were two large United States populations covered by a good vital record system of deaths and births. You Betcha! The Prestigious school where Princes William and Harry were educated is EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Prince William's potentially awkward visit to homelessness charity. 5G experiments have been linked to the death of many birds that have been found lying dead on the streets of Italy. 5G will be the worst of both worlds. Firefighters in California counties from San Francisco to Sacramento to Los Angeles, have reported severe neurological damage, headaches, insomnia, memory problems and confusion after 5G towers were installed outside their stations. On February 6, 2018 Verizon applied for a major use permit to install two "small cell" towers in Sebastopol at Hutchins and S. Gravenstein, and at McFarlane and Woodland. No claims are made to the properties of third parties. May Day. Thats 1,500 feet. People have observed for a very long time that nocturnally migrating birds are attracted to lights at night and it's exacerbated during periods of bad weather,he told NPR in 2012. The only circuits affected by EMI will be the ones hooked up to the solar panel inverter. A new case report on two previously healthy men who developed "microwave syndrome" symptoms after a 5G cell tower was installed on the roof of their office, and a similar report published last month, show that non-ionizing 5G radiation can cause health problems in people with no prior history of electromagnetic sensitivity. A flock of cockatoos was captured on camera breaking wires connected to a 5G tower in Australia. 4:11. This excitation of oxygen molecules is theorized to cause Oxygen to not bind well to blood hemoglobin causing the body to become Oxygen starved (hypoxia). Anxiety, ADHD, depression and autism have been increasing at alarming rates in children, adolescents, and young adults, Our Children are Now in Grave Danger by Claire Edwards, Parents are Withdrawing Children from Schools Du to WiFi / Phone Mast, Parents Blame Elementary Schools Cell Tower After 4th Student Diagnosed With Cancer. Unfortunately, there are other more deadly events playing out in the known universe and more so in the galaxy allotted to our planet earth. Global Recycling Day 2023: Themes, Events, and Ideas, Best Earth Day Memes: Sarcastic & Humorous Meme Images 2023, Best Earth Day Posters and Creative Images | 62+ Pictures, World Water Day 2023: Themes, History, and Celebrations, Earth Day 2023: Theme, Date, Latest Events and Celebrations, How to save birds from radiation and extinction. 2023 All rights reserved. How Britain Turned America into a Passive Tax Farm, Getting ready for military tribunals in the swamp, I sold off my entire stock portfolio because of election confusion. Photo: Howard Arndt/Audubon Photography Awards, Great Egret. A 5G test in the Netherlands resulted in the death of 297 birds. Last year, I was horrified to find out that just walking or standing in that place, I was putting 200 microamps of current into my body 2 . More generally speaking, EMI acts as a biological stressor. This is from studies in Magnetobiology, which is a suppressed science. Not unlike the claims that 5G kills birds, these fears are also unfounded, stemming from a misinterpretation of a single chart in a 2000 report on the potential health impacts of installing WiFi networks in Florida's Broward County Public Schools, the, Consulting with the school district, physicist Bill Curry cited a chart showing that brain tissue absorbs more radiation as radio frequency increases, thus concluding that WiFi signals, operating in the Ghz spectrum would be hazardous. wild'ish 278 on now. Instead, non-ionizing radiation is implemented and you can sleep under the 5G tower every night without any harm at all. The problem is, the inverter used to generate AC is a phenomenal source of dirty electricity. The superintendent told him they were satisfied with the answers theyd received. Over the years, Dr. Currys warning spread far, resonating with educators, consumers and entire cities as the frequencies of cellphones, cell towers and wireless local networks rose,the Times reports. Your email address will not be published. In 2014, Kirschvink, at the same time asanother group of biologists in Germany,found that low-level magnetic radiation, such as AM radio waves, could interfere with migratory birds' ability to orient themselves using the Earth's magnetic field. 20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth, Evidence is UNDENIABLE: Smart meters cause massive changes to the heart, French Court Rules Against Linky Smart Meters for Health Reasons, French Court Rules that Installation of Smart Meters is Not Mandatory in European Law, How PG&E Started the California Fires Smart Meters are Directed Energy Weapons, India Rises Up Against Smart Meter Assault, Medical Doctors Letter Opposing Unrestricted 5G and Smart Meter Roll Out, Nerve Disrupting Frequencies Radiating from Smart Meters, PG&E Smart Meters Emit Harmful Pulsed Microwave Radiation Between 10K-190K Times Per Day. Have fun selecting a video at random and see what special message the universe has for you today. Wireless Radiation and Our Childrens Brains. According to Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WUF), which carried out post-mortems on the birds, the primary cause of death was bleeding. This network allows a much higher internet speed, which means faster loading and sending of data. U. S. Senator Kamala Harris is not a United States citizen. 5G Health Risks: What Professionals Say. In this interview, Dr. Sam Milham, author of Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization, explains the health hazards of dirty electricity or electromagnetic interference (EMI). Is Dirty Electricity Making You Sick in Your Own Home? 5G is 15-300 GHZ At 10 GHZ the human immune system starts to falter, sleep is impaired and healing is minimized At 10-30 GHZ, disorientation sets in, feeling tired, drowsy, weak, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, dehydration, poor cell turnover and lowered hemoglobin, depression, anxiety and other symptoms of radiation poisoning/ microwave syndrome. If your utility has an appreciable wind or solar component, it is, by definition, giving you dirty electricity. Whilst the jump from 3G to 4Gwas most beneficial for mobile browsing and working, the step to 5G will be so fast they become almost real-time. 10/16/13: 5: Birds . In November 2018, a viral Facebook post blamed a 5G test mast for the mysterious death of 300 birds in the Netherlands (the test actually took place months earlier). Phone and online 'copycat' scams now make up a THIRD of money fraud: Two victims tell us how they were Do YOU know how much a flooded home costs to repair - and is it covered on your insurance? Based on 93 outof 100 peer-reviewed studies, it concluded that low-intensity RFR is anoxidative agent for living cells with a high pathological potential. Let us send you the latest in bird and conservation news. S. M. Bawin et al., Effects of modulated VHF fields on thecentral nervous system, N. D. Volkow et al., Effects of Cell Phone Radio frequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism, R.C. Birds oftenleave the areas for manyhundreds of feet around cell towers and antennas., DailyCircadian metabolic rhythms of numerous animals are also driven bycryptochome-containing internal clocks, especially in relation to dawn anddusk. Photovoltaic panels generate direct current (DC), which is essentially unusable in most homes. Russia Government Bans WiFi and Cell Phones in Primary School, School Students Experiment With WiFi Effects on Seeds and Are Shocked By the Results. What are We Doing to Our Children? As mentioned, dirty electricity or EMI are high-frequency electric transients and harmonics that come and go. And this is the real cause of all issues. have high energy, which destroys cells by breaking the building blocks of atoms and known as the primary cause of cancer. The most targeted places of the human body for the absorption of millimeter waves are 1 to 2 millimeters deep human skin and the corneas upper surface. J.F. Mr Trower does not use a single word he cannot justify, and he has many times described 5G as genocide. You have, without question, severely damaged the brains of your entire young population. It gets back into the wires; the ground (lot)wires and power wires that service it. 5G Is The Ultimate Directed Energy Weapon System, 5G Roll-out Delayed Due to Lack of Willing Workers, 5G Street Lamps Causing Insomnia, Nose Bleeds, Miscarriage, Birth Defects, Alarming 1980 French Study Finds Rats Exposed to 5G Pulsed Microwave Radiation Develop Severe Reproductive Issues. 6, no. Installing a 5G Cell Tower Aerial Footage Short Video, International Appeal to Stop 5G Your Help is Needed Now, Israel is Behind 5G Technology and the Attempt to Destroy All Life on Earth (VIDEO), Long Island Guinea Pigs 5G Roll-out Tested Without Warning in Woodbury, Manhole Covers Serve as Antennas Expanding Wireless Network Coverage. All youve got to do is take a 12-gauge wire and put a three-prong plug on it, where you only contact the round plug. The blame for that, however, doesn't fall on Kirschvink and his peers, but rather one, The "5G kills birds" phenomenon was started by John Kuhles, who, Things got weirder and even more obfuscated when Indian sci-fi blockbuster. Professionals in numerous fields believe that 5G health risks are real. Were talking millivolts [and] microamps, The National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) studied this years ago. Thefollowing published research studies support the selection above with brief summarycomments followed by documentation of verifying research studies: Typicaleffects of radiation from cellular communication antennas on resident,breeding, and migratory birds: site abandonment, feather deformation,locomotionproblems, weight loss, weakness, reduced survivorship and death. It has also never affected so many different kinds of wild birds at once terns, seagulls, avocets, gannets, skuas, guillemots, puffins, oystercatchers, ducks, geese, godwits, pheasants, magpies, sanderlings, storks, cranes, pelicans, herons, swans, loons, sparrows, pigeons, red-winged blackbirds, owls, cormorants, grebes, dunlins, crows, There were no 5G tests in The Hague in October 2018. Wi Fi on Buses: A New Business Opportunity or Long Term Health Hazard? I'm a Feng Shui expert and these are the three things I will never allow in a bedroom, Wife is shocked after husband of 15 years asks for permission to have an affair: 'I don't know what to do', My Daily Horoscope: What does March 2nd hold for MY star sign? Studyingpossible non-thermal influences on honey bees an approach within theframework ofeducationalinformatics,Acta Systemica-IIASInternational Journalvol. Dirty is more of a descriptive laymans term. There are also some disturbing studies on how electromagnetic radiation affects wildlife, for example birds through their feathers, which act as antennas.. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. The electric grid in the U.S. is called a grounded Wye grid, designed for protection against lighting. Oscar Cainer tells all. #5G Like, share, comment and subscribe to my channel for more upcoming amazing videos. Twitter Experiences Another Major Outage This Month, Fewer Employees to Blame? God help us we know not what we do an While it may be impossible to avoid all EMI exposure, there are ways to limit and minimize your exposure inside your home and, potentially, at work. Because it issupported by melatonin, the immune system may never to able to summon the greatenergy sometimes required to overcome pathogens or destroy developingcancercells before they get out of control, leading to various diseases.. The fifth generation of wireless technology, offering much faster internet speed than you are using today. Such waves will open up new opportunities for providing more bandwidth to each of us which sections of the electromagnetic spectrum havent been used before. They make dirty electricity by the ton. Milham also cites a study by two German researchers, who were able to demonstrate that the installation of a cellphone tower in a previously pristine valley produced long-term changes in a wide variety of measurable hormones, including stress hormones. While many social media forwards have linked the "5G killing birds" incident to the Netherlands, some have started to link it with Sweden and Italy as well. The predicted speed of 5G is more than 1Gbps - 1,000 times greater than the existing speed of 4G and could be implemented in laptops of the future. About three years ago, Martin H. Graham and Dave Stetzer, who pioneered and studied this field and trained me sent me an off-the-shelf fluke multimeter, which measures volts, amps and ohms. This myth was introduced by a 5G conspiracy theorist who claimed that a 5G antenna test caused a flock of starlings to die. Birds Keep Falling Dead From the Sky: At Least 1,000 in Missouri, 650 Vultures in Guinea-Bissau and 50 in India Thousands of dead birds have been reported falling dead from the sky in recent weeksaround the world. Philadelphia Is Using A SONIC WEAPON To Keep Kids Away From Parks! Citinga variety of scientific research, the U.S. Department of the Interior inFebruary of 2014 called on the National Telecommunications and InformationAdministration of the U.S. Department of Commerce to formulate or modifypolicies and procedures for cellular communications towers so that they are inconformity with Executive Order 13186 Responsibilities of Federal Agencies toProtect Migratory Birds and do not threaten from the towers emissions of RFRthe 241 species of endangered or threatened U.S. birds. Igor Yakymenko1, Olexandr Tsybulin2, Evgeniy Sidorik1, DianeHenshel3, Olga Kyrylenko4 and Sergiy Kyrylenkom Oxidative mechanisms ofbiological activity of low-intensity radiofrequencyradiation, ElectromagneticBiology and Medicine (July 2015). By Nic White and Kelsey Wilkie For Daily Mail Australia, Published: 02:56 GMT, 25 May 2020 | Updated: 07:19 GMT, 25 May 2020. Answer (1 of 5): No. J.F. Source: I read through our most recent Conclave post, entitled Internet of Things: Fascism by Another Name. Beason and P. Semm, Responses of neurons to an amplitude modulated microwave stimulus,NeuroscienceLetters, vol. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Written by Shubham Sharma Apr 05, 2020, 03:43 pm 2 min read At a time when coronavirus cases are skyrocketing and high-speed internet. This report details the on impacts of communication towers on wildlife including birds and bees submitted to MoEF. This study explored how the human-madefrequencies between 01 and 10 MHz at field strengths as little as 0.085 mT(about 500 times weaker than the earths magnetic field) made the birds unabletorespond to the earths magnetic field. In2003 three conservation organizations filed a lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The bill Ohio passed stripping local government authority to resist 5G antennas placement is being challenged by a lawsuit from approximately 80 cities and counties. Communications Minister Paul Fletcher said any suggestions that there is a link between 5G and coronavirus are utterly baseless. The electromagnetic radiation also interrupted the orientation of insects, spiders and mammals, and may even disrupt plant metabolism, The Telegraph reported. But how the 5G myth and otherslike it can still cause damage is by distracting people from the many real and urgent threats facing birds and the environment. 5G Dangers Dr. Martin Pall Letter to the Guardian Newspaper, List of Studies that Prove 5G and 4G Densification Is NOT Safe (and 3G Isnt Safe Either), Studies regarding Power Lines, Magnetic Fields, Pulsed EMFs and the Link to Disease, Study Finds Association Between Covid-19 Cases/Deaths and 5G in the United States, Why We Should Be VERY Concerned About 5G Russian Study on the Effect of Millimeter Waves, Breaking News About Ultrasound Jerry Day (smart meter fame) interviews Jeanice Barcelo about the release of her new book 30 minute video, Cell Phone Apps Gather User Data Using Ultrasound Signals, Israeli device would let pregnant women take ultrasound scans on phone, Our Crystalline Bodies How Wireless Devices Interfere with Human Telepathy, Sleep, and the Production of Melatonin. The first part of this saga is fairly straightforward: No, 5Gthefifth generation of ourmobile cellular networkdoes not kill birds. It makes them restless, develop an urge to swarm, increasinglyaggressive, and colony collapse in 62.5% of apiaries. Ionizing radiationshave high energy, which destroys cells by breaking the building blocks of atoms and known as the primary cause of cancer. The recent claim that the radio waves from 5G cellular communication towers are, The first part of this saga is fairly straightforward: No, 5Gthe, fifth generation of ourmobile cellular networkdoes not kill birds. The same number of people believe the pandemic is being used to force people into getting vaccinations. 2007b. Thank you for your comment. Theres just no place to hide., In the 1950s, photobiologist John Ott studied children in a Florida school who had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The comments below have not been moderated. Krey and R.F. Dirty electricity refers to the electrical component of this EMF spectrum. Councilors agreed to halt work on the Telstra tower. Big Island of Hawaii Bans 5G Just Days Later, a Major Hurricane is Heading Their Way. Dr. Alexander Wunsch, a world class expert on photobiology, details many of the health hazards associated with LED lights, but the dirty electricity component is yet another reason to avoid these types of light bulbs in your home and office space. The electric grid began with Edison in 1892 at the Pearl Street Generating Station. By the end of 2020, industry estimates claim 50 billion devices will be connected to 5G. There is no scientific evidence that 5G towers are causing COVID-19 symptoms or that 5G radiation is making people more susceptible to SARS-CoV2 infections. Besides, governments from countries like Belgian and Switzerland are monitoring how the 5G network will affect our society and our environment. Internet of Things: Fascism by Another Name. Some animals also use cryptochomes to sense (or see) thedirection of the earths magnetic field. Fast forward to the 1930s the urban cancer [mortality] was 50 to 80 percent higher than the rural cancer mortality. Cryptochromes measure light to control and reset animals and plantsbiologicalclocks. Without bees, the majority of the food will be unavailable to eat. The groups "Stop 5G Group" and "Destroy 5G Save Our Children," held 60,000 and 2,500 members . But we cant neglect the harmful effects of Millimeter Waves on the environment. A flock of angry birds have been caught on camera ripping out wires attached to a 5G tower One in eight believe Microsoft founder Bill Gates is somehow responsible for the virus. 5G is Making Phones and Modems Overheat, Bugs Overheat and People Sweat. 5G Towers Can Make Healthy People Sick, Two Case Reports Show. The server is misbehaving. 16 page PowerPointpresentation. Cancers appear to be frequency-specific, meaning certain frequencies cause specific cancers. 5G Could Wipe Out Humans, Plants, Animals Dr. Martin Pall, New Hampshire Report Concludes 5G is a Health Threat to Humans, Animals, and the Environment, New York City Saturated with 5G Radiation People/Pets Becoming Ill Naomi Wolf Reports Her Illness, New York Congressman Thomas Suozzi Calls On FCC For Documentation That 5G Is Safe, New York Times Says 5G Phones Wont Hurt You Attacks Russia for Putting Out False Information Warning People About the Dangers of 5G, OOKLA 5G MAP See if You Will be Zapped Where you Live by 5G, Radiation from Cell Phones, Wifi, 5G a Threat to Birds and Bees (and all of life), REPORT: The Publics Fear of 5G Health Risks is Spiking, RT responds to the lies of the NY Times and Exposes its 5g ties, Stop 5G Movement Hijacked by Satanists/Globalists, Swiss magazine reports first 5G injuries in Geneva, Switzerland Halts Rollout of 5G Over Health Concerns, Take Action! Hard Drive Content Exposes US Treasury Secretary Mnuchins Collusion with Xi Jinping. It is used by phone towers to make phone calls, text messages and to browse the internet. When tested, they were found to have brain abnormalities and measurable neurological deficits and firefighters . Mammals, Birds, Insects and Plants Harmed by Radiation Emanating from Wi-Fi, Cellphone Towers, Microwave Transmitters, etc. Uh oh. Dockworkers Successfully Fight Against Automation and Robotization of their Work Area, Protest leads to removal of cell mast from school, Cell Phone Radiation Increases When You Watch Something They Dont Want You to Watch, Wi-Fi Exposure from Smart Washing Machine, 13 Natural Remedies for Radiation Exposure, 9 Tips To Cut Down On Exposure To Computer Radiation, 15-Year-Old Commits Suicide Due to Wifi Allergy, 150 Letters from Scientists and Doctors Warning about the Dangers of Wifi in School. 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